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Freedom and Choice in Challenging Times

Freedom and choice in challenging times can feel more overwhelming when you think the world you knew is no longer reliable or falling apart. This can be related to your experience in sudden shifts, loss, abandonment, grief, insecurity, or safety. These events change and challenge your perception of what you can count on. Blurred by the pain that comes forward in the process it is important to return to who you truly are.

In this territory, you might feel more detached from people and life around you in your attempt to put things back together. When stressed your body creates more cortisol and your thinking becomes blurred. The ability to think or act in the moment is reduced to emotional and survival reactions. Challenging times affect how your body processes new information how you digest your food, and how your immune system functions. However, you do have the freedom and choice through personal agency to let go of what does not support your health and well-being to restore harmony and balance within.

Freedom to Remember Who You Are

photo of woman s face in the mirror
Photo by Ibraim Leonardo on

In this article, you will find (4) intentions for new possibilities from the vast work of Resonance Repatterning tailored to this topic. Use these intentions as an invitation to freedom and choice in challenging times.

Remembering who you truly are and what you do comes from moving back into your body for self-care. Your body is a magnificent self-healing and creative entity so it is essential to take care of your life energy with whole foods, sunlight, movement, clean air and water, sleep, and nourishing touch so it can function well.

This also means that you meet life where it is presenting itself to you with the fullness of your being so that you can be proactive in your response to what is showing up. With your inner values for your physical and spiritual needs. you can choose loving and compassionate steps to plan for what is essential for your body, mind, and spirit. If you believe in taking care of the earth and rescuing wildlife and forests, remember who you are, and what you do. Act upon the importance of human rights, and non-violent communication. If you believe in the power of diversity, art, music, gardening, and community action, you have the choice to continue acting upon your inner knowing.

If this means changing how you spend your money or time, how you eat, or where you live, consider these options from the place of prioritizing self-care while reducing potential stress in the future. This includes creating provisions for facing life even in the presence of uncertainty and insecurity. You have the freedom and choice to take care of your body-mind-spirit’s needs,

Affirmation: “I keep moving towards remembering who I truly am and practicing self-care. free of distraction and guided from within to do whatever action I need to do next..

Freedom to Pursue Your Purpose

The story of Viktor Frankl exemplifies how remembering who you are can align, and act upon your purpose based on what gives meaning to your life, despite what challenges present.

“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.”
Viktor E. Frankl, Man’s Search for Meaning

Affirmation: “I am free of all self-doubt and fear about achieving what I believe in.

Freedom to Connect With Others

Connection with others at this time is important to share and care for each other in safe and nourishing spaces. It is through loving bonds that your body-mind system can take care of itself. In fact, studies have been done to show that long term-loving bonding relationships create longevity, reduce stress, and support greater well-being.

Especially amid challenging times. it becomes essential to face life instead of running from it. Discerning what is loving and kind for your life is vital while also staying open to connection to what is life-energizing. This discernment happens when you expand your practice of appreciating life’s creative potential for beauty, comfort, wonder, and healing. Notice how this self-care affects your body, your thoughts and attitudes shift your resonance toward kindness in life. This is especially important for building the capacity to manage challenging and painful experiences.

Connecting to or remembering kindness in your daily life allows you to have the freedom to choose what you experience daily while also impacting the web of connection. So as you move through the world practice small acts of kindness. When you experience kindness choose to allow it to be taken in fully to nourish your body-mind-spirit system.

In the process of taking and giving kindness, the feelings of resentment and fear diminish. What you create with the unconditional love of the universe is available to you through the inspiration you receive from journaling, meditation, movement, poetry, art, reading, a smile, a door opened, a meal shared, walking your pet, spending time in nature, and even listening to music. Find ways to take nourishment for yourself and with others to experience the life-enhancing benefits.

Affirmation:I catch each wave of grace and go with its movement, which gives me the strength to manifest my potential to make life-affirming choices.

