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A Wish for Tenderness, Courage, and Hope

I found this quote that I saved for the holidays long ago. It feels like a good time to speak again about a wish for tenderness, courage, and hope.

“What is Christmas? It is tenderness for the past, courage for the present, and hope for the future. It is a fervent wish that every cup may overflow with blessings rich and eternal and that every path may lead to peace.”~Agnes M. Pharo

Tenderness for the Past

As the holidays arrive, it is a reminder to look at life through the lens of compassion and tenderness. Even when issues and situations with family members or others feel uneasy, it is through tenderness that we create compassion. It is through compassion that courage arrives. And, from courage from the heart, hope is possible.

Tenderness for the past can serve as a powerful tool to feed your need for support and nurture you in times of challenge and stress. Creating an anchor image of an experience you had that brought you a sense of joy, love, and gratitude is actually a powerful way to feed your need for comfort and joy in the present. Sharing a story of childhood, first date, or memory that connected you to beauty and awe can also feed the needs of others to share in the experience. Listening to others’ stories that contain this same kind of wonder and love feeds you as well.

The innocence of seeing the first snowfall or holiday ornament, the remembrance of playing games with friends, or the wonder of having a first pet can all remind you of the tenderness of feeling brand-new to experiences. The feeling of appreciation for the parts of yourself that were able to take in a new world despite what was happening that felt challenging can build your capacity to give yourself permission to look at the world today in a new way.

Courage for the Present

In the same way, that tenderness feeds you with the memory of kindness and understanding, giving yourself the gift of tenderness and appreciation feeds your entire body-mind-spirit system now. By having compassion for yourself and your experiences, you can move beyond fear to gain the courage to create positive change.

This means, that today, while these parts of you from early life that allowed you to survive and attach to others continue to attempt to serve you, some of that material might not apply or even be appropriate for what is happening in your life today. So, courage is required to work with these earlier parts of your life to motivate your entire being to update your needs in the place you are today.

To be innocent is to be here as if for the first time, with no attachment to the past. Each moment is actually ever new.”~Adyashanti

With the development of your thinking, reasoning, decision-making, and action-taking brain centers on board as an adult, you now have the ability to consider positive change with your global brain. Your early emotional and survival brains that had unresolved trauma do not know the past or future. While you are still hooked to the past well-established limiting patterns, the trauma body lives in trauma time. That is, until you release, heal and create new neural pathways by mobilizing the energy for good. When you unhook that tether to the past by working with what would have made a coherent difference in the past now, you are better able to take care of unmet needs to create positive changes within yourself in the present.

“Let’s shine the light of consciousness on places where we can hope to find what we are seeking.” Marshall B. Rosenberg

Hope for the Future

Hope shows up through your ability to rely on the healing cycles of nature and nurture. It shows up with the healing of parts within yourself still connected to your earlier experiences. Traumatic experiences are stored in parts of your body-mind-spirit system and can be accessed for the information and energy stores they hold through the Resonance muscle-checking system in Resonance Repatterning.

The right brain also, often holds the key to unlocking the information within through creativity, Seeing the big picture that developed over time even as a little one can benefit your ability to heal. It is through movement, drawing, and singing. writing, visualizing, or any positive and life-enhancing creative act that allows the parts of yourself to connect to the action and decision-making parts of the executive function in your thinking brain to apply the wisdom within toward hope today.

By casting light within, you are better able to see more fully what light is available around you, to see the broad view, and to also rest in the growth and grace of what is happening to you at any moment. It is in this light that you are better able to know that time and space are flexible while shifting and transforming your experiences today from your past life experiences in the process.

With intention, you, nature, others, and the world at large are shifting and changing in ways that might only be able to be seen with the beginner’s mind. Yet it takes courage and hope from the integral parts of ourselves that reason and has empathy for life rejuvenating itself through cycles of dark and light in which we all take part. In this way, the new pathways lead us to greater internal peace that ripples into the world around us.

Self-Care: Holiday Tips for Finding Tenderness, Courage, and Hope Again

Kimberly Rex

Kimberly Rex, MS is an Advanced Resonance Repatterning® practitioner, Person-Centered Expressive Therapist, and Wellness and Well-being Life Coach. She works with people all over the world via Skype, phone, and proxy.

Find out how Resonance Repatterning benefits your life. Set up a personal session or sign up for a free monthly newsletter with articles, natural healing modalities, and exclusive group sessions here.

