Posted by Kimberly Rex
Reaching Depths for New Possibilities
Reaching depths for new possibilities is a process. One of the definitions of depth is the quality of being profound (as in insight) or full (as of knowledge). Resonance Repatterning® provides a way to work with the body-mind-spirit system to reach insight that brings greater knowledge about how to create greater coherence in your life. By doing so, you have access to the depth of experience from your own life, Family Systems, and energetic information stored in every muscle, tissue, organ, and gland through the Resonance Muscle-Checking system.
The process accesses information stored in your system even at the cellular and sub-atomic or quantum levels to identify what your system needs to transform limiting beliefs, attitudes, and concepts of time to rebuild a stairway to more optimal integrity in your wellness and well-being.
“Look within; within is the fountain of all good. Such a fountain, where springing waters can never fail, so thou dig deeper and deeper.”~Marcus Aurelius
The Depth of the Trauma Body’s Information for Transformation
When you experience trauma whether it be physical, emotional, mental, or injury to your core essence of who you are, your body stores this information in the form of energy. When this energy is not mobilized for release in a healthy way, it is stored as a stress response that keeps you stuck in a frozen state. This state activates defense mechanisms designed for your survival.
When your body-mind-spirit system operates from the survival level, your capacity to experience safety and trust is contaminated with the unresolved need to protect through fight, flight, or immobilization.
Imagine the impact on the way you face life from these survival strategies. It affects what you believe, what you think, and how you react or do not take action in your own life. In fact, the parts of yourself doing this work will protect you from experiencing anything that threatens your survival state.
This means that your system living in chronic stress will not be able to see or experience new opportunities outside of this framework. This can translate into feeling like you have little agency and that the world around you has more authority over you than you have over your own life.
We all experience stress and stressful situations. Chronic stress and negative emotions can point to a deeper state of distress stored in the Autonomic Nervous system. The stairway from the Trauma Body’s habitual response to what it sees, feels, hears, and experiences into a place that feels safe, secure, and trustworthy is accessed only by diving deep into the tissue of the material the parts of you that have been traumatized and held in place, and then given voice and agency with support and nurture.
The beauty of Resonance Repatterning sessions is that every step is guided by what your system needs most for this purpose. Coherent updates are part of every part of the work. This allows your system to become more greatly acquainted with new possibilities and opportunities at a pace that creates greater harmony and balance throughout your system.
The Depth of Blockages to Create Greater Life Energy Flow
You are designed for self-healing. In fact, a session creates greater life energy for positive change by identifying blockages and interruptions of your optimal life energy flow on the physical, emotional, mental, and spirit levels.
The depth of information is accessed and updated through the muscle-checking process through specific natural healing disciplines that work with the channels, meridians, and energy flows of the body. These modalities work with all of your senses including breath, light, color, sound, movement, acupressure, fragrance, energetic contact, consciousness science, frequencies, Family Systems, and holistic science.
Each modality works holographically in that treating one part of your system creates positive change in every part of your life. For example, if you are experiencing a limiting belief or emotion about yourself, and the modality that checks in is an acupressure point, the information from a particular point that treats “fear” might be accessed in a different part of the Chinese Medicine Wheel that works with creating greater nurture or support or balance from the energy of your heart to create greater sense of discernment or connection to joy and unconditional love. Treating the root of the fear, the core need is accessed and treated.
“The outer work can never be small if the inner work is great. And the outer work can never be great if the inner work is small.” ~ Meister Eckhart
This ability to acknowledge the connection between different aspects of core needs often arises in Earlier Experiences or in generational material. Again, through muscle-checking, the root of the pain that keeps you stuck in survival mode can be reached at a time, level, and place within your system through the information stored within the map of your body.
This capacity to reach deeply into the energetics of connection between you and your life’s experience and your family’s systemic influence on the life you are living or not living today is your access through your DNA. Although about 80% of the material is unconscious, it is still available through your Autonomic Nervous System in this process.
This is your personal invitation to check in with yourself to take inventory of what might seem out of reach in regards to what you are not truly living in the way of your values in your communication, your life path, and your positive intentions for your wellness and well-being. If you find yourself feeling like you have lost your compass in the world, it might be time to work with the blockages that interrupted your ability to feel more at ease with yourself and what you are creating with your vital life energy. Has stress muddied the lens through which you see the good within yourself to create optimal life energy or direction you would like to choose? If so, it is time to dive deep into the depths to for new possibilities.
