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Using Stress to Transform Your Life

We all experience stress daily. Using stress to transform your life can shift the flow of thoughts that run through your mind. With intention and attention, you can use stress to benefit your experience of peace and well-being.

Major evnts related to concerning health diagnosis, losing a job, not getting a promotion, losing a loved one, a relationship breakup, or unexpected news or change that impacts your life can take a great deal of your energy and time to process.

Ongoing stressful thoughts can lead to greater anxiety, anger, worry, rumination, and fear. Cycling into these territories can be overwhelming when you do not feel that there is an end in sight. And this can disconnect you from your ability to see the big picture, problem-solve or to take action for your wellness and well-being.

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Is Stress Moving Toward or Away from Life?

Distress tolerance is your ability to manage actual or perceived emotional distress. The aim and intention in these situations are to choose your response or reaction to this distress.

This begins with creating a conscious practice of asking yourself if your negative thought patterns move you away from life-enhancing patterns that allow you to face life or away from life through avoidance? And, do you want to change this pattern?

Examples of contrast might be the following:

  • Spending time with people who give you positive energy or those who bring you down
  • Forgiveness or feeding resentments within
  • Self-love through creating boundaries with your words and actions or avoiding living your values in action
  • Spending time in nature and appreciating beauty with gratitude or blaming yourself and others for what is happening
  • Admiring your positive qualities and those of others or comparing yourself to others

“When we are no longer able to change a situation~we are challenged to change ourselves.”~Viktor Frankl

Using Stress to Make Coherent Choices

Changing your inner self-talk and dialogue about what is happening starts with intention and attention. When negative thoughts about the past or future become invasive, it is a choice to either stay with the habitual negative thought, body and feeling pattern, or to become aware of their impact on how you are feeling and how this affects you.

“It’s not stress that kills us, it’s our reaction to it.”~ Hans Selye

Once you make it a habit to change the ongoing pattern of cycling negative thoughts, your body, and emotions will have the opportunity to shift. This conscious choice allows for new possibilities in your wellness and well-being, even if this is for a short time.

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Photo by Anna Tarazevich on

Using Stress to Build New Pathways

Creating new pathways takes practice. This means that both your intention and attention are needed. What if you could take control of your thoughts by using using these questions to your advantage? Here are two actiities that you can put easily in place.

  • Establish a daily routine of checking in with yourself. This can be done at the beginning of the day, and also be used throughout the day. Setting up specific times of the day to check in with yourself either by schedule or using sticky notes in prominent places you can tune into what your body and mind are processing at eny given time. This creates a conscious noticing of what is going on within. You can use this as a barometer during the day, and then get a reading on how your thoughts are influencing how your mood, energy and focus are responding to life.
  • When you find yourself cycling into worry, anxiety, fear or depression, take a few moments to get in touch with what is happening. A simple way to start the process is to ask yourself three questions. “What am I thinking right now?”“What am I feeling right now?” and “Do I want to continue with these thoughts?” Becoming the observer of your current state of being you are better able to navigate what comes next in your life with greater options.
  • Chinese Medicine speaks to the importance of keeping your energy flow in harmony and balance for your health and well-being. The suggestion is to pay attention to your emotions when they come up.but to also limit the effects of the negative state. By first working with the (3) questions, and then taking action with a mindfulness activity, you are able to use stress to change your life.

The opportunity to create a shift in perception with mindfulness activities such as a short meditation or breathing practic, journaling, yoga, Qigong, gratitude, looking out the window at a tree or flower, walking in nature, experiencing beauty and good nurture, listening to an inspirational talk, reading, or soothing music. These are “supplements for your body and mind”, and they can energize, reset and tonify your body-mind system.

No mud, no lotus.~Thich Nhat Hanh

Mindfulness practices allow you to tap into the energetics of awe, beauty, and pleasure that expand your awareness and diminish your stress. When you resonate with choosing what you will focus on you become the author of you own life and in the short term allows you to lower your stress while building new responses in your body-mind sytem over time.

Once you have answered these questions, chosen a mindful activity to change your internal landscape, your enhance your ability to access your conscious mind with a greater access to critical thinking, and decision-making. This allows you to consider a responsive action based on expanded and focused vision so you can then choose to focus your time and energy on the task at hand, brainstorming, problem-solving, setting boundaries, getting support and planning that will benefit your wellness and well-being.

Resonance Repatterning® Sessions are based on working with your ability to repattern your body-mind-spirit system. This means that the distress you experience on any level can be an opportunity for creating new possibilities in your life.

Kimberly Rex, MS
Kimberly Rex, MS

Kimberly Rex, MS is an Advanced Resonance Repatterning® practitioner, Person-Centered Expressive Therapist, and Wellness and Well-being Life Coach. She works with people all over the world via Skype, by phone, and by proxy.

