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For Every Season Fall Repatterning

For every season there are many changes. This is an invitation to align your vision for life with grounding, hope, a sense of wellbeing and love on every pathway you experience. In this journey through the season of fall you’ll create personal insight and inspiration for transforming your own life in a supportive process through this changing world.

Photo by Kimberly Rex

For Every Season Fall Repatterning Details

The For Every Season Fall Program is about to begin on September 1, 2024, and continue through the month of November.

The Fall Season will include September, October and November with the topics of creating Inspiration, Ability to Let Go of that Which No Longer Serves Your Life Journey, and Creating Harmony between Giving and Receiving in Relationships.

This process will give you the following activities for personal growth and reflection:

  • Receive poetry with weekly reflections for each month based on topics of inspiration, letting go and creating harmony in giving and receiving in relationships
  • Take part in a virtual 60-minute Group Resonance Repatterning where you can use the insight you experienced with your personal reflections to add to the Creating Harmony and Balance in Giving and Receing Repatterning.
  • Enjoy an Expressive Arts Therapy Activity to create momentum for new opportunities and possibilities in your life
  • Get all reflection and repatterning materials, recordings and directions delivered to your email address at the beginning of each month

How the For Every Season Repatterning Process Works

In September, this process starts with an inspirational poem with weekly reflections focusing on any issues related to the transition from summer to fall in your life. The month of October will focus on your aim and intentions in your life for new possibilities related to inspiration and letting go.

At the beginning of the November you will have the opportunity to use your reflections and intentions in the 60-minute group repatterning for letting go of any residual unfinished energetics interrupting your pathway related to the topics that came up in your personal reflections.The purpose of the repatterning process is to build more coherent life energy and motivation to achieve new possibilities. The follow-up from the session will include reflections with an expressive arts therapy activity based on the group repatterning to take the benefits of your work through the season into your life more fully for the rest of the year.

Registering for the For Every Season Process

This is your personal invitation to join this journey of personal growth and transformation.

*When you sign up for this program you will be asked to subscribe to a specific list that will give you all the information you need to take part in these beneficial activities. This list is solely for the purpose of this process.

Kimberly Rex, MS
Kimberly Rex

Kimberly Rex, MS is an Advanced Resonance Repatterning® practitioner, Person-Centered Expressive Therapist, and Wellness and Well-being Life Coach. She works with people all over the world via Skype, phone, and proxy. Set up your personal session here.

Find out more about how Resonance Repatterning benefits your life. Sign up for a free monthly newsletter with articles, natural healing modalities, and exclusive group sessions here.

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Creating Coherence in Your Relationships

Creating coherence in relationships from the Resonance Repatterning perspective involves working with consciousness science. Sessions addresses different aspects of your life from interactions wih aquaintances, family, friends and intimate relationships. The quality of your experience is regulated by your beliefs, attitudes, and thoughts you hold at both the conscious and unconscious levels. This contributes to your perception, choices, reactions and actions over time.

Resonance Repatterning® works to increase the quality and coherence of your responses and actions with all types of relationship you encounter in your life. In the Energetics of Relationship collection of repatterning processes it is possible to work with charged issues you experience with a aquaintence or colleague. You can address challenging situtations you experience with a physical, emotional, mental friendship, or even with a spiritual or therapeutic relationship.

Your family relationships can be considered in your mothering, fathering, and child interactions, It is a beneficial process for working with couples in sexual and commited relationships. By working with birth, early attachment and family patterns, a session can identify any bonding or separation negative experiences that cast a shadow over your current relationships. It is by working in the present and with the patterns of your lifetime relationships that you can step into a new way of being in relationship as you free yourself from the pain of abandonment, disloyaliy, abuse, grief, fear or resentment.

Consciousness Science and Relationships

Creating coherence in your relationships in Resonance Repatterning is based on consciousness science. On source of the repatterning process is based on the Gottman’s research of relationship and family interactions over many decades. They found that five positive interactions for every one challenging interaction created the greatest success and longevity in relationships. This means five interactions with relaxing, constructive, loving, laughter-filled, eye-gazing, fun, touching and happy interactions balance out every one challenging, bond-threatening, irritating, or frustrating interaction.

