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Making Change Based on the Wisdom of Nature

photo of person holding cherry tomato
Photo by D??ng Nhân on

Making change based on the wisdom of nature benefits your wellness and well-being. At this time of year you can begin to appreciate the harvest of nature’s wealth of offerings in fruit, vegetables, and flowers. In every phase of development, there is a purpose. Nature nourishes the process of development from seed to flower to fruit in every stage. A plant puts its energy in particular parts with right timing. In winter, the energy is focused in the roots, in spring the stem and leaves, in early summer, the buds and flowers, and in late summer, the fruit of the plant with seeds.

This leads to the question of Earth Element’s gifts at this time of year. In Chinese Medicine, this element is related to your stomach and spleen, and related to nuture and support on all levels. There is a quality of this element in every transition in your life, and especially between seasons. As in nature, the process of change from one season to another is gradual rather than sudden. Temperature, sunlight, rain and steadiness in direction all factor into making transition. So it is about pacing yourself over time in any change that gives you the ability to nurture yourself in the process while practicing self-care.

The ability to take support from resources in your life is a process of giving and receiving. For example, in nature at this time of the year fruit and vegetables offer their seeds for the next stage of development to preserve the overall life cycle of the plant itself. It is a preparation for what is to come. In fall, the leaves fall to make room for new buds set for the following spring.The leaves that fall nourish the Earth below to support the lognevity of the roots, and to make fertile the opportunity for new growth.

The Universe doesn’t waste anything. This is a wonderful way to look at transition in our own lives. How has the past prepared you for where you are today? How can you use that nformattion to support and nurture yourself today? It involves looking at the nourishing inspirational aspects as well as places where you have felt grief, remorse or sadness. Held between Earth Element’s invitation to look at support and nurure so you can feel more at home in your body in any circumstance and Metal Element, the prominent energetics of fall, there is always a place for you to process what is happening within.

Feeling at home in your own body whether you are starting or seeding something, growing from an experience, harvesting what you have learned from life, or needing to root and ground yourself to preserve and protect your energy in the process of change makes all the difference in how you move forward. Being in sync with nature allows you move from a place of resistance to resilience.

low section of man standing on autumn leaves
Photo by Lum3n on

Supporting Yourself with the Wisdom of Nature

The following articles on this website give nurture and support for your life as in nature for where you are in the process at this transition time.

For Grounding in Your Roots:

For Growing:

For Flowering:

For Creating Seeds of New Possibilities

Kimberly Rex

Kimberly Rex, MS is an Advanced Resonance Repatterning® practitioner, Person-Centered Expressive Therapist, and Wellness and Well-being Life Coach. She works with people all over the world via Skype, by phone, and by proxy.

Find out how Resonance Repatterning benefits your life. Set up a personal session or sign up for a free monthly newsletter with articles, natural healing modalities, and exclusive group repatterning processes.

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Healing Ourselves, Healing the Earth

As we enter Earth Day Week, it is important to acknowledge the part we play in the process of taking care of the thread within us and the threads that connect to all other life on this beautiful planet.

“At this very moment, the Earth is above you, below you, all around you, and even inside you. The Earth is everywhere. You may be used to thinking of the Earth as only the ground beneath your feet. But the water, the sea, the sky, and everything around us comes from the Earth. Everything outside us and everything inside us comes from the Earth. We often forget that the planet we are living on has given us all the elements that make up our bodies. The water in our flesh, our bones, and all the microscopic cells inside our bodies all come from the Earth and are part of the Earth. The Earth is not just the environment we live in. We are the Earth and we are always carrying her within us.”~Thich Nhat Hanh

The Five Element and Meridian System is based on the wisdom of nature.The earth and your body function in an interconnected way . All of the elements support, balance and harmonize each other while creating greater integrity in the function of individual parts within the unified system.

It’s All About Relationship

This means, for example, that Wood Element, prominent in a time of new growth, planning and hope coming out of the seaon of winter and moving toward summer. On the physical level it is related to your Liver and Gallbladder. Its primary sense is your vision. This element ‘s primary purpose is processing toxins, anger and frustration. The coherent spirit of this element creates growth, optimism, hope and unhesitating action.

If the Wood Element pathway is unable to naturally flow, it is a signal to look at the qualities of relationship with other meridians. There is a place for each of the elements on each pathway. This includes the wisdom, support and nurture from each of the other organ systems and seasons to create harmony and balance. This collaboration enhances communication that results in more optimal functioning throughout the system.