Truly listen to the messages that emerge when you are together. Be there for each other in ways that build safe, secure, and loving environments. Notice synchronicities and honor the timing of the universe as you move through life. Take action on internal guidance and messages. One way to check-in each day is to ask yourself three questions on awakening in the morning: 1. Who am I? 2.What is my purpose? and 3.What do I need? This will allow you to deeply focus and take nourishment from freedom and choice in challenging times.

Kimberly Rex

Kimberly Rex, MS is an Advanced Resonance Repatterning® practitioner, Person-Centered Expressive Therapist, and Wellness and Well-being Life Coach. She works with people all over the world via Skype, by phone, and by proxy.

Find out how Resonance Repatterning benefits your life. Set up a personal session through the Contact page, or sign up for a free monthly newsletter with articles, natural healing modalities, and exclusive group sessions here.

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Transforming the Cracks in the Vase

Challenging and traumatic experiences can create cracks in the vase within your body-mind-spirit system. Some cracks might be physical injuries. However, emotional, mental, and injury to your sense of self also create cracks. Some challenges in your life have been resolved successfully. Other traumatic challenges feel like open wounds within. These parts have not experienced the release or completion of the mobilized energy required to return to greater harmony and balance. When this happens, the trauma lives on and it is as if you are frozen in trauma time without any way to make sense of or to mend what you have experienced.

The Embodiment of the Cracks in the Vase

Early challenging family experiences get tied to your need for safety and bonding. In fact, these early patterns of attachment get played out in social bonding patterns throughout life. As a little one, you experienced first attachment, and this gets translated into your Social Engagement System with your interactions throughout life. This includes patterns in business, relationships, and groups to which you belong. If your body-mind system pairs neglect, anger, or danger with early needs for bonding and attachment, this binds you to this bonding pattern and impacts the blueprint for your relationships throughout life. This shows up as anxiety or avoidance instead of your ability to experience security, safety and trust in your relationships.

“We live in a world that has a cognitive bias and assumes that our actions are voluntary. We are confronted with questions related to motivation and outcome. We are asked about costs, risks, and benefits. However, state shifts in the neural regulation of the autonomic nervous system are usually not voluntary, although the state shifts have a profound impact on behavior. The state shifts occur in a more reflexive manner when we are confronted by specific cues in the environment.”
~Stephen W. Porges

Taking the journey of healing within begins with examing those unconscious parts of yourself from your stressful or traumatic earlier experiences. They actually take a great deal of life energy with the overlapping fight, flight, freeze blueprint patterns that contribute to relationships without safe or close bonding, abusive interactions without trust, codependence, or inability to feel like you are enough.

This protection and management might show up as frustration, anxiety, fear, anger, repetitive and painful relationship experiences, inability to discern danger, or difficulties making decisions. Trauma impacts your thoughts, your Nervous System, your gut, your immune system, your beliefs, and your ability to navigate life with safety and trust.

These inner parts can be held in place by guilt from the negative messages you received as a child. Tied to the core rules of your family, taking the burden of the system’s belief system can limit your ability to face life fully. Guilt for actions you did or did not take and words you regret can keep you tied to negative earlier experiences. It can influence how you relate to your Family System by expanding or breaking your group’s rules. This leads to systemic guilt, however, when met with a shift in perspective, can lead to greater freedom

. Shame can also result in a pervasive sense that you are fundamentally bad, wrong, or broken. Whether is a family pattern or you take the burden of the system that judges your inner being and worth make it difficult to expand into a new awareness or to move on.

However, these parts and how you responded in life were efforts to meet basic life needs for safety, respect, love, purpose, and meaning at any given point in time.

“There is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in.”~Leonard Cohen

Transforming the Cracks in the Vase

photo by Kimberly Rex

Resonance Repatterning®sessions allow you to connect the dots from the past to the present. It becomes clear where the root causes, relationships, and experiences are replaying in trauma time in the present. Whether it be in an intimate relationship where abuse is happening in the same way you experienced it as a young child, or in a business relationship where the pattern of sabotage is happening due to family patterns of loss or shame in the present, realizing that you are recycling the same patterns gives you greater freedom of choice.