Kimberly Rex, MS is an Advanced Resonance Repatterning® practitioner, Person-Centered Expressive Therapist, and Wellness and Well-being Life Coach. She works with people all over the world via Skype, phone, and proxy. Set up your personal session here.
Find out more about how Resonance Repatterning benefits your life. Sign up for a free monthly newsletter with articles, natural healing modalities, and exclusive group sessions here.
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Finding Gratitude and Appreciation in Your Life
Finding gratitude and appreciation in your life can change how you feel and respond to what is happening in front of you. It can change your perceptions, and your physical responses and impact your thoughts. This can change your sense of boredom, apathy, or displeasure with life.
You can change how you see yourself and the world around you by choosing to find reasons to appreciate your life, who you are, and what you have right now. Even if you have felt isolated these past few years, find yourself trying to find calm in all of the changes taking place, or wish you were someplace else, there is the potential for choosing to find what is life-energizing. This has a positive effect on your health, relationships, and outlook on life. It can happen with simple gratitude and appreciation.
By creating a Gratitude and Appreciation Practice for yourself you can build a presence that feeds your body-mind-spirit system daily. This can contribute to your satisfaction with life. Physically, you might express appreciation and gratitude by acknowledging the wonder of your body and how it carries you from moment to moment, day by day. By doing so you reduce stress and calm internal conflicts. Your relationships can also improve through gratitude and appreciation to become more constructive with actions and interactions.
Finding Gratitude and Appreciation Right in Front of You
It is easy to get so lost in daily routine and automatic responses to life that you take for granted or become blind to all the nurture and support that is right in front of you. To make the shift, you first notice and allow your senses to take in your surroundings. Start by getting in touch with your breath. Then allow your eyes to scan and rest on the contents of the space you are in, your home, the sky, plants, flowers, and trees outside. Rest your awareness on the significance of each particular place you rest your eyes or what you notice. This can be a vase of flowers, a bud on a tree, or the sound or color of a bird.
You don’t have to look or travel far to give to find beauty or something that brings you pleasure. You live in your body 24/7 and on the Earth 24/7. Take it in what is right in front of you with appreciation. By doing so you create positive benefits for your wellness and well-being.
“Upon awakening, let the words “Thank You” flow from your lips, for this will remind you to begin your day with gratitude and compassion.”~Wayne Dyer
Start where you are, literally. Appreciate your body and what you wear on your body each day. This includes the vibrancy of colors, the patterns, and the texture of the cloth, warmth, fun, comfort, and joy you have experienced from your choices. What meaning and energy do these colors and feelings are you experiencing when you wear these clothes?
As the weather is changing and there is more opportunity to get out into nature or to safely attend gatherings to connect, I have opened my closet to what seems like a brand new wardrobe! Putting on earrings, and wearing a scarf or sweater I haven’t worn in a few years, is an absolute joy! And, I experience appreciation for these new opportunities.
Since the pandemic, I have limited the amount of clothing I cycle through weekly. I have also donated clothing with the thought in mind that someone else can also appreciate the items that no longer fit or have a place in my clothing choices. And, this makes me smile with the thought that paying it forward can multiply appreciation.
How about applying appreciation to the foods that come from the Earth to nourish your body? These foods come to your table from a wide diversity of places. Appreciate the soil, seeding, farmers and workers, and the growth process each of the foods you eat has taken, and how this, in turn, energizes your body. Appreciate the color, texture, and flavor of your food.
Acknowledge how food has created a story and connection with your family and friends. Perhaps there are favorite dishes, a particular holiday, or a ritual that has made your food story a special memory or has an emotional positive meaning for you. Bring this appreciation practice into your selection of foods and preparation as well.
Cook with love and with the intention of nourishment and well-being. Become aware and discerning of what foods are energizing to you and bring them into your kitchen to combine in creative ways for health and well-being. As you do so, you can also consciously become aware of foods that are not energizing to your body-mind system. And, express internal conscious choice to create even greater potential for your life energy, your moods, and well-being to appreciate.
Finding Joy and Appreciation for the Small Things in Life
It is often the small things that change your perceptions. A smile from someone, the laughter of children, a word of encouragement, a favorite song, someone holding the door open, a beautiful sunset, or appreciation for truly being seen and heard can mean the most.
