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How Resonance Repatterning Gets to the Heart of What You Need

Resonance Repatterning® gets to the heart of what you need to experience positive change in your life by working with the information within your body-mind system. Because your Nervous System is connected to every muscle, tissue, gland, and organ in your body, the resonance muscle-check is a way to access both conscious and unconscious material within your life.

The Resonance Muscle-Checking process can be done in-person, by Skye, phone or proxy .

Through the process, it is possible to record where your current life energy is dedicated through your resonance with the frequency of limiting beliefs, thoughts, attitudes or focus based on your experiences, family patterns, and responses to stress in your system. This is done by identifying the area, specific time and location of levels.

Identifying Area

In a session, the resonance muscle-check reveals three levels: general, specific and umbilical for where specific life energy is stored. A general muscle-check refers to accessing your body-mind system globally. A specific muscle-check refers to accessing a particular place in your body-mind field such as an organ, system (ie. Meridian or Chakra, respiratory, digestive, etc., gland, vertebrae, senses, eyes, neurotransmitter, or a specific place in your energy field).

Establishing Time

When working with a specific check, it is important to check for the root or heart of the information for when it originated. By doing so, your system has the opportunity to address the issue from the source where the energy was constricted or interrupted. The disruption in your life energy has had an impact on how you think and respond to life. Through muscle-checking it is possible to identify pre-natal information, birth process, post-natal, or any time within your life where the information related to the work you have brought to the session is related. Family Systems is part of the work in Resonance Repatterning, and, in these specific repatternings, the process identifies specific generational origins of patterns that impact your life based on the muscle-checking process with genogram charts (Example: 4 generations back on Father’s side related to a sibling. You do not need to know the name of an ancestor, however, the relationship to patterns in your life is stored in the DNA that came through them. When this information is included in the session, it works with the root of the material needed for transforming your life in the present.

Locating Specific Level

When working with a specific muscle-check, disrupted energy is addressed at the following levels.

1. Physical Level: In Chinese Medicine, Jing and Chi are the most important aspects of your health. Primary jing is inherited from your parents, while acquired jing is acquired from the energy derived from nutrition, exercise, sleep, and healthy habits. Jing is experienced through its function and effect. It can be observed through the physical health of your muscles, hair, brain function, fertility, skin, eyes, function of your organs and system, strength, resistance, vitality, and energy levels.

Jing is concentrated energy, and chi is dispersed energy through air, breath and vital energy throughout your body-mind system.

2. Mental Level: Thought patterns create neurotransmitter responses. Reinforcing limiting beliefs and carrying negative attitudes about life embed pathways in your brain-heart-gut pathways that reinforce your perception of how life is playing out in front of you. The neurotransmitters created between what you think, what you feel, and how you respond are communicated throughout your body. Your Brain allows you to observe, problem-solve, make decisions, memory input, association, and meaning to your experience; respond to stress with the fight, flight, freeze or rest.

3. Emotional Level: Each of your organs is associated with emotion. The kidney, home of Jing essence is negatively impacted by your resonance with excessive fear. Your liver is impacted by anger. Your heart is impacted by hate or overexcitement. Your stomach is impacted by worry. Your lungs are impacted by grief. Your large intestines by congested emotion of feeling stuck, and so on.

This is the OFF position for the muscle-checking process. When you are OFF for a statement, you are either not dedicating life energy to that belief, thought, or issue, or not resonating with it.

4. Spirit Level: In Chinese Medicine, the word, Shen, refers to the core essence of your being. Shen is the manifestation of your life and is related to your emotional and mental activity. In sessions, this shows up as working with what motivates you in your life influencing the direction and actions you take. This relates to your life purpose and sense of interaction with your inner world, relationships, and the outer world. So whether you are inspired to work with animals, advocate for the environment, write a book or wish to live mindfully, this is directly related to this level.

