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Quantum Change Made Easy: A Case Study with Extraordinary Outcomes

Leading edge Energy Medicine for Use in Your Life   “Quantum change takes place beyond the level of vibrating subatomic particles: the primal divine energy of sound and light which inspires us on our upward and inward journey of self-healing in all areas of our life.
   Lao Tzu writes that the journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step. What he is describing is Quantum Change. Every step, whether thought, word, intention or action, organizes particles at the quantum level and makes us receptive to spirit. Each succeeding step on our journey attracts more energy, which leads to quantum leaps that carry us way beyond our original expectations. * from Quantum Change Made Easy


Quantum change isn’t just about sub-atomic particles. A small change starts a rippling effect in your awareness, health, relationships, and sense of well-being to create extraordinary outcomes in wellness and well-being.

  In Quantum Change Made Easy by Chloe Faith Wordsworth, many case studies tell how this works. In a case study, I submitted for the book, a very bright child who was legally blind (and the lowest functioning student in reading for her eight-year-old peer group ) had an extraordinary improvement in her reading ability in response to a Vision Repatterning.

Quantum Change Made Easy Case Study

    On the day of the  Resonance Repatterning® session, her beginning concern was not about reading, but about not being able to perform in the school play happening that week. She was afraid that she wouldn’t make it, forget her lines, and freeze up. During her session, it was possible to find the source of her issue related to her fear.  Through working with applied kinesiology and a detailed protocol, a memory imprint from her birth process was checked in to help her regain greater ease and freedom. The session identified an Earlier Experience where her mother was in fear about not being able to make it to the hospital for this child’s birth. In fact, she was born in a stress-filled situation in a limousine racing its way to the hospital.  Her father could not be there for her birth, nor could her mother feel at ease during her labor process. Through the work of this session, a Memory Update* created an ideal birth situation with both her mother and father present giving her loving messages as she was born into this world validating presence. The session also worked with releasing residual stress in her body-mind system that had caused stress to her physical vision. The outcome of the session was amazing!  That week she breezed through all of her lines in the play, and a few weeks later, she scored the highest among her peer group on the State Reading Tests.
The energy that had limited her had been freed and had shifted into better support for her energy system. This decreased the stress in her body and her energy field for a  quantum leap into a more coherent expression of her core essence and life vision.

* In Quantum Physics time is not fixed, but flexible, so we can work anyplace on the time-space continuum to update the energy in the present from the past.

Your body is wired for success and self-healing. Like a sunflower orienting itself to the sun for life-energizing and sustaining nurture, you, too, can move through change more coherently by orienting yourself to the frequencies of Coherent Life Energy through Resonance Repatterning®. This allows us, like the sunflower, to be more oriented to that which is nurturing and life-enhancing as we go through the process of change. When you resonate with nurturing life energy, you then begin to resonate with actions, resources, and commitment that will support you in feeling more centered, empowered, joyful and loving through the transition. As a result, this creates more freedom, flexibility, and a sense of ease.

A Resonance Repatterning ® session assists with bringing your life into a more coherent balance and ideal life energy flow. Everything in the Universe has a frequency. Where underlying unconscious patterns, traumas, or generational beliefs have created more pain or stress in your life,  a session works to name and shift frequencies so you can become more oriented to nurture in your life. Like a garden hose that has a kink (energy disruption ) taken out of it, a session decreases stress and increases the ease and flow within our bodies, in our communications, and in our vision of life.  Get Quantum Change Made Easy: Breakthroughs In Personal Transformation, Self-healing, and Achieving the Best of Who You Are (Resonance Repatterning Books) by clicking this link.

Kimberly Rex, MS is a Certified Resonance Repatterning, Wellness and Well-being Coach, and Person-Centered Expressive Therapist who works with people of all ages. She has extensive experience in working with adults, children, couples, groups, and families to support positive change from all over the world. Sessions work to update issues from earlier experiences no matter where you are in life’s journey. Sessions work by proxy, in-person, or by phone. To schedule a personal session, contact Kimberly at

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Repattern Your Life Coaching FAQ

Find out about Repattern Your Life Coaching on this FAQ, Frequently Asked Questions page.

