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Creating Coherence in Your Relationships

Creating coherence in relationships from the Resonance Repatterning perspective involves working with consciousness science. Sessions addresses different aspects of your life from interactions wih aquaintances, family, friends and intimate relationships. The quality of your experience is regulated by your beliefs, attitudes, and thoughts you hold at both the conscious and unconscious levels. This contributes to your perception, choices, reactions and actions over time.

Resonance Repatterning® works to increase the quality and coherence of your responses and actions with all types of relationship you encounter in your life. In the Energetics of Relationship collection of repatterning processes it is possible to work with charged issues you experience with a aquaintence or colleague. You can address challenging situtations you experience with a physical, emotional, mental friendship, or even with a spiritual or therapeutic relationship.

Your family relationships can be considered in your mothering, fathering, and child interactions, It is a beneficial process for working with couples in sexual and commited relationships. By working with birth, early attachment and family patterns, a session can identify any bonding or separation negative experiences that cast a shadow over your current relationships. It is by working in the present and with the patterns of your lifetime relationships that you can step into a new way of being in relationship as you free yourself from the pain of abandonment, disloyaliy, abuse, grief, fear or resentment.

Consciousness Science and Relationships

Creating coherence in your relationships in Resonance Repatterning is based on consciousness science. On source of the repatterning process is based on the Gottman’s research of relationship and family interactions over many decades. They found that five positive interactions for every one challenging interaction created the greatest success and longevity in relationships. This means five interactions with relaxing, constructive, loving, laughter-filled, eye-gazing, fun, touching and happy interactions balance out every one challenging, bond-threatening, irritating, or frustrating interaction.

The Science of Love: TED Talk with John Gottman

It is not the conflict as much as how you resolve conflict that matters in this formula. It is how each person creates greater personal and relationship coherence. This can happen by taking a pause, giving yourself time and space to be better able to get in touch with what is happening within you, to identify your triggers, unmet needs, and to identify what action or communication is needed. .During this time you get in touch with the charged issue that is within you. This can lead to both personal and relationship understanding, mutual growth, and contribute to the vision for your relationship with love.

With the process of Resonance Repatterning, it is possible to transform inner conflict by taking a look at your primary conflict resolution style, and to identify where you feel you are not speaking your truth, or not living your truth in action. Working with the resistance with any type of interaction you are experiencing allows you to identify your values, take a look at your intentions, and realign with your true self.

man holding baby s breath flower in front of woman standing near marble wall
Photo by Vija Rindo Pratama on

The Discovery Process with Relationships

By creating coherence in your communication you can experience greater capacity for making positive change. Knowing more about yourself can also give clues as to how your partner, friend or colleague reacts or responds to you in conversation and this would allow you to better understand their responses.

You can discover what your true values are for relationships, as well as how to apply your values to bonding and self-care that work best for you. People who have experienced difficult relationships in the past might still be triggered by them in the present. In these cases, it is important to work with releasing the burden that is still carried from negative earlier experiences to be able to move into new possibilitie for creating coherence in your relationships.

Resonance Repatterning sessions work with creating inner safety in relationships by transforming suppressed negative relationship imprinted images that trigger them from the past that hold the blockage to being in the present more fully. Other repatternings in this group of Energetics of Relationship session work with developmental phases that support more coherence in the process of forming loving and bonding relationships.

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Photo by Jopwell on

Identifying what keeps you separated from love allows you to choose a new direction that creates greater wellness and well-being for your life. This harmony and balance contributes to the coherent loving energy in your relationships.

This is your personal invitation to experience the benefits of Resonance Repatterning to heal relationships in your life. Through the process of working with resonance muscle-checking, your body-mind-spirit system reports what is most needed to build coherence in your body-mind-spirit system. You can schedule an appointment here.

Kimberly Rex, MS
Kimberly Rex

Kimberly Rex, MS is an Advanced Resonance Repatterning® practitioner, Person-Centered Expressive Therapist, and Wellness and Well-being Life Coach. She works with people all over the world via Skype, by phone, in-person, and by proxy.