Umbilical muscle-checking gives a read-out on core life energy. When checking at his level, it taps into where there is no information or toleration. This can often be due to generational patterns, prenatal or family patterns, or in response to trauma, shock or abuse that created difficulty in embodying the information for healing. When working with generational or family patterns, it is often material that belongs to a parent that was internalized by the client. In order to bring this information into coherent and loving conscious awareness, it is vital to build core life energy to work with the process of creating discernment and support for updating your body-mind system.

This is your personal invitation to allow the information stored within your body-mind system to create new possibilities in your life. You are wired for success and wellness. Your system reports to you wherever you feel pain whether that be on the emotional or physical level. Resonance Repatterning sessions get to the heart of what you need to build and restore your vital life energy so you can dedicate more life energy to your positive intentions for your life.

Schedule a personal Resonance Repatterning® session to experience a tangible and sustainable change in your life by phone, Skype, or proxy with Kimberly Rex, MS here:

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Even with the Best of Intentions: Insights from the Titanic

This video is an animated sailing of the Titanic (without any sinking sequence)

On April 15, 1912, the Titanic was lost in the icy waters of the Arctic Circle. The event continues to be haunting emotionally in the stories of the passengers, in film, music, and scientific intrigue.  I can not help but wonder if this historic event from a little over a hundred years ago offers insight into the process of manifestation even with the best of intentions.

“Your perspective is always limited by how much you know. Expand your knowledge and you will transform your mind.” 
~ Bruce H. Lipton

Bruce Lipton, Ph.D.; author of Biology of Belief, states that we are processing over 4 billion bits of information per second and that your bio-energetic field while filtering all the material, can only process about 1-2% of that material consciously. Any trauma, accident, stress, imprint, or habitual behavior that has not been processed consciously for more coherence has the power to divert, block, compromise or disrupt optimal energy flow and response. Positive intentions are only as effective as the underlying coherent structures that support them.

As an example, the Titanic was touted as being the biggest and best ship ever built in the early 20th Century, yet the unseen material of a solitary iceberg in the Atlantic caused its demise. The ice below the surface which comprised 90% of its mass which wasn’t seen ripped open the ship below the waterline and above the double hull where it was least expected to overwhelm the ship.“It’s just the tip of the iceberg” is also relevant when looking at the influence of unconscious material on your choices, actions, and outcomes in what you are intending to make happen.

Even with the best of intentions you are using a great deal of energy towards your positive intentions and seeing no results, perhaps it is a call from your unconscious beliefs that lie below the surface, patterns built up over time with imprints asking you to take a new course. No matter how much you visualize, believe, and work towards them through saying affirmations, imagining the outcome, burning candles, making wishes, etc; the material from limiting habits, beliefs, and patterns can override them.

The Titanic was proclaimed “Unsinkable and Invincible.” Everyone said and believed it was so. On that day reports came in for ice fields, and the course of the ship was altered to a more southerly route maintaining a speed of 21.5 knots which is about 40 km per hour. The wireless telegraph broke down for several hours after the course was changed. When the latitude/longitude report came in with exact location of ice fields in their new path with 10 miles of ice fields, the telegraph operator aboard the Titanic was so stressed with the backlog of passenger telegraphs from lost time trying to fix the wireless that he placed the new “Icebergs” report under his elbow with the stack of other mounting telegraphs after telling the messenger from another ship,‘Shut up, shut up! I am busy; I am working Cape Race!’” This last Iceberg report never made it to the bridge.

In the excitement and hurry for this new venture, binoculars were misplaced and were not available to lookouts on the ship. That meant that they could not see well into the darkness filled with only smooth water and twinkling stars. When the iceberg finally registered as a reality that could not be denied with the naked eye, there wasn’t enough time to change course or take effective evasive action. With mounting stress after the hit, the SOS latitude/longitude location signal sent out for help proved to be an inaccurate reading of Navigational Charts which made it difficult for ships to reach her more rapidly.