Every next level of your life will demand a different you.” ~Leonardo DiCaprio

Sometimes things feel worse at the beginning before they get better. This is borne out of working with the pain of your experiences that have been hidden for your own protection. However, it is in this very process of working to heal the cracks in the vase that self-acceptance is forged to create greater personal empowerment. How you responded in life at earlier times were efforts to meet basic life needs for safety, respect, love, purpose, and meaning from the perspective and point of view at the time. Self-acceptance and forgiveness contribute to reclaiming emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual real estate to interact with the world.

woman doing hand heart sign
Photo by Hassan OUAJBIR on

The transformation process includes the essentials of self-love. It is asking yourself if you can love yourself at the moment for the experiences of your past including all the time spent in suspension with what you know today you could be, choose, and live free of the constriction that your negative experiences, feelings, relationships, thoughts, and choices created.

Bringing Gold to the Cracks in the Vase

When you look at the word evolution, you can see the word, love at the beginning. The word leans into the process of creating the word and comes from within. Seeing things in new ways literally comes from opening to new perspectives created from the internal positive changes you bring to your awareness. Bring gold to the cracks in the vase to allow the light to enter your body-mind-spirit system. By doing so, you are then able to turn things around and radiate your own light and love. This happens because you resonate with the freedom to be yourself more fully.

The truth is, the time is always here and you can begin now. Time is of the essence to relax, rest and update the changes you need to transform your life. It is this place that allows emptiness and also fullness. The need for attention to yourself with all of your parts allows wholeness to emerge in new ways.

It is time to speak and move from a place of what is emerging as your truth from within. Know that you will take care of these needs that have been submerged or hidden in the cracks in the vase. Get to know and listen to your gut, your mind, and your body. Have compassion for places where you have made errors, and give earlier parts of yourself credit for doing the best they could at the time, for protecting you. Take the lessons and use them. Take the wisdom from your mistakes so you can learn from them with your ability to respond from a greater place of integrity and sovereignty today.

Give yourself permission to say “No,” to change your mind, or to take a pause so you can make space for emptiness. Build a new library of responses to life on your terms. At the same time, say “Yes,” to life when it really feels good to you, and revel in the wonder of fullness. Experiment with new awareness, knowledge, inspiration, gratitude, and spontaneity. Allow joy, fun, beauty, and pleasure a place in your experience and in your being.

Shine the light on what you truly need and what you would do to be the author of your own life aligned with love. As you do so, this also allows you to know what safety and trust feel like and this allows you to be more at ease to take action and communicate from your gold standard with more life-enhancing choices for yourself, with others, and in the world.

Kimberly Rex, MS
Kimberly Rex, MS

Kimberly Rex, MS is an Advanced Resonance Repatterning® practitioner, Person-Centered Expressive Therapist, and Wellness and Well-being Life Coach. She works with people all over the world via Skype, phone, and proxy.

Find out how Resonance Repatterning benefits your life. Set up a personal session or sign up for a free monthly newsletter with articles, natural healing modalities, and exclusive group sessions here.

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Letting Go of Old Tapes

Old Tapes

Letting go is a theme in nature, especially in fall. It’s an invitation to do the same with what no longer serves your growth and transformation. Old tapes are those negative limiting beliefs, attitudes, and thoughts that keep you in habitual stress responses with life-depleting patterns that keep you in similar scenarios, relationships, and outcomes. These old tape tracks are well-worn and imprinted in your life.

Old tapes like old songs generate a sense of the past. The problem is that playing old tapes without choice or introduction to any other option keeps you carrying the frequency of these tapes into your life. This impacts how you see the world around you.

