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Hosting Love Within

Hosting Love Within

Hosting love in your life starts from within. This is created by nourishing safety and trust in your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs you choose to communicate and act upon in any given moment . It is rooted in self-love, setting healthy boundaries, self-reflection and self-regulation.

“Find the love you seek, by first finding the love within yourself. Learn to rest in that place within you that is your true home.”  ~Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Hosting Love Begins with Self-Love

Self-love leads to self care. This means that you develop compassion for your life on the emotional, mental, physical and spiritual levels. By doing so you embrace all of the parts of yourself that experienced pain as well as the parts that have been there for you when you needed to meet challenges. Being able to listen to what is happening within gives you information that supports your beliefs, thoughts and behaviors that have molded your life, as well as giving you a template to work with to sculpt the new life you would like to experience

Early in life, your response systems to stress were structured by what you learned from your family and caregivers. Difficulty loving yourself shows up in your adult relationships when you have experienced a painful experiences created by absence, inconsistency, or abuse that instilled a lack of safety and trust.

As you learn to compassionately take care of your needs and wants in life today, you give yourself a way to ground and expand your awareness beyond your automatic responses. This allows you to be present in the moment with a more expansive view of what you are experiencing. It also then allows you to call up on these insights to see what is happening with other people.

Hosting Love with Healthy Boudaries

Boundaries are necessary for your health and well-being. Your body gives you signals that tell you when you feel elated or ill at ease. Your stomach might churn, your muscles tighten, and your heartbeat races. Over time when you do not establish boundaries based on what will create safety and security for your wellness and well-being, your body signals in stronger messages. This could include headaches, difficulty with digestion, physical mobility, or life-depleting conditions. These signals speak to you on the cellular level to express the need for establishing limits.

Through resonance on the unconscious level, you will continue to draw to you the relationships that contain the puzzle pieces of your early Social Engagement System.Your adult relationships will continue to give you the components of your first relationship with your parents. The limiting embodied protective automatic responses will create anxiety, stress, mistrust, fear of being vulnerable, emotional unavailability, neediness, or caretaking,

Your system might have learned to tough it out, tolerate or ignore signals that indicate danger or boundary crossing due to conflict resolution styles of your parents, abandonment, separation, loss, traumatic experiences or addiction to guard against pain.

Today, as an adult, when faced with the need to set a healthy boundary in your life for yourself or with others, you might not speak up, lash out, isolate, leave, or attempt to please the other to keep the peace. Your system defaults to early and habitual patterns you learned to handle trauma.

Loving yourself gives you the ability to connect to others in new ways that create discernment, safety and trust. It allows you to trust your internal feelings, body sensations and values. By doing so you create a healthy environment for trusting yourself and others that are worthy of trust, moving toward what is life-enhancing or away from what is life-depleting to allow healthy bonding and connection with self-care and boundaries in place.

Anatomy of Trust with B.R.A.V.I.N.G. from Brene’ Brown

Hosting Love with Self Reflection

Hosting love with self-reflection is key to healing limiting beliefs, thoughts and automatic reactions is through bringing to awareness or making conscious how these limiting patterns established through your life and Family System. Your parents and likely their parents experienced these life-depleting ways of dealing with closeness and conflict. You received this teaching through their words, actions and behaviors. The resulting negative beliefs get projected onto your adult relationships with automatic limiting beliefs such as “Love causes pain,”You cannot trust (fill in the blank),” It is my fault,” “They will leave me,”“Love hurts.” (They is used to represent any type of relationship).

you are worthy of love signage on brown wooden post taken
Photo by Tim Mossholder on

It is important to acknowledge that you have the ability to work with and change these automatic reactions from the past by examining the roadmap of these patterns when they come up.According to Gabriella Kortsch, PhD, self-regulation starts with your intention and desire to become aware enough to be reflective with your ability to notice how you are perceiving whatever is happening. This includes your ability to notice how you are reacting and interpreting what is happening through your thoughts, feelings and inner dialogue. This awareness then leads you to remembering that you have choices about next steps throughout the entire process, and you can choose what is good for your own life.

Hosting Love with Self Regulation/Soothing

Taking time to self-reflect is vital to hosting love within.This is where choices show up. Triggers show up in everyone’s life. Smoking, drinking, binging, shopping, high risk or adrenalin rising behaviors, overeating, shopping, binge watching movies, workaholism, etc. can be external go-to’s when unease arises. While this might work on a short term basis, this doesn’t lead to resolving the issues so you can experience something new in your life related to what you would truly like to experience.

How you regulate your response to triggers that create agitation, anxiety, fear, grief and pain that numb or delay the pain temporarily feeds the established neural pathways of pain from the past, or you can choose natural ways to create nurture and support within.

