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Finding Neutral to Create Positive Change in Your Life

Finding neutral to create positive change in your life is a way to build greater harmony and balance in your body-mind system. When you feel overwhelmed, stressed, or depleted, finding neutral benefits your ability to slow down so you can become aware and choose what you would like to experience within. By doing so, you become more conscious of sensory input, and focus on what is important to you.

Thoughts create emotions. Emotions create responses. The connection between your thoughts and emotions is tempered by internal beliefs and memories that contribute to your experience of life. In any experience, you can go through a range of feelings that allow you to process or resolve what is happening. Emotional states are different in that they can be the direction or undercurrent of what your feelings are responding to over time. It is important to know that you are not your feelings. They are not tattoos. They are expressions of what you are experiencing in the now like waves on the ocean that ebb and flow.

“You are the sky. Everything else-it’s just the weather.”~Pema Chodron

Emotional states are guideposts. They create opportunities for insight. Your response or reaction to any situation is influenced by your thoughts, beliefs, and emotions. They are not bad or good, however, they can offer you a map to discover what is underneath self-limiting patterns as well as what creates empowering experiences. Finding neutral allows you to choose how you respond to life comes from your ability to work with emotions by noticing their sense of heaviness or lightness, length of time, depth, repetitive thought patterns, self-talk, or feelings.

Finding Neutral to Create Choice

Like going into an automatic car wash, you go in with the intention to clean or wash your car. When you pull into the space, you are asked to place your car in neutral. The purpose of neutral is to separate the action of the engine from the wheels so that you are not idling, moving forward, or backward without choice. At the same time, you are not in park or stuck.

.For the purpose of working with this metaphor, imagine your time inside a car wash. What is your experience while you wait? Can you find neutral in this experience? Begin by bringing your attention to your breathing. What are you experiencing in this moment? What are you feeling inside? Where are you feeling these sensations?

Now bring your focus to what is happening around you. Notice what you see as the water and brushes sweep over the sides of your car. Are you able to then shift your focus to just noticing the sounds of the water on the car? Now return to focusing on your breath. Get in touch with what feels different even if slightly. Finding neutral can expand your awareness and also press reset on where and what you want to focus on next with your experience.

Dis-empowering or empowering beliefs create different perspectives of life. As an example, staying with the car analogy, let’s say two people are on a road trip. One person looks out the window and sees bad drivers, negative bumper stickers, and roadkill while the other person sees a hawk in the sky, and notices cloud formations, and a rainbow. What’s different? It’s the same road, however, it is a different view. You can imagine that the first person’s body stance and visual field are tense with shallow breathing while the second person might be breathing more fully with eyes wide to take in the beauty of the scenery. There might even be a smile on the second person’s face while there could be a grimace on the first. This illustrates how seemingly the same road trip can be completely different stimulated by particular thoughts and emotions. These, then, trigger physical responses.

Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.”~Viktor E. Frankl

Read more about Viktor Frankl’s thoughts on this topic related to Resonance Repatterning here.

Finding Neutral by Working with Your Reticular Activating System

What if you could use finding neutral to choose your attitude and your own way? The Reticular Activating System (RAS) is scattered throughout your brain stem in the Reptilian or Survival Brain. It functions as the gatekeeper of sensory information allowed into your consciousness through selecting what is most important. This influences what you are awake, alert to, and aware of in your environment.

The RAS manages the transition between levels of consciousness and controls what is prioritized with a focus on what is important through the lens of your present reality.

The Reticular Activating System influences your fight or flight response, sleep and wake transitions, motor control, the experience of pain, muscle reflexes, focus, attention, goal-setting, and habituation. The nerve fibers of the RAS region make connections between your body and mind. For the RAS to be triggered, signal activity needs to occur in your sensory pathways, that are connected with it. Your thoughts, emotions, and chemical responses are continuously working with learned behaviors, habits, and conditioning to contribute to your interpretation of sensory input.

It turns out that your Reticular Activating System does not know the difference between what is actual, what is created by triggers from the past or new triggers you create for it. The experience of imagining being inside a car wash is a great example. Neurotransmitters and neuro-associations, the links between sensory input, your thoughts, and emotions create your experience. The fact is that you can find neutral to create new neural pathways to allow a shift in energy levels, neuro-chemicals, and brain states. This happens by using your inner software to create positive change.