What were the elements of destruction to the intention of crossing the Atlantic? While there are many theories in books, articles, etc; for our purposes here in considering the bio-energetics at work, tiredness, disorientation, collective belief, and stress response within the structure of the ship and crew all step forward.

Miscommunication between crew members about the real impact of the situation affected loading lifeboats which, in some cases, filled only 1/3 the number they could have actually held. Some passengers refused early on due to the belief that the ship was a safer place to be than a lifeboat.

While each person’s life and their relationship with another created loss on the Titanic, the number of 3rd class passengers reported the greatest toll. In some cases, they were blocked and could not reach the top. The steel in the freezing waters became brittle and fractured in her depths instead of being able to expand and hold the keel and hull together flooding beyond the capacity of the ship’s ability to sustain itself.

In the aftermath of the sinking of the Titanic, inquiries about the details of this disaster led to updates and improvements in shipping and travel across the water almost immediately. Expanding the area of doubled ship hulls, increasing the numbers of lifeboats, drills, and safety, improving watertight walls, and requiring 24- hour wireless reinforcements were all conscious improvements to create more coherent structure and support for sustaining life.

Re-pattern your life to experience greater integrity in your wellness and well-being.

It is possible to update the unconscious material of limiting beliefs, attitudes and thoughts in your body-mind system traveling through life. This information is stored in your Autonomic Nervous System within your muscles, tissues, glands, organs, thoughts, feelings and actions. When you deeply listen to what this information is reporting, you have an opportunity to expand into a greater experience of wellness and well-being so that we can see more clearly, move into the present with more insight and focus for making decisions and being present to what is in front of you. This happens by restoring more optimal harmony and balance in your system while decreasing the residual effects of stress from your past. When you create more peace with events that still haunt you by updating them with more positive frequency support, you can move forward to experience more harmony and balance.

Resonance Repatterning Sessions update emotional, mental, spiritual (core essence), and physical energy flow with natural healing disciplines matched to your specific needs. This changes the course of your life direction while creating more optimal energy flow in your body-mind system. Doing so, allows you to re-pattern your life to experience greater integrity in your wellness and well-being.

I’d like to invite you to explore how Resonance Repatterning® can make a difference in your life.  Experience a session by phone, Skype or in-person  with Windows to the Heart Repatterning.  Set up a session with Kimberly Rex here: Contact Page

Sign up for monthly newsletter here: Newsletter and Exclusive Re-pattern Your Life Events with FREE eBook, Eight Natural Modalities for Navigating Stressful Times.  

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The Living Matrix: A Film that Explores Bio-Energetic Concepts Related to Health

  The film, The Living Matrix speaks to the bio-energetic  concepts pivotal to your health. With important contributions from Bruce Lipton, Rupert Sheldrake, Lynne McTaggart, Edgar Mitchell, Herman Koning, MD, James Oschman,Ph.D, Heartmath Institute, Marilyn Schlitz of the Institute of Noetic Sciences and Franz Popp to name a few, this film delivers rich food for thought from seasoned researchers. It also chronicles case studies of people who have experienced extraordinary healing working with the living matrix.
Consider the following concepts from this film.
    • Your body is connected to an energetic field of information that surrounds and includes you.
    • Your body field is filled with energetic information. DNA ( biological information library) informs fields that become tissue, organs, muscles, cells, etc.
    • Genes are unlimited potential. Influence of environment, emotion and stress can create 30,000 different variations from the blueprint.
    • The heart imprints information from the energetic field and has neural tissue. Emotions have direct impact on what is relayed. The heart is the body’s control system and delivers information to the cells.
    • Life is patterns of information. Illness is a disturbance in the information energy system.
    • Disease is scrambled, blocked or disrupted information. When the disturbance is stopped, chemistry and physiology self correct.
    • 1/3 of all healing happens due to the placebo effect. Belief in process and positive thought have an impact by enhancing the  healing process.
    • The future of energy medicine empowers facilitating the natural healing capacity of the body as a whole. This process is inclusive of thoughts, beliefs, and nurture.
    • Information follows intention with focus and alignment of frequency. 

