Posted by Kimberly Rex
Finding Neutral to Create Positive Change in Your Life
Finding neutral to create positive change in your life is a way to build greater harmony and balance in your body-mind system. When you feel overwhelmed, stressed, or depleted, finding neutral benefits your ability to slow down so you can become aware and choose what you would like to experience within. By doing so, you become more conscious of sensory input, and focus on what is important to you.
Thoughts create emotions. Emotions create responses. The connection between your thoughts and emotions is tempered by internal beliefs and memories that contribute to your experience of life. In any experience, you can go through a range of feelings that allow you to process or resolve what is happening. Emotional states are different in that they can be the direction or undercurrent of what your feelings are responding to over time. It is important to know that you are not your feelings. They are not tattoos. They are expressions of what you are experiencing in the now like waves on the ocean that ebb and flow.
Emotional states are guideposts. They create opportunities for insight. Your response or reaction to any situation is influenced by your thoughts, beliefs, and emotions. They are not bad or good, however, they can offer you a map to discover what is underneath self-limiting patterns as well as what creates empowering experiences. Finding neutral allows you to choose how you respond to life comes from your ability to work with emotions by noticing their sense of heaviness or lightness, length of time, depth, repetitive thought patterns, self-talk, or feelings.
Finding Neutral to Create Choice
Like going into an automatic car wash, you go in with the intention to clean or wash your car. When you pull into the space, you are asked to place your car in neutral. The purpose of neutral is to separate the action of the engine from the wheels so that you are not idling, moving forward, or backward without choice. At the same time, you are not in park or stuck.
.For the purpose of working with this metaphor, imagine your time inside a car wash. What is your experience while you wait? Can you find neutral in this experience? Begin by bringing your attention to your breathing. What are you experiencing in this moment? What are you feeling inside? Where are you feeling these sensations?
Now bring your focus to what is happening around you. Notice what you see as the water and brushes sweep over the sides of your car. Are you able to then shift your focus to just noticing the sounds of the water on the car? Now return to focusing on your breath. Get in touch with what feels different even if slightly. Finding neutral can expand your awareness and also press reset on where and what you want to focus on next with your experience.
Dis-empowering or empowering beliefs create different perspectives of life. As an example, staying with the car analogy, let’s say two people are on a road trip. One person looks out the window and sees bad drivers, negative bumper stickers, and roadkill while the other person sees a hawk in the sky, and notices cloud formations, and a rainbow. What’s different? It’s the same road, however, it is a different view. You can imagine that the first person’s body stance and visual field are tense with shallow breathing while the second person might be breathing more fully with eyes wide to take in the beauty of the scenery. There might even be a smile on the second person’s face while there could be a grimace on the first. This illustrates how seemingly the same road trip can be completely different stimulated by particular thoughts and emotions. These, then, trigger physical responses.
Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.”~Viktor E. Frankl
Read more about Viktor Frankl’s thoughts on this topic related to Resonance Repatterning here.
Finding Neutral by Working with Your Reticular Activating System
What if you could use finding neutral to choose your attitude and your own way? The Reticular Activating System (RAS) is scattered throughout your brain stem in the Reptilian or Survival Brain. It functions as the gatekeeper of sensory information allowed into your consciousness through selecting what is most important. This influences what you are awake, alert to, and aware of in your environment.
The RAS manages the transition between levels of consciousness and controls what is prioritized with a focus on what is important through the lens of your present reality.
The Reticular Activating System influences your fight or flight response, sleep and wake transitions, motor control, the experience of pain, muscle reflexes, focus, attention, goal-setting, and habituation. The nerve fibers of the RAS region make connections between your body and mind. For the RAS to be triggered, signal activity needs to occur in your sensory pathways, that are connected with it. Your thoughts, emotions, and chemical responses are continuously working with learned behaviors, habits, and conditioning to contribute to your interpretation of sensory input.
It turns out that your Reticular Activating System does not know the difference between what is actual, what is created by triggers from the past or new triggers you create for it. The experience of imagining being inside a car wash is a great example. Neurotransmitters and neuro-associations, the links between sensory input, your thoughts, and emotions create your experience. The fact is that you can find neutral to create new neural pathways to allow a shift in energy levels, neuro-chemicals, and brain states. This happens by using your inner software to create positive change.
Finding Neutral with What is Important to You
Like the RAS, you can consciously choose to ask yourself, “What is important to me?” “What is important to me to create a life of meaning?” “What feels like it no longer needs to have a place in my life?” “What is no longer serving my Highest Good?” “What is limiting me?” and “What lessons have I learned that is important to my life today? And tomorrow?” Consider these questions with compassion for yourself. Expanding your awareness with the narrative of your beliefs, attitudes, and thoughts will begin to shift the story your body-mind system is responding to in the present and begin the process of creating new pathways each time.
Finding Neutral in Your Body-Mind System
Your life story has evolved through different stages over time. Some of the chapters might seem more pleasant than others. However, in each chapter, there are memories that can bring happiness, sadness, hurt, grief, or wonder. Take what is most important from these pages of your life.