Finding Neutral with What is Important to You

Like the RAS, you can consciously choose to ask yourself, “What is important to me?” “What is important to me to create a life of meaning?” “What feels like it no longer needs to have a place in my life?” “What is no longer serving my Highest Good?” “What is limiting me?” and “What lessons have I learned that is important to my life today? And tomorrow?” Consider these questions with compassion for yourself. Expanding your awareness with the narrative of your beliefs, attitudes, and thoughts will begin to shift the story your body-mind system is responding to in the present and begin the process of creating new pathways each time.

Finding Neutral in Your Body-Mind System

Your life story has evolved through different stages over time. Some of the chapters might seem more pleasant than others. However, in each chapter, there are memories that can bring happiness, sadness, hurt, grief, or wonder. Take what is most important from these pages of your life.

Some of these memories intertwine sadness with joy. That’s okay. You need these emotions to know the depth of love, caring, and needs while strengthening your values and connection to your True Self. Reframing your past experiences unlocks freedom and understanding. Take what will serve you in your life today, and create new pages with the gifts of these lessons.

Changing your triggers or cues that cause you to spiral down into negative emotions or thoughts creates proactive benefits to build new patterns. After you take inventory of your goals and positive intentions for what is important in your life, you can also look at what keeps you from moving forward with them. Many times triggers and cues from the past can keep you stuck. There might be environmental, social, or beliefs about your roles in life that contribute to guilt or shame imprinted into your belief system. Examining your roles, your beliefs, and self-limiting responses to life build awareness about what you need to move forward.

As an example, let’s consider music that you are playing on a road trip. Let’s say you are listening to music, and you hear a song that brings you back to an earlier time in your life when you felt sad because it reminds you of a person or relationship. This is a trigger. It can space you out, change your mood, and even make you cry. Negative triggers like sound, environment, smell, or seeing something associated with a painful memory can change how you feel. These triggers are different for everyone. Pain can keep you stuck in places unable to start or move forward with the next steps. So creating life-energizing cues can build a path toward more optimal positive and sustainable change.

This allows you to choose where you focus and place your attention when you feel overwhelmed or depleted. Knowing that you can count on positive actions like getting in touch with your breath, working with an empowering memory, change your body stance to change internal states is beneficial to your body-mind system.

Getting to know what works best for you to shift your focus naturally builds the pathways to positive change. Talking with someone to listen to you on the phone, eating whole foods that nourish your neurotransmitters, taking a walk in nature in the woods or the beach, dancing, or listening to music that calms or inspires you are all examples of ways to shift your focus to life-empowering emotional states, thoughts, and actions to allow you to experience more life-energizing states.

Windows to the Heart Repatterning works with holistic processes designed to re-pattern your life with Resonance Repatterning and Repattern Your Life Coaching. These processes work with natural modalities designed specifically for your body-mind system to create life-enhancing patterns that build integrity in your wellness and well-being!

Kimberly Rex, MS is a certified Advanced Resonance Repatterning® and Master Life Coach. She is also a Person-Centered Expressive Therapist. She works with clients all over the world by phone, Skype, and proxy.

Sign up for our monthly free newsletter to receive beneficial natural modalities, exclusive repatterning opportunities, and articles on wellness and well-being here.

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Coherence: Out of Chaos Comes Order in Resonance Repatterning

In all chaos there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order. ~Carl Jung

Coherence Continuum

Resonance Repatterning® works with this creating coherence and order related to patterns in your life that drive chaos. The integrity of your personal health, relationships, work and interaction with the world depends on internal choices. The interaction of your habits, attitudes, thoughts, feelings and beliefs create your experience of life. Creating coherence allows you to choose how you respond to life with greater resilience, harmony and balance.

Coherence is a state of order or harmony where things hold together and form a unified whole. Non-coherence is defined by chaos. A higher state of coherence is always preceded by chaos. In chaos theory, the new coherent pattern is present, and ready to emerge.”~Chloe Faith Wordsworth, Quantum Change Made Easy

Identifying Chaos Within

The Chinese Five Element and Meridian System is one of the many healing disciplines in Resonance Repatterning® sessions that illustrates how the aspects of chaos or disorder can transform your entire system by working directly where energy is disrupted or blocked. Each element has an aspect of Yin or receptive, and Yang or assertive aspect. This relationship requires harmony and balance between partners. If there is disorder, this particular element and organ system will not function optimally.