Find out how Resonance Repatterning benefits your life. Set up a personal session or sign up for a free monthly newsletter with articles, natural healing modalities, and exclusive group sessions here.

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3 Primary Energies of Life

There are 3 primary energies of life that consistently show up in nature, your relationships, your body, your business, as well as your wellness and wellbeing. These energies are related to creation, sustenance, and completion. Let’s look at an example from nature to begin. If you observe a wave in the ocean, you will see this process in action. The wave starts in the large body of water and builds energy from the ocean itself with a force that moves by raising energy to create a waveform with forwarding motion. The energy is sustained until it crests. It completes when it finally curves back into the water from which it arose. In each stage, energy is activated to begin, sustain the forward movement, and then resolve or complete the process. 

These energies also show up in transitions and are prominent in seasonal change.  Being aligned with these primary energies allows you to be in sync with the natural flow within the changes that are happening within and around you.

1. The Energies of Creation

These 3 primary energies of life show up in any project, creative endeavor, relationship, life cycle, or inner systemic function. This means that fundamental processes like breathing include all of these aspects. You inhale oxygen to create the stage of breathing. When you breathe fully, this sustains your life by energizing your body-mind system, and when you exhale, the cycle completes by letting go and releasing CO2 in one breathing cycle.

In your life, creation arises with energy for a sense of purpose that requires both intention and foresight to take form. Whether it be the birth of an idea, child, relationship, or business, the process of starting takes energy. Every beginning emerges from the field of new possibilities with your thoughts, the meaning and importance you give to your creations, and your awareness in setting your destination for new possibilities.

person holding a green plant
Photo by Akil Mazumder on

In each moment, what we choose to say and do plants the seed of our future.”~Tara Brach

2. The Energies of Sustaining

Sustenance involves both motivation and being on board with moving inertia into action. In the process, momentum is created by the energies of support and nurture for the journey. This gives life and creates growth that allows movement based on prioritizing, timing, and pacing of your energy for the journey. Motivation and momentum come from the life energy you give to both your short and long-term goals, milestones with rites of passage, and celebrations.

a person surfing on the sea
Photo by Max Ravier on

Life comes at us in waves. We can’t predict or control those waves, but we can learn to surf.”~Dan Millman

Being present with your WHY and being present with what sustains you makes a difference in sustaining your life energy. This prioritizing and asking for help is part of the process. Letting go of what does not serve your process, and taking nurture is essential to your planning. Creating ways to bring happiness and joy into your life throughout your time and action investments builds your capacity to continue forward. This means that finding happiness within the process itself enhances your ability to keep going.

“Faith is the courage to live your life as if everything that happens does so for your highest good and learning. Like it or not.”~Dan Millman

3. The Energies of Completions

The road to success is not always a straight line. In your movement from intention to your goals, sometimes obstacles, challenges, and interruptions show up on the road. How you meet this resistance to moving forward, can either cause you to give up, or to learn from your experience. This invites discernment and decision-making. It also requires energy to take the meaning of what is happening within to find a resolution.

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Photo by Pixabay on

Whether it be an interruption of your plans, a loss, death, grief, or a change in what you planned, it takes energy to process and integrate inner growth and transformation. This can create a need to stop and reconsider your choices, slow you down, or manifest as procrastination in completing your work.

Knowing that the 3 energies of life are embodied in the beginning, sustaining, and completion allows you to resonate with the potential for light at the end of the tunnel. Creating sacred space for your body, mind, and spirit, you can take the benefits from listening to the messages from your experience. Your awareness and commitment to your growth and transformation allow stepping stones to emerge from insight from meeting challenges that change your perception of life. This can then be applied to your experience in a way that allows you to have the energy to complete or resolve your efforts with the lessons you gained along the way.

