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Listening to Your True North

Listening to your True North in a world that asks you to interact with diverse and sometimes dissonant views can sometimes be challenging. Expressing your values through your communication and actions in some spaces might leave you feeling disoriented, confused, and de-energized.

If you have had experiences where you did not have permission to express your views it can be difficult to give yourself permission to radiate your light and make choices based on your inner guidance. Family, societal and cultural systems might override your ability to get in touch with what you truly believe, choose and value.

The truth is that there is only one you. You were born with the DNA from your ancestors AND you were born with a gift and unique expression of the universe. In Chinese Medicine, this is referred to as your Original Self or core essence.

So how do you find your back to your core essence? You begin by looking at what you have been living and where you have pushed up against challenges in your life. For it is within these experiences that your North Star can be found.

In Resonance Repatterning® there is the opportunity to look at parts of yourself that have been immobilized or stuck in an energetic posture you took for survival needs. These parts hold the information you need to access what you need to learn to get to know more deeply the voice of your true essence. By doing so, this mobilizes the energy to be able to face life in a new way in the outer world.

For it is with the loving permission from these earlier experiences that you gain access to all of wisdom from your Family Systems, and get to know the strength and good within yourself. It is with this growth and transformation that allows you to discern what is aligned with your values that create the principles for your life.

Explore these (2) exercises from that process to give your True North and inner Essence a voice.*

You will need paper, and drawing materials like pencils, pens, crayons, colored pencils, or markers for these activities. You can also use a journal or a notebook for the process.These exercises are from the Finding Your Inner Compass Ebook that accompanied a Group Repatterning process I offered a few years ago. Here is an opportunity to sample some of the complementary activities that enhance a group repatterning.*

Knowing my True North gives me the courage to focus my energy where I believe it should be, not according to what is popular or pleasing to others.” ~Jennifer Cummings

You will need paper, and drawing materials like pencils, pens, crayons, colored pencils, or markers for these activities. You can also use a journal or a notebook for the process. Give yourself 30 minutes for this activity.

Directions for Inner Nature-Outer World

Unless someone truly has the power to say no, they never truly have the power to say yes.”~ Dan Millman

For this activity you will need a piece of paper and a writing tool. You can complete this in a journal or single sheet. The process can be one you use over time or when you feel like you need it when you feel like you are going off course. Give yourself 15 minutes for this activity.

Directions for Saying No to Be Able to Say Yes to Life

Kimberly Rex

Kimberly Rex, MS is an Advanced Resonance Repatterning® practitioner, Person-Centered Expressive Therapist, and Wellness and Well-being Life Coach. She works with people all over the world via Skype, by phone, and by proxy.

Find out how Resonance Repatterning benefits your life. Set up a personal session through the Contact page, or sign up for a free monthly newsletter with articles, natural healing modalities, and exclusive group sessions here.

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How to Access Clarity from Your Life

Finding clarity about your feelings, thoughts, attitudes, and choices takes time. When you feel overwhelmed by the input or expectations of others, it can be difficult to listen to yourself to make a decision, know where to turn, have a sense of timing, or trust the validity of your choices. This is where accessing clarity from your past can apply to your present life, and give greater clarity for creating your future.

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Photo by Rachel Claire on

The Clarity in Accessing the Past

Your beliefs, thoughts, and attitude about life are related to each other. When your family system is passed on through the generations as well as your early life experiences contribute to the habits, addictions, choices, and physical responses. The body-mind-spirit system is just that, a system that responds to behaviors, input, environment, lifestyle choices, diet, sleep and detoxification, stress levels, unprocessed trauma within your system, and emotion.

This means that evaluating your past in regard to these areas can create clarity about how and why you respond to life today.

Gabor Mate, in his talk on the 7 Impacts of Trauma speaks to the following attributes that contribute to a) being separated from your gut feelings, b) feeling disconnected from others: c) addiction, isolation, and distrust, d) impacts on how you see the world, e) lifelong pain until you deal with it, f) brain development and self-regulation, g) shame, h) and difficulty with being in the present moment. His book, The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness, and Healing in a Toxic Culture is a wonderful resource for the compassionate understanding of the individual, familial, and collective impacts of trauma.

Your interactions with others and how you see the world contribute to how your system responds or reacts. This can show up by taking on the characteristics of the victim, helplessness, being the rescuer, savior, or perpetrator. Uncovering the roots of these roles that likely evolved over time as survival mechanisms can point to how you are interacting today in either life-enhancing or depleting ways based on how you are interpreting your experience now.

The Clarity in Knowing Where You are in the Present

Being in the present means that you are aware of your inner world connected to your body signals, persistent emotions, and physical responses. This allows you to perceive where you are in your center with greater clarity as you are experiencing the environment around you. This, allows you to have greater clarity about how you are affected by your environment and this gives you feedback about that input.