In addition, each element relies on the rest of the Five Element and Meridian System for nourishing and tempering aspects to create overall order and harmony in your body-mind system. Coherence depends on communication and work with the rest of the elements and meridians. This means that when Resonance Repatterning sessions identify a particular location, time and level of disorder or chaos in the system and updates the function to greater coherence, the entire body-mind system benefits.

As an example, Water Element is related to your kidneys and bladder. On the physical level, the relationship between these two organs illustrate how the process within an element functions. The Yin organ, Kidney, holds and cultivates chi while detoxifying your body. The Yang organ, bladder, then expels these toxins from the body. Creating coherence between this pair allows for greater coherence or vital energy for your entire body-mind system. Kidneys store ancestral energy, and also delivers and interacts directly with your brain, lungs, liver, spleen and heart. In fact, each element is present in the energy flows of all of the meridians with the body-mind system.

Out of Chaos Comes Order

On the emotional level, Water Element coherence also contributes to your feeling like you can go with the flow of life. When there is a disruption or blockage of energy, you might experience non-coherent feelings of resentment or victimization by relationships and situations surrounding you. Creating order allows you to resonate with greater adaptability, healthy boundaries, courage, and perseverance with the ability to pace yourself as you go.

Impact on System
Coherent Function
Impact on Non-Coherent
Function Issues
Kidney Qi (Chi)
or vital essence
eczema, issues with focus,
memory issues,
negative emotions
Kidney is root of the
Lungs, helps with coordination of respiration
Pneumonia, allergies,
asthma, grief,
lack of inspiration
stores blood, metabolism,
digestion of fat,
process nutrients
absorbed from
small intestine
Liver blood deficient
insomnia, hot flashes,
Yin Deficiency,
anger, frustration,
feeling hopeless
Purifies blood Immune function issues, issues with feeling unsupported, unable to handle transitions
Harmonizes heart
Blood pressure issues,
rhythm of heart,
pace, lack of joy,
tolerance, or safe
connection with

Creating Systemic Coherence

Let’s take a look at how the relationship between Metal Element and Water Element interact. The season of fall corresponds with Metal Element. The season of winter corresponds with Water Element. Creating nourishing coherence between these two elements benefits your physical, emotional, mental and core essence experiences. Metal Element depends on the function of your lungs and large intestines. This means that inspiration with the ability to let go of physical and emotional toxins is vital to the coherence of this element. Congested energy can show up physically in your body as a cold, flu or breathing difficulties. It can also show up in feelings, thoughts, attitudes, and beliefs that hold you in survival mode. This can lead to exhaustion and depression over time.

However, resonating with your value and life purpose through resolution of memory imprints from the past can lead you to greater coherence so you can be more in the present, in the flow of life where Water Element’s coherent gifts benefit your health, resilience and vitality through the fall, winter and your life.

It is important to note that Fire Element related to the heart has a tempering coherent effect on Metal Element. Adding joy, connection, discernment, safety, and trust to your life journey goes a long way to creating greater harmony and balance. This creates an update in specific and systemic coherence in the Metal Element Meridian flow.

In working with the coherence muscle-checking system in Resonance Repatterning sessions, it is possible to identify where chaos, congestion, or blocked energy is located in your body-mind system. Through harmonizing and balancing to create greater order systemically, sessions build greater coherence overall. This means that where your vital life energy is depleted or feels in chaos, sessions get to the heart of what you need to experience positive, sustainable, and tangible change. This happens as you re-pattern your life to experience greater integrity in your wellness and well-being.

I’d like to invite you to explore how Resonance Repatterning®can make a difference in your life.  Experience a session by phone, Skype, or in-person with Windows to the Heart Repatterning.  Set up a session with Kimberly Rex here: Contact Page

Sign up for monthly newsletter here: Newsletter and Exclusive Re-pattern Your Life Events with FREE eBook, Eight Natural Modalities for Navigating Stressful Times.

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Coherence: In the Process towards Self-Actualization

Building coherence in the process of positive change leads to self-actualization. Resonance Repatterning® works by transforming non-coherent material related to limiting beliefs, attitudes, thoughts, and reactions that have created conflict in your life. By getting to the heart or root of these life-depleting patterns, your body-mind system can update this information so that you resonate with more coherent life energy that creates vitality to dedicate to your positive intentions for life. What you resonate with, is what you will experience in your life.