Hosting love by choosing natural ways to self-soothe to create calm in your system trains your body-mind-spirit system by regulating how you respond to stress leads to greater wellness and well-being for the long-term. You are designed for self-healing. Focusing on new go-to’s that respond to the question, “Is this kind?” while considering next steps is a great way to work with Self-Reflection.Will the response you choose lead to new healing pathways within by activating your Sympathetic Nervous System (rest, digest, calm, and heal)? Will the choices strengthen your ability to host more love within as you navigate your life and relationships?

The following two articles give you some ideas for this purpose:by finding neutral to create positive change in your life and using your innate senses to create natural endorphin stress responses. You can explore this website for other natural modalities including breath, movement, acupressure, meditation, gratitude, aromatherapy, light, sound, etc. for more ideas.

Resonance Repatterning® Sessions are based on working with your body-mind-spirit systems’ ability for hosting love in your body-mind-spirit system. This means that the pain you experience on any level can be an opportunity for creating new possibilities in your life.

Kimberly Rex, MS is an Advanced Resonance Repatterning® practitioner, Person-Centered Expressive Therapist, and Wellness and Well-being Life Coach. She works with people all over the world via Skype, by phone, and by proxy.

Find out how Resonance Repatterning benefits your life. Set up a personal session or sign up for a free monthly newsletter with articles, natural healing modalities, and exclusive group sessions here.

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For Every Season Fall Repatterning

For every season there are many changes. This is an invitation to align your vision for life with grounding, hope, a sense of wellbeing and love on every pathway you experience. In this journey through the season of fall you’ll create personal insight and inspiration for transforming your own life in a supportive process through this changing world.

Photo by Kimberly Rex

For Every Season Fall Repatterning Details

The For Every Season Fall Program is about to begin on September 1, 2024, and continue through the month of November.

The Fall Season will include September, October and November with the topics of creating Inspiration, Ability to Let Go of that Which No Longer Serves Your Life Journey, and Creating Harmony between Giving and Receiving in Relationships.

This process will give you the following activities for personal growth and reflection:

  • Receive poetry with weekly reflections for each month based on topics of inspiration, letting go and creating harmony in giving and receiving in relationships
  • Take part in a virtual 60-minute Group Resonance Repatterning where you can use the insight you experienced with your personal reflections to add to the Creating Harmony and Balance in Giving and Receing Repatterning.
  • Enjoy an Expressive Arts Therapy Activity to create momentum for new opportunities and possibilities in your life
  • Get all reflection and repatterning materials, recordings and directions delivered to your email address at the beginning of each month

How the For Every Season Repatterning Process Works

In September, this process starts with an inspirational poem with weekly reflections focusing on any issues related to the transition from summer to fall in your life. The month of October will focus on your aim and intentions in your life for new possibilities related to inspiration and letting go.

At the beginning of the November you will have the opportunity to use your reflections and intentions in the 60-minute group repatterning for letting go of any residual unfinished energetics interrupting your pathway related to the topics that came up in your personal reflections.The purpose of the repatterning process is to build more coherent life energy and motivation to achieve new possibilities. The follow-up from the session will include reflections with an expressive arts therapy activity based on the group repatterning to take the benefits of your work through the season into your life more fully for the rest of the year.

Registering for the For Every Season Process

This is your personal invitation to join this journey of personal growth and transformation.

*When you sign up for this program you will be asked to subscribe to a specific list that will give you all the information you need to take part in these beneficial activities. This list is solely for the purpose of this process.

Kimberly Rex, MS
Kimberly Rex

Kimberly Rex, MS is an Advanced Resonance Repatterning® practitioner, Person-Centered Expressive Therapist, and Wellness and Well-being Life Coach. She works with people all over the world via Skype, phone, and proxy. Set up your personal session here.

Find out more about how Resonance Repatterning benefits your life. Sign up for a free monthly newsletter with articles, natural healing modalities, and exclusive group sessions here.

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Reaching Depths for New Possibilities

Reaching depths for new possibilities is a process. One of the definitions of depth is the quality of being profound (as in insight) or full (as of knowledge). Resonance Repatterning® provides a way to work with the body-mind-spirit system to reach insight that brings greater knowledge about how to create greater coherence in your life. By doing so, you have access to the depth of experience from your own life, Family Systems, and energetic information stored in every muscle, tissue, organ, and gland through the Resonance Muscle-Checking system.

The process accesses information stored in your system even at the cellular and sub-atomic or quantum levels to identify what your system needs to transform limiting beliefs, attitudes, and concepts of time to rebuild a stairway to more optimal integrity in your wellness and well-being.