Some of these memories intertwine sadness with joy. That’s okay. You need these emotions to know the depth of love, caring, and needs while strengthening your values and connection to your True Self. Reframing your past experiences unlocks freedom and understanding. Take what will serve you in your life today, and create new pages with the gifts of these lessons.
Changing your triggers or cues that cause you to spiral down into negative emotions or thoughts creates proactive benefits to build new patterns. After you take inventory of your goals and positive intentions for what is important in your life, you can also look at what keeps you from moving forward with them. Many times triggers and cues from the past can keep you stuck. There might be environmental, social, or beliefs about your roles in life that contribute to guilt or shame imprinted into your belief system. Examining your roles, your beliefs, and self-limiting responses to life build awareness about what you need to move forward.
As an example, let’s consider music that you are playing on a road trip. Let’s say you are listening to music, and you hear a song that brings you back to an earlier time in your life when you felt sad because it reminds you of a person or relationship. This is a trigger. It can space you out, change your mood, and even make you cry. Negative triggers like sound, environment, smell, or seeing something associated with a painful memory can change how you feel. These triggers are different for everyone. Pain can keep you stuck in places unable to start or move forward with the next steps. So creating life-energizing cues can build a path toward more optimal positive and sustainable change.
This allows you to choose where you focus and place your attention when you feel overwhelmed or depleted. Knowing that you can count on positive actions like getting in touch with your breath, working with an empowering memory, change your body stance to change internal states is beneficial to your body-mind system.
Getting to know what works best for you to shift your focus naturally builds the pathways to positive change. Talking with someone to listen to you on the phone, eating whole foods that nourish your neurotransmitters, taking a walk in nature in the woods or the beach, dancing, or listening to music that calms or inspires you are all examples of ways to shift your focus to life-empowering emotional states, thoughts, and actions to allow you to experience more life-energizing states.
Windows to the Heart Repatterning works with holistic processes designed to re-pattern your life with Resonance Repatterning and Repattern Your Life Coaching. These processes work with natural modalities designed specifically for your body-mind system to create life-enhancing patterns that build integrity in your wellness and well-being!
Kimberly Rex, MS is a certified Advanced Resonance Repatterning® and Master Life Coach. She is also a Person-Centered Expressive Therapist. She works with clients all over the world by phone, Skype, and proxy.
Sign up for our monthly free newsletter to receive beneficial natural modalities, exclusive repatterning opportunities, and articles on wellness and well-being here.
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It’s About Time
Life depends on time and timing. This can be a bit tricky in spots. Time as Chronos is a relational experience with your life in regards to the meaning you give it for schedules, daily appointments, seasons, and rites of passage. This is encased within the value you give each of these time periods, however, there is also a place for the natural rhythm of time and timing playing out in your life on a daily, hourly, and minute-by-minute measure.
Timing is an essential element related to how your organ systems interrelate, and how you deal with your life through the lens of setting an intention, taking action steps, prioritizing, decision-making, focusing, and completing.
How you plan your time is important. This can be related to starting a project, completing or letting go of some situation in your life, or making time for a relationship or something that needs attending.
Sometimes, there is resistance in planning or taking action. This can be directly related to the habitual pattern established within your Triune Brain related to your Limbic Brain (Emotional Brain) and Pre-Frontal Cortex (Problem-Solving Brain). Stress plays a major factor in defaulting to the Limbic when you are attempting to plan, take action, or complete a project.
It is more comforting to shift out of planning into an activity that provides “pleasure” over logical-sequential activity. You are wired for this as your Limbic System has had much more time in evolutionary time than the Pre-Frontal Cortex.
Procrastination, or delaying the process of planning, focus, and decision-making based on need to perform certain tasks. In this TED video, Tim Urban uses caricatures of the Pre-Frontal Cortex related to the planning or decision-making executive function brain, Limbic System ( Monkey Mind ), and Amygdala (Fear or Anger) parts of the brain.
Spring on the Chinese Five Element Wheel works with this area of timing as being most prominent for growth, optimism, and vision with Wood Element. Looking at your life with greater focus, foresight, planning, setting goals, and discerning good timing is relative to the places in your life where you have unresolved anger, a sense of need for retribution, or blame. This decreases vital energy and optimism for your positive intentions.
These combined will not allow your Limbic System to move into the Pre-Frontal Cortex to plan or make decisions as easily, thus keeping you in the well-grooved neural pathways of resonating with non-coherent belief that there is no time or space for creating new possibilities.
According to Chinese Medicine, when your Wood Element is unbalanced and out of harmony, you might have a tendency to be late, not be able to meet deadlines or time frames. It’s important to know that this speaks to a need from within that is asking for support.
Resonance Repatterning® sessions support shifts within to create transformation in how you experience life, and how you meet life so that you gain more optimism, empowerment and regain your natural rhythm and timing both for Chronos and Kairos creating new possibilities for your positive intentions. How you resonate with the concept of time influences how you experience the process. For example, if you resonate with “There is no light at the end of the tunnel,” you might be less inclined to keep going or feel motivated to take next steps toward your intention. However, it you resonate with “I fill my time with constructive thoughts, words and actions,” you create an internal coherent state of being for new opportunities in the process.