The Science of Love: TED Talk with John Gottman

It is not the conflict as much as how you resolve conflict that matters in this formula. It is how each person creates greater personal and relationship coherence. This can happen by taking a pause, giving yourself time and space to be better able to get in touch with what is happening within you, to identify your triggers, unmet needs, and to identify what action or communication is needed. .During this time you get in touch with the charged issue that is within you. This can lead to both personal and relationship understanding, mutual growth, and contribute to the vision for your relationship with love.

With the process of Resonance Repatterning, it is possible to transform inner conflict by taking a look at your primary conflict resolution style, and to identify where you feel you are not speaking your truth, or not living your truth in action. Working with the resistance with any type of interaction you are experiencing allows you to identify your values, take a look at your intentions, and realign with your true self.

man holding baby s breath flower in front of woman standing near marble wall
Photo by Vija Rindo Pratama on

The Discovery Process with Relationships

By creating coherence in your communication you can experience greater capacity for making positive change. Knowing more about yourself can also give clues as to how your partner, friend or colleague reacts or responds to you in conversation and this would allow you to better understand their responses.

You can discover what your true values are for relationships, as well as how to apply your values to bonding and self-care that work best for you. People who have experienced difficult relationships in the past might still be triggered by them in the present. In these cases, it is important to work with releasing the burden that is still carried from negative earlier experiences to be able to move into new possibilitie for creating coherence in your relationships.

Resonance Repatterning sessions work with creating inner safety in relationships by transforming suppressed negative relationship imprinted images that trigger them from the past that hold the blockage to being in the present more fully. Other repatternings in this group of Energetics of Relationship session work with developmental phases that support more coherence in the process of forming loving and bonding relationships.

woman in blue suit jacket
Photo by Jopwell on

Identifying what keeps you separated from love allows you to choose a new direction that creates greater wellness and well-being for your life. This harmony and balance contributes to the coherent loving energy in your relationships.

This is your personal invitation to experience the benefits of Resonance Repatterning to heal relationships in your life. Through the process of working with resonance muscle-checking, your body-mind-spirit system reports what is most needed to build coherence in your body-mind-spirit system. You can schedule an appointment here.

Kimberly Rex, MS
Kimberly Rex

Kimberly Rex, MS is an Advanced Resonance Repatterning® practitioner, Person-Centered Expressive Therapist, and Wellness and Well-being Life Coach. She works with people all over the world via Skype, by phone, in-person, and by proxy.

Find out how Resonance Repatterning benefits your life. Set up a personal session or sign up for a free monthly newsletter with articles, natural healing modalities, and exclusive group sessions here.

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Creating Life Energy: A Message from Eagles

The eagle’s life cycle story is a message for us all in regards to reclaiming and creating life energy even in the depths of winter’s cold and gray. Over the New Years Weekend, I made my annual winter pilgrimage up to the North Nooksack River in the Cascade Mountains to see the Bald Eagles in the early morning. Even though the dawn light did not make it easy to spot them at the beginning, you could hear their sounds from the trees on the banks of the river. They return to their nests built along the river that holds a plentitude of salmon at this time of year.

This is a yearly pilgrimage for them as they return to their nests built along the river that holds a plentitude of salmon. The eagle’s journey is a message for us all in regards to creating, reclaiming, and restoring life energy even in the depths of winter’s cold and gray.

In the Chinese Five Element System, a system matched with the cycles of nature, winter is the time of year to look within at your inner energy resources and how you store them. If you will, it is time to build your nest for restoration and rejuvenation to take you through the upcoming seasons of change. The gifts from this element include creativity, resourcefulness, cleverness and perserverance.

Water Element asks that you look at your fear, the issues that keep you stuck or frozen, or expending all of your energy depleting you in the end. It is important to acknowledge the sound or messages your thoughts, beliefs and feelings are giving you. Like the eagles in the trees at dawn, you might not yet be able to see what is available, but your inner voice calls out to let you know what is going on.

When Dawn Arrives

It isn’t until the sun has made its way above the horizon that you are able to clearly see the eagles gliding above the water. They fly down to the river to feed on the salmon to restore their energy reserves. It is no accident that their nests are hidden close by.