“Look within; within is the fountain of all good. Such a fountain, where springing waters can never fail, so thou dig deeper and deeper.”~Marcus Aurelius

The Depth of the Trauma Body’s Information for Transformation

When you experience trauma whether it be physical, emotional, mental, or injury to your core essence of who you are, your body stores this information in the form of energy. When this energy is not mobilized for release in a healthy way, it is stored as a stress response that keeps you stuck in a frozen state. This state activates defense mechanisms designed for your survival.

When your body-mind-spirit system operates from the survival level, your capacity to experience safety and trust is contaminated with the unresolved need to protect through fight, flight, or immobilization.

Imagine the impact on the way you face life from these survival strategies. It affects what you believe, what you think, and how you react or do not take action in your own life. In fact, the parts of yourself doing this work will protect you from experiencing anything that threatens your survival state.

This means that your system living in chronic stress will not be able to see or experience new opportunities outside of this framework. This can translate into feeling like you have little agency and that the world around you has more authority over you than you have over your own life.

We all experience stress and stressful situations. Chronic stress and negative emotions can point to a deeper state of distress stored in the Autonomic Nervous system. The stairway from the Trauma Body’s habitual response to what it sees, feels, hears, and experiences into a place that feels safe, secure, and trustworthy is accessed only by diving deep into the tissue of the material the parts of you that have been traumatized and held in place, and then given voice and agency with support and nurture.

The beauty of Resonance Repatterning sessions is that every step is guided by what your system needs most for this purpose. Coherent updates are part of every part of the work. This allows your system to become more greatly acquainted with new possibilities and opportunities at a pace that creates greater harmony and balance throughout your system.

The Depth of Blockages to Create Greater Life Energy Flow

You are designed for self-healing. In fact, a session creates greater life energy for positive change by identifying blockages and interruptions of your optimal life energy flow on the physical, emotional, mental, and spirit levels.

The depth of information is accessed and updated through the muscle-checking process through specific natural healing disciplines that work with the channels, meridians, and energy flows of the body. These modalities work with all of your senses including breath, light, color, sound, movement, acupressure, fragrance, energetic contact, consciousness science, frequencies, Family Systems, and holistic science.

Each modality works holographically in that treating one part of your system creates positive change in every part of your life. For example, if you are experiencing a limiting belief or emotion about yourself, and the modality that checks in is an acupressure point, the information from a particular point that treats “fear” might be accessed in a different part of the Chinese Medicine Wheel that works with creating greater nurture or support or balance from the energy of your heart to create greater sense of discernment or connection to joy and unconditional love. Treating the root of the fear, the core need is accessed and treated.

The outer work can never be small if the inner work is great. And the outer work can never be great if the inner work is small.” ~ Meister Eckhart

This ability to acknowledge the connection between different aspects of core needs often arises in Earlier Experiences or in generational material. Again, through muscle-checking, the root of the pain that keeps you stuck in survival mode can be reached at a time, level, and place within your system through the information stored within the map of your body.

This capacity to reach deeply into the energetics of connection between you and your life’s experience and your family’s systemic influence on the life you are living or not living today is your access through your DNA. Although about 80% of the material is unconscious, it is still available through your Autonomic Nervous System in this process.

This is your personal invitation to check in with yourself to take inventory of what might seem out of reach in regards to what you are not truly living in the way of your values in your communication, your life path, and your positive intentions for your wellness and well-being. If you find yourself feeling like you have lost your compass in the world, it might be time to work with the blockages that interrupted your ability to feel more at ease with yourself and what you are creating with your vital life energy. Has stress muddied the lens through which you see the good within yourself to create optimal life energy or direction you would like to choose? If so, it is time to dive deep into the depths to for new possibilities.

Kimberly Rex, MS
Kimberly Rex

Kimberly Rex, MS is an Advanced Resonance Repatterning® practitioner, Person-Centered Expressive Therapist, and Wellness and Well-being Life Coach. She works with people all over the world via Skype, phone, and proxy. Set up your personal session here.

Find out more about how Resonance Repatterning benefits your life. Sign up for a free monthly newsletter with articles, natural healing modalities, and exclusive group sessions here.

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Fall is a Good Time to Show Your True Colors

Fall is a good time to show your true colors. Like the leaves in fall that lose their green due to the reduction of chlorophyll in their fibers from a reduction of sunlight, they begin to show their true underlying colors of red, orange, and yellows in every shade. It is an invitation for you to look inward to your true value. It is also a good time to look at what you can no longer tolerate. This comes from the pairing of inspiration and letting go to allow your true colors to shine through.

Metal Element becomes prominent in the season of fall. As with any transition, the changes you experience in this season vary from changes in the amount of sunlight you experience daily, to cooler temperatures, and changes in your activity levels.

