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Using Stress to Transform Your Life

We all experience stress daily. Using stress to transform your life can shift the flow of thoughts that run through your mind. With intention and attention, you can use stress to benefit your experience of peace and well-being.

Major evnts related to concerning health diagnosis, losing a job, not getting a promotion, losing a loved one, a relationship breakup, or unexpected news or change that impacts your life can take a great deal of your energy and time to process.

Ongoing stressful thoughts can lead to greater anxiety, anger, worry, rumination, and fear. Cycling into these territories can be overwhelming when you do not feel that there is an end in sight. And this can disconnect you from your ability to see the big picture, problem-solve or to take action for your wellness and well-being.

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Photo by Elina Fairytale on

Is Stress Moving Toward or Away from Life?

Distress tolerance is your ability to manage actual or perceived emotional distress. The aim and intention in these situations are to choose your response or reaction to this distress.

This begins with creating a conscious practice of asking yourself if your negative thought patterns move you away from life-enhancing patterns that allow you to face life or away from life through avoidance? And, do you want to change this pattern?

Examples of contrast might be the following:

  • Spending time with people who give you positive energy or those who bring you down
  • Forgiveness or feeding resentments within
  • Self-love through creating boundaries with your words and actions or avoiding living your values in action
  • Spending time in nature and appreciating beauty with gratitude or blaming yourself and others for what is happening
  • Admiring your positive qualities and those of others or comparing yourself to others

“When we are no longer able to change a situation~we are challenged to change ourselves.”~Viktor Frankl

Using Stress to Make Coherent Choices

Changing your inner self-talk and dialogue about what is happening starts with intention and attention. When negative thoughts about the past or future become invasive, it is a choice to either stay with the habitual negative thought, body and feeling pattern, or to become aware of their impact on how you are feeling and how this affects you.

“It’s not stress that kills us, it’s our reaction to it.”~ Hans Selye

Once you make it a habit to change the ongoing pattern of cycling negative thoughts, your body, and emotions will have the opportunity to shift. This conscious choice allows for new possibilities in your wellness and well-being, even if this is for a short time.

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Photo by Anna Tarazevich on

Using Stress to Build New Pathways

Creating new pathways takes practice. This means that both your intention and attention are needed. What if you could take control of your thoughts by using using these questions to your advantage? Here are two actiities that you can put easily in place.

  • Establish a daily routine of checking in with yourself. This can be done at the beginning of the day, and also be used throughout the day. Setting up specific times of the day to check in with yourself either by schedule or using sticky notes in prominent places you can tune into what your body and mind are processing at eny given time. This creates a conscious noticing of what is going on within. You can use this as a barometer during the day, and then get a reading on how your thoughts are influencing how your mood, energy and focus are responding to life.
  • When you find yourself cycling into worry, anxiety, fear or depression, take a few moments to get in touch with what is happening. A simple way to start the process is to ask yourself three questions. “What am I thinking right now?”“What am I feeling right now?” and “Do I want to continue with these thoughts?” Becoming the observer of your current state of being you are better able to navigate what comes next in your life with greater options.
  • Chinese Medicine speaks to the importance of keeping your energy flow in harmony and balance for your health and well-being. The suggestion is to pay attention to your emotions when they come up.but to also limit the effects of the negative state. By first working with the (3) questions, and then taking action with a mindfulness activity, you are able to use stress to change your life.

The opportunity to create a shift in perception with mindfulness activities such as a short meditation or breathing practic, journaling, yoga, Qigong, gratitude, looking out the window at a tree or flower, walking in nature, experiencing beauty and good nurture, listening to an inspirational talk, reading, or soothing music. These are “supplements for your body and mind”, and they can energize, reset and tonify your body-mind system.

No mud, no lotus.~Thich Nhat Hanh

Mindfulness practices allow you to tap into the energetics of awe, beauty, and pleasure that expand your awareness and diminish your stress. When you resonate with choosing what you will focus on you become the author of you own life and in the short term allows you to lower your stress while building new responses in your body-mind sytem over time.

Once you have answered these questions, chosen a mindful activity to change your internal landscape, your enhance your ability to access your conscious mind with a greater access to critical thinking, and decision-making. This allows you to consider a responsive action based on expanded and focused vision so you can then choose to focus your time and energy on the task at hand, brainstorming, problem-solving, setting boundaries, getting support and planning that will benefit your wellness and well-being.

