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For Every Season Winter Repatterning

For every season there are many changes. This is an invitation to align your vision for life with grounding, hope, and a sense of wellness, and well-being on every pathway you experience. In this journey through winter, you’ll gain personal insight and inspiration for transforming your own life in a supportive process of self-reflection for growth and transformation along with a Group Resonance Repatterning® session, natural healing, and Expressive Arts modalities.

Artwork by Kimberly Rex

For Every Season Winter Repatterning Details

The For Every Season Winter Program is about to begin on December 1, 2024, and continue through the month of February 2025.

The Winter Season will include December 2024, January, and February2025 with the topics ofcasyou move through the winter months with clarity, perseverance and resilience to take into the new year.

This process will give you the following activities for personal growth and reflection:

  • Receive poetry with weekly reflections for each month based on topics of creating self-care, perseverance and resilience through the winter months
  • 60-minute Group Resonance Repatterning using your insights from your personal reflections
  • Expressive Arts Therapy Activities to create momentum for new opportunities and possibilities in your life
  • Get all reflection and repatterning materials, recordings and directions delivered to your email address at the beginning of each month

How the For Every Season Repatterning Process Works

In December, this process starts with an inspirational poem with weekly reflections focusing on any issues related to the transition from fall to winter in your life. December will focus on your aim and intentions in your life for new possibilities associated with enhancing your physical life energy

January will focus on reflections and activities that will work with the emotional aspects of your life energy related to where in your emotional life you feel frozen or flooding with emotions with activities to support coming back into your center.

At the beginning of February, you will have the opportunity to use your reflections and intentions from the For Every Season process in the 60-minute group repatterning for letting go of any residual unfinished energetics interrupting your pathway related to the topics that came up in your reflections. The repatterning process aims to create more coherent life energy and motivation to achieve your positive intentions.

The follow-up from this session will include reflections with an expressive arts therapy activity based on the group repatterning to take the benefits of your work through the season more fully into your life for the rest of the year.

Register for the For Every Season Winter Process

When you sign up for this 3-month process you will also receive the Winter Solstice Repatterning Group process FREE of charge with information in a separate email. This means that you receive both the Winter Program and the Winter Solstice Group Repatterning for the price of one saving you $35.00. It’s a wonderful way to start and move through the winter season!

*When you sign up for this program you will be asked to subscribe to a specific list that will give you all the information you need to take part in these beneficial activities. This list is solely for the purpose of this process.

Kimberly Rex, MS
Kimberly Rex

Kimberly Rex, MS is an Advanced Resonance Repatterning® practitioner, Person-Centered Expressive Therapist, and Wellness and Well-being Life Coach. She works with people all over the world via Skype, phone, and proxy. Set up your personal session here.

Find out more about how Resonance Repatterning benefits your life. Sign up for a free monthly newsletter with articles, natural healing modalities, and exclusive group sessions here.

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Listen to the Guidance Within

Listen to the inner light, it will guide you. Listen to the inner peace, it will feed you. Listen to the inner Love, it will transform you.”~Sri Chinmoy

In the process of working with Resonance Repatterning sessions, you start to listen to the guidance within. Your inner light, peace, and love grow as you begin to take the time and space to access what is healthy, energizing, and life-enhancing for your life.

These three aspects of inner guidance allow you to work with what is coming up in your life from your core essence instead of being driven by unconscious patterns from your personal and Family Systems material when you resonate and are oriented to your inner light, peace, and love.

Through accessing and listening to your inner guidance, energy shifts from a Resonance Repatterning® session with follow-up Positive Actions continue to update your body-mind-spirit system.

Listen to the Inner Light

Light is a nutrient to your body-mind system. It supports cellular communication. In fact, according to Dr. Fritz-Albert Popp, a German Biophysicist, our entire metabolism depends on light. This speaks to the importance of the frequencies of light you take in through your eyes, skin, and food you eat. The translation of photons into bio-chemical communication within your body-mind-spirit system is dependent on this nurture. By using light and color purposefully in your life, you also positively affect our mood, well-being, and health. Your diet, the colors you wear, the color you take in from your environment, and what you wear makes a difference.