What is a Professional Life Coach?

A Professional Life Coach is a trusted mentor and partner in your process who can help you identify and uncover what keeps you from reaching your fullest potential. It is a one-on-one relationship that provides a supportive and non-judgmental space to help you create what you want for yourself. Sessions with a Life Coach help you come up with strategies and tools you need to achieve your goals. They consist of steps to help you identify, re-pattern and re-frame your thoughts and attitudes. Life Coaching can also help you break negative habits, acquire greater momentum and life purpose, and take action to achieve your maximum potential!

What are some of the reasons to have Life Coaches?

People from all walks of life work with professional Coaches to help them achieve their goals. Life Coaches work with people in all areas of their life including relationships, career, finance, health, and well-being. Working with a personal Coach is not limited to any type of person, but is best for those who want to take initiative in their own life. People who achieve the greatest benefit from working with a Life Coach are committed to a more fulfilled life and are willing to do the work needed to get there.

How will Life Coaching help?

The results will vary depending on what brings you to a Life Coach. If you get a Life Coach to help you out professionally, life coaching can help you make your current job more gratifying, gain a better focus on managing your work, and market your self more effectively. If your reasons are personal, this process will help you improve your relationships, resolve ongoing negative behaviors and mental attitudes. Repattern Your Life Coaching also benefits your overall health, and creates motivation and momentum to integrate change as you move towards accomplishing your goals for greater wellness and well-being. With Repattern Your Life Coaching, you get support for moving in the direction that is life-enhancing for you mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically. Repattern Your Life Coaching sessions help you experience more energy to dedicate to your positive intentions, a more balanced and enhanced life, for more harmony, joy, and fulfillment!

What happens in a Life Coaching Session?

Each session is tailored to the client and will vary based on individual needs. In the beginning, we will discuss what you are committed to accomplishing through our work together and we will begin to create a plan to achieve your goals. Periodically, I will give you assignments to help direct your progress. We will work together to acknowledge obstacles, explore alternate perspectives, possibilities, opportunities, and celebrate successes. With the conclusion of each session, we will revisit your goals and evaluate next steps that are needed to achieve these results at a pace that will help you with integrating change naturally in a way that is sustainable.

Do I really need a personal Coach, can’t I just do it by myself?

Repattern Your Life Coaching can take you above and beyond your own personal limitations with the transformational process of Resonance Repatterning. More often than not, people try to achieve their greatest potential but don’t even realize what stands in their way. A personal Coach can offer an unbiased and objective perspective and can help you realize your patterns, habits and stumbling blocks. Most people experience that they are more efficient and energized when working with a Professional Life Coach as a partner in the process and that this provides the opportunity for them to better realize their potential. Repattern Your Life Coaching can make your dreams attainable and will give you the support and encouragement you need along the way as you are integrating change.

How is Coaching different from Therapy? How does Resonance Repatterning enhance Life Coaching?

While the life coaching I provide can be therapeutic, it is not therapy. Coaching is distinct from traditional therapy because it is not designed to just focus on psychological issues. While emotional issues may arise, the primary focus of life coaching is to help you identify your goals, identify the steps to build the bridge, and develop constructive, life-enhancing habits and skills to achieve them. The focus is on creating positive change at the core level for greatest success. Resonance Repatterning is a process that helps identify limitations and helps you to become more present to your life free of stumbling blocks from the past. This process is a wonderful tool that helps you achieve your positive intentions when you need it most! This means you can address issues in your life related to relationship, wellness, parenting, trauma recovery, spiritual direction, business goals, and well-being! For more on the science behind Resonance Repatterning here.

What is your cancellation policy?

I require a 24 hour notice to cancel all sessions. Please be sure to contact me if you will not be able to make your scheduled appointment in order to avoid being charged for the session.

How long do people generally work with a Life Coach?

To experience the effectiveness of a life coaching program, I suggest clients make an initial three-month commitment. It takes three months to integrate the changes necessary for new thinking and action. At the end of the three months, we will evaluate progress and discuss options for continued coaching.