You can only be aware of what is going on around you or with others to the degree that you have the ability to access that awareness within yourself. Like a computer programmed with software to recognize and choose a response, what you make conscious within your body-mind-spirit systems benefits your ability to consider more options overdriven or automatic adaptive hard-wired conditioning from the past. Returning to neutral gives you the ability to connect to a more educated view of what is happening to you now to bring greater clarity to your life right

Inner conflict, negative behavior and attitudes, addictions, and feeling like there is no space for your truth arise from past experiences. When the unconscious material from your negative early experiences is given attention and time to practice positive self-regulation this allows your system to relax, breathe, and take time to process what is happening. From this place, you have the benefit of setting boundaries while expanding your potential for life-energizing experiences. This then creates the opportunity to truly acknowledge your individual needs and experience greater clarity in decision-making.

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Photo by Ça?da? Birsen on

The Clarity Considering the Future

Clarity can create positive changes in your diet, lifestyle-related to sleep, exercise, stress reduction habits, and environment. Self-care creates the capacity to experience greater clarity based on trusting yourself, and the signals around you, as you are more connected to your feelings, body sensations, and needs. Accessing your inner nature allows you to discern how to be authentic in the world around you. When you look at how the separation between your inner essence and outer image has impacted your wellness and well-being.

Each time you consider the depth of who you truly are, you can bring back more and more of your essential being connected to all of the parts of yourself. Having clarity about how to build the bridge to bringing what is alive in you can be in subtle or big ways. Becoming more loving of yourself allows you to create what is beneficial for creating respect for yourself and others. In this way, you are able to bring clarity to your life, and direction, through your positive intentions and choices.

Kimberly Rex

Kimberly Rex, MS is an Advanced Resonance Repatterning® practitioner, Person-Centered Expressive Therapist, and Wellness and Well-being Life Coach. She works with people all over the world via Skype, phone, and proxy. Set up your personal session here.

Find out how Resonance Repatterning benefits your life. Sign up for a free monthly newsletter with articles, natural healing modalities, and exclusive group sessions here.

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Bringing Your Inner Essence into the Outer World

Bringing your inner essence into the outer world on a daily basis has its challenges. Your thoughts and beliefs about your inner world and the meaning you give your experience impact on how you navigate day-to-day living with your communication, relationships and sense of overall well-being. When you are aligned with your inner essence you are better able to orient to what is life-enhancing for your choices, decisions, and actions.

Inner World

Your inner world consists of thoughts and images you have about yourself and the world based on attitudes and beliefs from your family, stress factors, memory imprints, and earlier experiences. Bringing light to unconscious material creates the opportunity to choose between feeling overwhelmed, stressed, afraid and reactive, or sense of calm, compassion for self and others, and inner peace. Knowing that you have a choice allows your core essence to access your inner compass to create greater freedom.

“It is precisely because we resist the darkness in ourselves that we miss the depths of the loveliness, beauty, brilliance, creativity, and joy that lie at our core.” ~Thomas Moore

Outer World

When you are disconnected from your inner compass, self-judgment, self-doubt and fear can keep you from taking action. This can also limit your ability to express your inner truth and values. This can lead to the feeling that you have to change how you interact with others to reduce possible judgment or conflict with them.

This can also lead to making choices that keep your truth from being seen or heard. In fact, this can contribute to compensating for or giving up your truth to receive acceptance, love, and validation from others.

Either way, by protecting or managing possible hurt or creating false hope for getting needs met, you limit access to the wisdom of your inner essence and its potential to radiate into the world.

“Healing is the rediscovery of who we are and who we have always been.” ~Joan Borysenko


Finding your inner compass allows you to benefit from wisdom and discernment so you can respond to what is happening in front of you. When you are aligned with the insight, inspiration, and affirmation of your inner compass you are better able to respond to life from a place of true author-ship. You do so by consciously aligning with your gold standard for living and action.

This happens by giving meaning to your past experiences to unveil the messages, unmet needs and limiting patterns from your past experience, family system and groups. Taking the lessons from your experience creates the opportunity for new possibilities and positive choice. By doing so, you become more oriented to your own essence and direction of your spiritual and life journey.

“The past is your lesson. The present is your gift. The future is your motivation.” ~Unknown

This is your personal invitation to work with the lessons of the past so you can experience greater choice in the present to create the future you’d like to experience.

Kimberly Rex, MS

I’d like to invite you to explore how Resonance Repatterning®can make a difference in your life. 

Experience a session by phone, Skype, or in-person with Windows to the Heart Repatterning.  Set up a session with Kimberly Rex here: Contact Page

Sign up for monthly newsletter here: Newsletter and Exclusive Re-pattern Your Life Events with FREE eBook, Eight Natural Modalities for Navigating Stressful Times.  

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