Allow appreciation to take in the people in your life who have been there at a special time, made you laugh, consoled, or listened when you needed it most and who you learned from as you shared time with them. Appreciate the ups and downs of your own life as they have created who you are today. Notice and appreciate what is happening and speaking in your body-mind-spirit system today.
It might sound like a small thing, however, throughout the pandemic, my mother and I, both isolated, have had a daily appreciation and gratitude exchange close to sunset. She has a view of the bay in the West while I live in a circle of cedar trees. She sees the sky light up as it moves into twilight each day. Each evening by phone, she describes the colors of the sky and the shapes of the clouds to me. By doing so, we each experience the expansive qualities of the beauty unfolding through our senses and imagination.
“Let the gratefulness overflow into blessing all around you. Then it will really be a good day.” ~David Steindl-Rast
Finding Gratitude and Appreciation for Others
By making appreciation a practice, include words, prayer, affirmation, journaling, drawings, movement, making music, toning, or spending time in places locally that you love or might not yet know. Your gratitude and appreciation meditation might become a walk or even a wake-up or calm-down around your sleep routine. No matter what you choose, this practice can easily become your daily experience as you recognize the value of life and its gifts each day.
In the same way, be sure to use appreciation with others. Everyone needs to feel they are appreciated and have a purpose. This can be done when you express gratitude for something or to someone in your life by including the reasons you appreciate an action or presence. This contributes to the health of your relationships and also supports creating greater motivation and life energy whether in personal or business relationships.
Research shows that gratitude and appreciation stimulate oxytocin, dopamine, and serotonin neurotransmitters and hormones to build pathways within your body-mind system to create a sense of calm, satisfaction, safety, love, joy, trust, and bonding. This happens for both the giver and the person who receives it.
I am reminded of a recent experience running around doing errands while in the parking lot of Trader Joe’s in my town. As I pulled into the parking lot, I could hear the sound of singing and Native Drum. There was a Native American man with a sign next to him asking for support for his situation as his house flooded in the recent storms in this area. Instantly, I was taken into the space I have experienced in sweat lodge rituals, and when parked, I sat for a few moments with my eyes closed just to listen. I was brought back into my center and relaxed. I remembered the connection to the Earth and to each person in the lodge and with all my relations. And, although I only had a few dollars cash on me, I walked over to him and said, “I’m sorry, this is all I have.” He took my hand between his two hands and smiled deeply. The gratitude exchange between us was enormous and made something seemingly small more than enough.
With practice and over time you can see how small steps in the direction towards creating an internal and external environment for gratitude and appreciation to thrive that you will begin to experience greater integrity in your wellness and well-being.
Making a daily appointment and commitment to create new neurotransmitters that communicate life-energizing vitality to your body-mind-spirit system can also expose or illuminate negative patterns and beliefs. By consciously choosing new ways of seeing and experiencing life, you actually gain more confidence and motivation for the process as your internal barometer begins to change. So the takeaway message is to start the process and keep coming back to find gratitude and appreciation with conscious choice.
Kimberly Rex, MS is an Advanced Resonance Repatterning® practitioner, Person-Centered Expressive Therapist, and Wellness and Well-being Life Coach. She works with people all over the world by Skype, phone, and proxy.
Find out how Resonance Repatterning benefits your life. Set up a personal session or sign up for a free monthly newsletter with articles, natural healing modalities, and exclusive group sessions here.
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Love Is All You Need for Everything
Love helps orient you to what is life-energizing and healing. This is true for the cells of your body, between family members, partners, as well as communication between nations. Life is an interconnecting web of connections based on needs. It is important to acknowledge that we each have needs for connection and harmony in our lives. The process of identifying and healing these needs starts at the personal level. Love is all you need for everything.
Your ability to love is equal to your ability to tell the truth about your feelings and needs. Love and bonding also depend on how coherent your life needs were met at the start of life. Ray Castellino and Dr. William Emerson suggest that everything that happens to you prenatally, during your birth process, and in your first years contribute to how you respond to life’s challenges. It is the blueprint for your relationships. Being seen and heard for who you are, and allowed to explore and return to the safety of your caretaker’s impacts how you perceive life and relationship. If life needs are not met in a coherent way early on, your ability to resonate with understanding, appreciation, forgiveness, and love for self and others diminishes. You can only see and experience the wholeness of another to the degree you can see and feel the wholeness of yourself. Healing internal conflicts brings peace to your body-mind system, expands your capacity for loving relationships and contributes to creating empathy for humanity and the planet.