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Quantum Change Made Easy: A Case Study with Extraordinary Outcomes

Leading edge Energy Medicine for Use in Your Life   “Quantum change takes place beyond the level of vibrating subatomic particles: the primal divine energy of sound and light which inspires us on our upward and inward journey of self-healing in all areas of our life.
   Lao Tzu writes that the journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step. What he is describing is Quantum Change. Every step, whether thought, word, intention or action, organizes particles at the quantum level and makes us receptive to spirit. Each succeeding step on our journey attracts more energy, which leads to quantum leaps that carry us way beyond our original expectations. * from Quantum Change Made Easy


Quantum change isn’t just about sub-atomic particles. A small change starts a rippling effect in your awareness, health, relationships, and sense of well-being to create extraordinary outcomes in wellness and well-being.

  In Quantum Change Made Easy by Chloe Faith Wordsworth, many case studies tell how this works. In a case study, I submitted for the book, a very bright child who was legally blind (and the lowest functioning student in reading for her eight-year-old peer group ) had an extraordinary improvement in her reading ability in response to a Vision Repatterning.

Quantum Change Made Easy Case Study

    On the day of the  Resonance Repatterning® session, her beginning concern was not about reading, but about not being able to perform in the school play happening that week. She was afraid that she wouldn’t make it, forget her lines, and freeze up. During her session, it was possible to find the source of her issue related to her fear.  Through working with applied kinesiology and a detailed protocol, a memory imprint from her birth process was checked in to help her regain greater ease and freedom. The session identified an Earlier Experience where her mother was in fear about not being able to make it to the hospital for this child’s birth. In fact, she was born in a stress-filled situation in a limousine racing its way to the hospital.  Her father could not be there for her birth, nor could her mother feel at ease during her labor process. Through the work of this session, a Memory Update* created an ideal birth situation with both her mother and father present giving her loving messages as she was born into this world validating presence. The session also worked with releasing residual stress in her body-mind system that had caused stress to her physical vision. The outcome of the session was amazing!  That week she breezed through all of her lines in the play, and a few weeks later, she scored the highest among her peer group on the State Reading Tests.
The energy that had limited her had been freed and had shifted into better support for her energy system. This decreased the stress in her body and her energy field for a  quantum leap into a more coherent expression of her core essence and life vision.

* In Quantum Physics time is not fixed, but flexible, so we can work anyplace on the time-space continuum to update the energy in the present from the past.

Your body is wired for success and self-healing. Like a sunflower orienting itself to the sun for life-energizing and sustaining nurture, you, too, can move through change more coherently by orienting yourself to the frequencies of Coherent Life Energy through Resonance Repatterning®. This allows us, like the sunflower, to be more oriented to that which is nurturing and life-enhancing as we go through the process of change. When you resonate with nurturing life energy, you then begin to resonate with actions, resources, and commitment that will support you in feeling more centered, empowered, joyful and loving through the transition. As a result, this creates more freedom, flexibility, and a sense of ease.

A Resonance Repatterning ® session assists with bringing your life into a more coherent balance and ideal life energy flow. Everything in the Universe has a frequency. Where underlying unconscious patterns, traumas, or generational beliefs have created more pain or stress in your life,  a session works to name and shift frequencies so you can become more oriented to nurture in your life. Like a garden hose that has a kink (energy disruption ) taken out of it, a session decreases stress and increases the ease and flow within our bodies, in our communications, and in our vision of life.  Get Quantum Change Made Easy: Breakthroughs In Personal Transformation, Self-healing, and Achieving the Best of Who You Are (Resonance Repatterning Books) by clicking this link.

Kimberly Rex, MS is a Certified Resonance Repatterning, Wellness and Well-being Coach, and Person-Centered Expressive Therapist who works with people of all ages. She has extensive experience in working with adults, children, couples, groups, and families to support positive change from all over the world. Sessions work to update issues from earlier experiences no matter where you are in life’s journey. Sessions work by proxy, in-person, or by phone. To schedule a personal session, contact Kimberly at

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The Journey from Aim to Intention

The journey from aim to intention is more in-depth than what you might think. This article explores the nuances and attributes of the process that takes you from aiming to experiencing your positive intentions. Included are several hyperlinks to beneficial resources on this topic.

What are Aim and Intention?

When you start the process of working with an intention for new possibilities in your life it’s important to have a direction or aim. An aim is defined as having the intention of achieving, having in mind a purpose, or goal, pointing toward a target or goal.