Find out how Resonance Repatterning benefits your life. Set up a personal session or sign up for a free monthly newsletter with articles, natural healing modalities, and exclusive group sessions here.

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Repattern Your Brain, Repattern Your Life

You can repattern your brain to repattern your life. The automatic responses that drive your responses to situations you meet in life are based on your emotional and survival memories created by your life experiences. Whether you have experienced physical, emotional or chronic stress, you can work with the brain-body connection to experience greater integrity in your wellness and wellbeing.

“Whatever the circumstances of a child’s early life, and whatever the history and current state of that child, every human has the built-in power to improve, to change for the better, to significantly restore, and often to recover. Tomorrow, that person you see in the mirror can be a stronger, more capable, livelier, more powerfully centered, and still-growing person.”~Michael Merzenich

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. The good news is that neural pathways can be altered through neuroplasticity. Resonance Repatterning® The process accesses established pathways that register in your muscles, tissues, muscles, organs, and glands through the Resonance Muscle-Checking process. Natural modalities of color, light, sound, movement, breath, fragrance, energetic contact, and consciousness science introduce new brainwaves, awareness, and neurotransmitters to create neurosynthesis and plasticity. This relies on the memory information stored in your body-mind system to create neuroplasticity by updating and changing function.

The Brain-Body Connection

These brain areas are examples of how thinking, feeling and action are connected between your mind and body.

Pre-Frontal Cortex: When the Pre-Frontal Cortex is in control, it allows you to be fully engaged in the present of your life so you can resonate with expanding your awareness, feeling, thinking, and acting as you open to new possibilities. This is where you can explore your connections with others. When the pre-frontal cortex is under-active in this brain area you can experience brain fog, difficulties with attention, focus, ability to follow through, decision-making, and disorganization.

Limbic Brain: The Limbic Brain colors how you process your emotions. This part of your brain affects your autonomic nervous system including blood sugar, hormones, temperature, respiration, and heart rate. This portion of the brain discerns feelings of safety or danger through the Amygdala. The Hippocampus embeds memory into the nervous system related to life-enhancing or depleting experiences. This creates the connection between your thoughts and feelings that influence your body responses through the HPA Axis.

The Cerebellum allows your system to create implicit memories that become automatic starting with learning skills and mastering a task. Over time this recall becomes automatic and unconscious affecting your thoughts and behaviors.

“Conscious thoughts, repeated often enough, become unconscious thinking.”~Dr. Joe Dispenza

Resonance Repatterning and Brain-Body Connection

The process of Resonance Repatterning, from the brain’s perspective, works by transforming the neural pathways through awareness, new information and experience. This changes while working at the frequency levels in specific brain areas, brain waves, and neurotransmitters. Changing neural responses in your brain is a conscious process that shifts your resonance with what nerve responses take place in your body and your mind.

As a hypothetical example, let’s say that in a session the issue in your life is related to an inability to focus, disorganization, and impulsivity. The issue thought statement might be “I can’t get anything done.”The feeling state your share might be “I feel scared and confused.” Checking in with how to create coherent neural pathways for new behavior through muscle-checking the statement “I focus on the task at hand,” might be the new possibility. The neurotransmitter or peptide that would support the shift would be checked from a list along with its benefits to enhance neural communications in your mind and body A frequency of light for the Hypothalamus with a color that muscle-checks for the missing color/light frequency would be considered to energize your system. Natural activities would be checked to enhance new connections in your body-mind system. for this example, let’s say the action of deep breathing checked in. A coherent statement from the identified brain area would be included. In this case, we work with the pre-frontal cortex. The coherent statement would be “I stay calm and focused and manifest my plans through effective actions.”  A frequency of a brainwave would be fused into the mix as well. For the sake of this example, an Alpha brainwave with a range of 8-13 cps would be muscle-checked for the exact frequency among the four options for brainwaves including delta, theta, alpha, and beta to decrease anxiety and bring focus.

   All of these parts work at the frequency level with the material to create greater coherence, harmony, and balance in your body-mind system.The muscle-checking system in this process is then used to check for shifts in your system. You are ON or resonate with your new intentions when your thoughts, emotions, and body are wired for specific neural pathways that fire and connect your responses related to your positive intentions. You are OFF when neural pathways are inhibited or do not fire in the same habitual way related to the issues you brought to the session.With muscle-checking at the beginning and completion of the session, your system registers the shifts with your change in resonance.