This happens by identifying the issue in the primary element itself. For the purpose of this article, we will continue to consider Wood Element, and the beneficial qualities of some of these relationships. Let’s take a closer look at the Shen Cycle (mother-child or feeding relationship), Ko Cycle (limiting or balancing relationship) and the order or disharmony between element in the overall flow of energy in the body. By working with other elements, it is possible to support the function of the identified element to enhance greater harmony and balance throughout the system.

Shen Cycle: Water on Wood to Create Harmony

In nature water is vital to feeding new growth. This is a nourishing Mother-Child relationship.Throughout nature water is life. In spring, water nourishes new growth. It is the creative juice that allows for new beginnings and change.

Water Element places you more in the natural flow of life and its creative energy. This allows you to be more clearly in touch with your inner reserves of cleverness to support your vision for life as you let go of fear while pacing yourself over time.When you drink water you nourish the communication within your bio-energetic body-mind-spirit system, and this can diminish pain while also supporting more optimal brain-body connection. The fluids of your body circulate, transform, support, and protect your body-mind-spirit system. These fluids also allow you to let go of that which is not beneficial to your system.

Ko Cycle: Metal on Wood for Balance

New growth emerges from the Earth with purpose. It provides shelter, food and space for new life. Metal Element qualities offers value when considering new beginnings. These points on Wood Element meridians offer strength and courage in your life that call you to new possibilities. This is helpful when your life feels meaningless or your self esteem is low. This point invites you to recognize who you truly are and to express your unique qualities. It supports you in finding value with your choices when you have more than one decision to make while letting go of what no longer serves you.

Fire on Wood to Create Order and Harmony in the System

“In nature nothing exists alone.”~Rachel Carson

Fire Element follows Wood on the Five Element and Meridian Wheel. At times the following element can be out of balance, and this affects the previous element’s ability to function and flow. In this case, Fire Element, the child of Wood Element might be challenged with imbalance related to discernment, intolerance, long term agitation, anxiety, or anger. Fire Element points on the Wood Element Meridian bring warmth through humor and compassion.

This is helpful when you need more joy and creativity to relieve the congestion in your Wood Element locked in anger and judgment to create balance. Fire on Wood assists with sorting through what is truly in your heart for your greatest good aligned with your vision for life. From this place Wood Element can then take optimism and hope to take action that will create positive growth in your life while connecting to your heart.

Earth on Wood Element for Grounding

The soil of the Earth itself provides roots and stability during growth. Earth Element offers nurture, support, and grounding as you process change. It allows you to feel more at home in your body no matter where you are in this world. This can be especially beneficial when you feel toppled or overwhelmed by feelings of frustration or obstacles in your life. So it can be helpful when you are stuck in details without the ability to access a long-term plan. Earth Element points on Wood Element Meridian bring you back to your center through your senses with your core self.

person holding world globe facing mountain
Photo by Porapak Apichodilok on

The Earth is Speaking

The Earth reports in on what is happening to its resources and elements through Earth events and climate change. So it is important to acknowledge that the elements and systems of the earth are letting us know the importance of connecting the dots between water, the soil, sun, air, weather changes, plants, animals and trees in relation to each other to give value and quality care to life in all its forms.

The planet tends to imbalances to create greater harmony and balance. In the braid of connection with the Earth we are entwined in every breath, every glass of water we drink, every plant we are nourished by, every animal that brings gifts to the world for survival and companionship.. It is vital to listen to the messages the Earth is sending to each of us. You can feel and see the changes happening all around you.This conversation is happening with your choices impacting the whole.Through mindfulness you can be the needed element for sustainable and regenerative support and change on the planet locally and at large.

“There is no difference between healing ourselves and healing the Earth.”
~Thich Nhat Hanh, Love Letter to the Earth

Your body-mind-spirit system gives you messages in an attemtpt to get your attention. These are signals to motivate you to tend to your own wellness and well-being. You are a thread in the tapestry of life. Through self-care you receive the benefits from all the elements of the Earth. In return you can be a steward who contributes to the interdependent flow of life by enhancing the connection in the natural tapesty of life that connects us all. A new book release etntitled, Life As We Know It (Can Be) written by Bill Weir can give you some ideas for this purpose.

