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Quantum Change Made Easy: A Case Study with Extraordinary Outcomes

Leading edge Energy Medicine for Use in Your Life   “Quantum change takes place beyond the level of vibrating subatomic particles: the primal divine energy of sound and light which inspires us on our upward and inward journey of self-healing in all areas of our life.
   Lao Tzu writes that the journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step. What he is describing is Quantum Change. Every step, whether thought, word, intention or action, organizes particles at the quantum level and makes us receptive to spirit. Each succeeding step on our journey attracts more energy, which leads to quantum leaps that carry us way beyond our original expectations. * from Quantum Change Made Easy


Quantum change isn’t just about sub-atomic particles. A small change starts a rippling effect in your awareness, health, relationships, and sense of well-being to create extraordinary outcomes in wellness and well-being.

  In Quantum Change Made Easy by Chloe Faith Wordsworth, many case studies tell how this works. In a case study, I submitted for the book, a very bright child who was legally blind (and the lowest functioning student in reading for her eight-year-old peer group ) had an extraordinary improvement in her reading ability in response to a Vision Repatterning.

Quantum Change Made Easy Case Study

    On the day of the  Resonance Repatterning® session, her beginning concern was not about reading, but about not being able to perform in the school play happening that week. She was afraid that she wouldn’t make it, forget her lines, and freeze up. During her session, it was possible to find the source of her issue related to her fear.  Through working with applied kinesiology and a detailed protocol, a memory imprint from her birth process was checked in to help her regain greater ease and freedom. The session identified an Earlier Experience where her mother was in fear about not being able to make it to the hospital for this child’s birth. In fact, she was born in a stress-filled situation in a limousine racing its way to the hospital.  Her father could not be there for her birth, nor could her mother feel at ease during her labor process. Through the work of this session, a Memory Update* created an ideal birth situation with both her mother and father present giving her loving messages as she was born into this world validating presence. The session also worked with releasing residual stress in her body-mind system that had caused stress to her physical vision. The outcome of the session was amazing!  That week she breezed through all of her lines in the play, and a few weeks later, she scored the highest among her peer group on the State Reading Tests.
The energy that had limited her had been freed and had shifted into better support for her energy system. This decreased the stress in her body and her energy field for a  quantum leap into a more coherent expression of her core essence and life vision.

* In Quantum Physics time is not fixed, but flexible, so we can work anyplace on the time-space continuum to update the energy in the present from the past.

Your body is wired for success and self-healing. Like a sunflower orienting itself to the sun for life-energizing and sustaining nurture, you, too, can move through change more coherently by orienting yourself to the frequencies of Coherent Life Energy through Resonance Repatterning®. This allows us, like the sunflower, to be more oriented to that which is nurturing and life-enhancing as we go through the process of change. When you resonate with nurturing life energy, you then begin to resonate with actions, resources, and commitment that will support you in feeling more centered, empowered, joyful and loving through the transition. As a result, this creates more freedom, flexibility, and a sense of ease.

A Resonance Repatterning ® session assists with bringing your life into a more coherent balance and ideal life energy flow. Everything in the Universe has a frequency. Where underlying unconscious patterns, traumas, or generational beliefs have created more pain or stress in your life,  a session works to name and shift frequencies so you can become more oriented to nurture in your life. Like a garden hose that has a kink (energy disruption ) taken out of it, a session decreases stress and increases the ease and flow within our bodies, in our communications, and in our vision of life.  Get Quantum Change Made Easy: Breakthroughs In Personal Transformation, Self-healing, and Achieving the Best of Who You Are (Resonance Repatterning Books) by clicking this link.

Kimberly Rex, MS is a Certified Resonance Repatterning, Wellness and Well-being Coach, and Person-Centered Expressive Therapist who works with people of all ages. She has extensive experience in working with adults, children, couples, groups, and families to support positive change from all over the world. Sessions work to update issues from earlier experiences no matter where you are in life’s journey. Sessions work by proxy, in-person, or by phone. To schedule a personal session, contact Kimberly at

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Love Is All You Need for Everything

Love helps orient you to what is life-energizing and healing. This is true for the cells of your body, between family members, partners, as well as communication between nations. Life is an interconnecting web of connections based on needs. It is important to acknowledge that we each have needs for connection and harmony in our lives. The process of identifying and healing these needs starts at the personal level.  Love is all you need for everything.

