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Three Meditations to Stay Calm and Carry On

With all that there is to process in the world today, here are 3 meditations that will create greater calm so you can carry on. it is important not to lose sight of the fact that what is happening inside of you is key to your experience of any challenge. Your body is your home 24/7. By taking care of your stress levels and your thoughts and beliefs that influence the barometer of where you are in the stress cycle, you are better able to regulate what you have control over within and in your immediate environment.

The following three beneficial modalities will allow you to create a greater sense of calm so that you can reconnect to your center, your still point. And, if you will, the zero point or closer to neutral so you can experience greater integrity in your wellness and well-being.

1. Letting Go of Resistance to Stay Calm and Carry On

This doesn’t mean giving up. It means choosing where you put your attention. This meditation will create the opportunity to work with your emotions, especially when you feel stuck or spiraling up into greater tension, frustration, and fear. Letting go of the suffering created by losing your ability to see, move, or rest will allow you to breathe, connect to the present, and tap into what you’d like to do and where you would like to go with greater problem-solving abilities and potential for new perspectives with this meditation audio download.

2. A Pause for Centering to Stay Calm and Carry On

This meditation is beneficial for your immune system and also entrains the organ systems of your body for greater calm and communication within. As you practice this brief meditation, tuning into your heart will also allow the Barr System to create greater coherence in your pre-frontal cortex. This supports entrainment in your brain for the overall functioning ability to problem-solve. As a bonus, this meditation practice also enhances your immune system.

This meditation can be used to enrich communication with others as well. And, finally, you can use this practice before any activity or when you are in transition between appointments, classes, or meetings. Use the meditation audio download.

3. Sea of Tranquility Meditation with Breath Modality

Get in touch with your breath. While taking even breaths for your inhale and exhale, you can massage the center of your chest known as CV17 to relieve anxiety and panic attacks. This point can be found by drawing an imaginary line from the crease of your armpit to the center of your chest. You can apply pressure with your fingers or place your hand in a prayer position with fingers pointing up and your elbows out to the side. Allow them to rise slightly along with your head on the inhale, and return back to a neutral position with your exhale. Exhale slowly through your mouth and let your belly contract as you do this. This will allow your mind and heart rate to move into a more relaxed state.

Stay with this breathing meditation for 2-3 minutes. Practice this a few times a day to bring greater harmony to your body-mind system. This will benefit you when you are anxious, depressed, or need to recover from emotional or physical injury with this audio download.

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Kimberly Rex
Kimberly Rex, MS

Kimberly Rex, MS is a Master Resonance Repatterning® practitioner, Master Wellness and Well-being Life Coach, and Person-Centered Expressive Therapist. She works with people all over the world by phone, Skype, and proxy.

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