Is personal life coaching confidential?

What we discuss will be held in confidence and not shared with others. However, our discussions are not privileged for legal purposes. The privilege of confidentiality that exists for the clergy, therapists, and attorneys is not granted to coaching professionals. That said, life coaching is a confidential process, and your personal information will always be protected.

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This page is a collection of testimonials for Kimberly Rex, MS who is a Certified Advanced Resonance Repatterning® practitioner, Person-Centered Expressive Therapist, and Master Wellness and Well-being Life Coach with an extensive background in holistic therapies, disciplines, and modalities.

Sessions are given by Kimberly Rex, MS, and Windows to the Heart Repatterning.

* Sessions Reclaimed Balance & Wholeness

“Resonance Repatterning sessions with Kimberly support me in reclaiming balance and wholeness to my physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies as well as my personal relationships.”
— AO, New York

Kimberly Rex is a competent and gifted Holistic professional with a fine ability to perceive the diverse state of energy, and bring them to a state of balance and equilibrium. Her compassionate spirit brings to her clients a rare possibility not only to overcome physical obstacles but to enact deep and transcendent healing. I highly recommend her as a professional and therapist.”
— LL, Virginia

After the session with you, I was much less anxious when I took the test I was worried about passing. I scored higher on this test than any other this semester. What a relief that was! I must tell you how different I feel toward that teacher I was holding onto resentment for. It’s like a big burden has been removed from my mind, that negative energy is gone. It’s amazing. And freeing. You have given me a wonderful gift and I am most grateful.”
— MM, Arizona

Sessions Ended Destructive Old Patterns

I have been able to end some destructive old patterns in my life and have made great advances personally in the last year, thanks to Kimberly. I also have begun to address certain physical challenges that have been alleviated permanently thanks to shifts in frequency. I would recommend Holographic Repatterning to anyone who is searching for a way to continue their path toward total health and spiritual wholeness.”
— KB, WA

Having sessions with Kimberly Rex was such a delight! Kimberly was always immensely patient, genuinely caring, and hugely compassionate as she diligently facilitated the release of patterns and programs that no longer served me, enabling a fresh perspective and new level of consciousness to more easily emerge. I was touched by Kimberly’s positive outlook and cheerfulness and inspired by her goodness of heart and generosity of spirit. If you are drawn to have a session or two with Kimberly, then I would certainly take the next step and give it a go!”
— RB Australia

“Kimberly’s work is profound. I moved through enormous changes during the period of time that I worked with her and found her to be always present, available, and eager to support me. Despite difficult circumstances, she was always right there, and I am so grateful I had the opportunity to work with her.”
— JB, Hawaii

Sessions Transformed Unconscious Beliefs

“Thank you!”
“Resonance Repatterning sessions with Kimberly are almost unbelievable. After years of approaching issues and goals from a mostly “mental” perspective and getting little results, now I can address the things that are really blocking the life I want for myself….my unconscious beliefs! I could never understand why any type of work I did for myself…..from counseling to energy work to setting goals and visualization wasn’t completely working. I always felt as though there was something “blocking” my efforts but I felt as though I couldn’t quite put my finger on it. Now I realize it is all the things I am not aware of within myself that I can’t address without the help of someone like Kimberly. Kimberly assisted me in switching energy on a core level (beliefs we form between conception and 7 years of age that affect us for the rest of our lives as well as beliefs that were passed down to us through our family-without us even realizing it!) so that we can attract a different life for ourselves. The energy within us resonates at a particular level and our lives are a direct reflection of the energy we carry. I feel it’s like shedding layers of skin to expose my true self. Each layer removed allows me to become freer of the unwanted baggage and allows me more balance in my life.”