“Everything we do is in service of our needs. When this one concept is applied to our view of others, we’ll see that we have no real enemies, that what others do to us is the best possible thing they know to do to get their needs met.” -Marshall Rosenberg
When there is a coherent flow of energy between people in a relationship, there is motivation, capacity to build on differences, expression of loving and healthy boundaries, and a drive to return to union or stability. How you observed your parents moving through conflict creates an imprint of what conflict means to you, and how and if the conflict can be resolved. Your conflict style may, in fact, be a response or reaction to what you observed in your early experience of life.
When there is non-coherent energy flow in a relationship with unresolved conflict, this can lead to a feeling of inadequacy, of blaming another for your feelings and pain, or a diminished ability to accept the other for who and where they are. Arguments, negative habits, and behaviors deplete each person and the relationship. These are clues that unmet life needs are speaking. This can result in anger, depression, guilt or shame. These feelings are messengers that help you listen to what is needing your attention in your life.
A loving relationship is not about being free of stress or resistance. It is about growing wings to reach a greater compassionate understanding of self and others. Places, where personal life needs have not been resolved, are opportunities for expanded awareness and healing. This means looking at non-coherent patterns, resistant issues, and the type of relationship issues you attract. Resolving them internally creates new patterns and possibilities for greater harmony.
Love is the universal energy of life. Empathy is an expression of love. When you can connect and truly listen to another there is a greater capacity for contentment, peace of mind, and understanding. It empowers you and others to reach for the best possible inside. When you appreciate what you have learned, it helps you integrate new awareness and solutions into your life so you can apply and grow from the experience. Empathy leads to greater relaxation, pleasure, and bonding, and helps to support meeting challenges in your life with greater enthusiasm, success, and joy. When we recognize that every human being has the same basic life needs, we have greater respect for our common humanity.
The first step is awareness. As a practice, start by listening more deeply to your inner needs. Write down the BASIC LIFE NEEDS List on a piece of paper. Check-in with yourself to see if any of these are not now in your life. Use the list to help connect your feelings and needs.
BASIC LIFE NEEDS: Bonding-Closeness-Harmony-Nurturing-Security-Trust-Sleep-Protection-Boundaries-Positive Touch- Appreciation-Respect-Being Understood-Space-Light-Play-Laughter *
Carry this list with you as you go through the day. These are messengers for you that will make a difference in the quality of your wellness and sense of well-being. When you are feeling some form of stress or come to a standstill in a conflict that’s producing feelings of anger, shame, guilt, or fear, look at your list. Is there something on the list that stands out for you? What need is speaking most?
Example: You are feeling overwhelmed by deadlines, too many tasks and not enough downtime. You feel angry because it feels as if there is no end to the amount you have to do, and the list continues to get bigger. You are blaming your boss, partner, family. You check your list. Are needing SPACE, SLEEP or RESPECT? Is there something you need to express? Do you need to set loving boundaries? Is there a new awareness about a need that you haven’t seen before? For instance, are you multi-tasking to get appreciation, yet it is not showing up? Are you multi-tasking creating an avoidance or keeping you from the resolution of inner conflict? How does this awareness make you feel? What actions are you drawn to take?
Sign up for newsletter for monthly modalities throughout the year with Kimberly Rex, MS, information about teleconferences, and e-books to empower your life to experience greater love, ease, joy, wellness, and well-being here.
Thank you for honoring the Copyright material of this article. Kimberly Rex. All Rights Reserved.
RESOURCES for further research:*Basic Life Needs List from Quantum Change Made Easy by Chloe Wordsworth and the Gottman Institute:
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Natural Ways to Relax and Get Better Sleep
In this article, you can explore two natural ways to support relaxation so that you not only get a good night’s sleep but, experience greater vitality throughout the day. This article explores (2) natural modalities from 5 Natural Ways to Support Relaxation and Getting Better Sleep, an eBook by Kimberly Rex at You can receive this ebook when you sign up for our FREE monthly newsletter at the end of this article.
Insomnia can happen for a number of reasons that include
both physical and emotional factors. Learning how to enhance your
ability to relax will improve your quality of sleep, and naturally benefit
your quality of wellness and well-being.