When you are disconnected from your inner light, you might feel depressed, have less energy, movement, and motivation. What you feed yourself in the way of food, your beliefs, thoughts, and responses to life either enhance the circulation of light within or depletes this vital force. This is one of the reasons that transforming limitations from unconscious negative habits, thoughts and beliefs make such a significant positive difference.

Accessing and listening to the guidance from your inner light comes through your body sensations, your state of mind, posture, movement, and levels of energy. Connecting to this feedback truly benefits your ability to monitor where you are and spotlight where you need clarity, relaxation, encouragement, support, and greater confidence. Your inner light can be accessed through mindful movement practices to ground and integrate your positive goals and life purpose as a resource for vitality, motivation, and perseverance.

Listen to the Inner Peace

Inner peace evolves from differences, and sometimes conflict. Finding the path to neutral from the Violence Cycles of life is a process. Putting down the criticism of self and blame of others so that the victim-perpetrator-rescuer cycles begin to cease is the road to non-violence.

This does not mean that getting or being hurt is not a valid place to process. It means that what you do with your inner communication, your actions and reactions are what leads either to more conflict or greater peace. Listening to inner peace speak is much more likely to come from your heart than your head. Limiting thoughts and beliefs can rule like a hammer that fragments your attention and dulls your ability to be present.

Spending time in your heart is a beautiful way to bring peace to your entire being. Getting in touch with your breath to bring your attention back to your center allows you to return to peace. Staying with the sensations in your heart and listening to your heart’s wisdom brings guidance that restores balance and harmony throughout your entire system.

“The only way we have of influencing the future is to own the present, however we find it.”
Jon Kabat-Zinn

Acknowledging the need for peace within softens the intensity of conflict by creating space for being able to see all of yourself more clearly. This means your feelings, your thoughts, and what is triggering you possibly from an earlier experience. This calms your entire body-mind-spirit system. It benefits your ability to widen the lens of your vision so you can then see more of your own needs and consider those of another person as well. At the same time, this can connect you directly to your unmet needs for greater compassion for all of your own life.

In the process, listening to the guidance of inner peace allows you to also forgive parts of yourself, and then consider divergent perspectives based on the fact that each person has their own history of pain and family systems mechanics that contribute to the situation. Seeing and listening to each person as a peer in their own power to take care of themselves with their own set of rules for the journey of life frees you to live your own life.

“Your presence is the most precious gift you can give to another human being.”

~Marshall Rosenberg

Listen to the Inner Love

Inner love can be defined as self-care. This love allows you to include all of your experiences with struggles, grief, fear, challenges, seeming errors and successes from your past experiences, all of your body, and every part of yourself unconscious or conscious in the process of your spiritual journey.

Listening to all of these aspects supplies you with all the inner software and information you need to move toward what is life-enhancing. The unconditional love of the universe works with you to co-create, transform and support you in your journey. In taking the time to connect with love within and listening to its guidance you are better able to integrate those places within yourself that feel pain, trauma, or lack of connection. Through making time for self-care, comfort, connection, and support from within, you are better able to both discern and connect to others in more authentic bonding and nurturing ways.

Listening to inner love can also be about setting boundaries, realizing what needs to change, what feels uncomfortable, or what no longer fits into your life in a healthy way.

This means choosing situations, work, and communications that are based on trust, safety, and empowerment. It also means allowing yourself to experience life’s beauty, truth, wisdom, pleasure, joy, and curiosity. By doing so there is a greater balance and harmony in giving and receiving, nurture and support, all with permission to be LOVE, and who you truly are.

Kimberly Rex, MS
Kimberly Rex

Kimberly Rex, MS is an Advanced Resonance Repatterning practitioner, Person-Centered Expressive Therapist, and Wellness and Well-being Life Coach. She works with people all over the world by Skype, phone, and proxy.

Find out how Resonance Repatterning benefits your life. Set up a personal session or sign up for a free monthly newsletter with articles, natural healing modalities, and exclusive group sessions here.

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Creating Well-being at Home through the Coronavirus Outbreak

Creating well-being during the coronavirus outbreak can be challenging. Social distancing, self-isolation, and quarantine are necessary to diminish the impact of its reach, however, it can feel frustrating and confusing. Changing your schedule, working, homeschooling, or feeling confined in your living space can push the limits.

Mental health thrives on knowing what to expect and the ability to make things happen. When you feel like you have very few choices and are thrust into survival mode, it’s important to feel like you can choose what you create with your life energy.