This is your personal invitation to experience a 30-Minute Personal Meridian Repatterning to create optimal energy flow in your body-mind-spirit system. This repatterning quickly gets to the root of what is needed on the emotional, mental, physical and spirit levels. Through resonance muscle-checking and the Resonance Repatterning process, a session starts by identifying specifics related to issues limiting your ability to experience positive change within by enhancing communication throughout your system.

Kimberly Rex

Kimberly Rex, MS is an Advanced Resonance Repatterning® practitioner, Person-Centered Expressive Therapist, and Wellness and Well-being Life Coach. She works with people all over the world via Skype, by phone, in-person, and by proxy.

Find out how Resonance Repatterning benefits your life. Set up a personal session or sign up for a free monthly newsletter with articles, natural healing modalities, and exclusive group sessions here.

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3 Primary Energies of Life

There are 3 primary energies of life that consistently show up in nature, your relationships, your body, your business, as well as your wellness and wellbeing. These energies are related to creation, sustenance, and completion. Let’s look at an example from nature to begin. If you observe a wave in the ocean, you will see this process in action. The wave starts in the large body of water and builds energy from the ocean itself with a force that moves by raising energy to create a waveform with forwarding motion. The energy is sustained until it crests. It completes when it finally curves back into the water from which it arose. In each stage, energy is activated to begin, sustain the forward movement, and then resolve or complete the process. 

These energies also show up in transitions and are prominent in seasonal change.  Being aligned with these primary energies allows you to be in sync with the natural flow within the changes that are happening within and around you.

1. The Energies of Creation

These 3 primary energies of life show up in any project, creative endeavor, relationship, life cycle, or inner systemic function. This means that fundamental processes like breathing include all of these aspects. You inhale oxygen to create the stage of breathing. When you breathe fully, this sustains your life by energizing your body-mind system, and when you exhale, the cycle completes by letting go and releasing CO2 in one breathing cycle.

In your life, creation arises with energy for a sense of purpose that requires both intention and foresight to take form. Whether it be the birth of an idea, child, relationship, or business, the process of starting takes energy. Every beginning emerges from the field of new possibilities with your thoughts, the meaning and importance you give to your creations, and your awareness in setting your destination for new possibilities.

person holding a green plant
Photo by Akil Mazumder on

In each moment, what we choose to say and do plants the seed of our future.”~Tara Brach

2. The Energies of Sustaining

Sustenance involves both motivation and being on board with moving inertia into action. In the process, momentum is created by the energies of support and nurture for the journey. This gives life and creates growth that allows movement based on prioritizing, timing, and pacing of your energy for the journey. Motivation and momentum come from the life energy you give to both your short and long-term goals, milestones with rites of passage, and celebrations.

a person surfing on the sea
Photo by Max Ravier on

Life comes at us in waves. We can’t predict or control those waves, but we can learn to surf.”~Dan Millman

Being present with your WHY and being present with what sustains you makes a difference in sustaining your life energy. This prioritizing and asking for help is part of the process. Letting go of what does not serve your process, and taking nurture is essential to your planning. Creating ways to bring happiness and joy into your life throughout your time and action investments builds your capacity to continue forward. This means that finding happiness within the process itself enhances your ability to keep going.

“Faith is the courage to live your life as if everything that happens does so for your highest good and learning. Like it or not.”~Dan Millman

3. The Energies of Completions

The road to success is not always a straight line. In your movement from intention to your goals, sometimes obstacles, challenges, and interruptions show up on the road. How you meet this resistance to moving forward, can either cause you to give up, or to learn from your experience. This invites discernment and decision-making. It also requires energy to take the meaning of what is happening within to find a resolution.

balance macro ocean pebbles
Photo by Pixabay on

Whether it be an interruption of your plans, a loss, death, grief, or a change in what you planned, it takes energy to process and integrate inner growth and transformation. This can create a need to stop and reconsider your choices, slow you down, or manifest as procrastination in completing your work.

Knowing that the 3 energies of life are embodied in the beginning, sustaining, and completion allows you to resonate with the potential for light at the end of the tunnel. Creating sacred space for your body, mind, and spirit, you can take the benefits from listening to the messages from your experience. Your awareness and commitment to your growth and transformation allow stepping stones to emerge from insight from meeting challenges that change your perception of life. This can then be applied to your experience in a way that allows you to have the energy to complete or resolve your efforts with the lessons you gained along the way.