I would recommend this for anyone, especially those with children because any work you do for yourself will help your children tremendously. Also, if you are unsure whether or not it’s for you, don’t make the decision until you’ve actually done a session because all the explanations in the world can’t replace the experience of actually doing the work. Trust me, I know.”
— CG, New York

  “I just want to take this moment to thank you for your amazing help with this absolute state-of-the-art therapy, Resonance Repatterning. Sessions have allowed me to come into the best version of myself I could ever hope for. It has taken the thorn out of my soul and given me hope at the end of sometimes seemingly endless darkness to the light of day. Thank you for the change not only I know and see, but in that of others. It has created a wonderment in my heart and mind for deeper science of the energy we are and the desire to understand the body-mind connection more. It is priceless in its effectiveness. I speak from the history of having tried everything to survive the hideousness of my past, and then to have found the very best methods in these sessions and modalities. I thank you for being in this work for what I see as the purest of motives to help others and for doing it with heart, concern, and professionalism. ” ~T D, Washington State

Case Study with Child by Kimberly from Quantum Change Made Easy

*Testimonials on this website are from clients who offered to share their experience from sessions at Windows to the Heart Repatterning. All material on this page is the words of clients and is printed with their permission.  In an effort to keep the information confidential, only initials for first names are shared.

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Opening Pandora’s Box to Find Hope

Opening Pandora’s Box can be a metaphor of caution for being curious or looking at what is difficult or negative. It is also a metaphor for finding hope. At this time in your personal life as well as in the collective, there is an opportunity, to look within at what has been denied, hidden, or kept secret to protect and manage your life,

Pandora by John William Waterhouse

The image of Pandora has continually come up recently as an analogy for what is happening. I have always thought that when Pandora’s curiosity caused her to open the box, it only contained negative energy. However, with a closer study of the story, it’s vital to know that hope, the one positive energy inside was also included in the container.

She also found hope after all the negative energy had been released with her courage to open the box once more. It was only to appear after the disorder was seen and examined. That hope is what makes it possible to continue forward and spiral up with the power of the point of choice through the chaos and overwhelm.

We all have our own storage box like Pandora. Inside are both painful and comforting memories. The question to ask yourself is how much space you have for hope. By working with the difficult material that has kept you separated from resonating with new possibilities, you are better able to create space for more harmony and balance in your body-mind system.

How Family Systems Offers Hope

Resonance Repatterning ® works with identifying unconscious non-coherent patterns within your body-mind-spirit system. In the process of a session, where energy is constricted or interrupted by trauma, loss, grief, or pain, natural energizing modalities bring hope to restore greater integrity in your system overall. This is done by muscle-checking for the best order and beneficial disciplines tailored to you to create greater coherence.

One of these disciplines is the process of Family Systems created by Bert Hellinger.* Opening the box of unconscious generational patterns creates a meaningful and beneficial way to rebuild hope and positive change in your life.

The Ability to Take Information So You Can Do Something Good with It

In a Family Systems session, you might hear of the importance of taking your mother or father or taking the information in your system. By making material conscious you are better able to work with it and transform its impact on your life.

This holds true with all your relationships. Taking means you are able to see all that is present. This is related to the acceptance of another person as they are or were in your past. Being able to tell the difference between what is real and what is not real is essential or possible in any relationship. Taking the information allows you to gain the energy to face life with what it is handing you.

When you are not facing life, this means that your body-mind system is more tied up in the past conflict or situation, and unable to experience the vitality and freedom to be present to what is in front of you today.

Create Order in Your System

Creating order in your system refers to the ability to resonate with being in your rightful place in your system. This could mean as a child to your parents instead of resonating with being your parent’s caretaker (acting as a parent or partner), or including the lessons from all of your partners in your relationships over time. It can also relate to any relationship where there is dysfunctional codependence. Creating order allows you to take the lessons from your life so you can use this information to create greater integrity in your own wellness and well-being.

By creating order in your family system you benefit by giving respect and dignity to the life of others and as well as freeing your own destiny. This is done out of love and regard for facing life to do something good with it. The ability to face life becomes possible in transforming your inner view of challenging relationships in life.

Include All Members of Your System

In some cases, a person might not be able to take information from the system due to lack of access or in some cases, a disorder of person in the line, or due to the exclusion of a person from the consciousness of your Family System. Exclusion could be any member of your family even from generations in the past. It could be a Great Uncle, a parent, a great grandmother, a soldier, a group of people, a partner, or even a sibling. It can also mean that through painful experience, you have been unable to process an event, or take the meaning to apply to your current life to create new possibilities, choices, or new direction.

