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Energize Your Health, Energize Your Relationships

You are an electromagnetic being. When you energize your health, you energize your relationships. Your life energy is established through the relationship between the electrical charges that surround muscles, bones, organs, and tissues. Your heart is regulated by an electrical nerve bundle. Your brain emits electrical brain waves. The cells and atoms of your body rely on the capacity to adapt and thrive based on electric charge. In fact, the quality of health you are experiencing today is directly related to communication quality between the energy circuits of your body-mind system.

Your body-mind field is always interacting with the field around it. That means that your wellness and sense of well-being are related. Relationships, whether they are business-related, family, friendship, or intimate work in the same way. They are energy circuits. Energize them with coherent communication, limits, and motivation to return to greater coherence and optimal life energy, and they thrive!

If there is a disruption or blockage in your health or relationship through miscommunication, unresolved conflict, or lack of appreciation, your experience of love or well-being changes. Either way, a disruption or blockage of energy equals pain.

Energize Your Health with Love

Love is the motivating force that energizes life and influences the power of relationships. The light, sound, and expression of life energy thrive with care for your inner needs and feelings. In every relationship, there is an opportunity to expand awareness through a reflection of light and love, and the courage to open your heart. Resolving inner conflict within your physical, emotional, mental, and spirit body results in the potential for greater expression and capacity for love.

When there are unresolved issues from past experiences, that energy gets fed into the energy circuit of your relationships whether it is conscious or unconscious. This shows up in toxicity or dissonance as frustration, conflict, pain, suffering, or lack of fulfillment. In the same way, health issues are a product of what is circulated through your body-mind system through nutrition, habits, and self-care over time.

Energize Your Health in Your Relationships

The quality of life you experience at any moment is dependent on many factors. When you resonate with gratitude, appreciation, forgiveness, and love, you have a greater capacity for connection to others and for that connection to energize you. In a relationship, the expression of these same messages to another energizes your relationship to grow and flourish. When difficulties arise, as they do in life, drawing on the energy of joyful and loving experiences shared helps you to weather challenging situations.

Your health also depends on your ability to set limits. The purpose of your immune system is to discern what is self and what is other. Too much resistance however can show up as the inability of cellular systems to communicate with one another in your body. When there is an inability to discern self from others, the response can play out in a number of issues that show up on the emotional, mental, and physical levels. In relationships, this can show up as blame, feeling like a victim, or being out of control with your responses. The truth is that at any moment you can become more energized by taking responsibility for what you are contributing to the energy exchange happening within, and accepting where there is a need to make a change in behavior, thinking, or actions. Taking responsibility includes setting limits in situations that are hurting you personally. If you are stuck in a repeating pattern, it might be wise to seek support in looking at unconscious roots that still carry a highly-charged emotion or memory imprint. 

Energize Your Health by Setting Limits

How you handle stress is directly related to how your body responds. Resonating with the ability to move through a challenging situation in a self-empowered way actually empowers your immune system. This can only be done when you are in touch with your own needs and feelings and are able to express these needs and feelings in a way that nurtures your energy circuit. This means communication is clear, tells the truth, and expresses care for the energy circuit of your relationship.

Finding ways to energize your own energy circuit include taking care of your body with good nutrition, grounding your energy with a connection to nature, meditation, allowing yourself to identify and process feelings, listening to calming music, exercising regularly, getting in touch with your breath and making space for yourself with downtime and hobbies you enjoy are just a few ways to stay connected to your own energy circuit. This also empowers you to create harmonizing energy for all your relationships.

Kimberly Rex

Kimberly Rex, MS is an Advanced Resonance Repatterning® practitioner, Person-Centered Expressive Therapist, and Wellness and Well-being Life Coach. She works with people all over the world via Skype, phone, and proxy. Set up your personal session here.

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Harmonizing Your Spirit and Mind Connection

 Harmonizing Your Spirit-Mind Connection creates greater well-being in your life through communication between your spirit and mind.