“Faith is the courage to live your life as if everything that happens does so for your highest good and learning. Like it or not.” ~Dan Millman

Completions can be like turning a page, completing a chapter, or starting a completely new book. The horizon you look at in the entire process is like a wave rising, cascading, and then resolving back into the water from which it is made.

The energy needed in each part of the process of life becomes the force that benefits your awareness, action, inspiration, and resolution. Every completion or end returns to the field of infinite possibilities. In essence, it is how you ride the wave of your feelings, emotions, thoughts, and beliefs about yourself and the world around you that influence and affect the process of choice and change internally.

Feeling stuck in one of the 3 primary energies of life? Resonance Repatterning® sessions work with these energies collectively and individually to restore, support, and nurture the energy circuits of your body-mind-spirit system. This benefits your ability to optimize new awareness, inspire ideas, make connections and take coherent actions. Creating greater harmony and balance allows you to go with the flow while resolving what is taking place in your process so you can align with your intentions for your life related to what is positive for your growth and transformation.

Kimberly Rex, MS
Kimberly Rex

Kimberly Rex, MS is an Advanced Resonance Repatterning practitioner, Person-Centered Expressive Therapist, and Wellness and Well-being Life Coach. She works with people all over the world by Skype, phone, and proxy with sessions that create greater integrity in your wellness and well-being.

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How Attitude, Beliefs, Challenge, and Development Lead Your Response to Life

Your attitude, beliefs, challenges, and development lead your response to life. The question is, “What is driving?” Is it fear or reactivity from the unconscious material, unresolved issues, or the conscious desire to create kindness and resonance with direction and positive change? This article will explore the influence and possibility of attitude, beliefs, challenges, and development to expand your experience of life.

Attitude Leads to What You Believe

Your thoughts, beliefs, and feelings create your view of life. When your attitude diminishes yourself or others, this leads to life-depleting and limiting outcomes. If your mindset is fixed you are more likely to feel like you cannot try or experience life differently. When you experience a mindset based on the potential for growth, a growth mindset, you are more likely to engage energy, motivation, and respect for your journey whatever it is and where ever it leads.

Having an attitude for example that “I can’t learn that material because it’s too hard ” vs. “I haven’t learned that material yet, but I want to learn,” creates different views of the world. Which view opens the door to new possibilities?

Taking inventory or questioning your attitudes about different areas of your life can give you insight into what holds you back and what can also shine a light on opportunities for growth and transformation. Asking yourself what holds you back from getting an inspiring job, a nourishing home, a relationship, experience of peace or relaxation is a way of beginning to sketch out what your life experience is attempting to teach you at the moment. Asking and then working with the response is essential to positive change. How would your life be different from a new perspective?

Beliefs Lead to How You Meet Challenges

Beliefs create an automatic filter through which you see and experience the world. Your brain is wired for bias to create survival behavior. However, the threats in earlier evolutionary stages of the world as well as of your body-mind system can overshadow your ability to experience greater calm, joy, love, and vitality as well as your experience of safety in the world.

Tara Brach speaks to Papancha, a Pali word for “mental proliferation,” the chain reaction of thoughts, beliefs, attitudes, and feelings that causes suffering.

Pause and notice you are in a spin of suffering, name it and allow it to be present. Allow it to be. Give it space. Get in touch with what you are believing and the stories you are telling yourself. Each time you interrupt the pattern and chain reaction allows you to return to mindfulness and create the blueprint for new pathways to reconnect to your innate inner wisdom.

Take time to get in touch with inner kindness and wisdom by asking yourself these questions.

  1. Can I get in touch with my breath to take a pause until I can begin to shift inner awareness and consciousness about what is happening?
  2. What am I feeling or sensing in my body and my heart? Get in touch with your body sensations and what this tells you about your feelings.
  3. Who am I blaming? Can I forgive or just be this awareness? Can I give it space, give kindness, and allow the feelings? This allows you to build neurotransmitters for other perspectives, intelligence, and awareness of possibilities.
  4. Begin to examine your reactions, responses, or behavior in different situations. Identify your triggers, and ask yourself if you want to continue responding in the same way. If not, how could you interrupt or respond differently to break the cycle of the fight, flight, or freeze reaction? This allows you to connect to the good within yourself and others.