“Faith is the courage to live your life as if everything that happens does so for your highest good and learning. Like it or not.” ~Dan Millman

Completions can be like turning a page, completing a chapter, or starting a completely new book. The horizon you look at in the entire process is like a wave rising, cascading, and then resolving back into the water from which it is made.

The energy needed in each part of the process of life becomes the force that benefits your awareness, action, inspiration, and resolution. Every completion or end returns to the field of infinite possibilities. In essence, it is how you ride the wave of your feelings, emotions, thoughts, and beliefs about yourself and the world around you that influence and affect the process of choice and change internally.

Feeling stuck in one of the 3 primary energies of life? Resonance Repatterning® sessions work with these energies collectively and individually to restore, support, and nurture the energy circuits of your body-mind-spirit system. This benefits your ability to optimize new awareness, inspire ideas, make connections and take coherent actions. Creating greater harmony and balance allows you to go with the flow while resolving what is taking place in your process so you can align with your intentions for your life related to what is positive for your growth and transformation.

Kimberly Rex, MS
Kimberly Rex

Kimberly Rex, MS is an Advanced Resonance Repatterning practitioner, Person-Centered Expressive Therapist, and Wellness and Well-being Life Coach. She works with people all over the world by Skype, phone, and proxy with sessions that create greater integrity in your wellness and well-being.

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Harvesting Summer: Gratitude and Appreciation are Part of the Recipe

This time of year the berries are plentiful. These are from my backyard. I love this time of year! One of my favorite memories of my childhood in late summer is how my grandmother always made blackberry or fruit cobbler. She won state fair prizes for her baking, and we were greatly appreciative of her skills!  I remember that the house would smell of berries and such sweetness. It was the love in her cooking that made all the difference. Today. my mother and I continue this tradition by making cobbler every summer. Although we make a simple recipe version of what she made, it’s always remembered with such love, gratitude, and appreciation. It fills the need. On the Chinese Five Element and Meridian System Wheel, late summer is related to Earth Element. It is associated with sweetness and the bounty of the Earth itself. Physically, it is related to your stomach and spleen associated with digestion, support, and nurture. Emotionally, Earth Element speaks of taking inventory of what you feel in appreciation and gratitude.  By doing so you energize your system to work harmoniously, and this also strengthens your relationships with nurture in your life.

Finding ways to build your emotional reserves through appreciation and gratitude helps you when times are challenging and feel difficult. Calling upon the memory of joyful and nourishing times with your family, friends and relationships is a way of preserving the good in your heart and mind to harvest when you are worried, stressed, depressed or confused.

How many times do you say things to yourself or another that is critical? In what ways do you blame yourself or others?  John Gottman’s work speaks to the need for at least a 5:1 ratio of positive to challenging communication for there to be a strong emotional bank account within and between you and your relationships.

  To begin this process, get in touch with what you appreciate about yourself and others around you: your strengths, your positive qualities, what you or another have accomplished, your gifts, and the other’s gifts. When you do this, you realize how much you are truly supported and loved.  Saying, ” I appreciate when….” or ” I appreciate how….” goes a long way to building a good relationships, health, and positive communication. It builds inner strength, understanding, and also communicates your needs.

  Gratitude helps you feel connected to nurture and support.  Even working with a simple reference image or word helps your body-mind system move into more harmony, calm, and ease by creating positive neurotransmitters of endorphin and dopamine. Appreciation energizes the giver and the receiver. Simply saying the words, “Love, Thank You, Trust, Courage, Faith, and Gratitude” boosts your immune system by strengthening the thymus.

Earth Element is about feeling at home in your own body wherever you are on the planet or universe. When you are under stress, take a moment to come into the center by getting in touch with your breath and visualizing a beautiful image or place that brings you peace and joy, and inspiration. Step into it with your mind, your thoughts and feelings.  This will help you in transitions and stressful situations. Sharing your image with someone else is also energizing for them!

So it’s my turn to share something that inspires gratitude and joy from my life stemming from my memories. Here’s a simple version of what my grandmother made in her kitchen. Adapt this recipe for your needs. It can be made with any fruit like peaches, blackberries, raspberries, or blackberries with raspberries.

