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Interlocking Patterns Lead to New Possibilities

Transforming problems into opportunities begins with identifying interlocking patterns that keep you from stepping into a new way of approaching and responding to life. Many times the problems you are facing today are a network of interlocking patterns that originated earlier in your life. These patterns manifest as beliefs, thoughts, emotions, and attitudes that impact your experience. To let go of an outmoded perspective that no longer works in your life today created by a past event, situation or relationship means first acknowledging that it is present.

Interlocking Patterns Move Problems into Opportunities

The Problems into Opportunities section of Resonance Repatterning® checks for these patterns stored in your Nervous System with access to every organ, tissue, and gland in your body through the Resonance Muscle-Checking System. The process identifies underlying and interlocking patterns that hold these problems in place.

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Photo by Bayram Yalçn on

You might feel stuck in repetitive experiences that keep you from moving forward. These interlocking patterns undermine your energy and motivation to expand into new possibilities. This might be due to resistance, regret, self-pity, resentment, fear, anger, grief, or negative judgments.

The limiting emotions, beliefs, and attitudes interlock with the manifestation of your body-mind-spirit system playing out the same energetic experience over and over. Unlocking the patterns is key to the connection between how your system interacts with the world around you based on what is happening within you. The opportunity arises from resonating with the growth that the challenge to move through the door offers you.

The past can inform your future with an invitation to create positive intentions to open your heart and mind to new possibilities.

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Interlocking Patterns Lead to Intentions for a New Possibility

The Intentions for a New Possibility process in Resonance Repatterning® recognizes that positive change is a process. The transformation from limitation to expansion requires a new skill set, and this interlocks with coherent patterns that create a new way of being and responding to life. Setting intentions for new possibilities is a conscious point of choice.

Being committed to the journey of positive change requires unhesitating action, consistency, perserverance, and patience, with focus and integrity with yourself and others. These attributes give you life-energizing nurture and supports you over time. It’s important to know that when your intentions for new possibilities are aligned with growth and transformation from the inside out you are better able to navigate and choose your direction.

The quality of your journey relies on the energy that builds when you experience joy, gratitude, and love. Along the way practice happiness on the path in your process of manifestation by celebrating “little wins” with appreciation. This energizes and builds momentum for your body-mind-spirit system to keep the spark going to reach new possibilities.

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Photo by Chelsea Cook on

It becomes easier to understand that interlocking patterns of the world around you will create updates based on the best timing for your process and spiritual journey. Your process will be collaborative with the energetic shifts that are taking place within. This means that you will experience both subtle and profound awareness of the shifts that are taking place over time.

Once you resonate with the core underlying needs related to your new positive intentions, you will continue to be able to draw upon lessons from your problems applying what you have learned from the past. While this might not happen immediately or in the timeframe you expect, be open to what is being brought onto your radar. This will allow you to begin to benefit from more coherent emotions, beliefs, and receptivity to how you choose the next steps. As you step into a new way of being you become more open to synchronicities and meaningful messages with a greater capacity to trust yourself, the right timing, and the co-creative spiritual process you are embarking on.

What doorways to new possibilities would you like to open in your life? Resonance Repatterning® sessions allow you to experience greater integrity in your wellness and well-being.

Kimberly Rex

Kimberly Rex, MS is an Advanced Resonance Repatterning® practitioner, Person-Centered Expressive Therapist, and Wellness and Well-being Life Coach. She works with people all over the world via Skype, by phone, and by proxy.

Find out how Resonance Repatterning benefits your life. Set up a personal session through the Contact page, or sign up for a free monthly newsletter with articles, natural healing modalities, and exclusive group sessions here.

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It’s About Pacing Yourself Over Time

Nature paces itself as it moves through the seasons.  Pacing yourself over time, allows you to move with greater ease through shifts, challenges, stressful situations, and transitions. The cycles of life can be looked at through the lens of where you are today, and more importantly where you have traveled over time. Pacing yourself over time happens one moment, hour, day, week, month, season, and year at a time.

It is true that the patterns that show up in your life today related to your attitudes, beliefs, and perception of interaction with the world have taken years to develop. They have evolved and changed. These patterns affect how you plan, meet obstacles, experience joy, and acknowledge rewards and seeming failures. 

To acknowledge that it is possible to create positive change over time includes working with the present moment. With each new insight and awareness, you choose the capacity to move towards life-enhancing choices in your life. The journey begins with starting in the present and building new neural pathways, beliefs, and habits over time: one moment, hour, day, week, month, season and year at a time.

Pacing Yourself Moment by Moment

A simple way to connect to the moment is to get in touch with your breath, breathing in and out through your nose. By getting in touch with your in-breath and out-breath with its calming effects, your nervous system creates nurture and support for being better able to be present in the moment. This creates a greater ability to focus, listen, and process what is happening in front of you.

If you are feeling anxious or disoriented, you can also add a contact to the middle of your chest at Conception Vessel 17 area to reinforce the connection between all the organ systems of your body to enhance communication and life energy flow to transform your mood and awareness of where you are in the present.