By doing so you start to change the inner landscape of your vision by expanding the rules and circuitry of your belief systems that have been embedded by earlier experiences, family system rules, and inculturation.

Challenges Lead to Your Development

Life is a challenge. Meet it.”~Mother Teresa

When meeting challenges of any form, it’s important to know that what you believe upfront will determine what comes next. All of us have been thrown into situations where we felt overwhelmed, afraid, confused, hurt, betrayed, etc. It is for this fact that resonating with having been able to move through and out the other side of challenges in the past can allow you to work with a challenge in front of you now.

Challenges come in different durations and intensities. Putting challenges into perspective allows you to meet what is in front of you with both inner strength and wisdom when you resonate with having met challenges that created a sense of empowerment. This awareness reduces resistance and creates encouragement for what life is dishing out right now.

Of course, some challenges are larger than others, and not all challenges might feel like they are met with success. For example, if you spill coffee on your shirt, it is different than receiving a phone call about an ill family member that needsyour help that you can’t provide at the moment. Getting centered in both circumstances is beneficial. Being able to calm yourself first allows you to be more available to problem-solving, decision-making, and delegating.

Instead of reacting with the fight, flight, or freeze, it’s important to move out of fear into a greater sense of calm so that problems can be solved by calming the stressed mind to allow life-enhancing and creative choices to be considered. This also allows you to be kind to your own life to learn from past experiences where it might have felt you “failed” so you can apply what those experiences taught you to your current situation.

This is why getting in touch with your breath, taking a few moments, or using a phrase to remind you that you are in the here and now is beneficial. My personal favorites come from 12 Step Programs: “ First things first,” “Keep it simple,” or “One day or one moment at a time.”

Having the strength to get through some life challenges takes time and effort over the long run. Resonating with continuing to come back into your center allows you to pace yourself over time.

Development Leads to Direction in Life

Earlier versions of yourself carry information that can inform your life today. In the same way, your current version of self is able to inform earlier experiences and parts of yourself. You are not an abridged edition, rather you are an expanding and developing being of light and sound.

Your unconscious and conscious material that inform your attitude, beliefs, and responses to challenges make up your overall experience of life.

It’s important to acknowledge that the newborn version of you did not know what you knew as a 2-year-old. Your 7-year-old part of yourself did not know what you knew as a teenager, etc. The way that your body-mind system developed allowed primary functions for survival and feeling states in stages then became more complex with reasoning and logic paired with increasing networks of communication and creativity.

You would not expect your 2-year old part to drive a car, balance a checkbook or make scrambled eggs, yet earlier parts continue to inform and influence choices about bonding, separation, fear, calm, and safety as an adult. This is due to the developmental stage memory imprints from the past that continue to signal to you today.

Your adult self has navigated many developmental stages, challenges, relationships, and structures over time. Taking care of and listening to earlier parts of yourself is essential to developing greater harmony and balance within your life today.

The direction you take in your life is led by your personal and family system’s unconscious material. It conducts your journey until it is brought into the light to create greater conscious awareness and understanding of new possibilities from the perspective of your adult and Greater Self.

Kimberly Rex, MS

 Kimberly Rex, MS is an Advanced Resonance Repatterning® practitioner, a Master Wellness and Well-being Life Coach, and a Person-Centered Expressive Therapist. She works with clients all over the world with Resonance Repatterning sessions that work with personal and generational unconscious material to facilitate this process of updating your body-mind system to experience greater integrity in your wellness and well-being.

This is your personal invitation to continue on the path with monthly healing modalities and repatterning events from Windows to the Heart Repatterning. Sign up for monthly newsletter here: Newsletter and Exclusive Re-pattern Your Life Events

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Mindfulness and the PPE’s for Your Well-being

  PPEs, personal protective equipment, is vital to your personal physical safety and wellness. Mindfulness as a PPE for your well-being is equally important in the process.