You can see the outlines of their nests perched high in the trees. They are massive structures made of twigs, plant material and down.. Over time, due to the need for replenishment, their nest can grow to be as massive as one ton in weight. Yet, they are creative and strategically position the nest to hold that weight while supporting new life when their eaglets arrive.

The message from Water Element is to look at your vital energy to take account of what will restore and rebuild your energy. Questions you might ask yourself might include:Where has my energy been depleted in this past year? What can I do to rebuild my energy? How can I pace myself in a way that will conserve my energy over time? What creative resources can I tap into to protect and enhance my life energy bank? What other resources should I consider?

In Broad Daylight

Eagles pair for life, and return to the same nest yearly. However, they are also likely to have one or two other nest sites in case the original nest is damaged or destroyed. This resourcefulness conserves vital elements, and is integral to protect and conserve the life cycle process over time.

During the day you can see the eagles in branches close to their roosts. The parents are near the nests in the same or nearby tree. They take turns hunting for food and sitting on the nest. This allows each parent to pace themselves in the process of gathering food, repairing the nest, sitting on the eggs and caring for the eaglets when they arrive.

Resources for Perseverence

The sharing of responsibilities not only makes good use of resources, but benefits each of the eagle’s abilities to persevere through every part of the process from start to completion so they can sustatin their abiilties for necessary tasks needed for success.

person wearing gray and white socks near brown fireplace
Photo by Taryn Elliott on

The lesson from Water Element for us is about pacing yourself over time. It allows you to be in the flow of life in a way that conserves, protects and replenishes your life energy. When you make time to take care of your life energy you resource ways to build integrity in your wellness and well-being. This means prioritizing care of your body’s needs in the winter , taking inventory of your negtative thoughts, and realigning with your essence..

Resonance Repatterning sessions create positive change. These important aspects of self-care create ripple effects for you personally, and in your relationship as you navigate change. In the process, you experience new opportunities for restoring and creating more coherent life energy for your positive intentions as you move through the year.

Kimberly Rex
Kimberly Rex, MS

Kimberly Rex, MS is an Advanced Resonance Repatterning® practitioner, Master Wellness and Well-being Life Coach, and Person-Centered Expressive Therapist

Receive life-enhancing modalities and experiences through Windows to the Heart Repatterning. Sign up for our FREE monthly newsletter here.

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Getting in Sync with Water Chakra in the Fall Season

Resonance Repatterning works with a number of holistic disciplines including the Chakra System and Polarity Therapy. Fall is a time to get in sync with the wisdom from the Water or Sacral Chakra associated with this season. Located 2 inches below your belly button, the primary organs related to this energy center are the reproductive organs, pancreas; bladder; lower intestines, pelvis, genitals, and lymphatic system.

Water Chakra Qualities

This chakra embodies the energies of pleasure and taste. At this time of year, we harvest the fruits of the year and acknowledge the abundance within our lives with what has been created throughout the seasons. It is an invitation to look at balancing pleasure with temperance as the season changes.

Changing weather and temperatures let us know that it is vital to store energy for the winter coming. In the process, our energy moves from the outward journey into inner reflection. Like the plants, life energy begins its journey into the roots to store energy during this time of increasing hours of darkness.

Taking pleasure is related to both giving and receiving. Nature’s stored life energy in seeds and bulbs are ways to keep the circle of life replenished. In the same way, sharing what you have created with others is beneficial to keeping the energy currents of relationships open.


Honor the light and sound frequencies of the “Sweetness” or “Seat of the Soul Chakra. The light frequency is orange. You see this fall frequency in the trees and plants. and leaves at this harvest time. The orange color you see in pumpkins, squash, sweet potatoes, and melon are wonderful nourishment for both your vision and digestion. Anti-inflammatory herbs like Turmeric with its rich orange color can also become part of your diet in both foods and beverages. Foods that have a salty taste such as miso, seaweed, or umeboshi plum nourish your Water Chakra.

The sound frequency of the Water Chakra vibration is within the mantra, “Vam,and the Solfeggio Frequency is held at 417 Hz.

Nourishing Your Water Chakra

Foods with high water content are also beneficial sources that connect you to the frequency of this chakra. It is an invitation to look at how you hydrate your body-mind-spirit system. Are you getting enough daily hydration, or depleting electrolytes with overdoing? Here is a Water Intake Calculator, Is your water well-filtered and from a BPA-free container?

