Posted by Kimberly Rex
10 Natural Ways to Spiral Up from Depression
We have all experienced depression at some time in our lives. Whether it is a reaction to experiencing loss, hurt, pain, physical illness, shock, burn-out, or ongoing depression, your body-mind-spirit responds chemically, physically, emotionally, and mentally. Whether this material is stored at the conscious or unconscious level, it can feel like you are spiraling down into less life energy to respond to life in the present.
In working with depression and sadness in Resonance Repatterning sessions, clients are able to spiral up from depression naturally. In sessions, we often travel to the Chinese Medicine Wheel and Metal Element, prominent to transform grief and depression with the support of shifting inner material for a greater sense of value, insight, and life energy.
Often, a session is dedicated to building life energy so that the client can begin to resonate with the present more fully. This creates the life energy flow for more resilience to face life with renewed meaning and value resulting from the restoration of harmony and balance.
Resonance Repatterning® works with natural healing several natural disciplines and modalities that create these positive shifts.
Spiral Up from Depression with 10 Natural Resources
1. When you are depressed, you literally need to take in more light. Get more natural light. Explore full-spectrum light indoors. Here’s a website with lamps:…
Check out 12 More Ways to Absorb more Light Naturally for Wellness and Well-being here.
2. Seek out Negative Ions: Take a walk next to saltwater or get into the country. Salt crystal lamps are natural ion generators. These ions increase serotonin levels, improve mood and promote sleep.
Get into the country or forest. Cities and air-conditioned offices have lower concentrations of negative ions.
3. Get more sleep: (eight hours a night). Sleep deprivation produces a sharp decrease in serotonin levels which is strongly linked to depression.
4. Get regular exercise: Find something you enjoy doing, and do it regularly. Share this aerobic exercise/dance/walk, swim/run, bicycling, etc. with a friend ( 2 or 4-legged).
5. Rethink your diet and check your cholesterol levels. Too low of levels have been related to depression. What to eat: a) Emphasize fruits and vegetables while limiting the consumption of whole grains and sweets. b) Balance calorie/energy ratio with 30% protein, 30% fat, and 40% carbohydrates keeping meals under 500 calories. Frequent small meals balance insulin levels as hypoglycemia may be a cause. In this case, avoid coffee, sugar, alcohol, and fruits with high sugar content. c) Limit red meat and egg yolks (once a week) because they are a chemical precursor to a brain chemical associated with depression. d) Be sure to get your Vitamin C’s and E’s in your diet: parsley, cucumber, lemon, citrus fruits, or supplements e) Add turmeric to your cooking combined with black pepper or take it as a beneficial herbal supplement for depression.
6. Deep Breathing Exercise and “Letting Go of Depression” Exercise (from Acupressure’s Potent Points by Michael Reed Gach)
a) Lie on your back or sit comfortably with your spine straight, feet flat on the floor.
b) Reach up towards the sky with both hands; take a deep breath, and as you hold your breath, make tight fists, and squeeze, tightening all the muscles in your arms.
c) Slowly exhale, tensing your arms, bringing your fists down your chest. Repeat b and c 2 or 3x.
d) Now cross your arms in front of your chest, with your fingers touching the upper outside area of your chest, wrist crossing the upper part of your chest.
e) Lower your chin to your chest.
f) Inhale 4 short breaths in a row (without exhaling) through your nose, filling your lungs completely on the 4th breath. Hold your breath for a few seconds with your chest full and expanded.
g) Exhale slowly through your mouth. h) Repeat for a few minutes concentrating on the depth and rhythm of your breath.
7. Press Acupressure points: Large Intestine 5 and 11: The first point is at the base of the hand under the thumb just above the wrist crease. You will feel a slight indentation. Lightly give support to this pt. for a few moments on each side. The 2nd pt. is on the outside of the elbow in the indentation (hollow) next to the humerus bone. *In a 6-week study out of the University of Arizona, patients who were given acupuncture experienced a 43% reduction in depression. After treatment more than 1/2 no longer met the criteria for clinical depression. (That makes acupuncture just as effective as antidepressants and psychotherapy).
8. Treat yourself compassionately by making time and space for PLAY and JOY to your life: Find ways to bring laughter and joy into your life. Treat yourself as a beloved. Make time for yourself, Take a day off. Lighten up, and spend some time playing.
9. Depression is the life energy that has been disrupted or blocked. Anxiety or unresolved material from an earlier experience can spiral down into depression due to the cascading effects of adrenaline, shock, muscle, emotional, mental, and spiritual fatigue. Exploring what might be the root of the issue is something that can be done. Processing grief over having lost a job, relationship, friend, family member, pet, or part of your life is important. Make time to process your feelings through journaling, drawing, and authentic movement with a compassionate listener or facilitator/therapist. You can also have a personal Resonance Repatterning® session to spiral back up to reclaim your life in the present with greater integrity in your wellness and well-being.
