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Here Comes the Sun: How Light Has a Positive Impact on Your Wellness and Well-being


Here comes the sun. As summer begins, it’s an invitation to appreciate how light positively impacts your wellness and well-being.

How the Sun and Light Impact Your Vision and Energy

The quality of light you receive affects your breath, posture, movement, and memory. It is important to note that physical vision is also related to how you process light for emotional, mental, and physical health, and well-being.

For more on this topic:

Natural light has been shown to have an impact on sleep patterns, melatonin production, memory, mood regulation, thought processing, free radical production, cellular communication, and heart health.

Impact of the Sun and Light on Your Cells and DNA

Cell-to-cell communication by bio-photons has been seen in plants, bacteria, and animal neutrophil granulocytes that digest invading microbes. Granulocytes account for about 60% of your white blood cells. Kidney cell communication was also noted. Particular spectral light stimulation (infrared, red, yellow, blue, green, and white) at one end of the spinal sensory or motor nerve roots produced a significant increase in the bio-photon activity at the other end according to a research study by Yan Sun, Chao Wang,  and Jiapei Dai’s research

 In addition, according to Dr. Fritz Popp, a biophysicist dedicated to the study of bio-photons. the coherent emission of bio-photons is directly connected to energy and information transfer processes within biological organisms and has been linked to the function of DNA and gene regulation.

We are still on the threshold of fully understanding the complex relationship between light and life, but we can now say emphatically, that the function of our entire metabolism is dependent on light. ~Dr. Fritz Albert Popp

Impact of Exposure to Sunlight on Your Heart Health

Richard Weller, an Edinburgh University dermatologist and researcher, states that regular exposure to the sun is beneficial for your heart. He suggests that sunlight lowers your blood pressure by increasing both Vitamin D and Nitric Oxide in the body through the skin. This exposure to sunlight would potentially decrease the likelihood of both heart attacks and strokes.


Watch Richard Weller’s TED Talk here:

The Impact of the Sun and Light on Your Positive Intentions

An intention is based on directing thought, attitude, belief, and motivation with action toward a specific goal. The process of forming, sustaining, and initiating your intention for wellness and well-being relates to the production of particular neurotransmitters, memory imprints, and especially the quality of your life energy you have to dedicate to your positive intentions. The importance of creating an optimal environment for new possibilities depends on the transmission and quality of energy and information in your body-mind system. 

For more on this topic:

How Resonance Repatterning Works with Light to Enhance Your Wellness and Well-being

Everything is frequency. We experience life through color, light, and sound frequency. Your attitudes, beliefs, arguments, conflict, as well as a sense of well-being all have a frequency.

The process of Resonance Repatterning® identifies specific frequencies that are needed to benefit your wellness and well-being through working with different modalities that infuse or diffuse light and sound at specific tone frequencies, octaves, and locations of need. All of the modalities in a session are muscle-checked for the most benefit to the client based on specific needs. In addition, the following color/light modalities might be part of your process:

  • Vision Modalities include a number of color/light, movement, breath, memory, and relaxation activities. Here are a few of the holistic ways to apply light through color from the extensive bank of possibilities in the process of Resonance Repatterning® sessions.
  • Color Filter Lens: The client or facilitator on the client’s behalf wears a color gel mask over the eyes. In some cases, there are additional modality details combined with this format.
  • The Color Filter Torch is used on particular meridian and energy system points on the body to update information in the body-mind system for more optimal energy flow. This means that color/light works where transmission of light and sound have been interrupted or blocked.
  • Silk Color Scarves are placed over various parts of the body or used in the visual field to incorporate the frequency of the color.

This is your personal invitation to create greater integrity in your wellness and well-being with a Resonance Repatterning® session specifically tailored to your needs for positive change.

Register for a session here:

Kimberly Rex, MS is a certified Advanced Resonance Repatterning practitioner, Person-Centered Expressive Therapist, and Wellness and Well-being Life Coach.


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Memory Imprints Make a Difference in How You See Your Life Today

Memory imprints affect how you see your life today. Your brain receives information through your eyes, and much of this information is in the form of images. With as much as 80% of your surrounding world entering your senses through vision, your memory of previously charged circumstances and/or environments plays an important role in how you respond or react.  

The overlay of earlier events in your life plays a large role in how you interact with the world today. Through beliefs that inherently formed through your background, family, culture, religious beliefs, and repeated patterns, your nervous system responds from a habitual bias for protection.

This means that when there is an opportunity for freedom from a habitual pattern arises, it’s not so easy to create new alternative responses or directions. In fact, you might not even be able to see new opportunities staring you in the face!

As an example, in research for a New Vision Resonance Repatterning®, Chloe Faith Wordsworth states, “If you put flies in a jar with a lid on and later take the lid off, the flies will continue to fly around in the jar as though the jar were still closed until one of them finally discovers the new “reality”-flying out of the jar.”

The flies that remain in the jar who are still working with the memory of entrapment or confined space, an open jar with more space has no meaning yet. There is familiarity with the environment, experience, and response. There is no movement towards a new opportunity in this state.

into the cloudsIt is like driving through the fog focusing on the only thing you can see, what is just in front of you based on your need for making sense of your environment in a stressful situation. This limited vision creates a limiting reality. It controls the level of contraction or relaxation you experience in your eyes, face, and body muscles. It also controls the rhythm and depth of your breathing.

If you want small changes in your life, work on your attitude. But if you want big and primary changes, work on your paradigm. ~Stephen Covey

Positive change comes when there is a shift in how you perceive what is happening in front of you. When you see the world in a more expansive way, and with your psychic filter cleared of residue from the past that limits your view, this creates a reduction in stress in your body-mind system. It relaxes your muscles and regulates the amount of light you absorb and radiate, in turn energizing your body-mind system and regulating your breathing patterns.