 How you experience what is going on in the world is happening inside of you. Emotional overwhelm during this time requires PPEs for Personal Protective Energy. 

  Managing your inner experience through mindfulness with the qualities of perseverance, persistence, patience, and pacing benefits the quality of your life Energy.

  This happens with intention, awareness, practice, and reflection dedicated to creating greater harmony and balance within.*

Perseverance is defined as an effort to weather difficulties and to not give up. Persistence is defined as continuing a task in spite of difficulty until you finally achieve your goal. In this time, both are necessary in order to reach wellness and well-being for all of us. It will take sustained effort over time for ourselves, health workers, family, friends, the community, and the planet.

Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom. ~Viktor E. Frankl

PPEs for Point of Choice

In the midst of difficulties, you can focus on what is negative, or choose to the degree it is possible that will bring love and care to your body, mind, and spirit. Through mindfulness, you can shift your attention to what you want to experience in your environment. As an example, you can ask yourself, “Does this contribute to creating love or peace of mind, or will this amplify my suffering, anxiety, and fear?The point of choice allows you to choose more calm and stability in your own life, and this also benefits the lives of others.

Coherence Continuum
Read more about the Point of Choice

PPEs for Patience, Persistence, and Perseverance

Patience is defined as bearing of provocation, annoyance, misfortune, or pain, without complaint, loss of temper, or irritation. Impatience is bargaining with time and limitation.

This time of not knowing what is coming next in isolation or quarantine rouses negative thoughts and beliefs of fear and limitation. These thoughts can feel depleting, frustrating, and unbearable.

You can take on the experience of being put in time out to sit out from your life. Or, you can actually use this time as a calm down and find meaning in your life.

Choosing perseverance and pacing, even stillness changes your ability to experience life more directly and offers the opportunity to create more mindfulness to take in what is life-enhancing to build greater integrity in your wellness and well-being.

Several years ago when I was going through a difficult time processing the death of my brother while also being in the middle of a divorce, a dear friend advised me to just stay in the present moment. “If you are peeling a potato, just focus on peeling the potato,” she said. “I’m peeling the potato, I’m peeling the potato.” Doing so, allowed me some peace and allowed a space for calm and clear thinking in the midst of overwhelming feelings, thoughts, and experiences.

Focusing on the moment, getting in touch with your breath, and on only what you are doing right now, with the sounds, the light, and the color of what you are touching allows you to move from racing thoughts of worry, fear, and anxiety to a greater sense of presence. Whatever challenge or situation is happening in your life you can choose your thoughts, and emotions in how to best respond.

PPEs for Pacing

While the pacing can be a movement back and forth from worry, over-thinking, waiting, and exasperation, it can also be a way to build endurance over time by allowing yourself to do and resonate with being and doing enough in a time where the world presents the picture of competition, consumerism and the message of not being or having enough on many fronts.

The point of choice for pacing is slowing down, breaking tasks into manageable parts, focusing your attention on what you are doing right now, asking for help when you need it, taking breaks, and prioritizing what needs to be done. and in what order.

Patience like a flower is dormant for awhile, then blooms to give us reason to weather one more mile.” ~Kimberly Rex

There are few templates for this possibility in the modern world. Living life in the fast lane makes it difficult to stop and get in touch with what is going on inside where a minute is all you have to process any part of your life.

In cleaning out a box recently, I found letters I wrote to dear friends prior to email. The letters were hand-written and filled with sharing from a personal level that today is often not possible in a text or email.

I discovered poems written for friends, loves, family members, and pets processing emotions of joy, grief, love in stages of my life through my emotional body translated to paper that expressed the inner landscape of what was alive in me at the time. Being in touch with what is alive in us today is an essential way to work with mindfulness.