This article offers a compilation of suggestions to Calm, Create, Clean, Clear, and Cultivate greater harmony and balance working with your own life energy from your own home.

Be sure to bookmark this page to check all of the links within the article as needed.



Make time for quiet and relaxation. Take the time you wouldn’t have in your otherwise busy and hectic life. This is an opportunity to create greater well-being with harmony and balance.

Start by getting a piece of paper and dividing it into sections for “Calm, Create, Clean, Clear, and Cultivate.” You can use this template as a gentle reminder for a daily or weekly checklist to take care of your wellness and well-being. Know that each day is different, and some days you might just need to rest. On these days, you certainly can check off “Calm.”

  • Take time to relax. Get in touch with your breath. Bring yourself into your center when you feel anxious, feel frustrated or afraid.
  • Find an inspirational quote or read from a book of reflections to start your day.
  • Be sure to keep to your sleep schedule. Get off computers and electronics by at least 9 PM and into bed by 11 PM. This will allow you to calm down before sleep, and then detoxify your entire system during the night.
  • Try a Meditation App: here.
  • Try these 6 Acupressure Points to Relieve Anxiety here.
  • Ideas to Relieve Your Anxiety and Overwhelm here.
  • Go outside to sit in your yard or walk in nature if you can go outside. This will be grounding and calm your Nervous System while strengthening your immune system
  • Take in Virtual Nature through listening to videos with waves, beaches, streams, forests, mountains, etc.


  • Place a calendar in a central place to keep everyone in the loop related to how the days and week will go to enhance your sense of well-being. Keep wake up and sleep times consistent. Build-in time for meals, play, movement, work, study, videos, rest and communication. This will go a long way to reduce conflict and create healthy boundaries for what to expect during the day.
  • Designate specific times for home school, study, bath, bedtime, and chores for children. If you need to change your routine, keep others in the loop.
  • Create a list of important contacts related to healthcare professionals, websites for work and school, family emergency steps, plans for your pets, and best practice guidelines for self-isolation and quarantine protocols. Suggestions here.
  • Create time to attend to your finances related to banking and emergency funds.
  • Create time to express yourself. Perhaps some hobby you have can be rejuvenated in a painting, song, story, music, sewing, or a building project you want to start, get back to, or complete.
  • Make your mealtimes creative with time in the kitchen to try new recipes or make family favorites. Focus on nurture when you eat by limiting distractions, eating slowly and appreciating the support healthy food offers you.
  • Plan a garden or start seeds for the spring. Include herbs for cooking, vegetables, fruit that grow well in your region, and flowers that create beautiful, feed pollinators, as well as healing and edible varieties.
  • Keep your priorities with necessary appointments. If you have a doctor’s appointment, counseling, work meeting, or 12-Step Program commitment, communicate by phone or virtual online video and/or audio spaces. Attend a 12 Step Virtual Meetings here.


  • This is an opportunity to clean out some or all of those drawers, closets, walls, shower curtains, garden beds, surface areas, appliances, behind your doors and spaces where you collect things that need to be sorted or gone through to organize or sanitize. Do not do this all at once. Pace yourself. Let the mantra, “One small thing,” take you from room to room. Breaking projects down into small sizable tasks with built-in success creates motivation and energy for new possibilities in your life.

Clear the clutter in your life.

  • Clear space for what you would like to experience in your life. Take inventory of your negative thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes that keep you from moving forward with greater integrity in action for your wellness and well-being. Get more ideas for pacing yourself here.
  • Clear some of your files, drawers, closets, workspace, notebooks, computer storage space, under your bed, kitchen cabinets, boxes, garage, or attic, etc. of items you no longer need. If you cannot leave your home, assign a space or box to collect items for recycle or disposal in the future.


Cultivate time for yourself and your family in ways that enhance bonding through listening, working out, playing and learning.

