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Repattern Your Brain, Repattern Your Life

You can repattern your brain to repattern your life. The automatic responses that drive your responses to situations you meet in life are based on your emotional and survival memories created by your life experiences. Whether you have experienced physical, emotional or chronic stress, you can work with the brain-body connection to experience greater integrity in your wellness and wellbeing.

“Whatever the circumstances of a child’s early life, and whatever the history and current state of that child, every human has the built-in power to improve, to change for the better, to significantly restore, and often to recover. Tomorrow, that person you see in the mirror can be a stronger, more capable, livelier, more powerfully centered, and still-growing person.”~Michael Merzenich

Photo by Tara Winstead on

. The good news is that neural pathways can be altered through neuroplasticity. Resonance Repatterning® The process accesses established pathways that register in your muscles, tissues, muscles, organs, and glands through the Resonance Muscle-Checking process. Natural modalities of color, light, sound, movement, breath, fragrance, energetic contact, and consciousness science introduce new brainwaves, awareness, and neurotransmitters to create neurosynthesis and plasticity. This relies on the memory information stored in your body-mind system to create neuroplasticity by updating and changing function.

The Brain-Body Connection

These brain areas are examples of how thinking, feeling and action are connected between your mind and body.

Pre-Frontal Cortex: When the Pre-Frontal Cortex is in control, it allows you to be fully engaged in the present of your life so you can resonate with expanding your awareness, feeling, thinking, and acting as you open to new possibilities. This is where you can explore your connections with others. When the pre-frontal cortex is under-active in this brain area you can experience brain fog, difficulties with attention, focus, ability to follow through, decision-making, and disorganization.

Limbic Brain: The Limbic Brain colors how you process your emotions. This part of your brain affects your autonomic nervous system including blood sugar, hormones, temperature, respiration, and heart rate. This portion of the brain discerns feelings of safety or danger through the Amygdala. The Hippocampus embeds memory into the nervous system related to life-enhancing or depleting experiences. This creates the connection between your thoughts and feelings that influence your body responses through the HPA Axis.

The Cerebellum allows your system to create implicit memories that become automatic starting with learning skills and mastering a task. Over time this recall becomes automatic and unconscious affecting your thoughts and behaviors.

“Conscious thoughts, repeated often enough, become unconscious thinking.”~Dr. Joe Dispenza

Resonance Repatterning and Brain-Body Connection

The process of Resonance Repatterning, from the brain’s perspective, works by transforming the neural pathways through awareness, new information and experience. This changes while working at the frequency levels in specific brain areas, brain waves, and neurotransmitters. Changing neural responses in your brain is a conscious process that shifts your resonance with what nerve responses take place in your body and your mind.

As a hypothetical example, let’s say that in a session the issue in your life is related to an inability to focus, disorganization, and impulsivity. The issue thought statement might be “I can’t get anything done.”The feeling state your share might be “I feel scared and confused.” Checking in with how to create coherent neural pathways for new behavior through muscle-checking the statement “I focus on the task at hand,” might be the new possibility. The neurotransmitter or peptide that would support the shift would be checked from a list along with its benefits to enhance neural communications in your mind and body A frequency of light for the Hypothalamus with a color that muscle-checks for the missing color/light frequency would be considered to energize your system. Natural activities would be checked to enhance new connections in your body-mind system. for this example, let’s say the action of deep breathing checked in. A coherent statement from the identified brain area would be included. In this case, we work with the pre-frontal cortex. The coherent statement would be “I stay calm and focused and manifest my plans through effective actions.”  A frequency of a brainwave would be fused into the mix as well. For the sake of this example, an Alpha brainwave with a range of 8-13 cps would be muscle-checked for the exact frequency among the four options for brainwaves including delta, theta, alpha, and beta to decrease anxiety and bring focus.

   All of these parts work at the frequency level with the material to create greater coherence, harmony, and balance in your body-mind system.The muscle-checking system in this process is then used to check for shifts in your system. You are ON or resonate with your new intentions when your thoughts, emotions, and body are wired for specific neural pathways that fire and connect your responses related to your positive intentions. You are OFF when neural pathways are inhibited or do not fire in the same habitual way related to the issues you brought to the session.With muscle-checking at the beginning and completion of the session, your system registers the shifts with your change in resonance.

These nerve impulsesin your brain communicate thoughts, feelings, sensations, and responses throughout your body. When your body and mind experience greater harmony and balance between your Autonomic, Parasympathetic, and Sympathetic Nervous Systems, this is reflected in the way you think, how you feel and respond to life, and what actions you take to create new possibilities.

Resonance Repatterning® Sessions are based on working with your body-mind-spirit systems’ ability to repattern your body-mind-spirit system. This means that the pain you experience on any level can be an opportunity for creating new possibilities in your life.

Kimberly Rex, MS
Kimberly Rex

Kimberly Rex, MS is an Advanced Resonance Repatterning® practitioner, Person-Centered Expressive Therapist, and Wellness and Well-being Life Coach. She works with people all over the world via Skype, by phone, and by proxy.

Find out how Resonance Repatterning benefits your life. Set up a personal session or sign up for a free monthly newsletter with articles, natural healing modalities, and exclusive group sessions here.

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How Does a Resonance Repatterning Session Create Positive Change?


There are many ways that positive change is created in the process of Resonance Repatterning®. Each session is unique to the specific needs of the client related to tapping into the innate wisdom of their body-mind system through the resonance muscle-checking method done either in-person on behalf of the client through the process while on the phone or as a proxy.