Adopt the pace of nature. Her secret is patience. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Pacing Yourself Hour by Hour

  1. Meditate, read, and take brief rests or walks. Pause during the day to look out the window if you are in an indoor workspace. Look at ways to bring a 10-15 minute rest period into your schedule daily. Research has shown that taking a break to read for as little as 6 minutes creates a greater sense of calm.
  2. Make time to stretch and wind down. Take your time, reduce stimulation, and spend time with others in pleasurable ways. Express gratitude. Nourish your body with whole foods, water,  and sunlight. Take some quiet time to rejuvenate in the midst of a busy day.
  3. Break your work into sizable parts. Prioritize and delegate.

Pacing Yourself Day by Day

Building in time for work, play and self-care is important to create harmony and balance in your life. In order to take care of yourself, make space for self-reflection, gratitude, and centering. By doing so, you energize your intentions, restore your energy, and pace yourself instead of burning yourself out.

There are many ways to create possibilities for these options in your day, if only for a few moments.

  1. Before going to sleep it is important to transition from the business of the day. Sometimes, you might still have a challenge on your mind before sleeping. In order to truly rest, it’s important to move to get out of the fast-paced zone. While there are many ways to fall asleep, building mindfulness into your sleep routine is beneficial to allow your body-mind system to detox and rejuvenate overnight.
  2.  Some people get into the gratitude zone with reflection from the day. This can be done with gratitude for what you did, created, or avoided during the day. With this, you can also bring in what you feel grateful for in regard to others during the day including a smile, a gesture, or a compliment. And lastly, you can express regret for the day. This allows you to really put down the worry, anxiety, and tension you carry during the day. When there is an issue involving a decision, you can also offer a question before sleep while acknowledging that you cannot solve the issue. By letting go, ask for a solution you have not thought of yet, and include in your request a solution for the highest and best. This allows your body-mind system to connect to the calm reservoir of wisdom from your higher self. As your body is detoxing from the previous day, your Gall Bladder Official (Decision-Making Official) is cleansing and renewing for a new perspective in the morning!
  3. Mindful Exercise:  Exercise creates positive mood-altering neurotransmitters and promotes a sense of well-being. Finding ways to enhance your sense of well-being and health happens when you set up a routine that works for you and pace yourself in the process. For more on how to create a beneficial exercise routine that works for you, read more here.

Pacing Yourself Month by Month

Taking care of monthly bills and commitments is part of life. However, it’s also important to know that you are affected by personal, natural, and cultural cycles. These include anniversaries, holidays, and deadlines. Your health is also affected by the natural cycles of the moon. Learn more here.

Season by Season

Each season has its own qualities in sync with nature. In order to access nature’s rhythm, use the wisdom of the Chinese Five Elements in your life.  

Summer: Be sure to spend time with others in ways that nourish your heart. Enjoy your connections through laughter, hugging, playing and joyful expression.

Late Summer: Find ways to be in touch with centering yourself. Be at home within. Find movement practices that ground your energy and increase your well-being like Tai Chi or Qi Gong. Express gratitude. Look at what you are harvesting in your life. Remember to balance giving and receiving.

Fall: Become aware of what inspires you. Look at your values, and how you are living these values in your life. Nurture self-acceptance and expand your spiritual practices so that they allow you to let go of that which is no longer necessary. Remember to breathe.

Winter: Tune into that which allows you to pace yourself while you persevere. Rest, dream,, and listen to your inner vision for life and to others. Examine where you are needing support to meet obstacles and go with the flow of life.

Spring: Look at your vision of life. Consider what you need to bring into the light so that you can create intentions free of frustration and energy that cuts you off from the light, optimism, and hope. Detoxify your body-mind system for greater life-enhancing energy.

Pacing Yourself Year by Year

Looking at nature, you notice what happens as time passes. Seeds become sprouts. Sprouts become flowers. Flowers become fruit. Their seeds are dispersed and become dormant through winter creating new growth.  Small tree plantings become forests. As the years progress it is important to look at what has been seeded in your life, and what course this has created for you.

Resonance Repatterning® sessions, make it possible to work with material from earlier years to address how these imprints are still affecting your experience of life. You can make significant, tangible, and sustainable changes in your life to create greater integrity in your wellness and well-being. This happens over time and enhances the quality and quantity of life energy you have for your positive intentions in the present.

* Personal sessions get into details about time cycles that affect your wellnessand well-being. The interaction between the Five Elements and Meridians creates harmony and balance by working specifically with what your body-mind system needs.

Kimberly Rex is an advanced Resonance Repatterning practitioner, Wellness and Well-being Coach and Person-Centered Expressive Therapist. She works with clients all over the world by phone, Skype, in-person and proxy. Repattern your life to experience greater integrity in your wellness and well-being!  

Sign up forour monthly Newsletterand Exclusive Re-pattern Your Life Events with FREE eBook, Eight Natural Modalities for Navigating Stressful Times.  

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