Posted by Kimberly Rex
The Journey from Aim to Intention
The journey from aim to intention is more in-depth than what you might think. This article explores the nuances and attributes of the process that takes you from aiming to experiencing your positive intentions. Included are several hyperlinks to beneficial resources on this topic.
What are Aim and Intention?
When you start the process of working with an intention for new possibilities in your life it’s important to have a direction or aim. An aim is defined as having the intention of achieving, having in mind a purpose, or goal, pointing toward a target or goal.
An intention is defined as a determination to act in a certain way or to have the resolve to complete, achieve, or experience within the first steps on the path of intention, In Resonance Repatterning®, a session measures your resonance with your positive intentions as something you want, but do not have. When you resonate with your intention you then resonate with the underlying vital energy for the motivation and momentum to build the awareness, actions and commitment to create positive change.
From Aim to Intention with SMART Goals
It’s important to create a SMART Goal Plan that takes in short-term strategy to benefit long term lifestyle change. SMART is an acronym for Specific, Manageable, Achievable, Relevant or Realistic and Timely.
Breaking goals into sizable parts creates the steps needed to work with the details that begins with sequencing and prioritizing. As an example, if you want to move to a new house or change residences, you would need to begin looking at details for the area, finances, and requirements for creating the best possible solution. You would start with your aim in particular for the place, size and content of where you would want to live. Keeping your aim in focus would allow you to check in with your intention to provide growth and transformation on the path of intention.
Messages from Your Intentions
Your intention is the key to your motivation and commitment that creates the process. It is a way to check in on where and how you set your sites. As an example, let’s look at a few intention statements.
An intention for wellness might be “I am healthy.” This is an overarching aim, yet the intention needs to be more specific. As an example, your intention might include diet, losing weight, exercise, or stress reduction. Writing an intention for health over the long run needs an infrastructure related to possible research, study, change in habits, or practice. This means that perhaps you need to work with a health practitioner, read a book on best foods for your health conditions or blood type, sign up for a class that allows you to move or exercise, or learn how to develop a consistent meditation practice to reduce stress.
Keeping Your Aim toward Your Intention with a Growth Mindset
Having a Growth Mindset here is essential. Perhaps you have never taken a Tai Chi or Pilates class, or believe that you can’t diet successfully based on your past experiences. The truth is you might not have been able to YET, but, with the belief and attitude that your intentions are vital to improving your quality of life, you can discover new possibilities when you resonate with “I can work this out,” you’d be surprised how much you can accomplish. Resonating with using what happens along the way as a way to improve your life even if there are errors or setbacks allows you to keep going.
An intention for Finances or Business: “I make a million dollars in the next year.” This is more of an aim than an intention. The time frame is present, yet the reason for creating this amount of money is missing. In this case, it might be important to look at the resources and training you might need to shape your skills for creating a specific financial portfolio. It would also be important to look at your WHY that would create the intention so that you address the underlying needs.
For example, you might want to make a million dollars so you can leave your current job or travel the world, or have enough money to build a house for your family. These are the reasons for your aim. Your intention could be a statement that reflects the WHY. As an example, “I make enough money to build a house for my family so we have more space within the next year.”
Knowing that you can update and shift your actions and timeline based on what you learn for your own growth and transformation along the way allows you to keep your aim while fine-tuning your intention. It is a journey of discovery after all.
Aim and Intention in Respect to Your Relationships
An intention for Relationship:”I have a healthy relationship with my partner.” or “I am in a relationship with a person with whom I can communicate, trust and share my love of nature and who is also financially independent.” This intention speaks to checking in with your values and specific needs for relationship qualities. Writing an intention for creating a new possibility might require some self-reflection or healing along the way related to unmet needs or earlier experiences that created residue from unresolved pain or trauma.
Emotional pain is created by inner conflict. While you might wish for another person to change, this is not your job. Inner conflict can diminish or negate experiencing what you truly need vs. what you desire. It is difficult to resolve, for example, your need for a job that provides security while working with a difficult supervisor or wanting to be in a nurturing relationship while the other person is not resolving their own conflict.
Your destiny is created by the choices you make along the way in the same way as every person you meet. To stay the course toward resonating with your goals or intentions, you also need to shift your resonance with your underlying life-enhancing needs. Living or working in a situation that requires that you tolerate negative behavior or words gives you a lens as to what your body-mind-spirit system is working with to resolve. The part that is holding on to the habitual patterns of struggle attempts to break through to the surface to get your attention.
Your inner dialogue about your life purpose or beliefs about the world is important to what you try, create, or minimize in your life. If you have negative messages cycling through your body-mind-spirit system, it is more likely that you will not start or keep your commitments with your goals or intentions that feel like an unknown or challenging territory. Identifying what these messages are and then replacing them with positive statements when the negative self-talk cycle starts allows you to build awareness around the potential to consider other ways of facing life.
