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Using Stress to Transform Your Life

We all experience stress daily. Using stress to transform your life can shift the flow of thoughts that run through your mind. With intention and attention, you can use stress to benefit your experience of peace and well-being.

Major evnts related to concerning health diagnosis, losing a job, not getting a promotion, losing a loved one, a relationship breakup, or unexpected news or change that impacts your life can take a great deal of your energy and time to process.

Ongoing stressful thoughts can lead to greater anxiety, anger, worry, rumination, and fear. Cycling into these territories can be overwhelming when you do not feel that there is an end in sight. And this can disconnect you from your ability to see the big picture, problem-solve or to take action for your wellness and well-being.

life is now neon signage
Photo by Elina Fairytale on

Is Stress Moving Toward or Away from Life?

Distress tolerance is your ability to manage actual or perceived emotional distress. The aim and intention in these situations are to choose your response or reaction to this distress.

This begins with creating a conscious practice of asking yourself if your negative thought patterns move you away from life-enhancing patterns that allow you to face life or away from life through avoidance? And, do you want to change this pattern?

Examples of contrast might be the following:

  • Spending time with people who give you positive energy or those who bring you down
  • Forgiveness or feeding resentments within
  • Self-love through creating boundaries with your words and actions or avoiding living your values in action
  • Spending time in nature and appreciating beauty with gratitude or blaming yourself and others for what is happening
  • Admiring your positive qualities and those of others or comparing yourself to others

“When we are no longer able to change a situation~we are challenged to change ourselves.”~Viktor Frankl

Using Stress to Make Coherent Choices

Changing your inner self-talk and dialogue about what is happening starts with intention and attention. When negative thoughts about the past or future become invasive, it is a choice to either stay with the habitual negative thought, body and feeling pattern, or to become aware of their impact on how you are feeling and how this affects you.

“It’s not stress that kills us, it’s our reaction to it.”~ Hans Selye

Once you make it a habit to change the ongoing pattern of cycling negative thoughts, your body, and emotions will have the opportunity to shift. This conscious choice allows for new possibilities in your wellness and well-being, even if this is for a short time.

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Photo by Anna Tarazevich on

Using Stress to Build New Pathways

Creating new pathways takes practice. This means that both your intention and attention are needed. What if you could take control of your thoughts by using using these questions to your advantage? Here are two actiities that you can put easily in place.

  • Establish a daily routine of checking in with yourself. This can be done at the beginning of the day, and also be used throughout the day. Setting up specific times of the day to check in with yourself either by schedule or using sticky notes in prominent places you can tune into what your body and mind are processing at eny given time. This creates a conscious noticing of what is going on within. You can use this as a barometer during the day, and then get a reading on how your thoughts are influencing how your mood, energy and focus are responding to life.
  • When you find yourself cycling into worry, anxiety, fear or depression, take a few moments to get in touch with what is happening. A simple way to start the process is to ask yourself three questions. “What am I thinking right now?”“What am I feeling right now?” and “Do I want to continue with these thoughts?” Becoming the observer of your current state of being you are better able to navigate what comes next in your life with greater options.
  • Chinese Medicine speaks to the importance of keeping your energy flow in harmony and balance for your health and well-being. The suggestion is to pay attention to your emotions when they come up.but to also limit the effects of the negative state. By first working with the (3) questions, and then taking action with a mindfulness activity, you are able to use stress to change your life.

The opportunity to create a shift in perception with mindfulness activities such as a short meditation or breathing practic, journaling, yoga, Qigong, gratitude, looking out the window at a tree or flower, walking in nature, experiencing beauty and good nurture, listening to an inspirational talk, reading, or soothing music. These are “supplements for your body and mind”, and they can energize, reset and tonify your body-mind system.

No mud, no lotus.~Thich Nhat Hanh

Mindfulness practices allow you to tap into the energetics of awe, beauty, and pleasure that expand your awareness and diminish your stress. When you resonate with choosing what you will focus on you become the author of you own life and in the short term allows you to lower your stress while building new responses in your body-mind sytem over time.

Once you have answered these questions, chosen a mindful activity to change your internal landscape, your enhance your ability to access your conscious mind with a greater access to critical thinking, and decision-making. This allows you to consider a responsive action based on expanded and focused vision so you can then choose to focus your time and energy on the task at hand, brainstorming, problem-solving, setting boundaries, getting support and planning that will benefit your wellness and well-being.

Resonance Repatterning® Sessions are based on working with your ability to repattern your body-mind-spirit system. This means that the distress you experience on any level can be an opportunity for creating new possibilities in your life.

Kimberly Rex, MS
Kimberly Rex, MS

Kimberly Rex, MS is an Advanced Resonance Repatterning® practitioner, Person-Centered Expressive Therapist, and Wellness and Well-being Life Coach. She works with people all over the world via Skype, by phone, and by proxy.