Acknowledging the Source of Old Tapes that Keep You Stuck

Acknowledgment starts with the realization that most of these beliefs originate from times in your life when your needs for survival and response to life were experienced through the lens of emotions early in life. Whether they originated from family rules, acculturation, school, or unresolved trauma or loss, they created neural pathways reinforced over and over again as you moved through life attempting to get your basic needs met while monitoring and protecting the parts of yourself that learned these basic survival skills.

Because these old tapes are habituated into an automatic response or reaction menus, your unconscious brain response today defaults to the beliefs, thoughts, and responses to earlier experiences when presented with similar material. Your body-mind system is designed to avoid danger and to look for negative threats. Your Autonomic Nervous System creates your sensory-motor and influences your behavioral responses.

With the number of stimuli that bombard your system in every moment, culling through all of the signals present in the world around you gives the edge to this unconscious material to take care of your well-being.

Identifying Old Tapes that Keep You From Living Your Life More Fully

In fact, old tapes that keep playing today might actually be an introjected emotion, thought, or family rule that was present in your early life while you were immersed in the environment of stress experienced by a parent or caretaker. Even the stress of prenatal experience can influence your way of looking at the world today.

Identifying where activated alert, fight, flight, and immobilization responses from unresolved physical, emotional, and mental needs for survival is key to opening doorways to positive change. In trauma research, the residue of old tapes shows up in intrusive thoughts, hyper-arousal, and avoidance. Unresolved nervous system material shows up physiologically in sleep issues, nightmares, illness, changes in digestion, heart rate, hormone levels, and hyper-arousal. They show up mentally and emotionally in hyper-vigilance, anxiety, panic attacks, irritation, violent thoughts or actions, reliving or experiencing the initial pain and depression,

They show up behaviorally or socially in fawning/flocking with an excessive need to please others, submission by giving in to others, or defense to bring the attention of others through excessive crying. These tapes also contribute to compensating for pain through addiction, numbing or hiding out as a result of not being able to discern danger from life-enhancing choices. These behaviors point to the need to create a successful outcome or resolution from traumatic earlier experiences.

So it’s important to identify the actual old tapes that keep showing up and to get a sense of their source. Your beliefs about life, relationships, men, women, self, work, different groups, etc. impact how you face the world, and the quality of life energy you have to dedicate to your positive intentions for your life today.

These old tapes are played over and over within beliefs with an inventory of repetitive experiences in your life that play out in remarkably similar ways. You might even catch yourself looking at the world in negative ways with things you say out loud, how you move toward or away from others or situations, or within repetitive emotional, mental, or physical states that point to your reactions to life.

Transforming Old Tapes into New Possibilities

Resonance Repatterning® works with your inner technology to access information stored in your body-mind system at the unconscious level to bring life-depleting old tapes to the surface to identify and transform. This happens with a resonance muscle-checking system that connects to your Nervous System. Your Nervous System is connected to every organ, tissue, and gland in your body. This means that it is possible to work with prenatal, family, and activated unresolved traumatic experiences where patterns have been held. These patterns and old tapes keep playing as they get lived out in your relationships, your health, and your sense of well-being.

The process creates coherent release and updated options for your system to transform this information for more optimal functioning to create greater harmony and balance in your body-mind system. This happens with natural modalities of color, light, sound, movement, breath, energetic contact, fragrance, and consciousness science paired with your specific needs.

Sessions create greater relaxation, peace of mind, ability to connect to playfulness, love, joy, and stillness. By doing so, you are better able to experience more of what you choose to create in your life on the physical, emotional, mental, and spirit levels. You reclaim your authority (authorship) with greater life energy to dedicate your positive intentions. Your life-enhancing choices then create more conscious pathways that allow you to experience new possibilities for greater growth and transformation that are aligned with your vision of life.

Kimberly Rex, MS
Kimberly Rex

Kimberly Rex, MS is an Advanced Resonance Repatterning® practitioner, Person-Centered Expressive Therapist, and Wellness and Well-being Life Coach. She works with people all over the world via Skype, phone, and proxy.