This happens with the release of the negative perceptions and residue of unresolved issues you have housed within your being. In fact, what remains of the earlier material is only the residue and your resonance with that material. Yet, changing how you interact with this information changes your life. Resonating with greater access to expanded possibilities for meaning based on new awareness creates shifts in how your body-mind system responds, and this leads to a greater sense of freedom and authorship of your own life.

Resonance Repatterning® sessions build the bridge within your body-mind system so you can experience wellness and well-being by creating more harmony and balance where you need it specifically.

Here is an opportunity to continue on the path with monthly healing modalities and repatterning events from Windows to the Heart Repatterning.

Sign up for monthly newsletter here: 

Newsletter and Exclusive Re-pattern Your Life Events

Kimberly Rex, MS is a certified Resonance Repatterning® practitioner, Person-Centered Expressive Therapist, and Wellness and Well-being Coach who works with people of all ages by phone, Skype, proxy, or in person. To schedule personal Resonance Repatterning sessions to create greater wellness and well-being in your life, contact her at

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What Impacts Your Vision of Life? (Four Ways to Positive Change)

What You See Is What You GetResonance Repatterning® works with universal disciplines that impact your body-mind system for greater wellness and well-being. Vision Repatternings are part of this process. Vision is more than just your eyeballs. Dr. Harry Sirota, an optometrist, extensively worked with the emotional, mental, and physical qualities of vision that influenced these repatternings.

  There are four primary contributing factors that impact your vision of life: light, movement, breath, and memory.

Light: The transmission of light to your brain and visual cortex is only the beginning of the process. The quality of light in the body-mind system is expressed through the glandular, immune, endorphin, muscular, emotional, and respiratory systems. How you experience the physical world depends on how your body-mind systems interpret it. The use of this light in your body-mind system depends on the quality of this communication.

What You Can Do: Knowledge is key to understanding the components of healthy vision. Get into full-spectrum light daily for at least 5-15 minutes. Make time for movement with relaxed and full breaths daily.  Find ways to break up long sessions of near-point/close-up work either at the computer or with reading. Surround yourself with color and experiences that make you laugh or bring joy.  Get out into nature, or take breaks to relax your eyes by looking out into nature.

Movement:  The brain receives stimulation from the light impulses from the rod and cone cells found on the back of the eyeball. The brain, in turn, stimulates muscles in the body. The light-brain-muscle relationship is directly translated to movement. The quality of this connection is expressed in your posture, orientation in space, and how you experience a connection to self. When there is an imbalance in the brain-movement connection, it changes how your muscles work together. When this energy is limited or blocked, it can result in a sense of numbness, limited motion, or pain.

What You Can Do: Get in touch with what brings you confidence and joy. Find a way to commit to action by including activities that bring joy to your life. Get out into nature. Take walks with friends or walk your dog.  This will give you more positive energy and a brighter outlook on your life. Massage your face, especially around your eyes. This will help you focus on and release stress.

Breath: Your eyes are second only to the brain in their need for oxygen. When there is less light entering your visual system, the breath centers of the brain do not receive the nourishment they need. Traumas left unresolved can result in interruptions of breath cycles. This can sound like excessive sighing, holding the breath, or shallow breathing. Stress response breathing limits the oxygen delivered to your entire body-mind system.

What You Can Do: Find ways to bring movement with the full breath into your daily life. Meditate with an awareness of your breath empowering your life force. Do Three Harmonizing Breaths by inhaling through your nose, keeping your tongue on the top of your mouth. Exhale through your mouth, relaxing your tongue on the floor of your mouth.

Memory: Unmet basic life needs stored in your body’s memory from unresolved issues from the past can affect the quality of vision you have today. Emotional pain and tension tighten or weaken the eye muscles in response to emotional stress. This happens when the Sympathetic Nervous System’s fight or flight response to stress signals. This changes your near and far-point vision, and the shape of your eyeballs, and impacts the ability of your eyes to track vertically and horizontally. When this happens, your ability to experience all of your senses changes in regard to self and others.

What You Can Do:   Give yourself some loving and relaxing time to process events or situations in your life. Take inventory of stressful situations in your life. Find a way to delegate or let go of clutter in your home, office, and activities. Make a space to heal unfinished business from the past.  Create images in your mind and heart that bring a sense of happiness or gratitude. Find reasons to laugh.

It’s important to know that your perception of life impacts your attitude.  Envisioning what is possible is your way of seeing the world. If you experience constant inner conflict, the feeling of being stuck, or feel that life is mostly hardship, this relates to both your vision of life and your physical vision. The relationship between stress and your attitude about a situation relates directly to how you envision your goals. Your vision directly impacts how you view a situation, and how much you can see other views or possibilities.

On the Chinese Medicine Wheel, vision is directly assigned to Wood Element, and works with the liver and gallbladder. The liver works with processing toxins or unfinished business. Gallbladder works with processing fats or with decision-making. On the non-coherent side, anger and frustration interrupt coming to a resolution so that you can move forward with clarity and optimism.

When you transform your resonance with limitation of light, breath, movement, and unresolved memory imprints you will find that your vision of life and the quality of your physical vision will improve!

To improve your vision and quality of life with pinpoint accuracy and personal solutions, experience a personal Resonance Repatterning® with Kimberly Rex, MS, an experienced, certified Advanced Resonance Repatterning and Person-Centered Expressive therapist.

  • Here is an opportunity to continue on the path to creating greater integrity in your wellness and well-being with monthly healing modalities and repatterning events from Windows to the Heart Repatterning. Sign up for monthly newsletter here: Newsletter and Exclusive Re-pattern Your Life Events
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