In India, it is said that the spirit is a drop in the ocean of primal sound and light energy of divine love. When spirit enters the mind, it enables thinking. When spirit enters emotion, it creates feelings. As spirit enters the physical body, you are then able to experience the material world around you.

Your daily life is an interplay between spirit and mind. Your experience through the lens of thoughts, feelings, and physical responses that are translated through the relationship between spirit and mind within your own being. This relationship is essential to your sense of wellness and well-being.

The ancient Chinese describe this relationship with the Yin and Yang principles. We live in a world of duality. Yin is the feminine aspect, associated with spirit, or inward-directed energy, while Yang is masculine, associated with mind, or outward-directed energy. The other aspects of both Yin and Yang interact in ways that either create greater harmony or balance or signal the need for healing.

“You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop.” ~Rumi  (photo by Kimberly Rex)

The place of healing emerges with the creative principle of unconditional love. Today, we know that New Physics gives name to this as the field of infinite possibilities. It is the source of everything that is beyond time and duality.

Because Resonance Repatterning® works on the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual levels, and any time frame in their lives, including pre-natal, oftentimes there is a registered sense of feeling of separation from spirit or the entire ocean of divine love in the birth canal. When you resonate with separation from Source, it is difficult to find balance in the physical world, especially amid seeming chaos and disorder.

In many personal and group sessions, the issue of feeling disconnected from Source or inner home within Self is present. The importance of being able to feel at home in your body relates directly to feeling connected to nurture, direction, and life purpose. In turn, this leads to greater resonance with nurture in relationships with others and the world.

Grounding in your body-mind system requires the intelligence that comes from this universal ocean of consciousness as well as what you have been learning in your life. Through dropping into this realization, and spending time with the expansion of your experience through engaging the still place, you are able to deepen your ability to harmonize seeming opposites. In doing so, you are able to create harmony and balance between Yin and Yang, feminine and masculine, inner and outward directed energy, love and intolerance through blame or self-criticism, and allows you to move beyond the battle between them.


The same intelligence that grows trees from seeds, that lets birds fly, that waves the ocean
and gives birth to new stars – that same Intelligence also breathes your breath, beats your heart,
 and heals your wounds. ~Annie Kagan, The Afterlife of Billy Fingers                 

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Kimberly Rex, MSKimberly Rex, MS is a Certified Resonance Repatterning practitioner, Person-Centered Expressive Therapy Practitioner,  and Master Wellness and Well-bein personal Life Coach. 

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Growth and Transformation on the Path of Intention

I accept that whatever is not aligned with my intentions emerges for my own growth and transformation.”

This is one of the most provocative statements in Resonance Repatterning in my opinion.

So what does this actually mean?

The intention in this system is something you want, however, you do not have it. This can include the flow of energy, ease of communication with others, health goals, business goals, or life purpose. No matter what area of your life you seek to experience positive change, resonating with growth, and transformation on the path of intention contributes to your overall wellness and well-being.

every path: photo by Kimberly Rex, MS from

Different from saying affirmations several times a day, and making your intention a demand on the Universe to give you what you want, this actually means that the journey you take from where you are in the present moment to create a new perspective, skill set, and opportunity is a process. In this process, there is the opportunity to experience your life in a new way while on the path towards your positive intention.

Here are 5 ways to create greater harmony and balance in the process:

  1. Move Inward: Meditation is beneficial to conserving and rejuvenating your vital essence, spirit, and life energy. It also creates space for you to access your connection to Source. By closing your eyes in meditation, you bring your awareness inward and support your spirit while expanding and connecting to your inner light. It is through this inner light that you are able to discern and create new possibilities in the world where you live on a daily basis.


\When you sit in silence or move into quietness you are better able to listen to the rhythm of the universe within your own being. Making space to listen to your inner self and any wisdom that comes from this practice will allow you to recover life energy from constantly listening to the buzz of a busy life or listening to the frequencies of technology and the bombardment of the information that drains your energy.

