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Interlocking Patterns Lead to New Possibilities

Transforming problems into opportunities begins with identifying interlocking patterns that keep you from stepping into a new way of approaching and responding to life. Many times the problems you are facing today are a network of interlocking patterns that originated earlier in your life. These patterns manifest as beliefs, thoughts, emotions, and attitudes that impact your experience. To let go of an outmoded perspective that no longer works in your life today created by a past event, situation or relationship means first acknowledging that it is present.

Interlocking Patterns Move Problems into Opportunities

The Problems into Opportunities section of Resonance Repatterning® checks for these patterns stored in your Nervous System with access to every organ, tissue, and gland in your body through the Resonance Muscle-Checking System. The process identifies underlying and interlocking patterns that hold these problems in place.

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Photo by Bayram Yalçn on

You might feel stuck in repetitive experiences that keep you from moving forward. These interlocking patterns undermine your energy and motivation to expand into new possibilities. This might be due to resistance, regret, self-pity, resentment, fear, anger, grief, or negative judgments.

The limiting emotions, beliefs, and attitudes interlock with the manifestation of your body-mind-spirit system playing out the same energetic experience over and over. Unlocking the patterns is key to the connection between how your system interacts with the world around you based on what is happening within you. The opportunity arises from resonating with the growth that the challenge to move through the door offers you.

The past can inform your future with an invitation to create positive intentions to open your heart and mind to new possibilities.

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Photo by PhotoMIX Company on

Interlocking Patterns Lead to Intentions for a New Possibility

The Intentions for a New Possibility process in Resonance Repatterning® recognizes that positive change is a process. The transformation from limitation to expansion requires a new skill set, and this interlocks with coherent patterns that create a new way of being and responding to life. Setting intentions for new possibilities is a conscious point of choice.

Being committed to the journey of positive change requires unhesitating action, consistency, perserverance, and patience, with focus and integrity with yourself and others. These attributes give you life-energizing nurture and supports you over time. It’s important to know that when your intentions for new possibilities are aligned with growth and transformation from the inside out you are better able to navigate and choose your direction.

The quality of your journey relies on the energy that builds when you experience joy, gratitude, and love. Along the way practice happiness on the path in your process of manifestation by celebrating “little wins” with appreciation. This energizes and builds momentum for your body-mind-spirit system to keep the spark going to reach new possibilities.

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Photo by Chelsea Cook on

It becomes easier to understand that interlocking patterns of the world around you will create updates based on the best timing for your process and spiritual journey. Your process will be collaborative with the energetic shifts that are taking place within. This means that you will experience both subtle and profound awareness of the shifts that are taking place over time.

Once you resonate with the core underlying needs related to your new positive intentions, you will continue to be able to draw upon lessons from your problems applying what you have learned from the past. While this might not happen immediately or in the timeframe you expect, be open to what is being brought onto your radar. This will allow you to begin to benefit from more coherent emotions, beliefs, and receptivity to how you choose the next steps. As you step into a new way of being you become more open to synchronicities and meaningful messages with a greater capacity to trust yourself, the right timing, and the co-creative spiritual process you are embarking on.

What doorways to new possibilities would you like to open in your life? Resonance Repatterning® sessions allow you to experience greater integrity in your wellness and well-being.

Kimberly Rex

Kimberly Rex, MS is an Advanced Resonance Repatterning® practitioner, Person-Centered Expressive Therapist, and Wellness and Well-being Life Coach. She works with people all over the world via Skype, by phone, and by proxy.

Find out how Resonance Repatterning benefits your life. Set up a personal session through the Contact page, or sign up for a free monthly newsletter with articles, natural healing modalities, and exclusive group sessions here.

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How to Access Clarity from Your Life

Finding clarity about your feelings, thoughts, attitudes, and choices takes time. When you feel overwhelmed by the input or expectations of others, it can be difficult to listen to yourself to make a decision, know where to turn, have a sense of timing, or trust the validity of your choices. This is where accessing clarity from your past can apply to your present life, and give greater clarity for creating your future.

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Photo by Rachel Claire on

The Clarity in Accessing the Past

Your beliefs, thoughts, and attitude about life are related to each other. When your family system is passed on through the generations as well as your early life experiences contribute to the habits, addictions, choices, and physical responses. The body-mind-spirit system is just that, a system that responds to behaviors, input, environment, lifestyle choices, diet, sleep and detoxification, stress levels, unprocessed trauma within your system, and emotion.

This means that evaluating your past in regard to these areas can create clarity about how and why you respond to life today.

