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Repattern Your Brain, Repattern Your Life

You can repattern your brain to repattern your life. The automatic responses that drive your responses to situations you meet in life are based on your emotional and survival memories created by your life experiences. Whether you have experienced physical, emotional or chronic stress, you can work with the brain-body connection to experience greater integrity in your wellness and wellbeing.

“Whatever the circumstances of a child’s early life, and whatever the history and current state of that child, every human has the built-in power to improve, to change for the better, to significantly restore, and often to recover. Tomorrow, that person you see in the mirror can be a stronger, more capable, livelier, more powerfully centered, and still-growing person.”~Michael Merzenich

Photo by Tara Winstead on

. The good news is that neural pathways can be altered through neuroplasticity. Resonance Repatterning® The process accesses established pathways that register in your muscles, tissues, muscles, organs, and glands through the Resonance Muscle-Checking process. Natural modalities of color, light, sound, movement, breath, fragrance, energetic contact, and consciousness science introduce new brainwaves, awareness, and neurotransmitters to create neurosynthesis and plasticity. This relies on the memory information stored in your body-mind system to create neuroplasticity by updating and changing function.

The Brain-Body Connection

These brain areas are examples of how thinking, feeling and action are connected between your mind and body.

Pre-Frontal Cortex: When the Pre-Frontal Cortex is in control, it allows you to be fully engaged in the present of your life so you can resonate with expanding your awareness, feeling, thinking, and acting as you open to new possibilities. This is where you can explore your connections with others. When the pre-frontal cortex is under-active in this brain area you can experience brain fog, difficulties with attention, focus, ability to follow through, decision-making, and disorganization.

Limbic Brain: The Limbic Brain colors how you process your emotions. This part of your brain affects your autonomic nervous system including blood sugar, hormones, temperature, respiration, and heart rate. This portion of the brain discerns feelings of safety or danger through the Amygdala. The Hippocampus embeds memory into the nervous system related to life-enhancing or depleting experiences. This creates the connection between your thoughts and feelings that influence your body responses through the HPA Axis.

The Cerebellum allows your system to create implicit memories that become automatic starting with learning skills and mastering a task. Over time this recall becomes automatic and unconscious affecting your thoughts and behaviors.

“Conscious thoughts, repeated often enough, become unconscious thinking.”~Dr. Joe Dispenza

Resonance Repatterning and Brain-Body Connection

The process of Resonance Repatterning, from the brain’s perspective, works by transforming the neural pathways through awareness, new information and experience. This changes while working at the frequency levels in specific brain areas, brain waves, and neurotransmitters. Changing neural responses in your brain is a conscious process that shifts your resonance with what nerve responses take place in your body and your mind.

As a hypothetical example, let’s say that in a session the issue in your life is related to an inability to focus, disorganization, and impulsivity. The issue thought statement might be “I can’t get anything done.”The feeling state your share might be “I feel scared and confused.” Checking in with how to create coherent neural pathways for new behavior through muscle-checking the statement “I focus on the task at hand,” might be the new possibility. The neurotransmitter or peptide that would support the shift would be checked from a list along with its benefits to enhance neural communications in your mind and body A frequency of light for the Hypothalamus with a color that muscle-checks for the missing color/light frequency would be considered to energize your system. Natural activities would be checked to enhance new connections in your body-mind system. for this example, let’s say the action of deep breathing checked in. A coherent statement from the identified brain area would be included. In this case, we work with the pre-frontal cortex. The coherent statement would be “I stay calm and focused and manifest my plans through effective actions.”  A frequency of a brainwave would be fused into the mix as well. For the sake of this example, an Alpha brainwave with a range of 8-13 cps would be muscle-checked for the exact frequency among the four options for brainwaves including delta, theta, alpha, and beta to decrease anxiety and bring focus.

   All of these parts work at the frequency level with the material to create greater coherence, harmony, and balance in your body-mind system.The muscle-checking system in this process is then used to check for shifts in your system. You are ON or resonate with your new intentions when your thoughts, emotions, and body are wired for specific neural pathways that fire and connect your responses related to your positive intentions. You are OFF when neural pathways are inhibited or do not fire in the same habitual way related to the issues you brought to the session.With muscle-checking at the beginning and completion of the session, your system registers the shifts with your change in resonance.