Find out how Resonance Repatterning benefits your life. Set up a personal session or sign up for a free monthly newsletter with articles, natural healing modalities, and exclusive group sessions here.

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How Resonance Repatterning Gets to the Heart of What You Need

Resonance Repatterning® gets to the heart of what you need to experience positive change in your life by working with the information within your body-mind system. Because your Nervous System is connected to every muscle, tissue, gland, and organ in your body, the resonance muscle-check is a way to access both conscious and unconscious material within your life.

The Resonance Muscle-Checking process can be done in-person, by Skye, phone or proxy .

Through the process, it is possible to record where your current life energy is dedicated through your resonance with the frequency of limiting beliefs, thoughts, attitudes or focus based on your experiences, family patterns, and responses to stress in your system. This is done by identifying the area, specific time and location of levels.

Identifying Area

In a session, the resonance muscle-check reveals three levels: general, specific and umbilical for where specific life energy is stored. A general muscle-check refers to accessing your body-mind system globally. A specific muscle-check refers to accessing a particular place in your body-mind field such as an organ, system (ie. Meridian or Chakra, respiratory, digestive, etc., gland, vertebrae, senses, eyes, neurotransmitter, or a specific place in your energy field).

Establishing Time

When working with a specific check, it is important to check for the root or heart of the information for when it originated. By doing so, your system has the opportunity to address the issue from the source where the energy was constricted or interrupted. The disruption in your life energy has had an impact on how you think and respond to life. Through muscle-checking it is possible to identify pre-natal information, birth process, post-natal, or any time within your life where the information related to the work you have brought to the session is related. Family Systems is part of the work in Resonance Repatterning, and, in these specific repatternings, the process identifies specific generational origins of patterns that impact your life based on the muscle-checking process with genogram charts (Example: 4 generations back on Father’s side related to a sibling. You do not need to know the name of an ancestor, however, the relationship to patterns in your life is stored in the DNA that came through them. When this information is included in the session, it works with the root of the material needed for transforming your life in the present.

Locating Specific Level

When working with a specific muscle-check, disrupted energy is addressed at the following levels.

1. Physical Level: In Chinese Medicine, Jing and Chi are the most important aspects of your health. Primary jing is inherited from your parents, while acquired jing is acquired from the energy derived from nutrition, exercise, sleep, and healthy habits. Jing is experienced through its function and effect. It can be observed through the physical health of your muscles, hair, brain function, fertility, skin, eyes, function of your organs and system, strength, resistance, vitality, and energy levels.

Jing is concentrated energy, and chi is dispersed energy through air, breath and vital energy throughout your body-mind system.

2. Mental Level: Thought patterns create neurotransmitter responses. Reinforcing limiting beliefs and carrying negative attitudes about life embed pathways in your brain-heart-gut pathways that reinforce your perception of how life is playing out in front of you. The neurotransmitters created between what you think, what you feel, and how you respond are communicated throughout your body. Your Brain allows you to observe, problem-solve, make decisions, memory input, association, and meaning to your experience; respond to stress with the fight, flight, freeze or rest.

3. Emotional Level: Each of your organs is associated with emotion. The kidney, home of Jing essence is negatively impacted by your resonance with excessive fear. Your liver is impacted by anger. Your heart is impacted by hate or overexcitement. Your stomach is impacted by worry. Your lungs are impacted by grief. Your large intestines by congested emotion of feeling stuck, and so on.

This is the OFF position for the muscle-checking process. When you are OFF for a statement, you are either not dedicating life energy to that belief, thought, or issue, or not resonating with it.

4. Spirit Level: In Chinese Medicine, the word, Shen, refers to the core essence of your being. Shen is the manifestation of your life and is related to your emotional and mental activity. In sessions, this shows up as working with what motivates you in your life influencing the direction and actions you take. This relates to your life purpose and sense of interaction with your inner world, relationships, and the outer world. So whether you are inspired to work with animals, advocate for the environment, write a book or wish to live mindfully, this is directly related to this level.