Gabor Mate, in his talk on the 7 Impacts of Trauma speaks to the following attributes that contribute to a) being separated from your gut feelings, b) feeling disconnected from others: c) addiction, isolation, and distrust, d) impacts on how you see the world, e) lifelong pain until you deal with it, f) brain development and self-regulation, g) shame, h) and difficulty with being in the present moment. His book, The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness, and Healing in a Toxic Culture is a wonderful resource for the compassionate understanding of the individual, familial, and collective impacts of trauma.

Your interactions with others and how you see the world contribute to how your system responds or reacts. This can show up by taking on the characteristics of the victim, helplessness, being the rescuer, savior, or perpetrator. Uncovering the roots of these roles that likely evolved over time as survival mechanisms can point to how you are interacting today in either life-enhancing or depleting ways based on how you are interpreting your experience now.

The Clarity in Knowing Where You are in the Present

Being in the present means that you are aware of your inner world connected to your body signals, persistent emotions, and physical responses. This allows you to perceive where you are in your center with greater clarity as you are experiencing the environment around you. This, allows you to have greater clarity about how you are affected by your environment and this gives you feedback about that input.

You can only be aware of what is going on around you or with others to the degree that you have the ability to access that awareness within yourself. Like a computer programmed with software to recognize and choose a response, what you make conscious within your body-mind-spirit systems benefits your ability to consider more options overdriven or automatic adaptive hard-wired conditioning from the past. Returning to neutral gives you the ability to connect to a more educated view of what is happening to you now to bring greater clarity to your life right

Inner conflict, negative behavior and attitudes, addictions, and feeling like there is no space for your truth arise from past experiences. When the unconscious material from your negative early experiences is given attention and time to practice positive self-regulation this allows your system to relax, breathe, and take time to process what is happening. From this place, you have the benefit of setting boundaries while expanding your potential for life-energizing experiences. This then creates the opportunity to truly acknowledge your individual needs and experience greater clarity in decision-making.

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Photo by Ça?da? Birsen on

The Clarity Considering the Future

Clarity can create positive changes in your diet, lifestyle-related to sleep, exercise, stress reduction habits, and environment. Self-care creates the capacity to experience greater clarity based on trusting yourself, and the signals around you, as you are more connected to your feelings, body sensations, and needs. Accessing your inner nature allows you to discern how to be authentic in the world around you. When you look at how the separation between your inner essence and outer image has impacted your wellness and well-being.

Each time you consider the depth of who you truly are, you can bring back more and more of your essential being connected to all of the parts of yourself. Having clarity about how to build the bridge to bringing what is alive in you can be in subtle or big ways. Becoming more loving of yourself allows you to create what is beneficial for creating respect for yourself and others. In this way, you are able to bring clarity to your life, and direction, through your positive intentions and choices.

Kimberly Rex

Kimberly Rex, MS is an Advanced Resonance Repatterning® practitioner, Person-Centered Expressive Therapist, and Wellness and Well-being Life Coach. She works with people all over the world via Skype, phone, and proxy. Set up your personal session here.

Find out how Resonance Repatterning benefits your life. Sign up for a free monthly newsletter with articles, natural healing modalities, and exclusive group sessions here.

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Even with the Best of Intentions: Insights from the Titanic

This video is an animated sailing of the Titanic (without any sinking sequence)

On April 15, 1912, the Titanic was lost in the icy waters of the Arctic Circle. The event continues to be haunting emotionally in the stories of the passengers, in film, music, and scientific intrigue.  I can not help but wonder if this historic event from a little over a hundred years ago offers insight into the process of manifestation even with the best of intentions.

“Your perspective is always limited by how much you know. Expand your knowledge and you will transform your mind.” 
~ Bruce H. Lipton

Bruce Lipton, Ph.D.; author of Biology of Belief, states that we are processing over 4 billion bits of information per second and that your bio-energetic field while filtering all the material, can only process about 1-2% of that material consciously. Any trauma, accident, stress, imprint, or habitual behavior that has not been processed consciously for more coherence has the power to divert, block, compromise or disrupt optimal energy flow and response. Positive intentions are only as effective as the underlying coherent structures that support them.

As an example, the Titanic was touted as being the biggest and best ship ever built in the early 20th Century, yet the unseen material of a solitary iceberg in the Atlantic caused its demise. The ice below the surface which comprised 90% of its mass which wasn’t seen ripped open the ship below the waterline and above the double hull where it was least expected to overwhelm the ship.“It’s just the tip of the iceberg” is also relevant when looking at the influence of unconscious material on your choices, actions, and outcomes in what you are intending to make happen.