By moving into stillness without speaking, you are able to create greater harmony and balance in your breathing. While talking, you breathe out more than breathing in. It is important to experience full and relaxed breathing to recharge and energize your life for your positive intentions no matter where you are or what you are facing. At the same time, the messages you receive in the process are timely invitations to take the next steps with your life.

 Acknowledge the underlying need in your intention:    I once heard a presenter speak to asking the Universe for something specific. For example, “ Universe, I need a coat because the winter is going to be really cold.” You wait for the coat to show up, yet, you do not get the exact coat you want or in the time you would like. Meanwhile, walking down the road, you find a blanket. The lesson is that the underlying need for warmth and health might be right there in front of you all the while.

Will you pick up the blanket and wrap it around you and express gratitude? Or, will you pass the “coat” by feeling disappointed and annoyed staying in the frequency pattern of lack and frustration?  If you resonate with being warm or receiving support and understanding, you will notice increasing clarity on your journey with what matches and does not match this need in ways that you might not even begin to imagine to create greater inner freedom and well-being.

3, Take the Lesson and Use It: Even if you’ve experienced challenging experiences in your life, these times and situations can offer higher lessons for your life today. Learning from times in your life when you might not have had as much awareness or ability to respond to something due to your age or development allows you to reconsider, revision and repurpose the experience in the present. Use your feelings to inform your awareness. Your frustration, fear,   and annoyance can be signals to love your self more. While doing so you are realigning your values to your current life needs. It’s a spiritual journey based on your core essence energy aligning with that which will create an inner dialogue that deepens your ability to connect to the wisdom and messages from your own life allowing you to move beyond where you have been stuck or felt blocked. Many times resources, people, and messages show to offer you an insight into your life that you would not have realized without them. These meetings give you an opportunity to experience new aspects of yourself while expanding your ability to ground and nourish your new way of being.  

Synchronistic meetings are like mirrors that reflect something of ourselves. If we want to grow spiritually, all we have to do is take a good look. Synchronicity holds the promise that if we want to change inside, the patterns of our external life will change as well.” ~Jean Shinoda Bolen                                                                                                                                       4. 4. Let it Go and Let it Be: Sometimes in the journey of creating your positive intention, there is also the need to acknowledge what you need to let go or let be in your process. Perhaps there is an internal conflict, belief, or emotional state connected to how a new way of being will affect your relationships with others. Maybe a new way of being is such unfamiliar territory that you need support and resources that you do not yet have access to in the moment.

Letting go of what no longer serves a purpose, of a situation or relationship that has kept you from a greater expression of your True Self is simply a chapter of a book in your life completing, not ending. You learn from each part of your life and experience through life like a spiral of learning that continues to build on earlier experiences. As you let go of negative imprints from your past, you will find that you face choices that question your commitment to your journey. And, there is also the possibility of the need to allow some emotions, situations, and conditions to just be so they can be lovingly acknowledged, to be embodied and transformed to create positive change.

5. Make the Commitment and Ask for Help: Resources for your journey might include working with someone who has expertise in an area that you are moving towards experiencing or achieving. Whether it is business, health, emotions, or spiritual well-being, there are possibilities for a new awareness that will build the bridge to greater understanding. Asking for help allows you to build that bridge more easily between where you are now and your new possibility with greater commitment, support, and perseverance.

Accepting what you are unable to change in the moment and allowing guidance to come from asking for help spiritually or emotionally can also create greater acceptance of the divine plan in your life so you can live your life and spirit purpose with more serenity, ease, and sense of fulfillment in your journey.

Kimberly Rex, MS is a certified Resonance Repatterning, Person-Centered Expressive Therapist, Wellness and Well-being Life Coach who works with people by phone, Skype, and proxy in this time of COVID.

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