Getting a good night’s sleep is important for your overall
wellness and well-being. Research studies have shown that while
you are sleeping, you are downloading information into your long-term
memory bank, creating neurotransmitters that enhance mood
regulation, and even improve anti-aging over the long run.
The health risks associated with high stress and lack of sleep include
increased risk of diabetes and heart problems, weight gain,
inattentiveness during waking hours, depression, as well as
affecting your ability to pay attention and focus, and your ability to take in new information.
In short, sleep deprivation takes a toll on your whole life.
Effective and natural ways to create wellness and well-being have been practiced
for thousands of years in cultures around the world. Although
sometimes forgotten, they are important tools for creating positive
change in your life.
1. Acupressure Support to Help You Sleep
Acupuncture and acupressure systems from the Orient include many points for treating insomnia. Here are four easy acupressure points at the tipof your fingers before falling asleep.
a) The Body Consciousness Hand Point is from the Jin Shin Jyutsu
system and is located at the base of the thumb pad. It is good for
sleep disorders. Simply place your pinky on the base of your thumb
pad where your wrist meets your palm lightly for a few moments.
b) The Third Eye Point is located directly between the eyebrows, in
the indentation where the bridge of the nose meets the forehead.
Simply place your index finger on this point to relax your central
nervous system and decrease anxiety.
c) The Sea of Tranquility Point is located on the center of the
breastbone three thumb widths up from the base of the bone. This
point relieves nervousness, chest congestion, and anxiety that causes
sleeplessness. Place your index finger on this point while focusing on
your breath and relaxing.
d) Combination Points: Place your right middle fingertip on the
Third Eye Point while placing the fingertips of your left hand on the
Sea of Tranquility Point. Close your eyes and breathe deeply for one
2. Aromatherapy to the Rescue to Fall Asleep
Aromatherapy has been practiced since the time of ancient Egypt and Greece. Aromatherapy was important medicine relied on for creating health and treating illness, as well as creating beautiful aromas for enjoyment.
Lavender is said to ease tension and induce relaxation. In studies
done by Britain’s University of Southampton, participants who
diffused lavender oil at night reported a sleep average of 20% better than the placebo group. Recent research done by Wesleyan University in Connecticut, USA confirmed these findings. When
lavender was combined with Roman Chamomile, this blend naturally
supported getting a better night’s sleep.
Here’s How to Use Aromatherapy
a) Use lavender as a scent to wear or use a lavender sachet on your
pillow as essential oil aromatherapy for treating insomnia.
b) Try essential oils for relaxation including sandalwood, Ylang Ylang,
Bergamot, Roman Chamomile, Mandarin, Neroli or Orange.
c) Use the plants themselves: Drink chamomile, lemon balm,
hawthorn berry, or leaf tea that you can purchase from a tea shop or health food
store. Eat an orange during the day to reduce anxiety.
d) If anxiety is keeping you awake, take an aromatherapy bath
before bed to start the relaxation process. Be sure the water is warm,
not hot. Some oils to include are Lavender in small amounts,
Chamomile, Ylang-Ylang, Sandalwood, Rose, and Clary Sage. Use a
total of 6 drops of essential oils of your choice overall per bath. Use
the same blend in a diffuser to help you go to sleep.
Would you like to receive the rest of 5 Natural Ways to Support Relaxation and Getting Better Sleep? Here is your opportunity to continue on the path with monthly natural healing modalities and repatterning events from Windows to the Heart Repatterning. Sign up for FREE monthly newsletter here to receive this ebook.
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Kimberly Rex, MS is an Advanced Resonance Repatterning® practitioner, Person-Centered Expressive Therapist, and Wellness and Well-being Life Coach. She works with people all over the world via Skype, phone, and proxy. Set up your personal session here.
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Medical Qi Gong under Healing Blue Skies
A few summers ago I traveled to Hollyhock Educational Center in Canada to a Medical Qi Gong class taught by Dr. Steven Aung, as part of continued training as a holistic practitioner working with the Chinese Medicine and Five Element System. The class worked indoors, on the beach, in the woods, and under the beautiful blue skies of British Columbia with focused breathing, movement, and healing exercises.