   In a time when healthcare issues are increasingly controversial, this film helps to empower the part you play in taking care of your own body. It offers meaningful insights to what wholeness or health means from the energetic viewpoint.

  Sign up for FREE monthly newsletter to find out more about Resonance Repatterning® and its contribution to energy and informational medicine. New members receive Eight Natural Modalities to Help You Navigate Change with quick and easy actions you can take to help you in transitions and stressful situations here:

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Is It Stress Speaking? The Physical and Emotional Signals

Biology of Belief by Bruce Lipton, PhD

Your emotions are signals  directly related to how you respond to stress in any given moment.  Stress can build due to a hectic lifestyle or  resonance with  the chaos of  problems in life. When you feel as though you cannot effect change, anxiety and fear can increase.  The work of Dr. Claire Weekes, an Australian MD  who is known for her healing work with people with panic attacks addressed the emotional and physical components of stress. The physical signals of anxiety include an increase in adrenaline production, quickened heartbeat, and activation of the Sympathetic Nervous System.

The emotional signals  take many forms including agitation, anxiety, fear, and lead to fatigue and depression. When your body is  increasingly sensitized to the cycle of physical alert, this leads to spiraling down into feeling more tense, upset, and frustrated.  This affects your thinking, creates memory imprints and activates fight or flight reactions.  Dr. Weekes called this “Second Fear” manifesting as confusion, bewilderment and fear through de-energizing thoughts, feelings and physical tension.

According to Bruce Lipton, a molecular biologist and author of Biology of Belief, the impact of stress over time impacts your health, sense of well-being, and even the interpersonal relations in global communities. Biology of Belief book link

4 billion bits of information travel into your Nervous System per second, yet  you are only able to process about 5% of that information consciously. Much of this information stored within your body-mind system are beliefs, early teaching, the unprocessed residue of material from earlier experiences, and/or generational imprints. Additional factors include your attitude and concept of time  about what is happening.

As an example, it’s the difference between believing  There’s a light at the end of the tunnel”  and “The light at the end of the tunnel is an oncoming train.”  Your sense of urgency, completion and intensity affect the impact of your experience. Shifting perspective makes all the difference in the world to your body-mind system!

Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lie our growth and our freedom. ~Viktor E. Frankl

The analogy of cellular function and communication offer a good perspective. Cells respond coherently when orienting towards life and engaging in communication between systems more optimally  when there is a felt sense of safety. Perceived unresolved stress or threat, however,  creates a disruption of life energy flow and the need for protection or shutdown. This, in turn, decreases communication between internal systems, and results in life-depleting or disrupted flow of  life energy.  Coping with challenges and  conflict issues  in a way that leads  to experiencing a greater sense of safety, trust and perspective based on the present is vital.   When you are  seen, heard and feel  understood, this creates a space for resolution and healing. When this happens, your emotional outlook changes, and  the functioning  of  your immune system also benefits.

Anxiety and stress can manifest in repetitive emotional reactions to patterns or beliefs in relationships, finances, cultural interchange, expectations  for  life, gender, and groups.  When you feel overwhelmed, depressed and disconnected from others you are cut off from energizing relationship.  Blame, anger, and chaos limit the ability to sustain life-energizing interactions.

   So what can you do when faced with stress or overwhelm? Dr. Weekes recommended acceptance instead of resistance, letting time pass, and allowing the body to  let go of tension in what she called the sensation of floating

An empowering tool that will help you is a “Pause for Centering.”   Listen to this recording to experience this modality and its benefits:

The next time you are feeling stress over a conversation, sitting in rush hour traffic, put on hold on the phone, or need a few minute’s solace, give yourself this gift of peace. It is a way to activate positive life energy, to create greater inner peace and harmony in your life and relationship with others.