Mindfulness practices that build on observation, self-regulation, and positive self-talk allow you to better manage your thoughts, emotions, and responses, especially in stressful times. This allows you to restore and build from your center to deliberately choose what you would like to experience in your body-mind system.

Taking time to nourish your body. mind and spirit with healthy foods, practices, and communication are vital to truly connect within, to nature, nurture, and life with mindful pacing.

How can you bring these qualities of mindfulness into your life more consistently in these times? How do you get in touch with what is happening within so you can heal and nourish the parts of yourself that feel overwhelmed, frightened, or depressed? How do you acknowledge and work with run-away thoughts and negative self-talk?

PPEs for Your Life Energy

The quality of your life is vitally important in any time related to your personal health, wellness, and well-being. Your life energy is your vital essence. What you do to strengthen and protect your life energy is essential, and reflected in the ways you choose life-enhancing or depleting thoughts, beliefs, attitudes, and actions.

What you learn during this time can be transformational in how you live your life from this day forward. What you bring to the table in your life today can create mindfulness PPEs for well-being that builds integrity in your wellness and well-being now and the rest of your life.

This is your personal invitation to benefit from Mindfulness PPEs for your well-being in your life so you can apply these skills to the present moment in any situation and into the future.

Build mindfulness into your life to benefit your wellness and well-being here.

Kimberly Rex, MS is an Advanced Resonance Repatterning® Practitioner, Person-Centered Expressive Therapist, and Wellness and Well-being Personal Life Coach. She works with clients all over the world by phone and Skype with sessions and programs that create greater integrity in your wellness and well-being.

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It’s About Pacing Yourself Over Time

Nature paces itself as it moves through the seasons.  Pacing yourself over time, allows you to move with greater ease through shifts, challenges, stressful situations, and transitions. The cycles of life can be looked at through the lens of where you are today, and more importantly where you have traveled over time. Pacing yourself over time happens one moment, hour, day, week, month, season, and year at a time.

It is true that the patterns that show up in your life today related to your attitudes, beliefs, and perception of interaction with the world have taken years to develop. They have evolved and changed. These patterns affect how you plan, meet obstacles, experience joy, and acknowledge rewards and seeming failures. 

To acknowledge that it is possible to create positive change over time includes working with the present moment. With each new insight and awareness, you choose the capacity to move towards life-enhancing choices in your life. The journey begins with starting in the present and building new neural pathways, beliefs, and habits over time: one moment, hour, day, week, month, season and year at a time.

Pacing Yourself Moment by Moment

A simple way to connect to the moment is to get in touch with your breath, breathing in and out through your nose. By getting in touch with your in-breath and out-breath with its calming effects, your nervous system creates nurture and support for being better able to be present in the moment. This creates a greater ability to focus, listen, and process what is happening in front of you.

If you are feeling anxious or disoriented, you can also add a contact to the middle of your chest at Conception Vessel 17 area to reinforce the connection between all the organ systems of your body to enhance communication and life energy flow to transform your mood and awareness of where you are in the present.

Adopt the pace of nature. Her secret is patience. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Pacing Yourself Hour by Hour

  1. Meditate, read, and take brief rests or walks. Pause during the day to look out the window if you are in an indoor workspace. Look at ways to bring a 10-15 minute rest period into your schedule daily. Research has shown that taking a break to read for as little as 6 minutes creates a greater sense of calm.
  2. Make time to stretch and wind down. Take your time, reduce stimulation, and spend time with others in pleasurable ways. Express gratitude. Nourish your body with whole foods, water,  and sunlight. Take some quiet time to rejuvenate in the midst of a busy day.
  3. Break your work into sizable parts. Prioritize and delegate.

Pacing Yourself Day by Day

Building in time for work, play and self-care is important to create harmony and balance in your life. In order to take care of yourself, make space for self-reflection, gratitude, and centering. By doing so, you energize your intentions, restore your energy, and pace yourself instead of burning yourself out.

There are many ways to create possibilities for these options in your day, if only for a few moments.