Do you give yourself the pleasure of being close to the ocean, waterfalls, lakes, or ponds? Can you relax and soak in water whether that be a foot bath or facial steam, soaking in a tub, or sound bathing with ocean sounds? If not, find a beautiful picture of the water that you love and place it in your environment, on your cell phone or computer as a background during this season.

The frequencies from the mineral world that embody the energetics of this chakra can also be found in Carnelian for expression and creativity and moonstone for opening to the richness of life while clearing blocked lymph glands.

Like water, your life energy flow is important to support and nourish your body, mind, and core essence. Getting a massage to release tension, tightness, and crystallization is a wonderful way to cleanse and release what is keeping you from being in the flow of your life more fully. Choose a massage that feels right for you. Examples include Fascia Release, Swedish, Rolfing, Lymphatic Drainage, Network Chiropractic, or Foot Reflexology as possible choices.

Your Water Chakra and Polarity Therapy

In Polarity Therapy developed by Dr. Randolph Stone, the energy circuit for Water Chakra includes working with your chest, pelvis feet or neck, diaphragm, and perineum. You can focus your movement with an emphasis on freeing your hips, stimulating circulation in your lower body by rising on your toes, and then releasing back to standing on the ground 10 times daily. By doing so you stimulate and nourish your Kidneys for vital energy.

Be sure to include attention to your diaphragm and breathing. Practicing diaphragmatic breathing lowers stress hormones, regulates your heart rate and blood pressure, and allows you to relax more deeply.

For the season of fall, you might consider Resonance Repatterning® and the sessions that work with Polarity Therapy, the Chakra System, Abundance, processing grief, Harmonizing Giving and Receiving in Relationships, Sound Frequencies, Breath, Creative Expression, Life Cycles, and Seasonal Repatterning

This is your personal invitation to harvest greater harmony and balance in your own life through accessing the natural frequencies of color, light, sound, breath, movement, consciousness science, and energetic contacts. With the Resonance Muscle-Checking process, your body reports in on what is most needed to reveal and transform blockages to restore optimal energy flow to create greater integrity in your wellness and well-being.

Kimberly Rex, MS
Kimberly Rex, MS

Kimberly Rex, MS is an Advanced Resonance Repatterning® practitioner, Person-Centered Expressive Therapist, and Wellness and Well-being Life Coach. She works with people all over the world via Skype, phone, and proxy. Set up your personal session here.

Find out more about how Resonance Repatterning benefits your life. Sign up for a free monthly newsletter with articles, natural healing modalities, and exclusive group sessions here.

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Circling Back to Move Forward

At times it can feel like you are circling back to an earlier part of your life. This can be both beneficial when you wish to gain insight, experience a fond memory, or unveil a new realization. But, in some cases, unconscious unresolved conflict or trauma from the past imposes itself upon the big screen of your life over and over again, it can create the sense that you have little choice or control. The good news is that you are wired for success and self-healing. You can use circling back to move forward as a springboard to spiral up to a new potential for creating new patterns in your life today.

Circling Back to Move Forward is Part of Life Itself

All of the universe operates in circles and spirals. From the microorganisms, plant, animal, and human expressions, life shows up in cycles of renewing, sustaining, and releasing as a way to preserve the evolving components and foundations of existence and build upon them.

This shows up also in adaptations over time that allow life to sustain and thrive in new and varying conditions. The Earth and all living beings need to adapt to these changes perceived in the environment in the short term and over time to survive.

As, humans, we go through daily, monthly and seasonal circles of changes. We are affected by the hours of daylight, temperature, and available natural resources that we take in and are surrounded by. In an ever-changing world, it is valuable to give yourself permission to adapt and change that adaptation when that adaptation is no longer needed. In the fall, we harvest and gather for the coming cold months and put on sweaters and warm coats. However, We take off layers of clothing in the summer and plant new gardens.

Circling Back to Move Forward on the Emotional, Mental, and Physical Levels

In a world where your physical environment changes, it is essential to give yourself permission to also change when to wear a lighter or different coat as you adapt to new environments in your personal life as well.