An intention is defined as a determination to act in a certain way or to have the resolve to complete, achieve, or experience within the first steps on the path of intention, In Resonance Repatterning®, a session measures your resonance with your positive intentions as something you want, but do not have. When you resonate with your intention you then resonate with the underlying vital energy for the motivation and momentum to build the awareness, actions and commitment to create positive change.

From Aim to Intention with SMART Goals

It’s important to create a SMART Goal Plan that takes in short-term strategy to benefit long term lifestyle change. SMART is an acronym for Specific, Manageable, Achievable, Relevant or Realistic and Timely.

Breaking goals into sizable parts creates the steps needed to work with the details that begins with sequencing and prioritizing. As an example, if you want to move to a new house or change residences, you would need to begin looking at details for the area, finances, and requirements for creating the best possible solution. You would start with your aim in particular for the place, size and content of where you would want to live. Keeping your aim in focus would allow you to check in with your intention to provide growth and transformation on the path of intention.

Messages from Your Intentions

Your intention is the key to your motivation and commitment that creates the process. It is a way to check in on where and how you set your sites. As an example, let’s look at a few intention statements.

An intention for wellness might be “I am healthy.” This is an overarching aim, yet the intention needs to be more specific. As an example, your intention might include diet, losing weight, exercise, or stress reduction. Writing an intention for health over the long run needs an infrastructure related to possible research, study, change in habits, or practice. This means that perhaps you need to work with a health practitioner, read a book on best foods for your health conditions or blood type, sign up for a class that allows you to move or exercise, or learn how to develop a consistent meditation practice to reduce stress.

Keeping Your Aim toward Your Intention with a Growth Mindset

Having a Growth Mindset here is essential. Perhaps you have never taken a Tai Chi or Pilates class, or believe that you can’t diet successfully based on your past experiences. The truth is you might not have been able to YET, but, with the belief and attitude that your intentions are vital to improving your quality of life, you can discover new possibilities when you resonate with “I can work this out,” you’d be surprised how much you can accomplish. Resonating with using what happens along the way as a way to improve your life even if there are errors or setbacks allows you to keep going.

An intention for Finances or Business:I make a million dollars in the next year.” This is more of an aim than an intention. The time frame is present, yet the reason for creating this amount of money is missing. In this case, it might be important to look at the resources and training you might need to shape your skills for creating a specific financial portfolio. It would also be important to look at your WHY that would create the intention so that you address the underlying needs.

For example, you might want to make a million dollars so you can leave your current job or travel the world, or have enough money to build a house for your family. These are the reasons for your aim. Your intention could be a statement that reflects the WHY. As an example, “I make enough money to build a house for my family so we have more space within the next year.

Knowing that you can update and shift your actions and timeline based on what you learn for your own growth and transformation along the way allows you to keep your aim while fine-tuning your intention. It is a journey of discovery after all.

Aim and Intention in Respect to Your Relationships

An intention for Relationship:I have a healthy relationship with my partner.” or “I am in a relationship with a person with whom I can communicate, trust and share my love of nature and who is also financially independent.” This intention speaks to checking in with your values and specific needs for relationship qualities. Writing an intention for creating a new possibility might require some self-reflection or healing along the way related to unmet needs or earlier experiences that created residue from unresolved pain or trauma.

Emotional pain is created by inner conflict. While you might wish for another person to change, this is not your job. Inner conflict can diminish or negate experiencing what you truly need vs. what you desire. It is difficult to resolve, for example, your need for a job that provides security while working with a difficult supervisor or wanting to be in a nurturing relationship while the other person is not resolving their own conflict.

Your destiny is created by the choices you make along the way in the same way as every person you meet. To stay the course toward resonating with your goals or intentions, you also need to shift your resonance with your underlying life-enhancing needs. Living or working in a situation that requires that you tolerate negative behavior or words gives you a lens as to what your body-mind-spirit system is working with to resolve. The part that is holding on to the habitual patterns of struggle attempts to break through to the surface to get your attention.

Your inner dialogue about your life purpose or beliefs about the world is important to what you try, create, or minimize in your life. If you have negative messages cycling through your body-mind-spirit system, it is more likely that you will not start or keep your commitments with your goals or intentions that feel like an unknown or challenging territory. Identifying what these messages are and then replacing them with positive statements when the negative self-talk cycle starts allows you to build awareness around the potential to consider other ways of facing life.

This is your personal invitation to empower your aim and intentions for new possibilities in the new year. Find out more about how to experience a personal Resonance Repatterning session on this topic here.