Resonance Repatterning® Sessions are based on working with your ability to repattern your body-mind-spirit system. This means that the distress you experience on any level can be an opportunity for creating new possibilities in your life.

Kimberly Rex, MS
Kimberly Rex, MS

Kimberly Rex, MS is an Advanced Resonance Repatterning® practitioner, Person-Centered Expressive Therapist, and Wellness and Well-being Life Coach. She works with people all over the world via Skype, by phone, and by proxy.

Find out how Resonance Repatterning benefits your life. Set up a personal session or sign up for a free monthly newsletter with articles, natural healing modalities, and exclusive group sessions here.

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Energize Your Health, Energize Your Relationships

You are an electromagnetic being. When you energize your health, you energize your relationships. Your life energy is established through the relationship between the electrical charges that surround muscles, bones, organs, and tissues. Your heart is regulated by an electrical nerve bundle. Your brain emits electrical brain waves. The cells and atoms of your body rely on the capacity to adapt and thrive based on electric charge. In fact, the quality of health you are experiencing today is directly related to communication quality between the energy circuits of your body-mind system.

Your body-mind field is always interacting with the field around it. That means that your wellness and sense of well-being are related. Relationships, whether they are business-related, family, friendship, or intimate work in the same way. They are energy circuits. Energize them with coherent communication, limits, and motivation to return to greater coherence and optimal life energy, and they thrive!

If there is a disruption or blockage in your health or relationship through miscommunication, unresolved conflict, or lack of appreciation, your experience of love or well-being changes. Either way, a disruption or blockage of energy equals pain.

Energize Your Health with Love

Love is the motivating force that energizes life and influences the power of relationships. The light, sound, and expression of life energy thrive with care for your inner needs and feelings. In every relationship, there is an opportunity to expand awareness through a reflection of light and love, and the courage to open your heart. Resolving inner conflict within your physical, emotional, mental, and spirit body results in the potential for greater expression and capacity for love.

When there are unresolved issues from past experiences, that energy gets fed into the energy circuit of your relationships whether it is conscious or unconscious. This shows up in toxicity or dissonance as frustration, conflict, pain, suffering, or lack of fulfillment. In the same way, health issues are a product of what is circulated through your body-mind system through nutrition, habits, and self-care over time.

Energize Your Health in Your Relationships

The quality of life you experience at any moment is dependent on many factors. When you resonate with gratitude, appreciation, forgiveness, and love, you have a greater capacity for connection to others and for that connection to energize you. In a relationship, the expression of these same messages to another energizes your relationship to grow and flourish. When difficulties arise, as they do in life, drawing on the energy of joyful and loving experiences shared helps you to weather challenging situations.

Your health also depends on your ability to set limits. The purpose of your immune system is to discern what is self and what is other. Too much resistance however can show up as the inability of cellular systems to communicate with one another in your body. When there is an inability to discern self from others, the response can play out in a number of issues that show up on the emotional, mental, and physical levels. In relationships, this can show up as blame, feeling like a victim, or being out of control with your responses. The truth is that at any moment you can become more energized by taking responsibility for what you are contributing to the energy exchange happening within, and accepting where there is a need to make a change in behavior, thinking, or actions. Taking responsibility includes setting limits in situations that are hurting you personally. If you are stuck in a repeating pattern, it might be wise to seek support in looking at unconscious roots that still carry a highly-charged emotion or memory imprint. 

Energize Your Health by Setting Limits

How you handle stress is directly related to how your body responds. Resonating with the ability to move through a challenging situation in a self-empowered way actually empowers your immune system. This can only be done when you are in touch with your own needs and feelings and are able to express these needs and feelings in a way that nurtures your energy circuit. This means communication is clear, tells the truth, and expresses care for the energy circuit of your relationship.

Finding ways to energize your own energy circuit include taking care of your body with good nutrition, grounding your energy with a connection to nature, meditation, allowing yourself to identify and process feelings, listening to calming music, exercising regularly, getting in touch with your breath and making space for yourself with downtime and hobbies you enjoy are just a few ways to stay connected to your own energy circuit. This also empowers you to create harmonizing energy for all your relationships.

Kimberly Rex

Kimberly Rex, MS is an Advanced Resonance Repatterning® practitioner, Person-Centered Expressive Therapist, and Wellness and Well-being Life Coach. She works with people all over the world via Skype, phone, and proxy. Set up your personal session here.