To include everyone in your system means you have access to the information both conscious and unconscious through the generations. By doing so in the process of healing codependence in your own life, you are better able to end the violence cycles due to exclusion of members.

It’s important to look at the whole picture. This includes working with systemic information related to culture, language, beliefs, and the impact of perpetrators and victims. If individually or collectively we are not able to recognize the patterns from revenge or violence cycles, we are doomed to repeat the same mistakes over and over. Transforming these patterns allows you to let go of the energy it takes to carry the burdens of this material. This allows updates in your attitudes, responses, and builds the hope, motivation, and momentum to experience tangible and sustainable positive change.

Clearing Pandora’s Box Creates Space for Hope

“The heart that breaks open can contain the whole universe.~Joanna Macy

Recently, I’ve been going through belongings and boxes to organize and let go of things that need releasing. In one box was poetry from my high school and college years, I found a poem that I submitted to the school newspaper for publication. On the bottom of the page written in black and red ink were the votes from the editors with more “No’s than Yeses.” That single page has had a negative impact on my confidence every time I’ve looked at it in the past. I believed that my writing was not good enough. However, this year, for the first time, I noticed in pencil, 9.5 in the top right corner. This was the mark I had received from my English teacher for this poem with 10 as the highest score.

It was an “Aha” moment that changed everything. I had not been able to see it before. My psychic filter this time was able to take in a new possibility and resonate with a greater sense of hope.

The resulting optimism and feeling of gratitude reassured me that the way you see the world can change and is possible. What had changed from last year? My perspective to include the possibility of hope had shifted. By staying with my emotions when they came up and then spending more time with the awareness that came with them allowed me to get to the place of acknowledging that what my mind believed was true might not be the only way to look at the page. I asked myself if there was another way to look at it or something to learn from the page. This expanded my vision to take in new possibilities with confidence and optimism.

You can use this sentence frame for this experience. ” I used to believe________________. Now I am learning__________________________________. I forgive and release my past mistakes made in unconsciousness. I choose ________________ in this moment.”

Creating space within for hope includes acknowledging the parts of yourself that feel anxious, worried, discouraged, sad, or upset. You can ride these waves when you take the time to listen to the messages from your heart and Higher Self that include all of your life’s experiences. Then, you can take the lessons of growth, and align with what else might be possible. That’s when hope lights the way for expanding your vision so you can choose where you place your attention and take action.

With that, I share a poem I also found in the same box entitled, “Hope.

Angel of Hope~watercolor by Kimberly Rex

Hope is love
Embracing us in our pain
Lifting the lid to the sun.
As Light pours in
We can embrace and be touched by light
Feeling its presence
Within our cell’s walls.
Hope knows its freedom
And penetrates 
Even the smallest places
With love.

Hope is love whispering to us in the darkness,
Lifting the lid to the sun.

~Kimberly Rex © 2001

Kimberly Rex

Kimberly Rex, MS
is a Master Resonance Repatterning® and Wellness and Well-being Life Coach, and Person-Centered Expressive Therapist. She works with people all over the world by phone, Skype, and proxy during these times.

This is your invitation to receive natural beneficial modalities to create integrity in your wellness and well-being monthly. Sign up to receive our FREE newsletter with exclusive events and information about how to enhance your life here including 8 Natural Ways to Navigate Stressful Times eBook with registration.

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Balancing Your Energy Flow with Polarity Therapy

Processing the world today makes it important to balance your energy flow. It’s important to be able to reach out, and interact with others, as well as to balance your need for self-care. This energy exchange happens physically, emotionally, mentally, and energetically. One of the many life-enhancing disciplines within Resonance Repatterning® is Polarity Therapy which works with the concept that everything is energy. When you experience pain, it is a disruption of energy flow in your body-mind-spirit system. Working with the energy circuits within creates balance and harmonizes your chakra system.

via GIP

Your energy field expands and contracts in the same way your breath cycle expands and contracts. The expansion flow nourishes your body-mind while the inward flow, the relaxation phase, draws the energy back from your expansion phase to your body-mind system to restore and recharge your chakra circuits. Your chakra system’s currents flow out and return to sustain empowerment, strength, and vital life energy as you are connected to your center while also balancing your need to be in the world.