Find out how Resonance Repatterning benefits your life. Set up a personal session or sign up for a free monthly newsletter with articles, natural healing modalities, and exclusive group sessions here.

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Circling Back to Move Forward

At times it can feel like you are circling back to an earlier part of your life. This can be both beneficial when you wish to gain insight, experience a fond memory, or unveil a new realization. But, in some cases, unconscious unresolved conflict or trauma from the past imposes itself upon the big screen of your life over and over again, it can create the sense that you have little choice or control. The good news is that you are wired for success and self-healing. You can use circling back to move forward as a springboard to spiral up to a new potential for creating new patterns in your life today.

Circling Back to Move Forward is Part of Life Itself

All of the universe operates in circles and spirals. From the microorganisms, plant, animal, and human expressions, life shows up in cycles of renewing, sustaining, and releasing as a way to preserve the evolving components and foundations of existence and build upon them.

This shows up also in adaptations over time that allow life to sustain and thrive in new and varying conditions. The Earth and all living beings need to adapt to these changes perceived in the environment in the short term and over time to survive.

As, humans, we go through daily, monthly and seasonal circles of changes. We are affected by the hours of daylight, temperature, and available natural resources that we take in and are surrounded by. In an ever-changing world, it is valuable to give yourself permission to adapt and change that adaptation when that adaptation is no longer needed. In the fall, we harvest and gather for the coming cold months and put on sweaters and warm coats. However, We take off layers of clothing in the summer and plant new gardens.

Circling Back to Move Forward on the Emotional, Mental, and Physical Levels

In a world where your physical environment changes, it is essential to give yourself permission to also change when to wear a lighter or different coat as you adapt to new environments in your personal life as well.

When your unconscious material carries your past story with limiting beliefs about yourself, relationships, finances, and the world no longer works or fits, you benefit from the realization that the adaptation from the past is no longer useful in your new and current reality.

This applies to your limiting thoughts, attitudes, and feelings from that adaptation recorded within your body-mind-spirit system. When you circle back to access the body’s memory, thoughts, and feelings related to the experience. Hypervigilance over perceived threat responses stored from the past when there is no danger in your present takes you out of inhabiting life fully.

The potential for inhabiting your body by working with the feedback and sensations from your body memory allows you to transform and contain the experiences from the past so you can experience a more relaxed connection to yourself. This can begin to happen by releasing the tension of the immobilized energy that is signaled by unconscious material that creates stressful reactions that put you in fight, flight, freeze, or collapse mode through the Sympathetic Nervous System response.

When you are living from the perspective of unresolved over-adapted trauma response from the past, you respond to the world from a hypervigilant state. This changes your breathing, heartbeat, and your body processes including your vision. You are less able to see details, focus, and discern what is happening right now. You are disconnected from your ability to make conscious choices with your pre-frontal cortex as you are disconnected from reason, decision-making, and critical thinking. Because you are experiencing emotional and survival responses that affect your choices over time through repetitive patterns based on short-term solutions, this continues to control your view of life.

As Peter Levine, Ph.D. demonstrates in the video, by relaxing your muscles with compassionate dialogue and intention, you begin to pair the Parasympathetic Nervous System response to an alternative for your body-mind system over the habitual response. This means that you can then begin to deeply listen to the messages from your body from your Sympathetic Nervous System reactions so you can experience the resolution of the body memory and the narrative that has kept you in over-adapted mode from the past making new adaptations paired with the Parasympathetic Nervous System.

Relaxation of your body impacts your mind. You are better able to breathe in a relaxed and full way. You regain your connection to your whole brain and motor function. This creates greater coherence and resilience in that it is what makes it possible to literally feel like the trauma is contained and over in the present. Some examples of self-care relaxation and breathing practices you might explore over time are available in Yoga and movements like Tai Chi.

Sometimes it is important to question your mind about your current situation. “Is it true?”

For example, when you notice that your shoulders are tight, you can ask what is going on. Do you feel safe right now? How stressed are you? If not, does the situation you are in, or a recent event/conversation bring something up that reminds you of a past experience that was stressful? Are you in danger right now? Or, is your body-mind ramping this up because of a trigger word, sound, or visual? Is this word, sound, or visual dangerous to you right now? Can it hurt you right now? At the same time, you can thank your shoulders for this information, and start to relax them in whatever way feels most needed. Notice any other parts of your body that might be holding stress. Relax them also. By doing so, you are practicing self-care and expanding the ability of your body-mind-spirit system to live in the world today instead of the past and empower your ability to distinguish what is real and true for you now.

“Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” – Viktor E. Frankl

By practicing new responses you can create new realizations to spiral up into new possibilities by updating your awareness of the world you live in today. Learning to be more fully engaged in your life today with a new and different set of factors with your own positive changes and actions over time is a powerful tool for self-regulation, self-compassion, and resilience wherever life leads you.