Your ability to love is equal to your ability to tell the truth about your feelings and needs. Love and bonding also depend on how coherent your life needs were met at the start of life. Ray Castellino and Dr. William Emerson suggest that everything that happens to you prenatally, during your birth process, and in your first years contribute to how you respond to life’s challenges. It is the blueprint for your relationships. Being seen and heard for who you are, and allowed to explore and return to the safety of your caretaker’s impacts how you perceive life and relationship. If life needs are not met in a coherent way early on, your ability to resonate with understanding, appreciation, forgiveness, and love for self and others diminishes. You can only see and experience the wholeness of another to the degree you can see and feel the wholeness of yourself. Healing internal conflicts brings peace to your body-mind system, expands your capacity for loving relationships and contributes to creating empathy for humanity and the planet.

   “Everything we do is in service of our needs. When this one concept is applied to our view of others, we’ll see that we have no real enemies, that what others do to us is the best possible thing they know to do to get their needs met.” -Marshall Rosenberg

When there is a coherent flow of energy between people in a relationship, there is motivation, capacity to build on differences,  expression of loving and healthy boundaries, and a drive to return to union or stability. How you observed your parents moving through conflict creates an imprint of what conflict means to you, and how and if the conflict can be resolved. Your conflict style may, in fact, be a response or reaction to what you observed in your early experience of life.

When there is non-coherent energy flow in a relationship with unresolved conflict, this can lead to a feeling of inadequacy, of blaming another for your feelings and pain, or a diminished ability to accept the other for who and where they are. Arguments, negative habits, and behaviors deplete each person and the relationship. These are clues that unmet life needs are speaking. This can result in anger, depression, guilt or shame. These feelings are messengers that help you listen to what is needing your attention in your life.

A loving relationship is not about being free of stress or resistance. It is about growing wings to reach a greater compassionate understanding of self and others. Places, where personal life needs have not been resolved, are opportunities for expanded awareness and healing. This means looking at non-coherent patterns, resistant issues, and the type of relationship issues you attract. Resolving them internally creates new patterns and possibilities for greater harmony.


Love is the universal energy of life.  Empathy is an expression of love. When you can connect and truly listen to another there is a greater capacity for contentment, peace of mind, and understanding. It empowers you and others to reach for the best possible inside. When you appreciate what you have learned, it helps you integrate new awareness and solutions into your life so you can apply and grow from the experience. Empathy leads to greater relaxation, pleasure, and bonding, and helps to support meeting challenges in your life with greater enthusiasm, success, and joy. When we recognize that every human being has the same basic life needs, we have greater respect for our common humanity.


The first step is awareness. As a practice, start by listening more deeply to your inner needs. Write down the BASIC LIFE NEEDS List on a piece of paper. Check-in with yourself to see if any of these are not now in your life. Use the list to help connect your feelings and needs.

BASIC LIFE NEEDS: Bonding-Closeness-Harmony-Nurturing-Security-Trust-Sleep-Protection-Boundaries-Positive Touch- Appreciation-Respect-Being Understood-Space-Light-Play-Laughter *

    Carry this list with you as you go through the day. These are messengers for you that will make a difference in the quality of your wellness and sense of well-being. When you are feeling some form of stress or come to a standstill in a conflict that’s producing feelings of anger, shame, guilt, or fear, look at your list. Is there something on the list that stands out for you? What need is speaking most?

Example: You are feeling overwhelmed by deadlines, too many tasks and not enough downtime. You feel angry because it feels as if there is no end to the amount you have to do, and the list continues to get bigger.  You are blaming  your boss, partner, family.  You check your list. Are needing SPACE, SLEEP or RESPECT?  Is there something you need to express? Do you need to set loving boundaries? Is there a new awareness about a need that you haven’t seen before? For instance, are you multi-tasking to get appreciation, yet it is not showing up? Are you multi-tasking creating an avoidance or keeping you from the resolution of inner conflict? How does this awareness make you feel? What actions are you drawn to take?

Sign up for newsletter for monthly modalities throughout the year with Kimberly Rex, MS, information about teleconferences, and e-books to empower your life to experience greater love, ease, joy, wellness, and well-being here.

Thank you for honoring the Copyright material of this article. Kimberly Rex. All Rights Reserved.

RESOURCES for further research:*Basic Life Needs List from Quantum Change Made Easy by Chloe Wordsworth and  the Gottman Institute:

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The Science Behind Resonance Repatterning

The science behind Resonance Repatterning® involves many disciplines.  Originally called Holographic Repattterning, Chloe Faith Wordsworth developed this process by working with clients to transform the painful areas of their lives. She discovered that by accessing their individual needs through applied kinesiology, specific to what their body-mind system was reporting, extraordinary outcomes resulted in greater potential for health, nourishing relationships, and greater sense of well-being together.