10. Read Books that Support Healing Depression with Natural Solutions
a) Unstuck: Your Guide to the Seven-Stage Journey Out of Depression by Dr. James Gordon is a wonderful resource that will take you through the process to look at nutrition. It has been very helpful to my clients. It includes breathing, meditation, movement exercises, and detailed nutrition with a soulful and expansive process here.
b) Depression-Free, Naturally: 7 Weeks to Eliminating Anxiety, Despair, Fatigue, and Anger from Your Life by Joan Mathews Larson includes a beneficial diet and exercises to create positive change. This book is often recommended as a Positive Action after a Resonance Repatterning session.
Here is an opportunity to continue on the path with monthly healing modalities and repatterning events from Windows to the Heart Repatterning.
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Posted by Kimberly Rex
Medical Qi Gong under Healing Blue Skies
A few summers ago I traveled to Hollyhock Educational Center in Canada to a Medical Qi Gong class taught by Dr. Steven Aung, as part of continued training as a holistic practitioner working with the Chinese Medicine and Five Element System. The class worked indoors, on the beach, in the woods, and under the beautiful blue skies of British Columbia with focused breathing, movement, and healing exercises.
Qigong (Chi Kung) means cultivating energy, it is a system practiced for health maintenance, healing, and increasing vitality. Medical Qigong accesses wisdom from the body-mind system through the Meridian System and includes working with color, sound, breathing exercises, movement, nutrition, massage, acupuncture/acupressure, and exercises that benefit your body and mind.
There are 12 interdependent meridians within the system that when in balance create greater harmony in your life. It is important to know that each of these elements is associated with color, sound, organ system, emotion, harmonizing nutrition, scent, and movements.
Not only did we practice each of these aspects in specific sequences to cleanse, balance, and harmonize our body-mind system in detailed protocols, we also had the instruction to take nurture directly from nature as a practice for wellness and well-being. In the same way that the systems of your body are interdependent, you and nature are interdependent for health and well-being.
Water Element Color
Blue is related to your kidneys and bladder and treats issues related to fear, feeling like a victim, or places in your life when you feel frozen, victimized, or overwhelmed.
Metal Element Color
White is related to your lungs and large intestines and supports you in feeling more inspired in your life, as well as supports you in letting go of that which no longer serves you.
Wood Element Color
Green is related to your liver and gallbladder and treats indecision and focus. When working with this color, it also supports nourishing the places in your life where you feel you have unfinished business that keeps you from feeling more optimistic.
Fire Element Color
Red is related to the heart, small intestines, Triple Heater, and Purple with Pericardium. Fire Element is associated with the aspects of love, joy, safety, trust, discernment, and belonging.
Earth Element Color
Earth Element is related to your stomach and spleen and is related to nourishment, gratitude, and support in your life. When you worry or feel a lack of nurture in your life, this is a place to work with this color.
With this in mind, I would like to share two simple activities that create grounding and nurture within to create functional balancing for health in the process.
Look Up at the Blue Sky
Notice that if you lie down on the green grass and look up, you have the opportunity to see blue and white. If you are surrounded by trees, you see green. If the sun is out, you get the spectral colors of yellow and red through your physical eyes. Look around your environment to find the all of the colors for the organ systems for greatest benefit. Spend a little time with each color. With intention, direct energy to the organ system you are viewing each time. Do this for 15 minutes watching the clouds and sending nourishment to all of your body-mind system.
Laugh to Heal Your Body-Mind System
This summer we walked in a continuous line that involved healing the person in front of us by directing chi towards their bladder points in their lower back while laughing. The specific walking pattern creates balance in the upper and lower body, as well as the left and right side while clearing residue within your body-mind system. It was literally a chain link to a link of people healing themselves and others through the healing vibraion of laughter. Imagine what this looked and sounded like!
The sounds for each meridian are as follows:
a) Your Heart: Haaaaaa
b) Triple Heater: hEEEE (primary temperatures of your body: brain, digestion, reproductive system)
c) Small Intestine: hAWWWW ( discerns what food will be used by the body for energy)
d) Stomach: wHOOO (digestion)
The sequence sounded like this: “Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha; He, he, he, he, he; Haw, haw, haw, haw, haw; Who, who, who, who, who.”
Now it’s not necessary to get this complex. Finding ways to laugh can be as easy as telling a joke, hearing a joke, watching a funny movie, laughing with others, and in Resonance Repatterning® doing a modality with one other person to get a belly laugh. This modality builds bonding, heart connection as well as serving as great stress relief. My Aunt Marie used to say, “Laughing massages your liver.” She was right! A family practitioner at New Jersey’s School of Osteopathic Medicine, Dr. Marvin E. Herring, said, “The diaphragm, thorax, abdomen, heart, lungs and even the liver are given a massage during a hearty laugh.”
Other Benefits from Laughter
- The decrease in stress hormone levels
- Strengthening of the immune system
- Muscle relaxation
- Pain reduction
- Lowers blood pressure
- Creates Cardiovascular conditioning and better flow
- Natural anti-depressant
- Increases the release of endorphins
- Creates relaxation
Here’s How
Face another person. Start by slapping your knees and bending over slightly facing the other person. Say out loud: “Ha, Ha, Ha.” You may start slowly, and this will build the momentum of laughter. Use the other sounds above to get the full benefit of treating your body-mind system. You may need tissues at the end from laughing so hard!
Here is an opportunity to continue on the path with monthly healing modalities and repatterning events from Windows to the Heart Repatterning.
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