Even with the best of intentions you are using a great deal of energy towards your positive intentions and seeing no results, perhaps it is a call from your unconscious beliefs that lie below the surface, patterns built up over time with imprints asking you to take a new course. No matter how much you visualize, believe, and work towards them through saying affirmations, imagining the outcome, burning candles, making wishes, etc; the material from limiting habits, beliefs, and patterns can override them.

The Titanic was proclaimed “Unsinkable and Invincible.” Everyone said and believed it was so. On that day reports came in for ice fields, and the course of the ship was altered to a more southerly route maintaining a speed of 21.5 knots which is about 40 km per hour. The wireless telegraph broke down for several hours after the course was changed. When the latitude/longitude report came in with exact location of ice fields in their new path with 10 miles of ice fields, the telegraph operator aboard the Titanic was so stressed with the backlog of passenger telegraphs from lost time trying to fix the wireless that he placed the new “Icebergs” report under his elbow with the stack of other mounting telegraphs after telling the messenger from another ship,‘Shut up, shut up! I am busy; I am working Cape Race!’” This last Iceberg report never made it to the bridge.

In the excitement and hurry for this new venture, binoculars were misplaced and were not available to lookouts on the ship. That meant that they could not see well into the darkness filled with only smooth water and twinkling stars. When the iceberg finally registered as a reality that could not be denied with the naked eye, there wasn’t enough time to change course or take effective evasive action. With mounting stress after the hit, the SOS latitude/longitude location signal sent out for help proved to be an inaccurate reading of Navigational Charts which made it difficult for ships to reach her more rapidly.

What were the elements of destruction to the intention of crossing the Atlantic? While there are many theories in books, articles, etc; for our purposes here in considering the bio-energetics at work, tiredness, disorientation, collective belief, and stress response within the structure of the ship and crew all step forward.

Miscommunication between crew members about the real impact of the situation affected loading lifeboats which, in some cases, filled only 1/3 the number they could have actually held. Some passengers refused early on due to the belief that the ship was a safer place to be than a lifeboat.

While each person’s life and their relationship with another created loss on the Titanic, the number of 3rd class passengers reported the greatest toll. In some cases, they were blocked and could not reach the top. The steel in the freezing waters became brittle and fractured in her depths instead of being able to expand and hold the keel and hull together flooding beyond the capacity of the ship’s ability to sustain itself.

In the aftermath of the sinking of the Titanic, inquiries about the details of this disaster led to updates and improvements in shipping and travel across the water almost immediately. Expanding the area of doubled ship hulls, increasing the numbers of lifeboats, drills, and safety, improving watertight walls, and requiring 24- hour wireless reinforcements were all conscious improvements to create more coherent structure and support for sustaining life.

Re-pattern your life to experience greater integrity in your wellness and well-being.

It is possible to update the unconscious material of limiting beliefs, attitudes and thoughts in your body-mind system traveling through life. This information is stored in your Autonomic Nervous System within your muscles, tissues, glands, organs, thoughts, feelings and actions. When you deeply listen to what this information is reporting, you have an opportunity to expand into a greater experience of wellness and well-being so that we can see more clearly, move into the present with more insight and focus for making decisions and being present to what is in front of you. This happens by restoring more optimal harmony and balance in your system while decreasing the residual effects of stress from your past. When you create more peace with events that still haunt you by updating them with more positive frequency support, you can move forward to experience more harmony and balance.

Resonance Repatterning Sessions update emotional, mental, spiritual (core essence), and physical energy flow with natural healing disciplines matched to your specific needs. This changes the course of your life direction while creating more optimal energy flow in your body-mind system. Doing so, allows you to re-pattern your life to experience greater integrity in your wellness and well-being.

I’d like to invite you to explore how Resonance Repatterning® can make a difference in your life.  Experience a session by phone, Skype or in-person  with Windows to the Heart Repatterning.  Set up a session with Kimberly Rex here: Contact Page

Sign up for monthly newsletter here: Newsletter and Exclusive Re-pattern Your Life Events with FREE eBook, Eight Natural Modalities for Navigating Stressful Times.  