  1. Before going to sleep it is important to transition from the business of the day. Sometimes, you might still have a challenge on your mind before sleeping. In order to truly rest, it’s important to move to get out of the fast-paced zone. While there are many ways to fall asleep, building mindfulness into your sleep routine is beneficial to allow your body-mind system to detox and rejuvenate overnight.
  2.  Some people get into the gratitude zone with reflection from the day. This can be done with gratitude for what you did, created, or avoided during the day. With this, you can also bring in what you feel grateful for in regard to others during the day including a smile, a gesture, or a compliment. And lastly, you can express regret for the day. This allows you to really put down the worry, anxiety, and tension you carry during the day. When there is an issue involving a decision, you can also offer a question before sleep while acknowledging that you cannot solve the issue. By letting go, ask for a solution you have not thought of yet, and include in your request a solution for the highest and best. This allows your body-mind system to connect to the calm reservoir of wisdom from your higher self. As your body is detoxing from the previous day, your Gall Bladder Official (Decision-Making Official) is cleansing and renewing for a new perspective in the morning!
  3. Mindful Exercise:  Exercise creates positive mood-altering neurotransmitters and promotes a sense of well-being. Finding ways to enhance your sense of well-being and health happens when you set up a routine that works for you and pace yourself in the process. For more on how to create a beneficial exercise routine that works for you, read more here.

Pacing Yourself Month by Month

Taking care of monthly bills and commitments is part of life. However, it’s also important to know that you are affected by personal, natural, and cultural cycles. These include anniversaries, holidays, and deadlines. Your health is also affected by the natural cycles of the moon. Learn more here.

Season by Season

Each season has its own qualities in sync with nature. In order to access nature’s rhythm, use the wisdom of the Chinese Five Elements in your life.  

Summer: Be sure to spend time with others in ways that nourish your heart. Enjoy your connections through laughter, hugging, playing and joyful expression.

Late Summer: Find ways to be in touch with centering yourself. Be at home within. Find movement practices that ground your energy and increase your well-being like Tai Chi or Qi Gong. Express gratitude. Look at what you are harvesting in your life. Remember to balance giving and receiving.

Fall: Become aware of what inspires you. Look at your values, and how you are living these values in your life. Nurture self-acceptance and expand your spiritual practices so that they allow you to let go of that which is no longer necessary. Remember to breathe.

Winter: Tune into that which allows you to pace yourself while you persevere. Rest, dream,, and listen to your inner vision for life and to others. Examine where you are needing support to meet obstacles and go with the flow of life.

Spring: Look at your vision of life. Consider what you need to bring into the light so that you can create intentions free of frustration and energy that cuts you off from the light, optimism, and hope. Detoxify your body-mind system for greater life-enhancing energy.

Pacing Yourself Year by Year

Looking at nature, you notice what happens as time passes. Seeds become sprouts. Sprouts become flowers. Flowers become fruit. Their seeds are dispersed and become dormant through winter creating new growth.  Small tree plantings become forests. As the years progress it is important to look at what has been seeded in your life, and what course this has created for you.

Resonance Repatterning® sessions, make it possible to work with material from earlier years to address how these imprints are still affecting your experience of life. You can make significant, tangible, and sustainable changes in your life to create greater integrity in your wellness and well-being. This happens over time and enhances the quality and quantity of life energy you have for your positive intentions in the present.

* Personal sessions get into details about time cycles that affect your wellnessand well-being. The interaction between the Five Elements and Meridians creates harmony and balance by working specifically with what your body-mind system needs.

Kimberly Rex is an advanced Resonance Repatterning practitioner, Wellness and Well-being Coach and Person-Centered Expressive Therapist. She works with clients all over the world by phone, Skype, in-person and proxy. Repattern your life to experience greater integrity in your wellness and well-being!  

Sign up forour monthly Newsletterand Exclusive Re-pattern Your Life Events with FREE eBook, Eight Natural Modalities for Navigating Stressful Times.  

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