This is your personal invitation to empower your aim and intentions for new possibilities in the new year. Find out more about how to experience a personal Resonance Repatterning session on this topic here.
Kimberly Rex, MS is an Advanced Resonance Repatterning®practitioner, Person-Centered Expressive Therapist, and Wellness and Well-being Life Coach. She works with people all over the world via Skype, via phone, in-person, and by proxy.
Find out how Resonance Repatterning benefits your life. Set up a personal session or sign up for a free monthly newsletter with articles, natural healing modalities, and exclusive group sessions here.
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Taking the Compassionate Journey of Healing Within
I attended a conference in Mexico over a decade ago where a speaker talked about the necessary journey in our lives. She talked about healing within as your spiritual journey through life.
This evolution is more of a spiral than a straight line. So bringing mindfulness, kindness, and understanding to your life is essential to reach your heart through joys, trials, and challenges so you take part in creating your own destiny through the compassionate journey of healing within.
This journey shows up in the appointments you have with essential learning that are brought to the surface to metabolize emotions in the process of your being human on this planet where there is so much to process.
The threshold of learning happens where and when you are challenged with external events that are paired with an inner conflict related to your feelings, attitudes, and beliefs. Some events in our lives seem to have greater gravitational force than others. Events of great joy, as well as great sorrow, take you into deeper dialogue with your soul, to the questions about the meaning of your own life and your purpose. These are particular times, no matter how difficult it seems related to the cultural, familial, and gender expectations of you, you have the invitation to engage and embark on the adventure of taking the compassionate journey of healing within for growth and transformation.
Owning our story can be hard but not nearly as difficult as spending our lives running from it. Embracing our vulnerabilities is risky but not nearly as dangerous as giving up on love and belonging and joy—the experiences that make us the most vulnerable. Only when we are brave enough to explore the darkness will we discover the infinite power of our light. ~Brene Brown
Creating the Compassionate Journey with Courage and Acceptance
Challenges show up in relationships, obstacles, forks in the road, and seeming dead ends. The Universe uses everything to involve you in the journey: relationships, situations, emotions, etc. The choices that present themselves when difficulties show up, messages, or learning is what it is attempting to get your attention to expand your awareness.
An issue might keep showing up and then escalate to create even more pain and intensity until you are ready to sit with the meaning of the need for significant inner change. I have fondly called this “the lesson of the 2 x 4.” I say fondly because it is how much persuasion it takes to finally get that things are not working out no matter how many times attempted to get things to turn out another way. You know the adage, “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” ~ Unknown
Shame, guilt, hurt, anger, hopelessness, or fear can keep you from looking at another possibility for a new or broader vision of life. However, these feelings do point to the healing journey to transform us. It is important to work with these inner signals, to digest, metabolize and integrate them to take their higher lessons. In a world where it is difficult to sit with anything or have time to process, taking time with your inner feelings is essential to create positive change in your wellness and well-being.
It’s very important that we re-learn the art of resting and relaxing. Not only does it help prevent the onset of many illnesses that develop through chronic tension and worrying; it allows us to clear our minds, focus, and find creative solutions to problems. ~Thich Nhat Hanh
Many times the desire to make something work out with the perception of the past is based on re-acting out something that needs your attention to heal and update. You might not have had the support or nurture to work out the original pain or situation at the time. However, tuning into the place that makes you vulnerable today creates the openness that allows you to bring awareness to the underlying need, feelings, and beliefs that keep you entangled in the pattern from the past. It is essential to unlocking the lesson from your unhealed limiting earlier experience to change the patterns you are living in the present.
The truth is that your current experience of life is based on your beliefs, thoughts, and attitudes about yourself, the world, and others. When you change your perception of what you are experiencing within, you change how you interact and respond to life allowing you to live more from your potential through a greater connection to truth, love, and compassion for your inner needs and feelings. This, in turn, allows you to see more of your self. In doing so, you are then able to see more of others. Through empathy, your compassion ripples out into the world to create new connections and new possibilities for being in the world.
Acceptance looks like a passive state, but in reality, it brings something entirely new into this world. That peace, a subtle energy vibration, is consciousness. ~Eckhart Tolle
Building a Bridge to New Possibilities for Your Life
Resonance Repatterning® is a compassionate healing journey to unlock where, when, and how a limiting or depleting situation, belief, or attitude still affects your life today. There are processes within the protocols that diffuse and release the disrupted, blocked or constricted energy that limits your ability to find a new way of interacting with life. The process also includes fusing or returning energy to your body-mind system that has been lost through trauma, loss, shock, or pain so that you actually have more life energy to dedicate to the positive intentions you have for your life. This creates greater integrity in your wellness and well-being allowing you to experience more love, joy, a sense of hope, a feeling of being centered, and empowered.
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