Our perception of time can change based also on Kairos, or spiritual time. When you resonate with healing or moving through a situation with support, and with a sense of commitment to growth and transformation, time seems to transcend the boundaries of logic.
This said, it is not without desire, aim, and positive action towards new beginnings or the resolution of an issue over time that creates positive change.
Mindfulness plays a major role in translating Chronos into Kairos time through your interpretation of what is happening. Where there are deadlines, Chronos is at work. When you are grieving the loss of a loved one internally or moving through an emotional process, Kairos is predominant.
There are places of timelessness that cannot be measured by ordinary values assigned to a clock. Time can speed up or feel extremely slow depending on your perception of a situation. The difference is within the context of assigning a particular time or agreement about time, as well as opportune time such as, “What time is dinner?” (Chronos) and ” What would be a good time for dinner?” (Kairos)
The inner workings of your experience depends both on Chronos and Kairos. The need to value both in your human experience is vital. With that in mind, consider the emotional workings of your life, and how you are responding to what is happening in front of you.
Mindfulness is a wonderful tool to relieve stress and allow greater presence for both in this world. Moving more into the present is a gift that allows you to experience being in tune and in rhythm with the natural cycles of your life. Making time for this on a daily basis is essential for your wellness and well-being. If you haven’t yet, it’s about time!
Here is an opportunity to continue on the path of mindfulness with monthly healing modalities and exclusive repatterning events from Windows to the Heart Repatterning.
Sign up for monthly newsletter here: Newsletter and Exclusive Re-pattern Your Life Events
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Imagining New Possibilities: Exploring the Point of Choice
Your body-mind system is your navigation vehicle for imagining new possibilities. You have the inner technology for creating positive change at the cellular level, through your thought patterns, emotions, neurotransmitter reception, motion, light, sound, and coherent energy transmission. The 21st century is filled with enormous change. It requires inner resilience and heart. It calls for inner listening to truly see choices and to navigate the world. You are designed for success. You are designed for self-healing.
Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.~Viktor Frankl
To experience a point of choice, you must first know you have an option. Do you resonate with the chaos or the opportunity within the situation? If you resonate with the feeling hopeless, depressed, overwhelmed, and powerless, you have very little life energy to dedicate to making positive change. However, if you resonate with optimism, joy, and love, and feel centered, grounded, and enlivened by your thoughts, feelings, and actions, your body-mind system will move into action to create momentum for sustaining positive change. This results in more integrity, or a match between your intentions and your experience of your positive intentions for your life.
Working with the body-mind system is essential to create integrity. First, change needs to happen in the Limbic System, the emotional brain, by getting the support it needs to change to update its long-term memory of patterns built up over time by creating a sense of joy and anticipation. Second, the Reptilian Brain, the fight or flight brain, or “Watchdog” that is on alert for any “smell” or image that reminds it of something from the past with behaviors that are automatic gets to calm down so that the emotional and decision-making parts of the brain can work. Third, the pre-frontal cortex, the place of executive function, and action need to be nourished. As this area perceives fulfillment from positive action, the potential for positive change widens the gateway of conscious choice with new information feedback as you make positive change. In the process, new neural pathways feed your entire system with more coherent information and energy feedback matching your positive intentions for your life.
This, then, programs and builds new neurotransmitter responses in your feelings, thoughts, and physical body. Once this becomes hard-wired through new awareness and mindfulness practice, it allows the Limbic and Reptilian Brain material (unconscious) to use your new awareness and choice patterns to sustain your new way of experiencing wellness and well-being!
Create New Possibilities with Resonance Repatterning®
Resonance Repatterning® accesses the Triune Brain and body-mind system to access places in your life where updates are needed to create more coherent life energy. In every moment there are unlimited possibilities for re-patterning your life for positive change. Resonance Repatterning is a catalyst for shifting stumbling blocks into stepping-stones to create more life energy, motivation, awareness, and movement towards a sense of accomplishment.
Your internal messages from your cultural beliefs, your Family System, thoughts, feelings, and physical responses impact how you see, hear, feel, and experience your life. Brains are automatic machines following decision pathways. For thousands of years, humans reacted to situations as a need for survival with quick decisions. However, with this cutting edge process, you now have the opportunity to re-pattern your life to experience integrity in your thoughts, feelings, and responses by using this information to step into the point of choice in your present situation with access to all of your resources for positive change.
Listen to the workshop on new possibilities (Choice #3) on the Sample Resonance Repatterning page to find out more.
Here is an opportunity to continue on the path to creating greater integrity in your wellness and well-being with monthly healing modalities and repatterning events from Windows to the Heart Repatterning.
Sign up for monthly newsletter here: Newsletter and Exclusive Re-pattern Your Life Events
Kimberly Rex, MS is an experienced and certified Resonance Repatterning®, Master Life Coach, and Person-Centered Expressive Therapist with advanced training in holistic and healing therapies. She works with clients all over the world by phone, Skype, proxy, and in-person with cutting-edge energy medicine and the process of transformation to re-pattern your life so you reclaim more life energy for your positive intentions.
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