These nerve impulsesin your brain communicate thoughts, feelings, sensations, and responses throughout your body. When your body and mind experience greater harmony and balance between your Autonomic, Parasympathetic, and Sympathetic Nervous Systems, this is reflected in the way you think, how you feel and respond to life, and what actions you take to create new possibilities.

Resonance Repatterning® Sessions are based on working with your body-mind-spirit systems’ ability to repattern your body-mind-spirit system. This means that the pain you experience on any level can be an opportunity for creating new possibilities in your life.

Kimberly Rex, MS
Kimberly Rex

Kimberly Rex, MS is an Advanced Resonance Repatterning® practitioner, Person-Centered Expressive Therapist, and Wellness and Well-being Life Coach. She works with people all over the world via Skype, by phone, and by proxy.

Find out how Resonance Repatterning benefits your life. Set up a personal session or sign up for a free monthly newsletter with articles, natural healing modalities, and exclusive group sessions here.

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How Negative Thoughts Affect Your Wellness and Well-being

Research shows that we experience about 50- 70,000 thoughts per day. Of these 70,000 about 80% of them are negative thoughts. In fact, if you were to take a moment right now, and think about your day, it would be well worth noting this for yourself. What do you most remember? Do you mainly experience criticism, judgment, and/or doubt about others or toward yourself from actions or inaction, words, or interactions? How does the overall experience make you feel? Are your thoughts mostly about gaining something positive and life-energizing or losing and life-depleting?

This can give you insight into the workings of your body-mind system designed to avoid danger and preserve survival. Your negative or positive thoughts create meaning for your life that affects your beliefs, attitudes, and actions. It is important to acknowledge that the negative loops might actually be orchestrated by early unmet needs and emotions remaining in a perpetual loop from unresolved negative experiences or that of your family system. The need for enough safety and trust to resolve unmet needs is connected to your inner software wired into your body-mind system over thousands of years whether there is a current reminder of a threat within your system that perceives danger based on a negative earlier experience or programming.

Negative Thoughts and Your Body

Excessive negative thoughts and complaining over time has a negative impact on your brain, your heart, and your digestion. Cycling complaints inside or reiterating them to others, without any recourse or opportunity for positive action reinforces the imprinted neural highways, stress hormones, and neuropeptides firing that keep the loop going. This creates an imbalance and disruption of energy flow in your body-mind system that interrupts communication between systems down to the cellular level.

The anxiety created in your system negatively impacts your heart function while interrupting your rest, digestion, and connect Parasympathetic Nervous System Cycle needed for creating integrity in your wellness and well-being. This is essential to your life experience for belonging and experience of pleasure.

This is accomplished by experiencing connection to yourself and others with greater ease through discernment and resonance with safety and trust. This allows for the creation of long-term loving bonding relationships that not only create a place to be heard but also valued and appreciated. This benefits your life with integrity in your communication and the actions you take.

Negative Thoughts and the Point of Choice

Your view of the world makes all the difference in experiencing the Point of Choice. With commitment and small steps that build new neural networks and communication within your body-mind system, you can limit the effects of negative thinking and complaints by moving into the world of gaining new perspectives and possibilities.

This can be done by setting a time limit on a discussion of what is happening that is negative daily, and also reframing your day by asking yourself what happened in the day that was positive. You can make this a daily practice with a short time to take a gratitude inventory. A good time of day is just before sleep. This creates even more benefits for your quality of sleep at night.

Another way to work with transforming a loss mindset into a gain mindset is to create a journal that not only records what is happening each day but also addresses your long and short-term goals, and any insights, inspiration, synchronicities or support you are receiving from the Universe and others you meet along the way to encourage you on your journey. Changing how you see things contribute to creating new positive neurotransmitters and pathways, relaxation, and a greater sense of ease.

Interrupting the cycle of negative thoughts and complaining with this reframing changes your inner world as well as your interaction with the world. A new perspective including the prospect of gain can improve your ability in seeing the bigger picture. This can happen by considering another perspective or a longer view of what is happening, or by being open to considering what another person’s experience might be in a particular situation. By doing so, you actively contribute to creating better opportunities for building greater appreciation, openness, bonding, and pleasure.

Resonance Repatterning® sessions work with the roots of material in your body-mind system related to limiting negative thoughts, beliefs, and patterns that keep you from moving beyond the perpetual loops of unmet needs, communication, and positive action. The process creates the pathway for new neural connections, coherent beliefs, and attitudes while resolving the residual material affecting you today. By doing so your body-mind system creates more space for new ways of seeing and experiencing life from the gain perspective.

Kimberly Rex

Kimberly Rex, MS is an Advanced Resonance Repatterning practitioner, Person-Centered Expressive Therapist, and Wellness and Well-being Life Coach. She works with people all over the world by Skype, phone, and proxy.

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