Kimberly Rex, MS is an Advanced Resonance Repatterning®practitioner, Person-Centered Expressive Therapist, and Wellness and Well-being Life Coach. She works with people all over the world via Skype, via phone, in-person, and by proxy.

Find out how Resonance Repatterning benefits your life. Set up a personal session or sign up for a free monthly newsletter with articles, natural healing modalities, and exclusive group sessions here.

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5 Unseen Connections for Your Wellness and Wellbeing

1. Unseen Unconscious Patterns

Resonance Repatterning® sessions allow you to make unseen connections work for you. This happens by working with unconscious material beneath the patterns that show up in your life. Your body is a map of your life’s experiences and can be accessed for positive change and transformation.

Unconscious patterns are like the conductor guiding the movement of a piece of music that collaborates with all of the instruments in response to what is written or hardwired. The unseen directs what is seen or experienced creating harmony or dissonance, balance, or extremes.

2. Unseen Feelings and Thoughts


You can’t see your feelings or thoughts, but you can experience your body’s response to your feelings and emotions through facial expression, posture, change in body temperature, or gestures. The unseen depth of your feelings triggers reactions that change how you look at the world and how you interact with it.

Thoughts create shifts in your body’s way of handling the connection between your body-mind system through stimulating or calming neuropeptides, hormonal secretions, cravings, heart and breath rate changes, and overwhelm of your organ system with repetitive and sustained negative emotions.

Both your emotions and thoughts create action. Your response to stressful events can create reactions that habituate over time. If you receive the message that you have a deadline for a project, paper, or rent payment, your feelings and thoughts influence the action you take. You could feel calm because you planned ahead, paced yourself over time gaining pleasure with the completion of parts of your overall project, or set aside money weekly for your rent.

On the other hand, you might associate working on your paper or project, or not spending when you want with more pain in the process so that you avoid completion or wait until the last moment to meet your deadline. In this case, rushing to completion can flip the switch from pain to pleasure for completing or creating a way to manifest what you need.

3. The Unseen Air You Breathe

You cannot see air, however, you can see the impact of wind on trees or in your hair. While this is true, you breathe 24/7 through your nose and mouth to take in the nourishment from the air. At the same time its important to acknowledge the importance of air pressure on weather and your energy level. If the barometric pressure is high, this impacts the fluids in your body constricting them in areas of your body including your brain. This can leave you feeling tired and can even contribute to aches and pains.

What is important to realize is that air can be used to access your stress level connected directly to how much you are able to nourish your body, and how much you are able to let go of stress as needed. Breath Article

From the Unseen to the Tangible with Electromagnetic Frequency

Resonance Repatterning sessions work with frequency because everything in the universe expresses itself in this way. The color orange or the sound of someone’s voice has a frequency. You cannot see this with your eyes without the assistance of equipment like an EEG, EKG or below.

What is important to know is that you can shift frequencies like a radio dial when you work with emotions, thoughts, beliefs, attitudes, and actions. These changes in frequencies transform how you experience life with a shift in frequency that changes your inner landscape. This happens with your emotions, thoughts, behavior, and actions. The impact has a holographic effects on your emotional, mental, physical, and spirit level (core essence).

4. Your Unseen Qi (Chi)

It is the unseen and the spiritual in people that determines the outward and the actual.~Oswald Chambers

Chinese Medicine states that your prenatal qi from the universe is given to you at conception through your parents. This qi is like a bank account that you are given for your vital life energy. Your prenatal qi is stored in your kidneys. While you cannot see it, it is important to take care of it. It matters how you conserve this vital energy.

The quality of your life for health, wellness, and well-being is directly related to how you take care of your body and your mind. Like a checking account if you overdraw on your life energy account through too much negativity or lack of self-care like breath, movement, meditation, or inner transformation where needed you deplete your overall life energy reserves. This can lead to depression or difficulties with lack of energy or even disease.

The actions you take to conserve and build your life energy in healthy ways contribute to positive change. How you eat, the quality of sleep you get, the time you spend in nature, your self-talk, or the space you make to connect with Source all make a difference.

5. Unseen Resonance Creates Your World

We have all experienced this with attracting situations and people into our lives that match a frequency that we resonate with on the unseen levels. I’ve heard clients tell me that they keep attracting the same pattern in relationships just with different or new people, and can’t figure out why this keeps happening.