In this season, plants put their energy into their roots while letting go of the past season to set new leaf buds for a new season with renewed light. So it takes grounding to activate potential with the correct resources and time. Letting go of what no longer serves your life as the trees do as fall progresses points to the message that balance and harmony within means releasing what no longer benefits your life while also creating new ways of preparing for new possibilities.

Taking Inventory of Your True Colors

It is time to look at what keeps you grounded and rooted, and consider what keeps you stuck in a mode of not expressing your truth in your values and communication. So it is a good time to ask yourself, “How do I put myself down or diminish myself?”

Criticism can keep you from taking action whether it be toward another person or within yourself. Looking at where you stand in the victim stance that reflects a lack of self-worth, or expecting yourself or another to be perfect can keep you in a place that creates behaviors that interfere with your ability to know that you are learning and a work in progress. Fall can be a time to take inventory and take an insight into creating positive self-talk and building a growth mindset.

Anxiety, anger, shame, or guilt can keep you from staying with a growth mindset. Sometimes locked in traumatic experiences where you did not have the support or resources from others to transform abuse can still have an influence on how you experience the world today.

This shows up in your adult relationships where triggers and patterns in relationships mimic the earlier traumatic experiences out of vulnerability and lack of experience with access to positive resources in the present for resolving or transforming the trauma experience from the past. However, resonating with inner resources within parts of yourself that stay present to your inner needs with care and compassion allows you to consider new possibilities.

Letting Go to Show Your True Colors

brown wooden opened door shed
Photo by Harrison Haines on

Letting go related to grief is the prominent non-coherent emotion to work with related to the Metal Element and Fall. On the physical level, grief can be registered from past losses. Your energy can be depleted in your lungs and show up as respiratory congestion and difficulties with letting go in the large intestines with constipation. So it is a good time to ask yourself, “What is my purpose in life?” and, “How can I connect to my purpose spiritually or in the world?”

Grief can keep you facing away from life and the inner value of the meaning from your loss to transform into love and compassion for your ability to face life again by taking the roots, love, and lessons from your experience to create the energy of love within to set buds for life with the wisdom and heart to take forward when you are ready. In this way, you can find light in the journey through the darkness.

Sessions that Focus on Your True Colors

This is your personal invitation to root yourself, find the value in your life, and set your buds for new possibilities. Give yourself the gift of inspiration for new possibilities for either a Living On Purpose or Letting Go for Good Repatterning with these links.

Kimberly Rex

Kimberly Rex, MS is an Advanced Resonance Repatterning® practitioner, Person-Centered Expressive Therapist, and Wellness and Well-being Life Coach. She works with people all over the world via Skype, phone, and proxy.

Find out how Resonance Repatterning benefits your life. Set up a personal session or sign up for a free monthly newsletter with articles, natural healing modalities, and exclusive group sessions here.

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Letting Go for Good Repatterning

In autumn, trees let go of the leaves they have carried. This is done to create space for new life residing in their buds that push the leaves to let go for good. This allows the creative process to continue.

This Letting Go for Good Repatterning is an example of a Resonance Repatterning® process with a seasonal focus. Originally, designed for a group, it is now available for personal work as well at any time of the year. This means that if you are processing grief, a change of job, home, loss, or any life cycle change, this process will allow you to move from feeling stuck to ability to create a new direction in life.

Letting go for good is more than recycling household goods, taking out the trash, or taking bags of no longer needed clothing, furniture, etc. to Goodwill. This is a great way to clear and clean up space in your life for new possibilities. Internal letting go for good is also necessary to create greater integrity and life-enhancing energy for your health, relationships, finances, wellness, and well-being.

Letting Go for Good Resonance Repatterning® Process

In this 60-minute process, you will have the opportunity to let go of internal old tapes related to them with the following process:

  • Identify what areas in your life need attention and support for letting go of what no longer serves your growth and transformation
  • Let go of negative emotions, beliefs, and thoughts that go with these outdated habitual patterns
  • Take the gifts or lessons from loss, disappointment, and grief to apply to your growth process
  • Create coherent updates and space in your body-mind-system for new possibilities for more life-enhancing and positive choices
  • Get natural modalities of color, light, movement, breath, fragrance, meditations, and energetic contact suggestions to add to your stress reduction toolkit in the Letting Go for Good eBook that will accompany this process.

Registration for Letting Go for Good Repatterning

Kimberly Rex, MS
Kimberly Rex

You can register for a personal Letting Go for Good Repatterning by contacting Kimberly here.

Kimberly Rex, MS is an Advanced Resonance Repatterning® practitioner, Person-Centered Expressive Therapist, and Wellness and Well-being Life Coach. She works with people all over the world via Skype, phone, and proxy.

Find out how Resonance Repatterning benefits your life. Set up a personal session or sign up for a free monthly newsletter with articles, natural healing modalities, and exclusive group sessions here.

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