These nerve impulsesin your brain communicate thoughts, feelings, sensations, and responses throughout your body. When your body and mind experience greater harmony and balance between your Autonomic, Parasympathetic, and Sympathetic Nervous Systems, this is reflected in the way you think, how you feel and respond to life, and what actions you take to create new possibilities.

Resonance Repatterning® Sessions are based on working with your body-mind-spirit systems’ ability to repattern your body-mind-spirit system. This means that the pain you experience on any level can be an opportunity for creating new possibilities in your life.

Kimberly Rex, MS
Kimberly Rex

Kimberly Rex, MS is an Advanced Resonance Repatterning® practitioner, Person-Centered Expressive Therapist, and Wellness and Well-being Life Coach. She works with people all over the world via Skype, by phone, and by proxy.

Find out how Resonance Repatterning benefits your life. Set up a personal session or sign up for a free monthly newsletter with articles, natural healing modalities, and exclusive group sessions here.

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How Attitude, Beliefs, Challenge, and Development Lead Your Response to Life

Your attitude, beliefs, challenges, and development lead your response to life. The question is, “What is driving?” Is it fear or reactivity from the unconscious material, unresolved issues, or the conscious desire to create kindness and resonance with direction and positive change? This article will explore the influence and possibility of attitude, beliefs, challenges, and development to expand your experience of life.

Attitude Leads to What You Believe

Your thoughts, beliefs, and feelings create your view of life. When your attitude diminishes yourself or others, this leads to life-depleting and limiting outcomes. If your mindset is fixed you are more likely to feel like you cannot try or experience life differently. When you experience a mindset based on the potential for growth, a growth mindset, you are more likely to engage energy, motivation, and respect for your journey whatever it is and where ever it leads.

Having an attitude for example that “I can’t learn that material because it’s too hard ” vs. “I haven’t learned that material yet, but I want to learn,” creates different views of the world. Which view opens the door to new possibilities?

Taking inventory or questioning your attitudes about different areas of your life can give you insight into what holds you back and what can also shine a light on opportunities for growth and transformation. Asking yourself what holds you back from getting an inspiring job, a nourishing home, a relationship, experience of peace or relaxation is a way of beginning to sketch out what your life experience is attempting to teach you at the moment. Asking and then working with the response is essential to positive change. How would your life be different from a new perspective?

Beliefs Lead to How You Meet Challenges

Beliefs create an automatic filter through which you see and experience the world. Your brain is wired for bias to create survival behavior. However, the threats in earlier evolutionary stages of the world as well as of your body-mind system can overshadow your ability to experience greater calm, joy, love, and vitality as well as your experience of safety in the world.

Tara Brach speaks to Papancha, a Pali word for “mental proliferation,” the chain reaction of thoughts, beliefs, attitudes, and feelings that causes suffering.

Pause and notice you are in a spin of suffering, name it and allow it to be present. Allow it to be. Give it space. Get in touch with what you are believing and the stories you are telling yourself. Each time you interrupt the pattern and chain reaction allows you to return to mindfulness and create the blueprint for new pathways to reconnect to your innate inner wisdom.

Take time to get in touch with inner kindness and wisdom by asking yourself these questions.

  1. Can I get in touch with my breath to take a pause until I can begin to shift inner awareness and consciousness about what is happening?
  2. What am I feeling or sensing in my body and my heart? Get in touch with your body sensations and what this tells you about your feelings.
  3. Who am I blaming? Can I forgive or just be this awareness? Can I give it space, give kindness, and allow the feelings? This allows you to build neurotransmitters for other perspectives, intelligence, and awareness of possibilities.
  4. Begin to examine your reactions, responses, or behavior in different situations. Identify your triggers, and ask yourself if you want to continue responding in the same way. If not, how could you interrupt or respond differently to break the cycle of the fight, flight, or freeze reaction? This allows you to connect to the good within yourself and others.

By doing so you start to change the inner landscape of your vision by expanding the rules and circuitry of your belief systems that have been embedded by earlier experiences, family system rules, and inculturation.