When this flow is interrupted, it’s like waiting in traffic with seemingly no end in sight. When your energy is stuck in the outward phase you expect the world to take care of you, and you want to regain control over your life. When the flow is interrupted in the inward phase, you might beat yourself up for taking this road or choosing this time to travel. In either case, the distress created by immobilization is an attempt to release blocked energy.

Outward Flow Imbalance

When your chakra energy is locked or stuck in the outward phase, behaviors and actions can show up as attempts to be in control, along with a feeling of impatience, frustration, and anger. This can result in difficulty taking responsibility, and blaming others for what is going on. It can make it difficult to make commitments or to move forward with plans or relationships.

Recently, there’s been a huge influx of energy that can lead to a sense of immobilization or fear. On the other hand, the impact could stimulate behaviors and actions to make lots of changes. Either way, the underlying motivation for moving forward, standing still, or retreating is related to pain vs. pleasure. The questions you might ask yourself include “What is driving or limiting my choices right now?” Is it more painful to start a project than to experience the outcome of completing a project?” “What are the long term benefits of making a choice or taking action?” This is the reason there needs to be a balance between the inward and outward phases, especially in decision-making processes.

Inward Flow Imbalance

When the energy phase is interrupted in the inward energy pulsation, your inner world can feel very empty. It can feel difficult to take in nurture. This shows up in exhaustion, feeling spaced out, not feeling grounded, or at ease within your own body. Depression and a feeling of disempowerment can result in an inability to go into action.

While stuck in this phase, you might feel more vulnerable or exposed out in the world. Being around others might feel overwhelming as you absorb the material of others. Being the listening ear to others while not feeling like you can get nurtured creates a need to feel connected in an attempt to fill the void or emptiness, yet can also leave you feeling drained. Getting your need for nurture could mean non-coherent use of food or substances in order to get some form of nurture.

It might also mean that you find yourself blaming yourself, and find yourself in a pattern of negative self-talk. These are indicators that you are feeling separated from taking what is life-enhancing, and this creates disharmony and imbalance in your thinking, behavior, and actions.

When you react to situations and challenges in your life it can sometimes feel difficult to register the origin of these emotional states. A feeling of anxiety, overwhelm or sadness can arrive with intensity out of the blue. The questions are, “Whose stuff is this anyway?” Are the thoughts that create these feelings and beliefs about what I am experiencing related to a “would of, could of, should of? Does it feel like it is something that one of your parents might say or believe?” or “Is this constructive or destructive to my wellness and well-being?”

Connecting Flows

With everything that is happening in the world, consider the possibility that immobilized energy could be bubbling up to the surface and messaging you through your thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and actions. Your chakra system is communicating its need for balance through your experience of pain, your feelings, and your sense of feeling at home within yourself and in the world.

Optimal energy flow can be interrupted by environmental toxins, accidents, traumatic experiences, or an imbalance between your chakra centers within your body-mind system. Working with a primary chakra center, a chakra circuit, or related chakra, it is possible to identify and transform interrupted or blocked energetic flow. within and between chakras.

Resonance Repatterning®sessions create harmony and balance within your chakra system. Polarity Therapy based on the work of Randolph Stone is one of the many disciplines available through this work. A session addresses your core energy, the chakras, unresolved energy constrictions, and their consequences. This can show up as a change in the color of the chakras, holes in the chakras, tipping, lack of activity, spin as well as the force of the flow. Your personal session identifies the natural modalities to create more optimal communication throughout your body-mind system.*

This is your personal invitation to find out how Resonance Repatterning benefits your life. Set up a personal session or sign up for a free monthly newsletter with articles, natural wellness and well-being modalities, and exclusive group sessions here.

*Resonance Repatterning sessions work with Polarity Therapy poles by working with frequency and also working with diagrams to proxy for the client as well as the facilitator standing in or guiding the client if the sessions are by phone, Skype or proxy.

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