Windows to the Heart Repatterning


Interlocking Patterns Lead to New Possibilities

Transforming problems into opportunities begins with identifying interlocking patterns that keep you from stepping into a new way of approaching…

6 months ago

Hosting Love Within

Hosting love in your life starts from within. This is created by nourishing safety and trust in your thoughts, feelings,…

10 months ago

Coherence Creates Self-Awareness

Resonance Repatterning® creates coherence in your self-awareness. Greater coherence benefits your experience for a higher energy state potential in your…

2 years ago

5 Unseen Connections for Your Wellness and Wellbeing

1. Unseen Unconscious Patterns Resonance Repatterning® sessions allow you to make unseen connections work for you. This happens by working…

4 years ago

Respecting and Honoring Your Own Life

At this time of year, harvest and Thanksgiving time, it can be an invitation to look at respecting and honoring…

5 years ago

How Resonance Repatterning Gets to the Heart of What You Need

Resonance Repatterning® gets to the heart of what you need to experience positive change in your life by working with…

6 years ago

Even with the Best of Intentions: Insights from the Titanic This video is an animated sailing of the Titanic (without any sinking sequence) On April 15, 1912, the Titanic was…

6 years ago

The Living Matrix: A Film that Explores Bio-Energetic Concepts Related to Health

    The film, The Living Matrix speaks to the bio-energetic  concepts pivotal to your health. With important contributions from…

8 years ago

Is It Stress Speaking? The Physical and Emotional Signals

Biology of Belief by Bruce Lipton, PhD Your emotions are signals  directly related to how you respond to stress in…

8 years ago

Resonance Repatterning Works with Your Inner Software

  In the past week I received an email asking what technology or machine did I have to measure a…

8 years ago