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Messages in the Process of Making Change

Butterfly EffectIs there a message for all of us to consider as we traditionally look at making a change? It’s not just any change. It’s changing that moves you from where you are in the present into an expanded view of your life, or in ways to improve your wellness and well-being whether that be health, relationship, or business choices.
When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.
~Lao Tzu
  In the process of making any change, there is the need to first learn from where you are standing now.  I remember listening to Jean Houston speaking several years ago about making change at the quantum level. She spoke of the mechanics of a quantum leap where an electron jumps into a new expression of something greater than itself on its own.  However, before this happens, the molecule creates homeostasis. This applies to your life in the same way in the beginning stages of making change as a place of getting in touch with your feelings, thoughts, and insights that have brought you to the need to make a change in the present as an essential part of considering a positive change.

Process of Making Change is a Point of Choice

  Change takes you out of routine, habit, and the familiar. At this crossroad, you have a Point of Choice. You can either stay in your current situation, relationship or pattern or choose to experience something completely new. Leaping into new territory or redefining your life through the filter of needs, resources and benefits is essential for long-lasting benefits. This means making time and space to define where you are headed.
When we feel stuck, going nowhere–even starting to slip backward–we may actually be backing up to get a running start.
~Dan Millman
Based on the book,  Changing for Good by James Prochaska, Ph.D., there are aspects of the process that can be described as The Five Cycles of Change.  The feeling process that accompanies these cycles is similar to what Elizabeth Kubler-Ross researched in her description of the Grief Process including denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. Each aspect is unique to each person in sequence, duration and intensity.
The Five Cycles of Change
1. Pre-contemplation: This is the place where you are likely still in denial, and not yet aware that you want or need to change.
2. Contemplation: At this point, you may be starting to experience uneasiness about your current situation. You may experience a sense of feeling unsettled, angry, upset, and resentful that you are where you are in this situation. You may be bargaining in this stage.
3. Preparation: As you work through your feelings, you reach a place of acceptance. This is the place where you look at the pros and cons. This is the Point of Choice.
4. Action: You focus, make a decision, and start taking some form of action.
5. Maintenance: You check your action and continue to take steps to actively choose what is life-energizing. You feel confident and thankful for your work, and see the value in your positive change.
6. Recycling: You check and move into an earlier stage to understand, question, or update your thinking and planning.
  You have a choice about how you wish to experience your process of change.  Confusion and disorientation may seem like challenging aspects of moving into a new way of being, yet the anticipation of new growth and possibility as you move into a new way of experiencing life can also be exhilarating, joyous and freeing.
When you feel frustrated and overwhelmed with next steps, the idea of connecting to an anchor image of a time when you moved through a challenging situation in your past that was successful can help you feel grounded and hopeful about your next steps now.
 How did you feel in that situation? Bring these feelings into your current situation. The power of this positive memory will energize your emotional brain. Your emotional brain only knows “now.”  As you motivate your choices with positive emotion, you create neural pathways and encouragement for the conscious mind to take action in the present.
  Knowing that the cycles of life and change are part of living is wisdom, you can choose how you experience your life at any moment.  Each breath, each thought, and each new day brings new steps, opportunities for growth, and new possibilities.

Sign up for my monthly newsletter to receive FREE eBook with 8 Natural Stress-Reducing Modalities to Navigate Change: FREE Newsletter and Exclusive Re-pattern Your Life Events

Kimberly Rex, MS

Kimberly Rex, MS is an Advanced Resonance Repatterning® practitioner, Master Wellness and Well-being Life Coach, and Person-Centered Expressive Therapist.

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Resonance Repatterning Services

Does Resonance Repatterning help end old patterns for the future?


How many sessions do I need to have to experience positive change?

With over 100 different protocols with varying content, a Resonance Repatterning® session works with the specifics that a client brings to the session. An average session takes 60-90 minutes, however, there are some which take more or less time. Sessions benefit both humans and animals.

Some clients have one session, while others have several sessions over a course of time that is based on their life situation.

To schedule a session, please contact Kimberly to determine the type of session and length. The fee for a session is determined by these factors. or call (360) 739-0162 to schedule your confidential session to experience greater integrity in your wellness and well-being.

Types of Sessions

  • Individual in-person session
  • Couples, in-person  or by phone session
  • Group session, in-person or by teleconference
  • Phone or Skype Session: in this case the facilitator muscle-checks for the client
  • A proxy session for a person or animal who is not able to be present for a session (non-verbal/ unconscious/ sick or at a distance) where the facilitator or person stands in for the client

Areas to consider for sessions

• positive health • effective communication • creativity • prosperity *aligning with your spirit and life purpose • greater harmony and well-being • insight • peace of mind • more love in your relationships • life energy and motivation for your positive intentions • facilitating the healing and moving on from any tragedy, illness, loss, accident or stress

Sign up here to get more information about Resonance Repatterning events from Windows to the Heart Repatterning here.

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