  • Make time to talk with family and friends. Check-in with each other to see how you are doing. This can be by phone, FaceTime, Skype, computer webcam or NextDoor.
  • Remember to express love and appreciation in your communications. Keep in touch with ecards, cards in the mail, and check-ins. Stay in touch with elders to find out how they are doing, and find out what they might need to know or have for resources. More protection resources for self-isolation and quarantine here.
  • Spend time with your children listening to them tell you what is going on for them. Play, tell or read stories and sing with them. This will nurture you both, and bring more joy to your experience. Try some At-Home Activities for Children here. Encourage daily creativity with Mo Willem’s daily “Lunch Doodles”.
  • More resources for children here.
  • Strengthen your communication with your partner, children, family, friends and business cohorts more meaningful with non-violent communication resources here.
  • Stretch each day. Movement and exercise support your body-mind system in cleansing your lymphatic system and creating neurotransmitters that counteract depression. Find out more here.
  • Try Free Workout and Exercise Apps here.
  • Break up your day with movement. You can march in place, walk from one part of your home to another, take a walk or get a glass of water. Look away from the close-up work on your computer every 30 minutes by looking at something far away or out the window. This will decrease the stress on your eye muscles.
  • Keep a journal. Record what makes you grateful each day. You can do this with drawings, doodles, writing, scrapbooking, or photos. Use your journal to also get in touch with what is most important to your health and well-being. Choose where you would like to dedicate your energy. Is it a project? Is it working for a specific cause? Is it a realization about something you have had no time to consider? What will make this time offer you about the truth you want to live?
  • Take breaks and take care of yourself. Take time daily to do something that is personally supportive of your body-mind system. Whether that means giving yourself a facial, taking a long bath with lavender essential oil, reading a book that you wanted to finish but never had time until now, taking a nap, saying “No” when you need time or space, or pacing yourself during the day, it’s important to follow-through to nurture yourself during this time.
Kimberly Rex, MS

I’d like to invite you to continue to create greater integrity in your wellness and well-being with Windows to the Heart Repatterning. Get 5 calming activities pdf Ebook when you sign up for our FREE monthly Newsletter and Exclusive Re-pattern Your Life Events

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The Bridge between Your Heart and Body-Mind System

In Chinese Medicine, the heart is the emperor of the body-mind system. This is why when considering the empire and domain of the heart, it is important to look at the bridge between your heart, your emotions, and your overall health. When considering your heart, it is vital to include the impact of stress, your emotions, thoughts, beliefs, attitudes, and interactions with the world, and their effect on your health.

Creating harmony with your relationship between your natural environment, personal and inter-personal life is essential. Dis-ease can arise from blocked circulation, lack of moderation or loss of balance in any of these areas.

Lack of harmony in your body can relate to the extent of the tenseness or quality of relationships between your inner and outer world. Excessive or moderate eating or drinking affects the quality of the health of your physical heart.

Excess negative thinking can impact the function of your spleen and your heart. This can show up in emotional extremes such as worry, fear, anger, sadness, and fright. The physiological response to these mental or emotional states create changes in blood pressure, muscle tenseness, pulse rate, change in your flow of blood and breath cycles, and excess nervous system response. Over time automatic response to stress can shut down cellular and systemic communication impacting the overall function of your body-mind system.

Anxiety, Depression and Heart Disease

Emotions and cardiovascular symptoms link together. How you physically and emotionally cope with life-related stress is directly related to how you meet the challenge of modulating your emotions in these situations. There is always a choice. Your response to life can create mental or emotional states that either expand or restrict your ability to be open to life or to open your heart. Internal conflict creates nervousness and palpitation of your heart.

However, experiencing a sense of entrainment, trust and safety can also increase your sense of inner peace. The ability to choose your response to life literally expands your view and creates greater optimism and possibilities for wellness and well-being!

Resonance Repatterning® sessions enable you to identify stress, create stress-reducing behaviors, and build greater integrity in your wellness and well-being. This happens through matching specific natural healing ways to your needs based on the resonance muscle-checking system that accesses your autonomic nervous system. By doing so, it is possible to get to the root of internal unconscious states that keep you in excess mode physically, mentally, or emotionally. Creating internal harmony and balance benefits your health, relationships, and well-being.

I’d like to invite you to explore how Resonance Repatterning® can make a difference in your life.  Experience a session by phone, Skype, or proxy with Windows to the Heart Repatterning.  Set up a session with Kimberly Rex here: Contact Page

Sign up for monthly newsletter here: Newsletter and Exclusive Re-pattern Your Life Events with FREE eBook, Eight Natural Modalities for Navigating Stressful Times.  