Umbilical muscle-checking gives a read-out on core life energy. When checking at his level, it taps into where there is no information or toleration. This can often be due to generational patterns, prenatal or family patterns, or in response to trauma, shock or abuse that created difficulty in embodying the information for healing. When working with generational or family patterns, it is often material that belongs to a parent that was internalized by the client. In order to bring this information into coherent and loving conscious awareness, it is vital to build core life energy to work with the process of creating discernment and support for updating your body-mind system.

This is your personal invitation to allow the information stored within your body-mind system to create new possibilities in your life. You are wired for success and wellness. Your system reports to you wherever you feel pain whether that be on the emotional or physical level. Resonance Repatterning sessions get to the heart of what you need to build and restore your vital life energy so you can dedicate more life energy to your positive intentions for your life.

Schedule a personal Resonance Repatterning® session to experience a tangible and sustainable change in your life by phone, Skype, or proxy with Kimberly Rex, MS here:

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Plant Your Personal Seeds of Joy for the Year


As the Chinese New Year begins, it’s important to plant the seeds of joy within your perspective to build integrity in your wellness and well-being for the year. According to Chinese medicine, this time of year is about creating the blueprint for the rest of the seasonal year. By doing so, you align more with nature within allowing you to re-source the seeds within your own experience of life to take on this journey.

You carry in your soul every ingredient necessary to turn your experience to joy. All you have to do is mix the ingredients. ~Hafiz

The Chinese Five Element Wheel creates support for each of its other parts. This cycle is called the Shen Cycle. This means that when you create coherence in one element, you then nourish the coherent capacity of the next element and season. By mixing them together you create energy for the process that will create greater integrity in your wellness and well-being.

The following article contains a number of ways to seed your spring garden of life by syncing with natural cycles. Bookmark this article or revisit it through the year as a blueprint or planting guide to create greater integrity in your wellness and well-being in your life.

Starting with Wood Element or Spring: The Chinese New Year literally speaks to the beginning process of spring. Planting seeds of nurture, love, and joy is a beautiful way to create a harvest of benefits for your physical, emotional, mental, and spirit levels aspects of your throughout the year If you look at what is happening in nature as spring begins you will see the gentle new growth and beginning foundation for creating a sustainable new life that builds sustainable harvest over time.

Plant Seeds of Joy on the Physical Level

When you look at a garden at the beginning of spring, you will see the beginnings of buds and bulb sprouts that are responding to the increasing light and warmth of the Earth itself in its relationship with the sun. New growth is often light green as it starts its movement toward more vivid colors. It is this optimism and sense of what will come that creates the first steps in the process.

  • Get into the Sun: In the same way, you, too, can take benefit from getting more light during the day. Make daily time to be in nature, or out in the sunlight.
  • Movement Forms such as Pilates, Qi Gong, and Tai Chi are wonderful to build your strength and flexibility. You experience a sense of joy and resilience by turning on inspiring or energizing music to dance to benefit your body’s need to relax, restore energy and release stress.
  • Katsugen: Tune into your body when you feel tense or stressed. Allow your body to move in whatever way it needs. You may find that your breathing changes or a sound come that allows you to release any place in your body that feels support or need for release.
  • Savor What You Eat: Be sure to nourish yourself with whole foods and colorful vegetables to build your energy. Put down distractions such as cell phones, computer tasks, or other multi-task activities while you eat so your body can devote itself to digestion, discernment, and circulation of energy. For more: The Nurture of Color for Your Wellness and Well-Being