Challenges Lead to Your Development

Life is a challenge. Meet it.”~Mother Teresa

When meeting challenges of any form, it’s important to know that what you believe upfront will determine what comes next. All of us have been thrown into situations where we felt overwhelmed, afraid, confused, hurt, betrayed, etc. It is for this fact that resonating with having been able to move through and out the other side of challenges in the past can allow you to work with a challenge in front of you now.

Challenges come in different durations and intensities. Putting challenges into perspective allows you to meet what is in front of you with both inner strength and wisdom when you resonate with having met challenges that created a sense of empowerment. This awareness reduces resistance and creates encouragement for what life is dishing out right now.

Of course, some challenges are larger than others, and not all challenges might feel like they are met with success. For example, if you spill coffee on your shirt, it is different than receiving a phone call about an ill family member that needsyour help that you can’t provide at the moment. Getting centered in both circumstances is beneficial. Being able to calm yourself first allows you to be more available to problem-solving, decision-making, and delegating.

Instead of reacting with the fight, flight, or freeze, it’s important to move out of fear into a greater sense of calm so that problems can be solved by calming the stressed mind to allow life-enhancing and creative choices to be considered. This also allows you to be kind to your own life to learn from past experiences where it might have felt you “failed” so you can apply what those experiences taught you to your current situation.

This is why getting in touch with your breath, taking a few moments, or using a phrase to remind you that you are in the here and now is beneficial. My personal favorites come from 12 Step Programs: “ First things first,” “Keep it simple,” or “One day or one moment at a time.”

Having the strength to get through some life challenges takes time and effort over the long run. Resonating with continuing to come back into your center allows you to pace yourself over time.

Development Leads to Direction in Life

Earlier versions of yourself carry information that can inform your life today. In the same way, your current version of self is able to inform earlier experiences and parts of yourself. You are not an abridged edition, rather you are an expanding and developing being of light and sound.

Your unconscious and conscious material that inform your attitude, beliefs, and responses to challenges make up your overall experience of life.

It’s important to acknowledge that the newborn version of you did not know what you knew as a 2-year-old. Your 7-year-old part of yourself did not know what you knew as a teenager, etc. The way that your body-mind system developed allowed primary functions for survival and feeling states in stages then became more complex with reasoning and logic paired with increasing networks of communication and creativity.

You would not expect your 2-year old part to drive a car, balance a checkbook or make scrambled eggs, yet earlier parts continue to inform and influence choices about bonding, separation, fear, calm, and safety as an adult. This is due to the developmental stage memory imprints from the past that continue to signal to you today.

Your adult self has navigated many developmental stages, challenges, relationships, and structures over time. Taking care of and listening to earlier parts of yourself is essential to developing greater harmony and balance within your life today.

The direction you take in your life is led by your personal and family system’s unconscious material. It conducts your journey until it is brought into the light to create greater conscious awareness and understanding of new possibilities from the perspective of your adult and Greater Self.

Kimberly Rex, MS

 Kimberly Rex, MS is an Advanced Resonance Repatterning® practitioner, a Master Wellness and Well-being Life Coach, and a Person-Centered Expressive Therapist. She works with clients all over the world with Resonance Repatterning sessions that work with personal and generational unconscious material to facilitate this process of updating your body-mind system to experience greater integrity in your wellness and well-being.

This is your personal invitation to continue on the path with monthly healing modalities and repatterning events from Windows to the Heart Repatterning. Sign up for monthly newsletter here: Newsletter and Exclusive Re-pattern Your Life Events

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What Keeps You Separated from Love?

What Keeps You Separated from Love? That’s the question. Connecting to love creates life-enhancing benefits for your health, wellness, and well-being. Love is essential from the beginning of your life affecting how you perceive yourself, others, and the world. In places where you feel disconnected, the journey of reconnection can be resolving fear, anger, and shame.

1. Fear Keeps You Separated from Love

From the start of your life, you rely on bonding, safety, and trust to get your needs met by your mother and caretakers. The nurture between mother and child promotes oxytocin hormone, the long-term bonding neurotransmitter that creates an overall sense of wellness and well-being for nurture, safe connection as well as an exploration of the world. Unresolved bonding-separation stress can create tension and fear that result in long-term insecure, anxious, or avoidant behaviors. These behaviors create repetitive life-depleting relationship patterns that leave you feeling stuck or frozen in life. Fear keeps you from taking love within yourself and in your relationships with others.