Qigong (Chi Kung) means cultivating energy, it is a system practiced for health maintenance, healing, and increasing vitality. Medical Qigong accesses wisdom from the body-mind system through the Meridian System and includes working with color, sound, breathing exercises, movement, nutrition, massage, acupuncture/acupressure, and exercises that benefit your body and mind.
There are 12 interdependent meridians within the system that when in balance create greater harmony in your life. It is important to know that each of these elements is associated with color, sound, organ system, emotion, harmonizing nutrition, scent, and movements.
Not only did we practice each of these aspects in specific sequences to cleanse, balance, and harmonize our body-mind system in detailed protocols, we also had the instruction to take nurture directly from nature as a practice for wellness and well-being. In the same way that the systems of your body are interdependent, you and nature are interdependent for health and well-being.
Water Element Color
Blue is related to your kidneys and bladder and treats issues related to fear, feeling like a victim, or places in your life when you feel frozen, victimized, or overwhelmed.
Metal Element Color
White is related to your lungs and large intestines and supports you in feeling more inspired in your life, as well as supports you in letting go of that which no longer serves you.
Wood Element Color
Green is related to your liver and gallbladder and treats indecision and focus. When working with this color, it also supports nourishing the places in your life where you feel you have unfinished business that keeps you from feeling more optimistic.
Fire Element Color
Red is related to the heart, small intestines, Triple Heater, and Purple with Pericardium. Fire Element is associated with the aspects of love, joy, safety, trust, discernment, and belonging.
Earth Element Color
Earth Element is related to your stomach and spleen and is related to nourishment, gratitude, and support in your life. When you worry or feel a lack of nurture in your life, this is a place to work with this color.
With this in mind, I would like to share two simple activities that create grounding and nurture within to create functional balancing for health in the process.
Look Up at the Blue Sky
Notice that if you lie down on the green grass and look up, you have the opportunity to see blue and white. If you are surrounded by trees, you see green. If the sun is out, you get the spectral colors of yellow and red through your physical eyes. Look around your environment to find the all of the colors for the organ systems for greatest benefit. Spend a little time with each color. With intention, direct energy to the organ system you are viewing each time. Do this for 15 minutes watching the clouds and sending nourishment to all of your body-mind system.
Laugh to Heal Your Body-Mind System
This summer we walked in a continuous line that involved healing the person in front of us by directing chi towards their bladder points in their lower back while laughing. The specific walking pattern creates balance in the upper and lower body, as well as the left and right side while clearing residue within your body-mind system. It was literally a chain link to a link of people healing themselves and others through the healing vibraion of laughter. Imagine what this looked and sounded like!
The sounds for each meridian are as follows:
a) Your Heart: Haaaaaa
b) Triple Heater: hEEEE (primary temperatures of your body: brain, digestion, reproductive system)
c) Small Intestine: hAWWWW ( discerns what food will be used by the body for energy)
d) Stomach: wHOOO (digestion)
The sequence sounded like this: “Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha; He, he, he, he, he; Haw, haw, haw, haw, haw; Who, who, who, who, who.”
Now it’s not necessary to get this complex. Finding ways to laugh can be as easy as telling a joke, hearing a joke, watching a funny movie, laughing with others, and in Resonance Repatterning® doing a modality with one other person to get a belly laugh. This modality builds bonding, heart connection as well as serving as great stress relief. My Aunt Marie used to say, “Laughing massages your liver.” She was right! A family practitioner at New Jersey’s School of Osteopathic Medicine, Dr. Marvin E. Herring, said, “The diaphragm, thorax, abdomen, heart, lungs and even the liver are given a massage during a hearty laugh.”
Other Benefits from Laughter
- The decrease in stress hormone levels
- Strengthening of the immune system
- Muscle relaxation
- Pain reduction
- Lowers blood pressure
- Creates Cardiovascular conditioning and better flow
- Natural anti-depressant
- Increases the release of endorphins
- Creates relaxation
Here’s How
Face another person. Start by slapping your knees and bending over slightly facing the other person. Say out loud: “Ha, Ha, Ha.” You may start slowly, and this will build the momentum of laughter. Use the other sounds above to get the full benefit of treating your body-mind system. You may need tissues at the end from laughing so hard!
Here is an opportunity to continue on the path with monthly healing modalities and repatterning events from Windows to the Heart Repatterning.
Sign up for monthly newsletter here: Newsletter and Exclusive Re-pattern Your Life Events
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