Maslow's Heirarchy image from
Maslow’s Hierarchy image from Wikipedia
This hierarchy illustrates the importance of basic needs being met in the process of self-actualization starting with the base and moving toward the top of the pyramid.

You are wired for success and self-healing. When you are oriented to the present, this is where true positive change can happen. Your emotional and survival brain where your unconscious patterns reside does not know the past or future, only right now. When you experience shifts in a Resonance Repatterning® session, your brain is able to update memory imprints and make positive shifts in response to these updates through building coherence in your system overall. This means that instead of experiencing hyper-vigilance, living at a survival level, insecurity, or feeling of lack of safety, belonging, or sense of self-esteem, your body-mind system creates new more life-enhancing pathways, choices, and freedom for experiencing more vital life-enhancing energy as you move through the process towards self-actualization.

When you resonate with the truth of your positive intentions in the present, you are better able to orient yourself to what is beneficial for your life force today. This shows up in your ability to tune in to the messages that come from your true self through inner awareness creating more discernment, inner balance, confidence, and equilibrium. Doing so, allows you to become more aware of what is in front of you by expanding your ability to see, feel, sense, and respond from your inner compass so you can either move towards or away from life experiences and situations that present love, calm, nurture, safety, and trust, or genuine threats of danger.

The 4 Levels of Coherence in the Resonance Repatterning Process

1) Coherence for Who You Are

When you resonate with your personal strengths, this allows you to be in the present in order to become aware of your feelings, thoughts, sensations, and needs. This is the first step to building coherence in self-love and awareness, wellness, and well-being. When your body-mind system communicates better, your experience of life becomes more mindful as you consider the messages this feedback gives you. This creates both grounding and flexibility in the journey of being more aligned with your center. At the same time, this allows you to be in a process with a greater sense of commitment in your own growth process when you experience stress and challenges in your life.

2) Coherence in How You Relate

As you become more aware of your inner world, and your values, you are better able to see what is happening in your relationships with others. You are only able to see in others what you are able to see in your self. If limiting beliefs and patterns have kept you in a position that was created by a traumatic or unresolved experience in the past, you will only see through that lens until you heal that material.

Being in a relationship with another person whether that be intimate, business or friend requires that you have the capacity to listen and interact on the basis of how much you feel safe and trust. Resonating with your inner relationship skills will allow you to choose relationships that create life-enhancing benefits that stream both ways in the balance of giving and receiving.

3) Coherence in What You Do

The Buddhists have a beautiful tenet that says, “ Remember who you are, and know what you do.” This speaks to aligning with your inner truth, strengths, and connection to love. By doing so you have the capacity to draw upon your inner awareness based on love and compassion rather than being driven by fear or reaction from shame, guilt, hurt, and fear activated by harmful past experiences.

4) Coherence in Your Understanding

Creating positive change in your own life develops through understanding that it is a process. Letting go of regrets, self-pity, resentment, fear, grief, anger and negative judgments allow you to be in the personal growth process amid challenges that come with making positive change. This creates a space for you to create the life you want to experience through self-actualization.

Once you are able to understand your own way of seeing from your center, you are better able to acknowledge the view of another through understanding that every person has their own perception or way of seeing based on their own life experiences, cultural and family beliefs that affect their ability to be in the present. This impacts how they relate to you and to life, in general. This leads to a greater sense of compassion for others in the process of being compassionate with yourself in the process.

Whether this is a family member, partner, business colleague, or community member, this expands the potential to experience the possibility of peace through diverse views. In this way, this also creates the potential for finding ways to communicate and listen to the needs that you have in common to develop better group coherence. By doing so, it is then possible to create positive change that emerges from the need for life-enhancing needs that create benefits for all.

I’d like to invite you to explore how Resonance Repatterning® can make a difference in your life.  Experience a session by phone, Skype, or in-person with Windows to the Heart Repatterning.  Set up a session with Kimberly Rex here: Contact Page

Sign up for monthly newsletter here: Newsletter and Exclusive Re-pattern Your Life Events with FREE eBook, Eight Natural Modalities for Navigating Stressful Times.  