  • A Pause for Centering comes from Resonance Repatterning© material.  Check out more of Claire Weeke’s work, Hope and Help for Your Nerves, and her CD entitled, Pass Through Panic: Freeing Yourself from Anxiety and Fear.  Claire Weeke’s book

Receive Eight Natural Modalities to Navigate Stress and Transition when you sign up for FREE monthly newsletter here.

Kimberly Rex, MS is a Certified Resonance and Person-Centered Expressive Therapy Practitioner. She works with clients by phone, in-person and proxy to support creating positive change for wellness and well-being. Her website:

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Resonance Repatterning Works with Your Inner Software


In the past week I received an email asking what technology or machine did I have to measure a change before and after a Resonance Repatterning session? This question is not new, however, the answer is actually simple. Resonance Repatterning® does not use any machines. The process relies on the inner software of your body-mind system to register the change.

Your inner software is responsive and sensitive to your environment, your emotions, the food you eat, the messages you give yourself, your stress level, as well as to the patterns and habits you have learned and practiced over time.  Science and consciousness technology is moving towards being able to study and register the outcomes of the impact, effect, and healing of natural modalities including color, light, sound, movement, meditation, breath, and energetic contacts all included in the process of Resonance Repatterning®.

This brings up a good point about trusting your own body.  What has happened in your life that has numbed down or taken away your sense of trusting your inner guidance, feelings, or biofeedback? It isn’t that your body-mind system isn’t reporting. Your autonomic nervous system allows you to digest, blink, and breath on your own. Your heart beats independently 24/7.

The importance of this vital information is that your autonomic nervous system is connected to every organ, tissue, muscle, and gland in your body. A Resonance Repatterning® session works with a resonance muscle checking system that accesses this information relayed in the binary muscle response. This means that when the muscle is flexed it is reporting that you are dedicating life energy to the information. When the muscle is relaxed, your body-mind system is reporting that you are not dedicating life energy to the statement or situation.

Internal Wisdom by Kimberly Rex

Inner Listening by Kimberly Rex

One of the most important revelations that comes from a session is the change in where your life energy is dedicated. At the beginning of a session, a client is usually muscle-checking with a flexed response to their issues. In turn, they muscle check with a relaxed response to their positive intention.

The beauty of this process is that it examines the non-coherent aspects of established patterns in your life related to the issues that are brought to the session. Identifying where and when the pattern was initiated, and how it came forward in your life through life-depleting beliefs, habits, and attitudes, as well as how this has impacted your life physically, emotionally, and mentally at core levels then establishes the potential for building greater coherent new pathways and possibilities.

Working with all the systems of the body, Resonance Repatterning® updates and illuminates movement toward a new way of thinking, feeling, believing, and living. This allows you to restore and update the information in your body-mind system to create greater vital life energy for your positive intentions re-routing where your positive life energy is dedicated in the present. Your body-mind system is designed for success and self-healing.

During the day, I work in an office that has two light switches. When I walk in, both lights are off, and it is very dark! If I turn on one, but not the other, the light in the room is still dim. However, if I switch on both, the room fills with light which makes it possible to do so much more. In the same way, when checking for shifts at the completion of a session, we check both the coherent and non-coherent statements as these changes are registered in the muscle-checking responses. The client can feel the difference in the muscle-checking process registered in the muscle-check. Where the person was resonating with an issue at the start, they now resonate with the positive intention instead. By turning the non-coherent statement OFF, they have added more life energy to their positive intention. When the positive intention registers as ON, they have literally created a new pathway with new opportunities filled with greater ease and clarity.

Not only do clients feel the difference in the muscle-checking process, they see a difference. Clients report that they feel more relaxed, less anxious, more hopeful, more energized, and open! This gets translated into a tangible experience that takes you to the next steps in realizations, insights, awareness, and positive change.

This is your invitation to experience a 45-90 minute personal session with Kimberly Rex, MS to tap into the innate wisdom of your body to create sustainable and positive change. Personal sessions are powerful energetic tune-ups for greater wellness and well-being! Sessions can be done by phone, Skype, or in-person.  Get more information about how this works here.

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