Plant Seeds of Joy on the Emotional Level

  • Create an Anchor Image: To build your capacity to take in nourishment through the year, call upon times in your life when you have experienced joy or love, and bring them into your memory. Tune into these experiences when you need to recharge with a smile on your face and in your heart.
  • Remember to Breathe :Remember to Breathe on the Emotional Rollercoaster
  • Create Joy with Activities You Know You Love: Build your emotional bank account by doing things that energize you whether it be reading, watching the sunset, or playing with your pet. baking, artwork, dancing, playing music, or writing. By doing so you nourish your inner blueprint that builds the creative potential for new possibilities and perspectives from the inside out.
  • Build Oxytocin, the bonding hormone that creates neurotransmitters that allow for long-term bonding, with hugs, positive touch, and a sense of presence with safety and trust. Whether you have a partner or not, you can still spend time with others, dance, slow down in your activities for conversation to listen, prepare a meal together, get a massage, or make soft eye contact and smile to activate this positive neurotransmitter effect within.

Plant Seeds of Joy on the Mental Level

  • Take inventory of your Self Talk and statements or beliefs you find yourself repeating. Tune into the amount of time you spend on worry, anger, resentment, and thoughts that spiral you into de-energizing habits. It is important to take the message from these beliefs and thoughts to process, to work with them, and if need be, find the underlying seed or need to be expressed. The following articles will give you some ways to start this process of looking within from a place of beginning to resolve and grow with new possibilities: 3 Ways to Create Positive Self-Talk
  • Look at your ANT’s (Automatic Negative Thoughts): How to Create Freedom from Negative Thoughts
  • Create a Menu of Stress-reducing Activities to Pace Yourself that you can use instead of current compensation reactive responses. It’s About Pacing Yourself over Time

Plant Seeds of Joy on the Spirit Level

  • Meditate: Meditation is a process that allows you to both cleanse and renew. Creating a menu of self-care related to this quiet time can be both creative and productive based on your schedule and personal needs. Know that when you meditate, you are tuning in to the deep web of your being. Beginning to form questions of wonder about your process with wonder about emotions, thoughts, and beliefs that come up will allow you to re-energize while restoring your inner garden. Your meditation or self-care practice can be as simple as a walk in nature, drawing, dancing, journaling, or breathing practice. Now is the time to start making it a routine.
  • Get in touch with How Far You Have Come: When you feel as though you are going through a rough patch, get in touch with a challenge in your life that you handled over time, and felt as though you were able to get through with an inner strength or quality that made it possible. Call upon this inner positive quality and reservoir of strength you have in the present.
  • Experience gratitude: Expressing gratitude is beneficial to your heart and mind. When you begin to focus on the “little” things that bring you a sense of nurture and joy, your way of looking at the world will change. This allows you to feel energized more than depleted, and by doing so, even with an appreciation for a smile, you are building the inner resources for connection, inspiration, and well-being that builds momentum for experiencing positive change. Look at Your Life through the Lens of Gratitude
  • Deepen your Practice of Forgiveness: In the Buddhist Forgiveness in 3 Directions Meditation, the quality you bring to each direction: for self, toward others, and others toward self is a process that is founded on a sense of mercy and compassion. This process is done in small steps, gently nourished by the compassion and warmth you bring to it over time. By doing so, you create openings and space for new possibilities in your own life.

Get in Touch with Your Why: Your life experience, talents as well as what you ENJOY give you insight and inspiration to continue in your spiritual journey with a life purpose. Whether your life vision or purpose is volunteering, being an activist, parent, or a special field of work, finding your inner passion, connect to this message to continue growing in beautiful ways while energizing yourself in the process.

This is your personal invitation to explore how Resonance Repatterning® benefits your life to create greater integrity in your wellness and well-being. At this time of year, it is a wonderful time to plan for new possibilities and strengthen your physical vision, as well as your vision for life. Resonance Repatterning works at the cellular level to create positive change.  Experience a session by phone, Skype, or in-person with Windows to the Heart Repatterning. 

Set up a session time here: Contact Page

Sign up for monthly newsletter here: Newsletter and Exclusive Re-pattern Your Life Events with FREE eBooks: Resources for Entering the New Year and Eight Natural Modalities for Navigating Stressful Times.  

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