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Faith, Hope and Wonder Essential for Change

Faith, hope and wonder are essential in the process of making change.  The way you think about this prospect is important in how you experience life this year. Desiring it to happen, hoping it will happen, and living in a sense of wonder and faith about it happening are all important to consider in the process.

1) Desire: We’ve all experienced great desire for something whether that be a relationship, job, new home, car, clothes, etc. These desires can be goals, and they can also be thoughts filled with expectations that convey feelings of stress, anxiety, and fear. Desires are really pointing to the deeper roots of your experience at the core or heart of what your life is telling you. And, from this perspective, they can also serve to bring calm, inner  peace, as well as curiosity and adventure.

2)Hope: Notice how often you use this terminology on a daily basis. ” I hope it doesn’t rain.”  or “I hope he’s going to call.” How does this make you feel? Does it help you feel more at ease or in tension?  It is good to hope that things happen, however, it is also disappointing when it doesn’t over and over again. This thinking can potentially engulf you in the problem instead of a solution, leaving you feeling disappointed if your hope or desired outcome doesn’t manifest the way you expected.

3) Faith and Wonder: Faith and wonder create a more neutral ground for experiencing the guidance, clues and synchronicity present in accessing calm and serenity instead of undue stress or pessimism bound by inner messages that are filled with fear and stress. Living life from the point of faith and wonder offers the opportunity for choice. This frees up more energy to experience life at the moment and not from knee-jerk reactions to feeling out of control. When you change how you go through your day with the perspective of wonder, you are more centered as the observer. This is different from activating the radar from the past coming from a place of fear and expectation. It allows you to more easily let go of the outcome, and to stay centered in a greater sense of collaboration with and connection to life as it is.

“Don’t wish for it to happen. Don’t wish for it not to happen. Just watch it happen. Let the wonder of life unfold.” ~Susan Jeffers, PhD

Applying This to Your Life

As an example, try the following two statements: “I hope I get a raise.” and “I wonder if I will get a raise.”   When you hope something is going to happen, the emphasis is truly on the other person, in this case, your boss. When you wonder if you will get a raise you are free to consider your own values in the situation. Whether you receive a raise or not, the inner dialogue is one based on your inner guidance to respond. In this case, you might choose to stay in your current job, get an insight about details, timing, or take a leap of faith to get a new job.

  Wondering within  allows you to notice how you feel and to stay in touch with your inner feeling and responses. Noticing how we feel about the situation in regards to your true underlying need for security, nurture, respect and love, the need to do your best, go beyond your limits, or the need for purpose, meaning within are all places to explore that goes to the quantum level of subtle change that matters. Every situation in life is an opportunity for learning: your health, relationship, job, communication, your feelings, grief, loss, and pain. Taking the learning starts with getting in touch with the process of observing where you are stuck. Facing your resistance to a situation is different from blaming and criticizing others. Wonder coupled with faith offers the opportunity to look within through the lens and teachings of the habits and patterns in your life today.

Visualize by asking  yourself, “What would my life be like if I had a job where my needs for appreciation, respect, and nurture were met?” ” I wonder what my life would be like?” ” I wonder if there is a different way to see this or do this?”
Can you feel the shift in these words? They move you from feeling like a victim to a person who is seeking guidance, inner truth, and understanding. Visualizing what it would be like starts building the bridge to new possibilities. Like Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. with  I have a dream,envisioning is a strong tool for wonder whose door is kept open through dedication and action over time.

Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase. ~Martin Luther King, Jr.

  Taking action is a powerful tool coupled with intent and vision. The emotion of meeting an underlying need with even one small action and unhesitating commitment carries energy for the journey on the staircase. This energy influences and brings a sense of invitation or wonder to your emotional brain. Taking action brings wonder to your results-oriented brain. Staying in wonder allows the Fight-or-Flight Brain to move beyond the restricted areas of the patterns of the past by resolving the blocked energy from the past. Know that as you take action, your intent and motivation will also bring up what needs to be transformed as a way to
keep harmony and balance in your process. Keeping a sense of wonder and faith throughout the process creates more beneficial and positive change that matters over time.

Receive FREE Resources for Creating Positive Change in your life when you sign up here: FREE Newsletter with Monthly Healing Modalities and Re-pattern Your Life Resources

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