This process is based on New Physics and the fact that everything is energy and has a frequency. We live in a universe of both sound waves and light particles. Colors have frequencies. Sound is measured in wavelength and frequency. Everything in your life has a frequency. This means that your response to life is contained in your back ache, depression, business arguments, as well as your joy and successes communicating in frequency patterns. Underlying patterns of frequency or resonance is stored in both your conscious and unconscious patterns. Your body is a map of your life experience so information from pre-natal, earlier experiences, and generational material through your DNA can be accessed in a session.

Your Autonomic Nervous System is connected to every organ, tissue, muscle and gland of your body. It communicates information that gives a read-out like an EEG, EKG or pulse. In Resonance Repatterning®  this information is relayed through a muscle-checking system with no machines involved. Working with the binary response of the muscles, resonance for limiting beliefs, attitudes, and patterns affecting your life today can get to the root of the issues.

Patterns of intergenerational trauma, family beliefs, trauma, chronic stress, loss, illness, grief or abuse are registered in your body as energy that impacts the way you see and experiences the world. What you resonate with is how you orient towards life and respond based on where your conscious and unconscious energy is dedicated. Through habit and repetition, negative beliefs, thoughts, and attitudes can still impact the quality of life you are experiencing today. A session identifies the source of these unconscious patterns that are blocking and depleting your life energy. Pain is a disruption or block of your life energy. In the course of a session, self-healing modalities transform non-coherent patterns to restore the body-mind-spirit field to greater coherence so that there is greater resonance with your positive intentions.

Working with universal healing disciplines of the Chinese Five Element and Meridian System, Polarity Therapy based on the chakra system of India, Jin Shin Jyutsu, Family Systems, consciousness science, color, light, sound, fragrance, movement, breath, energetic balancing and applied kinesiology, each session taps into the wisdom your body to offer specific support for your needs.

Point of Choice

Point of Choice

Problems are seen as a point of choice, in the same way that Newton described the Motivating Factor. He stated that an object in motion will continue in a straight line until a force changes its direction. Problems can have a motivating force to help you change direction in your life. They can also be seen as forces of resistance that can activate positive change. When there is a combination of vision, intention and action, problems can activate the motivation for extraordinary outcomes.

When you change the way you look at things, the thing you look at changes.~Max Planck

Becoming the observer of your life creates the opportunity for positive change. When you are experiencing negatrive or limiting repetitive problematic issues, you are likely resonating with unconscious material that has not yet been resolved or released. Creating new possibilities in the way that allows you to move toward your positive intentions, you experience more life enhancing outcomes.

The client moves from a de-energized state to greater awareness regarding positive change. This is registered with a muscle-checking system throughout the session. The muscle-checking indicator registers a change in resonance. Clients experience a change in attitude to feeling more positive and energized. Some experience immediate lessening of symptoms while others experience gradual change as the body-mind field updates naturally. You are designed for success and self-healing.

In some cases, a natural positive action is required to further the work of the session. This activates the intelligent field of action. Like The Butterfly Effect, a small action can create change in the holographic world. Repatterning works at the quantum level to effect the system as a whole. All of life is an interdependent system of interconnecting relationships within our body-mind system and the world.

We live in an ocean of frequencies, organized as a hologram in which each part contains the whole. Creating order in one part automatically benefits the whole.~from Quantum Change Made Easy by Chloe Faith Wordsworth


“Since everything is a reflection of our minds, everything can be changed by our minds.”~Buddha

Overlapping energy fields impact relationship interactions. Cultural beliefs that have embedded through time are energetically present in the collective field as memes. Resonance Repatterning works with personal beliefs, attitudes and concepts of time to help create greater access to new possibilities in the present.

Resonance Repatterning works with universal healing disciplines and natural modalities that can be experienced by anyone individually, in groups locally or “non-locally.” In New Physics, time and space are flexible and unified. The work is successful in-person, over distances or as proxy (standing in for someone else in the Unified Field). Sessions are successful with humans, animals and even enhance the life-energy of plants. For more information about Resonance Repatterning, visit:

Kimberly Rex, MS

I’d like to invite you to explore how Resonance Repatterning benefits your life.  Experience a session by phone, Skype or in-person with Windows to the Heart Repatterning.  Ask questions and set up a session here: Contact Page

Sign up for monthly newsletter here: Newsletter and Exclusive Re-pattern Your Life Events with FREE eBook entitled Eight Natural Modalities for Navigating Stressful Times.  

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