“What we call obstacles are really the way the world and our entire experience teach us where we’re stuck.” ~Pema Chödrön

Changing your response to stressful experiences that trigger you is possible today to release past trauma that constricts your life energy. This allows your body-mind-spirit system to restore more calm and peace to learn how to retrain your responses to life to experience love.

Mystery is not always about traveling to new places, it is about looking with new eyes.”~Esther Perel

2. Anger Keeps You Separated from Love

The frustration that can arise from not having your needs for love, belonging, connection, and nurture met can create what feels like gaping holes in your being. However, this anger and frustration can also point you to the doorway to resolve the past while creating the potential for meeting these unmet needs in the present.

Anger narrows your vision of what is happening in front of you. Your survival and emotional brains (unconscious processing) will look for confirmation of behaviors, traits, and patterns that trigger reenactment in order to resolve earlier traumatic experiences or keep you in fight or flight mode.

3. Shame from the Past Keeps You Separated from Love

Shame separates you from love through seeing yourself as only a person with flaws or imperfections. This can be a sense of disconnect from life through your culture’s or family’s rules. It can be led by guilt related to times where you reacted out of fear or anger. It can keep you from knowing or experiencing life beyond forgiveness for the parts of your life that have been excluded or hurt. Shame can separate you from other parts of your being and life itself through misunderstanding or not knowing how to get your basic needs for love acknowledged in an inclusive, respectful, energizing, safe, and trustworthy way.

Love yourself-accept yourself-forgive yourself-and be good to yourself because without you the rest of us are without the source of many wonderful things.”~Leo Buscaglia

When you are able to see yourself with respect and regard for all of your life’s experiences, the good you bring to life along with the “mistakes” your mind believes you made along the way this is possible. Looking through the lens of living your life as a spiritual journey in the classroom of life, you are better able to consider new experiences, connections, and diverse points of view by seeing the bigger picture for new possibilities.

Relationships teach us about ourselves. We attract and experience connection with other people in a variety of ways~all of them opportunities for growth and transformation. Conflict shows up in the midst of issues related to the need for power and control, closeness and care, respect and recognition. The issues that show up in your adult relationships relate back to your first connections and how the needs for safety, trust, bonding, and exploration were interrupted or blocked. These unmet needs created longing, loss, and interference with self-expression.

Whether it be the relationship you have with an intimate partner, a friend, a coworker or someone who lives in your neighborhood, all of these interactions are opportunities to work with the material that has kept you bound or separate from loving yourself more fully. Each person is a teacher and can be a mirror of light into a deeper recognition of something inside that matches the need for understanding, love, and compassion.

There is no other than a different version of yourself. ~Esther Perel

Wherever you are today, isolated, sad, frustrated, or exhausted, it is time to know that your Greater Self is able to take the higher lessons from your awareness of what you have experienced. By moving from conflict to empathy the pathway to love is energized so that you can take what benefits your growth, self-expression, and needs for self-care.

Through working with your experiences from relationships through time, you can begin to realize that these parts and their voices contribute to expanding your awareness of your Greater Self so that you are able to give comfort, calm, and truth to your inner world so that you resonate with a greater spectrum of experiences in your relationships.

“Love after Love” by Derek Walcott

Resolving the inner life-depleting patterns that keep you from love creates the capacity to create a new way of interacting with others. Instead of making your relationship carry the burden of your earlier experiences, you create a new template for self-care with greater integrity, joy, and love. This is expressed in your communication and choices, as this enhances your ability to bond in healthy ways that are life-enhancing for you and reflected back in others.

It is possible to work with earlier experiences related to attachment with Resonance Repattenring®sessions to transform and update the unconscious material related to-verbal trauma still stored in your survival and emotional brain today as these aspects of memory are stored so that the relevance of your experience today that respond in the same way through the fight, flight or freeze behaviors.

Kimberly Rex
Kimberly Rex, MS

Kimberly Rex, MS is an Advanced Resonance Repatterning® practitioner, Person-Centered Expressive Therapist, and Wellness and Well-being Life Coach. She works with people all over the world via Skype, by phone, in-person, and by proxy.

Find out how Resonance Repatterning benefits your life. Set up a personal session or sign up for a free monthly newsletter with articles, natural healing modalities, and exclusive group sessions here.

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