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Frequency: Change the Present by Changing Your Resonance with the Past

One of the fond memories I have during the time I was in training as a Resonance Repatterning® practitioner was when some of the students gathered in a hotel room after a training day to watch the movie, FREQUENCY, a science-fiction story of a father and his son connected by radio signal frequency over time who change the past and the present by working together through a ham radio.

The concept of re-framing your past to impact and benefit your life in the present based on changing how earlier experiences affect your experience of life in the now happens in every Resonance Repatterning® session.

Everything in the Universe is energy and registers vibration or frequency. This is information that can be accessed. You experience this in color, light, sound, movement, breath, fragrance, and energetic contact with others and the world you live in.  In fact, you are experiencing the energetic frequency dance of both particle and wave, light and sound 24/7. This means that your back pain, your joys, your business stress, and your emotional connections to life have a frequency. This includes your voice, emotions, the rhythm of your heart, the flow of blood through your veins, and the flow of life energy through your body-mind system. 

Today, using frequency to heal is more than science-fiction.  There are many healing therapies that work with frequency including the Rife Machine and variations that have a sequence of frequencies for certain physical issues. Other healing technologies include brainwaves, medical Qigong, subliminal recordings, laser technology, and is even used in surgery.

In a Resonance Repatterning® session, specific natural frequencies of color, light, sound, movement, breath, and energetic balancing are matched with your body-mind system’s needs by getting access to information from your organs, muscles, tissues, and glands connected to your Autonomic Nervous System through a Resonance muscle-checking protocol. Your heart beats on its own, your skin heals after you are hurt, and you blink on your own and breathe without having to consciously think about it happening. So, having access to this information on the unconscious level in this allows your system to report like an EEG or EKG on your life information.

The Resonance Muscle-Checking system gives a read-out of where your life energy is dedicated, interrupted, or blocked,  A session checks for the exact frequency, time, and level needed from the information in your body-mind field at the unconscious level. You are designed for success and self-healing. Knowing this begins the process of returning your life energy back to a more ideal flow for healing and restoration.

Because life is energy in motion and you experience life through emotions directly, a session works with emotional, mental, physical, and core essence material. This information is stored in your body-mind system as a map of your life’s experience that fit together like puzzle pieces. When checking for where your energy is dedicated, a session works to build more self-awareness and opportunity for creating greater HARMONY and balance of frequency interaction within your experience of life. This builds the path to more conscious choice in your personal and professional relationships, health, and sense of well-being.

Unresolved or unfinished life energy patterns from the past have an impact on your reactions or responses long after an event or situation takes place. This can show up in your attitudes, beliefs, and sense of orientation to time and space, as well as having an effect on your breathing patterns, posture, and quality of life energy you experience. It can manifest over time as depression, worry, frustration, fear, exhaustion, and/or grief. When your life energy is dedicated to unresolved or life-depleting material, your resonance with it continues to create the same life patterns. In fact, your brain becomes hardwired through these repetitive patterns for habitual patterns of reaction, beliefs, attitudes, and the lens through which you experience life.

An earlier experience can make its presence known in relationships, business, health, and energy levels happening now. It broadcasts its inner message through a repetitive pattern or emotion that doesn’t seem to resolve. However, it is the earlier experience that holds the key to unlocking the information needed for healing and restoration. It is the root or place where your resonance changed.

An example of this might be that you experience difficulties in business related to challenging co-workers. You find that even if feel like you communicate well, or try to protect yourself in the situation,  it creates internal conflict and anxiety, guilt, or depression. In a session, you might discover that at an earlier time in your life that you saw parental conflict that did not resolve or felt out of control, that you might have been criticized in school, or that you were prenatally taking in the conflict your parents experienced. Whatever the source, it is the puzzle piece that contributes to unlocking the key to self-awareness, and understanding and helps in building new neural pathways and patterns for greater harmony. 

What if you could feel more empowered in facing challenging situations or choose a new way to experience a relationship? How would it feel to be more present with what is happening at the same time, and feel more at ease?

Resonance Repatterning® sessions benefit you in working with the underlying storage of frequencies from the past to harmonize you with your new intentions for positive change in the present by matching the exact frequency channel for communicating and unlocking the potential for creating new patterns of life energy. Getting to the underlying problem gets to the deeper message stored in your body-mind system. Like your immune system signaling your body to heal, your body-mind system signals you with feelings, thoughts, and repetitive patterns to get your attention. 