Crazy Crust Fruit Cobbler (in this case, crazy means easy)

Preheat oven to 375 degree

¼ c. Butter or margarine

4 c. Frozen or fresh fruit ( peaches, berries, plums, apples)

1 ½ -1 ¾ c. Sugar (adjust according to tartness or sweetness of fruit)

1 c. Self-rising flour

1 c. Milk

In a 9x 13” glass baking dish melt butter in a preheated oven. While butter is melting,

In a medium pan over moderate heat, stir to combine fruit and ¾-1 cup sugar. Bring to boil.

While fruit is heating, combine ¾ cup sugar, flour, and milk in a small bowl. Pour over melted butter in the baking dish. Do NOT stir. When the fruit has come to a boil,

Pour evenly over batter mixture. Do NOT stir.

Bake until crust is a deep golden brown, 30 minutes.


With Love and Gratitude,


I’d like to invite you to receive monthly wellness and well-being healing modalities and information about repatterning events from Windows to the Heart Repatterning.

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5 Messages for Life from the Green Heart of the Forest

In taking a walk this morning through the forest, I was looking for evidence that winter had turned the corner, and that the green heart of the forest was opening to spring. What I experienced was much more than I expected. Entering the woods behind my home,the ground was soft with both leaves and plants that had mixed with the earthen floor. There was a tenderness that supported the complex structure of this old growth cedar forest.

These five messages from the green heart of the forest are beneficial for many areas of living day-to-day for business, health and wellness, relationship and greater sense of well-being.

1. Footwork

~photo by Kimberly Rex

~photo by Kimberly Rex

Sometimes you’re not quite sure what direction to move or how to plan for next steps. Being tender to yourself in your process as you choose your steps is beneficial. This will help you to nourish your inner needs, and  that allows you to build structures that are sustainable and enduring.

2. Nurture on the Path

~photo by Kimberly Rex

~photo by Kimberly Rex

In the forest, all of what is living and all that has been let go is useful. Trees that have fallen or been snapped apart are nurseries for new growth. Leaves cover the forest floor to continue feeding new life.

Finding a branch, a trunk or a level place to grow supports the journey.

Starting a new project, considering change or entering a new phase of your life can be nourished by your experiences from the past, and can include mentors and teachers who have offered or offer encouragement and insight to life. Call upon the wisdom of your experiences and others who have been in similar situations. This can also be a message about finding others working with similar issues or projects to study with or network to everyone’s mutual benefit.

3. Learn from Obstacles

~photo by Kimberly Rex

~photo by Kimberly Rex

Tangled branches on a path that you thought would be clear show up as places in your life where your life energy is still dedicated. When this happens spend time in this space looking more deeply where you are to take in what is involved.

When there are setbacks, indecision and difficulties with timing, it’s an opportunity to consider the pace of your life and your plans. Look more deeply at where your inner needs are not being heard. Are you in rhythm with life? Is there something that you are not seeing? Are you acknowledging your needs for quality time, food, sunlight, water, relationship and rest?

When we feel stuck, going nowhere–even starting to slip backward–we may actually be backing up to get a running start.~Dan Millman

4. Gratitude

~photo by Kimberly Rex

~photo by Kimberly Rex

After walking about 15 minutes, I came to a steep run-off that looked down to a rapid running stream of water. I considered climbing down to the stream, yet realized that I was unwilling to make the climb back up to the top. Instead, I breathed in the air of nurture from the forest all around. While I stood there, I placed my hand on a huge cedar tree, and felt its dampness glistening in the sun. I brought both hands and then my heart to this tree, and as I’ve done many times in the past, thanked the trees for this wonderful life-giving oxygen.

Gratitude for the path and each step makes life more enjoyable. When you are unable to take a next step or feel discouraged, frustrated or anxious, being grateful for what is in front of you that perhaps you haven’t yet acknowledged as resources, guidance, and support helps you re-center and experience life-giving energy.

5. Archways and Doorways

~photo by Kimberly Rex

~photo by Kimberly Rex

As I placed my back to the cedar tree I saw a wonderful archway that I hadn’t seen on my journey into the forest. I more felt centered, more optimistic and hopeful. It felt like a wonderful invitation to move through a new doorway.

All experience is an arch, to build upon. ~Henry Adams

Once you shift your resonance and perception of what is happening within, new doorways and possibilities open. Listen for guidance, and follow your heart. New possibilities await when you are awake to them.

Here is an opportunity to continue on the path with monthly healing modalities and repatterning events from Windows to the Heart Repatterning.

Sign up for monthly newsletter here: Newsletter and Exclusive Re-pattern Your Life Events

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