This is your invitation to circle back to move forward with Resonance Repatterning.® Sessions work directly with your Nervous System connected to every tissue, organ, and gland in your body-mind system. Your body is a map of your life’s experiences, and through Resonance muscle-checking can access where your life energy is stuck, frozen, or disrupted. The process works with the limiting thoughts, feelings, and beliefs stored within the material of early experiences that created conflict, trauma, or unresolved immobilized energy in your nervous system. Each session is specific to what you need to support creating greater awareness and coherence personally, in relationships, and in the world. This is the beauty of this multi-discipline and natural multi-modality work.

Kimberly Rex

Kimberly Rex, MS is an Advanced Resonance Repatterning® practitioner, Person-Centered Expressive Therapist, and Wellness and Well-being Life Coach. She works with people all over the world via Skype, phone, and proxy. Set up your personal session here.

Find out more about how Resonance Repatterning benefits your life. Sign up for a free monthly newsletter with articles, natural healing modalities, and exclusive group sessions here.

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Natural Eye Care: Your Guide to Healthy Vision and Healing

This article offers you resources to create a healthy vision with natural eye care. It includes a wonderful book resource guide with that purpose from two well-respected practitioners who work with natural modalities for healing issues with your vision. You’ll find the description from its authors for natural eye care to create healthier vision and healing of your vision issues naturally. *Special discount code available at the base of the article.

From the authors: In Chinese medicine, we look at every part of the body as being integrally connected to every other part. We are approaching spring which is associated with the Wood Element. It is the time for new possibilities and the wisdom of the past, and thereby seeing the clear and appropriate course to take. It is represented by the Wood Element which is comprised of the liver and the gall bladder meridians. The Liver Meridian “opens to the eyes”, and affects your sense of vision, the emotion of anger, and the sound of shouting. When your vision is stifled, you feel anger: You can decide to plan, to act, take aim, and suddenly your plans are thwarted.

 Guide to Healthy  Vision & Healing

The Natural Eye Care website at was created over 18 years ago by Marc Grossman, O.D., L.Ac. and Michael Edson, MS, L.Ac. as a way to provide clinically and peer review research in ways studied to help people maintain the gift of healthy vision. Their latest book published in December 2018 discusses in detail over 38 years of clinical experience in the holistic eye care field working with patients to benefit and improve their vision.

Our approach is looking at vision as connected to the health of the whole body, and when any part of the body breaks down (auto-immune disease, poor digestion and/or circulation, as well as emotional imbalances for example), this can contribute to and even cause eye disease. We believe that 25% of the nutrients an individual takes into his/her body is used by the visual system to maintain optimal eye health. The visual system is the second most active part of the body next to the brain. When the nutrients reaching the visual system are compromised, this often results in eye disease including macular degeneration, glaucoma, cataracts, dry eyes, eye floaters, or even simply poorer vision without a specific pathology, particularly in the aging process.

Eye strain is now becoming a big part of eye problems due to the excessive use of electronic devices. Your visual system was designed to look outwardly primarily for farming and hunting, and not designed for long hours of near work which stresses your visual system.

Your body is always trying to maintain health and heal. Our goal is to offer advice on the many ways that one can support your own body in this process no matter where you are in the process to maintain and heal your vision.

Maintain and Improve Your Vision Naturally

Our new book, “Natural Eye Care: Your Guide to Healthy Vision and Healing,” is 799 pages, covering over 40 eye conditions with over 2,000 peer review research study citations on nutrition and vision. Categories covered include Vision Diets, antioxidant and related research, Chinese medicine and vision, juicing recipes for specific eye conditions, essential oils, yoga postures by meridian, eye exercises, vision-related to personality, and much more.

You can look at our Table of Contents at our homepage at , as well as access the wealth of information available on our website. We offer a free monthly e-newsletter as well as free phone and email consultations.*Special Discount Code: You can order this book to benefit your vision at (use the discount code NEC103 on the checkout page.

Hit Apply for a 15% discount OR you can order it with this code through Amazon here:

Bios of Authors

Marc Grossman, a leading holistic eye doctor in the United States, has been in practice since 1980, and is the author of a number of books on natural eye care including Greater Vision: A Comprehensive Program for Physical, Emotional and Spiritual Clarity, McGraw Hill, 2000. He is co-author of Natural Eye Care: A Comprehensive Manual for Practitioners of Oriental MedicineBeyond 3D: Improve Your Vision with Magic Eye, and Natural Eye Care: Your Guide to Healthy Vision and Healing, Natural Eye Care, Inc., 2018.

Michael Edson is the co-founder and President of Natural Eye Care, Inc. He is a New York State Licensed acupuncturist and co-author of Natural Eye Care: A Comprehensive Manual for Practitioners of Oriental Medicine and Natural Eye Care: Your Guide to Healthy Vision and Healing, 2018. His newest book, Natural Parkinson’s Support: Your Guide to Preventing and Managing Parkinson’s is available here.

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