The overall benefits of the process include the following potentials that create a bridge between the past, present, and future through working with problems into opportunities or intentions for a new possibility. This happens through one or a combination of the following in this nurturing, supportive, and natural process.

Resonance Repatterning Session Benefits

1. Creates new personal and relationship awareness The Resonance Repatterning process builds insight into your life patterns, including internal messages, information, feelings, and behaviors you live that either stand in the way of you making positive change or experiencing greater integrity in your wellness, communication, interactions and sense of well-being.


2. Builds coherence in your Body-Mind Field: The process works with information stored within your own bio-energetic field and includes working with your organs, tissues, muscles, and glands, as well as with the interconnected function between systems. This means that a session accesses where both individual and collective interaction create dis-ease through a lack of harmony and balance. Identifying this information at its root in your system at the time and place where it became imbalanced through the Resonance Muscle Checking System, allows your system to retrace and update information that is needed to restore better communication and systemic functioning.

3. Fuses in new information: In cases where information is needed for support within your body-mind system, an update is created in the exact location, timeframe, and sequential way that is needed. At times, both forgiveness and retrieval of quality are needed for this to happen so that there is a freeing of life energy and movement towards new possibilities to experience in your life through resonating with this energizing information. This is done with frequency through color, light, sound, movement, breath, and energetic contact modalities combined with consciousness science working with information in your body-mind system where needed, and even at the sub-atomic level.

4. Diffuses information from your body-mind field: When there has been a significant trauma or event that needs release, diffusion works where the energy needs release within the body-mind system from the root of its origin and the sequential modalities needed to free your body-mind system of this disharmony. This can also be experienced in the process through working with an Earlier Experience that created the root of the issue that interferes with movement towards resolution and facing life more fully. Diffusion happens through a number of modalities in Resonance Repatterning and includes the work of Family Systems material in some cases.

5. Changes Energy Constriction to Energy Construction: At times within a session, it is necessary to work with a specific energy that is stuck and obstructs working on the next steps in the process of creating new possibilities. By first accessing the place where energy is knotted and working with the communication needed for the constricted life energy to release, the greater opportunity is created for moving beyond the obstacle created by the stored imbalance or blockage. This creates a passage for new constructive patterns that take you beyond the memory imprint and roadblock.


6. Releases and Resolves Limiting Patterns: Once patterns are located and roadblocks are transformed into stepping-stones, your personal attitudes, beliefs, and concept of time alter and allow you to resonate with your underlying needs that will create momentum for positive change through resonating with more coherent material that is life-enhancing for next steps.

7. Updates to Create New Possibilities: A shift in where your life energy is dedicated builds a deeper consciousness and connection to your life and spirit purpose. Through opening channels for more ideal energy flow in your body-mind system aligned with greater coherence, you literally see life differently, and experience more coherent life energy for taking action to resolve issues you are facing or to begin anew in an area of your life that you would like to experience positive change.

8. Considering Choices: The increase in sense of well-being and quality of life energy allows you to see and experience new possibilities and resonate with the opportunities in your life. You will feel more oriented towards life-enhancing choices, and recognize more easily those choices that lead away from or towards your positive intentions with greater discernment, felt sense, and a greater sense of authenticity.

What to Expect After a Resonance Repatterning Session

1. You might find yourself needing process time. This can happen through daydreaming, and dreams, including an increased need for rest. As your Nervous System releases material that has taken up time and space with your life energy dedicated to “being strong” in the midst of non-coherence, being able to release this material is like putting down a large bundle or piece of luggage that you have carried. Sometimes this luggage is a belief or stress that you have carried for years. Sometimes it is material you have carried out of love and duty to your family.

Ongoing generational beliefs often originate long before your lifetime, yet, the life energy required to carry the material takes up your time, life energy, and emotional space. This affects how you see the world and interact with others on a day-to-day basis. However, once you resonate with not having to carry this material, your body gets to acknowledge the amount of energy it took to carry it and then resonates with rest. Rest creates the needed resolution and healing so that your bio-energetic field can return to more ideal functioning in the optimal time that your system needs.

2. You might feel more uneasy in some places in your life while feeling more at home in others. This is an invitation for discernment and realignment with your authentic self. This leads, in some cases, to make changes that may seem small at first, but over time and with new insights, begin to notice how you see yourself and others differently, and in some cases create significant life-altering adjustments and changes.

This can show up through a shift of direction in your life more aligned with your sense of life or spirit purpose. Some clients have changed what they do for a living, change where they live, change how they eat, reconnect with loved ones, experienced a greater sense of inner peace, understanding, compassion, and forgiveness, and live with less conflict, frustration, and fear. You will notice where and when you resonate with your new intentions. You will have more enthusiasm, and feel more capable of goal-setting and following through with the steps, resources, and knowledge you have gained in your session.

3. Positive Actions in the Process: At the end of each session, the facilitator checks to see if there is any particular action needed to further and deepen the work of a personal session. The information within your system created by shifts in a session might require certain actions to be taken to stabilize and create new possibilities through muscle-checking from a list of Positive Actions. Examples could include activities like changing what you eat, detoxifying the electromagnetic influence in your sleeping area, communicating with another person, or a health-related process to enhance your overall sense of wellness and well-being.

Once you shift your resonance and perception of what is happening within, new doorways and possibilities open. Listen for guidance, and follow your heart. New possibilities await when you are awake to them.

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