When you listen to the signals, you can take the information to create positive change, and begin to focus more on the present you would like to experience naturally and easily. When you are more present, you are better able to get access to wisdom, creativity, and steps for new possibilities!

I’d like to invite you to explore how Resonance Repatterning can make a difference in your life.  Experience a session by phone, Skype or in-person with Windows to the Heart Repatterning.  Set up a session time here: Contact Page

Sign up for monthly newsletter here: Newsletter and Exclusive Re-pattern Your Life Events with FREE eBook entitled Eight Natural Modalities for Navigating Stressful Times.  

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Within the First Steps toward Positive Change

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a first step.” Lao Tzu

Within the first steps toward positive change are the essential building blocks towards realizing your positive intentions. Have you ever felt you needed real sustainable and tangible change in your life?  As we enter the new year, you might be thinking about this as a possibility.

It is likely that when you become aware of the need for change that a number of messages express themselves. Intentions move you to our growing edge, and in the face of new territory, you might also need to take into consideration your doubt, fear, confusion, and sense of disorientation in the process.

While you might consider this kind of thinking can only sabotage positive change, they are important in that they signal unmet needs, beliefs, thoughts, attitudes, or generational imprints from your unconscious that have not yet have been fully integrated or healed in your life. This process allows you to move beyond your first steps in making positive changes in your life.

Because everything is energy and energy is everything, the information from these underlying messages can be accessed at the unconscious level through your body-mind field. Your Nervous System is connected to every organ, muscle, tissue, and gland in your body. It relays this information through frequency or response and can give biofeedback from any place in from your life including prenatal and generational patterns.

The importance of shifting your resonance with habitual patterns, where your life energy is dedicated, is demonstrated in the following analogy.

Sierra Exif JPEG
Imagine that there is a ship with a destination for “Your Positive Intentions”

Imagine a ship with a destination for “Your Positive Intentions.” You start out at your current port and sail with the best of intentions. You are the captain of your ship. You say affirmations, make plans to get to your destination, and place a great deal of conscious effort towards your journey. However, underlying non-coherent beliefs, and negative projections about what might happen including fears, guilt, or worry in the planning take the helm. This disrupts or stops the energy flow dedicated to your positive intentions.

It’s like having a captain at the other end of your ship calling, “Return to port!” As you can imagine, the resulting movement of your ship would then be affected by the energy dedicated to the quality of conscious and coherent life energy available for the journey towards your destination, or the amount of life energy you still have invested in your non-coherent or negative beliefs and habitual patterns.

At this pivotal point, making space and taking time to listen to the messages that are coming up from this awareness will inform your desire to move towards or away from your positive intentions. It is a vital first step towards creating more coherent and positive change. These messages are actually gifts that can potentially create a deeper understanding and connection to your inner wisdom and need for healing. Through this process of taking into account what keeps you stuck, you can open to greater love, compassion, forgiveness, understanding, and peace.

A Resonance Repatterning session accesses your Positive Projections to build the momentum and coherent life energy for what your life would be like while considering your underlying messages and needs.

 A Resonance Repatterning session works with this underlying unconscious material that keeps you from moving forward. Sessions create more coherent life energy based on this information so you can move in the direction toward positive change.   When you shift resonance with your core needs being met, your beliefs, attitudes, and perceptions change so that you have the life energy to devote to manifesting your positive intentions for your life.

Resonance Repatterning works with natural modalities of color, light, sound, movement, breath, fragrance, and energetic balancing to enhance resonating with coherent life energy to empower change. This work then further supports you in considering your decisions, right action, realistic responsibility, resources, and right timing.

In doing so, you access inner wisdom and untapped energy in creating new possibilities for moving toward your new port of call….”Your Positive Intentions.”

I’d like to invite you to explore how Resonance Repatterning® benefits your life.  Experience a session by phone, Skype or in-person with Windows to the Heart Repatterning. Set up a session time here: Contact Page

Sign up for monthly newsletter here: Newsletter and Exclusive Re-pattern Your Life Events with FREE eBooks: Resources for Entering the New Year and Eight Natural Modalities for Navigating Stressful Times.  

Copyright 2009-2022, Kimberly Rex. All Rights Reserved.

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