Find out how Resonance Repatterning benefits your life. Sign up for a free monthly newsletter with articles, natural healing modalities, and exclusive group sessions here.

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Coherence Creates Self-Awareness

Resonance Repatterning® creates coherence in your self-awareness. Greater coherence benefits your experience for a higher energy state potential in your body-mind-spirit system. This allows you to experience greater understanding and respond with positive actions that benefit your life, relationships, wellness, and well-being.

This happens through identifying and transforming your unconscious limiting beliefs, attitudes, and patterns with the resonance muscle-checking system combined with consciousness science to pinpoint where and when your system was blocked or interrupted. Working with coherent choices and updates allows you to step into and actualize your inner truth, values, and potential.

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Photo by Jill Wellington on

Personal Self-Awareness

Personal self-awareness allows you to meet what you are experiencing more fully. Becoming more aware of your inner strengths and weaknesses over time gives you the ability to be more in touch with what holds you back, as well as what you would like to create. This allows you to look at your inner story as well as the changes you have experienced in your life over time. Self-awareness makes it possible to evaluate life-depleting, stress-reducing, or avoidant behaviors still impacting your life today. This awareness is useful in asking what you would like to create with your life energy to harmonize and balance from where you have traveled to where you are now. (article)

Coherence in Relationship Self-Awareness

You can only experience as much of another or a situation to the degree you have worked with the emotion thought, or process yourself. Relationship coherence requires empathy, the ability to make space for the other in your awareness with compassion. As unconscious material from limiting earlier experiences stored in your early survival and emotional brain are transformed, it is possible to expand and embody new awareness and expand your ability to understand others. This allows you to observe others’ actions, words, body language, and interactions more clearly.

This benefits your personal awareness in a way that allows you to listen to what you are experiencing as you interact with others. This serves as a way to identify similarities or differences in communication styles, It also allows you to become more observant or trusting of your gut feelings or intuition. This happens by looking at how you are feeling and experiencing your interactions with others. Relationship awareness can give you feedback about what you move toward and where you move away from closeness. It can be an invitation to notice how you approach others individually or in groups, monitoring how you build closeness with your values intact from compassionate and coherent self-awareness.

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Photo by Christina Morillo on

“Your presence is the most precious gift you can give to another human being.”~Marshall Rosenberg

Through coherent self-awareness, you are better able to observe group dynamics and interactions between members. This mindfulness within and with others can support you in observing the dynamics of group members related to the rules that “govern” the group. You can be mindful of how this affects your participation and how you feel about being a part of the group, where your values are tested or swayed, with what meaning this has for your overall well-being.

Coherent Self-Awareness creates the opportunity to take action with this feedback in a way that is both compassionate for yourself, your relationship, or your situation. Through acceptance with self-love, your awareness can create wisdom as you rely on the coherent teaching that each experience presents. Through coherent self-awareness, you have the opportunity to respond with a positive intention for growth and transformation in every experience you encounter.

Resonance Repatterning creates coherent self-awareness that affects how you meet life on a daily basis. Sessions give you the opportunity to transform limiting patterns in your life that affect your personal health, relationships, business, and vision for your life potential in a tailored holistic process that creates greater integrity in your wellness and well-being.

Kimberly Rex
Kimberly Rex, MS

Kimberly Rex, MS is an Advanced Resonance Repatterning® practitioner, Person-Centered Expressive Therapist, and Wellness and Well-being Life Coach. She works with people all over the world via Skype, phone, and proxy.

Find out how Resonance Repatterning benefits your life. Set up a personal session or sign up for a free monthly newsletter with articles, natural healing modalities, and exclusive group sessions here.

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Building Mindfulness Personal Repatterning Session

This Building Mindfulness Personal Repatterning Session is a way to bring attention and compassion to your thoughts, feelings, words, and actions. Stressful times like these create the need to learn how to activate peace and calm within. Consciously explore how to calm and rejuvenate your body-mind-spirit system in this Resonance Repatterning® session.

Your living is determined not so much by what life brings to you as by the attitude you bring to life; not so much by what happens to you as by the way your mind looks at what happens.“~Khalil Gibran

This 60-minute personal Resonance Repatterning session will focus on working with your emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual response to life. The session will include a repatterning process, meditation, and personal growth activities for you to take into your life to build new patterns for mindfulness and well-being matched to your needs.