When a session uncovers earlier experiences that contain the root and seed of a pattern that continues to show up in your present life, it allows you to shift your resonance. This allows for new possibilities. Many times a life-depleting pattern can be traced back to the underlying unmet need or lesson that needs to be heard and transformed to create new possibilities. The unseen pattern can be in your postnatal or prenatal experience, or even within the patterns of the unconscious material of your Family System. When addressed, it allows you to see your frequency patterns so you can use intention to transform your resonance with the unseen pattern that was trying to get your attention.

Kimberly Rex, MS

Kimberly Rex, MS is an Advanced Resonance Repatterning® practitioner, Person-Centered Expressive Therapist, and Wellness and Well-being Life Coach. She works with people all over the world via Skype, by phone, in-person, and by proxy.

This is your personal invitation to find out how Resonance Repatterning benefits your life. Set up a personal session or sign up for a free monthly newsletter with articles, natural healing modalities, and exclusive group sessions here.

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Wild Geese: Inspiration for Your Life

Wild Geese

You do not have to be good.
You do not have to walk on your knees
For a hundred miles through the desert, repenting.
You only have to let the soft animal of your body
love what it loves.
Tell me about despair, yours, and I will tell you mine.
Meanwhile the world goes on.
Meanwhile the sun and the clear pebbles of the rain
are moving across the landscapes,
over the prairies and the deep trees,
the mountains and the rivers.
Meanwhile the wild geese, high in the clean blue air,
are heading home again.
Whoever you are, no matter how lonely,
the world offers itself to your imagination,
calls to you like the wild geese, harsh and exciting —
over and over announcing your place
in the family of things.
~ Mary Oliver ~

Inspiration from Wild Geese Poem

1.. You do not have to walk on your knees for a hundred miles repenting.

  The places in your life where you feel resentment, anger, and guilt are where you are resonating with unfinished business from the past. Make time for understanding and forgiveness. Bring self-compassion into your body-mind system with each breath. In every moment is the opportunity to see the world in the present from a more self-loving place.

Your parents, boss, partner, ex- and your earlier evolution of self did the best possible based on self-awareness at the time. It is not the experience you had in the past, but your resonance with the event today through your thoughts, beliefs, and unresolved tension stored in your body-mind system, which makes the difference between feeling stuck or the ability to move forward.

The opportunity is to look at your needs that were not met underneath in the earlier experience, and to bring greater understanding and compassion to the message within that needs support and healing. Take the higher lesson and message into your life in the present. This will allow you to apply what you have learned to what is unfolding in front of you today. It will create greater life energy flow, discernment, and new possibilities.

You are only able to experience as much love, joy, and feeling of being centered and empowered to the degree you are able to feel all of your emotions.  Allowing them to create insight, awareness, and inspiration creates a new possibility of healing in your life

2. Meanwhile the wild geese, high in the clean blue air,
are heading home again.

As you feel more at home within yourself, you then can take nurture from home, the Earth itself. Gratitude and appreciation for all the ways you are taken care of, looked after, and have had needs met help you to feel more grounded. Spending time in nature and in your heart with gratitude and appreciation are important tools for your health and relationships.

Wild Geese

  It helps you feel more oriented to the present and creates a feeling of more safety and trust. It allows your body-mind system to work more effectively. When you apply this anchor feeling to your current life situations, it helps you to be more aware of your self-care needs, and to register where you need to spend time introspectively, and when to spend time with others to share the warmth and joy of connection. Like the seasons of change in Nature, there is a time for everything: to rest, to create, to be more active, to harvest, and to let go.

3. The world offers itself to your imagination calls to you like the wild geese, harsh and exciting –over and over announcing your place in the family of things.

You are an integral part of the interwoven web of connection. Geese fly in a formation that allows each member to care for one another and to help the entire group. The benefits: more uplift and less exhaustion between members flying long distances. These times are extraordinary. As a planet, and as humanity, we must work to protect life while enhancing our connection to life-enhancing practices. It is vital for us to work together for sustainability and the health of one another.

At times, it may feel as though the distance is too far or too difficult. However, at this pivotal time, working together to sustain life creates benefits for everyone. Know that you have a part in this journey we are all experiencing at this time. Tune into your heart and explore your part!

Wild Geese Poem by Mary Oliver from New and Selected Poems, V

Kimberly is a Certified Master Life Coach, Advanced Resonance Repatterning®Practitioner, and Person-Centered Expressive Therapist. She works with clients all over the world to help you achieve your positive life goals by phone, Skype, in-person, or proxy.

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