When your unconscious material carries your past story with limiting beliefs about yourself, relationships, finances, and the world no longer works or fits, you benefit from the realization that the adaptation from the past is no longer useful in your new and current reality.

This applies to your limiting thoughts, attitudes, and feelings from that adaptation recorded within your body-mind-spirit system. When you circle back to access the body’s memory, thoughts, and feelings related to the experience. Hypervigilance over perceived threat responses stored from the past when there is no danger in your present takes you out of inhabiting life fully.

The potential for inhabiting your body by working with the feedback and sensations from your body memory allows you to transform and contain the experiences from the past so you can experience a more relaxed connection to yourself. This can begin to happen by releasing the tension of the immobilized energy that is signaled by unconscious material that creates stressful reactions that put you in fight, flight, freeze, or collapse mode through the Sympathetic Nervous System response.

When you are living from the perspective of unresolved over-adapted trauma response from the past, you respond to the world from a hypervigilant state. This changes your breathing, heartbeat, and your body processes including your vision. You are less able to see details, focus, and discern what is happening right now. You are disconnected from your ability to make conscious choices with your pre-frontal cortex as you are disconnected from reason, decision-making, and critical thinking. Because you are experiencing emotional and survival responses that affect your choices over time through repetitive patterns based on short-term solutions, this continues to control your view of life.

As Peter Levine, Ph.D. demonstrates in the video, by relaxing your muscles with compassionate dialogue and intention, you begin to pair the Parasympathetic Nervous System response to an alternative for your body-mind system over the habitual response. This means that you can then begin to deeply listen to the messages from your body from your Sympathetic Nervous System reactions so you can experience the resolution of the body memory and the narrative that has kept you in over-adapted mode from the past making new adaptations paired with the Parasympathetic Nervous System.

Relaxation of your body impacts your mind. You are better able to breathe in a relaxed and full way. You regain your connection to your whole brain and motor function. This creates greater coherence and resilience in that it is what makes it possible to literally feel like the trauma is contained and over in the present. Some examples of self-care relaxation and breathing practices you might explore over time are available in Yoga and movements like Tai Chi.

Sometimes it is important to question your mind about your current situation. “Is it true?”

For example, when you notice that your shoulders are tight, you can ask what is going on. Do you feel safe right now? How stressed are you? If not, does the situation you are in, or a recent event/conversation bring something up that reminds you of a past experience that was stressful? Are you in danger right now? Or, is your body-mind ramping this up because of a trigger word, sound, or visual? Is this word, sound, or visual dangerous to you right now? Can it hurt you right now? At the same time, you can thank your shoulders for this information, and start to relax them in whatever way feels most needed. Notice any other parts of your body that might be holding stress. Relax them also. By doing so, you are practicing self-care and expanding the ability of your body-mind-spirit system to live in the world today instead of the past and empower your ability to distinguish what is real and true for you now.

“Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” – Viktor E. Frankl

By practicing new responses you can create new realizations to spiral up into new possibilities by updating your awareness of the world you live in today. Learning to be more fully engaged in your life today with a new and different set of factors with your own positive changes and actions over time is a powerful tool for self-regulation, self-compassion, and resilience wherever life leads you.

This is your invitation to circle back to move forward with Resonance Repatterning.® Sessions work directly with your Nervous System connected to every tissue, organ, and gland in your body-mind system. Your body is a map of your life’s experiences, and through Resonance muscle-checking can access where your life energy is stuck, frozen, or disrupted. The process works with the limiting thoughts, feelings, and beliefs stored within the material of early experiences that created conflict, trauma, or unresolved immobilized energy in your nervous system. Each session is specific to what you need to support creating greater awareness and coherence personally, in relationships, and in the world. This is the beauty of this multi-discipline and natural multi-modality work.

Kimberly Rex

Kimberly Rex, MS is an Advanced Resonance Repatterning® practitioner, Person-Centered Expressive Therapist, and Wellness and Well-being Life Coach. She works with people all over the world via Skype, phone, and proxy. Set up your personal session here.

Find out more about how Resonance Repatterning benefits your life. Sign up for a free monthly newsletter with articles, natural healing modalities, and exclusive group sessions here.

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