This process will build new neural pathways that will allow you to experience a point of choice with your thoughts, beliefs, feeling responses, and actions. This means that you can move from self-limiting to self-caring choices more consistently through working with resonating with building a Point of Choice, Patience, Pacing, and Perseverance. What better time to bring these qualities into your life?

Benefits of Building Mindfulness

Research shows that mindfulness and meditation practices have a positive effect on your wellness and well-being. Wellness benefits include stress reduction, an increase in working memory, a decrease in depression, post-traumatic stress, hypertension, and other cardiovascular diseases. Mindfulness research also shows positive results in affecting inflammation, immune system functioning, and cellular aging. Well-being benefits include greater awareness, the ability to self-regulate, the ability to improve your outlook on life, resilience, and choice in where you focus your attention and energy in how you respond to life.

The benefits of this Building Mindfulness Repatterning will allow you to:

  • Resonate with spiraling up with a Point of Choice when you experience self-limiting thoughts or emotions so you can choose how you respond in the present moment from a place of love, self-compassion, and discernment.
  • Create long-term mindfulness practices that allow patience to give you ways to transform self-limiting thoughts, emotions, or sensations so you can be more present in your life right now.
  • Give yourself permission to pace yourself through your day while bringing loving-kindness to your experience so you can let go of what does not serve you.
  • Free yourself from your inner critic so you can persevere and resonate with your “why” to create motivation and momentum for your positive intentions both for your short-term and long-term goals
  • Use guided meditations and activities to create a weekly plan for actions to build mindfulness habits into your life for good!

Register for Your Personal Building Mindfulness Repatterning

Kimberly Rex, MS is an Advanced Resonance Repatterning practitioner, Person-Centered Expressive Therapist and Wellness and Well-being Life Coach. She works with people all over the world by phone, Skype, in-person, and proxy to create greater integrity in your wellness and well-being!

Contact Kimberly here to answer any questions about the process and register here.

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30-Minute Virtual Meridian Repatterning

This 30-minute Meridian Repatterning will quickly get to the heart of what you need to create calm, ease, and well-being with Resonance Repatterning®. This session gives you a pathway to create greater stability and well-being in your life when you need it most. This session can be especially beneficial when you are going through a transition or feel like you need a tune-up. It works on the emotional, mental, physical, and core essence levels to give you feedback and updates to your bioenergetic system where energy is stuck or blocked.

You are designed for success and self-healing. Your Meridian pathways carry energy to every part of your body-mind system. These channels can create greater harmony and balance when you feel anxiety, fear, worry, anger, frustration, or depression. When you feel overwhelmed and stuck with these negative emotions, optimize the flow of these pathways to restore positive life energy to your thinking, life energy, and sense of well-being.

Meridian System
Meridian System photo from

In Chinese Medicine, acupuncture or acupressure works with distinct places on these pathways to energize, purify, or add calm to these life-enhancing pathways. This creates a beneficial flow of energy where your energy has been interrupted or blocked by stress, injury, or life-depleting experiences.

Your body is a map of your life’s experiences. Each session is individualized to your needs. This can be done by phone, Skype, or proxy during this time. Your Nervous System reports through every muscle, tissue, organ, and gland in the body to access information stored within your body-mind system.

How to Experience a 30-Minute Meridian Repatterning

A 30-Minute Meridian Repatterning Virtual Session is a great way to experience a tune-up during this stressful time. Whether you wish to address relationships, wellness, stress, grief, business, or an overall sense of well-being, this Resonance Repatterning® session offers extraordinary outcomes for new possibilities and positive change.

This is your invitation to experience a 30-Minute Meridian Repatterning Virtual Session to restore more optimal energy flow to your Meridian System. This process will work with acupressure points (no needles involved) virtually to allow you to experience a greater sense of ease, balance, and calm.

We’ll set up your appointment by phone, Skype, or proxy that works based on your time zone. After you register, your session begins with a brief questionnaire to identify your needs and underlying issues to guide the process. After your session, you will receive an email with positive actions to take in your life to create greater integrity in your wellness and well-being. Contact Kimberly here.

Find out more about how virtual sessions work here.

Kimberly Rex, MS is an Advanced Resonance Repatterning®practitioner, Person-Centered Expressive Therapist, and Master Wellness and Well-being Life Coach. She works with people all over the world by phone, Skype, in-person, and proxy. If you have questions about this process, please send a message on the Contact page.

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