Posted by Kimberly Rex
How Emotions Inform Your Life for Wellness and Well-being
Emotions inform your life for wellness and well-being. When your body-mind system perceives stress, it can respond with or without tension. This is based on the learning you received in early childhood related to attachment, safe expression of feelings such as anger, grief, joy or frustration.
You respond to life based on how you experienced what was happening to your parents or between your parents. An infant or small child pick up when their parent is stressed or unable to be emotionally present. When this happens, the small child learns how to repress basic needs to compensate for the need to attach through inhibiting or stopping the expression of emotions to not lose that bonding.
Abuse or neglect in families can show up as physical, emotional mental or even at the spirit level. If your parents were unable to give you the nourishment you needed to feel loved, or were unable to witness you and acknowledge your emotions to support your emotional development, this impacts how you create relationships and respond as you go through life.
Your survival and emotional brains continue to influence your behavior responses today. The template of your earlier experiences and family system rules about acceptable emotional response creates unconscious patterns for attempting to get your basic needs met in your relationships with others.
According to Dr. Gabor Mate, stressful childhood conditioning creates confusion about boundaries that can result in the inability to engage in healthy fight or flight responses. This repression of the ability to be assertive leads to a state of helplessness.
The imbalance and confusion within your body-mind system can lead to a belief that it is more important to meet the needs of others than take care of yourself based on your stressful early childhood relationships.
When your body-mind is imprinted with unconscious limiting beliefs, attitudes and thought patterns, this leads to relationships and body responses that represent unmet life or spirit level needs.
When your emotions are repressed, you are unable to work with them to inform you about what is happening within your body, or you lose your ability to discern situations and relationships that are depleting or toxic to your emotional well-being. It is then, also, that your immune system has more difficulty discerning what is self and what is not-self to create healthy boundaries.
Emotions are a vital part of your PNI (Psychoendoneuroimmunological) System which includes the connections between your emotional, nervous, immune and hormonal mechanisms. This means that the impact of stress on your emotions relates directly to your nervous system, hormonal and immune response affecting your health and sense of well-being.
What you experience emotionally influences your neurotransmitter, hormonal and immune system responses. Repressed emotions can have a negative impact on overreaction or depletion of healthy internal systemic responses. Over time this can lead to the destruction of internal resources to effectively deal with immunity, vital energy levels, and health.
Mental tensions, frustrations, insecurity, aimlessness are among the most damaging stressors, and psychosomatic studies have shown how often they cause migraine headaches, peptic ulcers, heart attacks, hypertension, mental disease, suicide, or hopeless unhappiness. ~Hans Selye
Disorder in your body-mind system results over time with an inability to discern true feelings, danger, or personal needs leading to exhaustion, depression, addiction, disease, and self-destructiveness.
Emotions inform your life and response to it. It is what you do with the information that emotions offer you that creates an opportunity for essential insight, expression and life-enhancing body-mind system response. Accessing your emotions through your body wisdom is a vital skill for creating greater integrity in your wellness and well-being.
According to psychologist Ross Buck, there are three levels of emotional response. This is how your body-mind system signals and reacts to what is happening to you and around you to resolve stress. By tuning in to what is happening inside, what you observe your body is doing, and what feelings you are experiencing, you can begin to build the foundation for conscious self-care.
- Notice physiological changes in your body including your heart rate, breathing patterns and blood pressure. When your body experiences emotional stress, the muscles in your eyes contract, your stomach can become irritated and your muscles tighten for “fight or flight.” Notice where you feel the tension in your body, and where you feel numb. These signals can guide you to acknowledge your stress. It is an invitation to work with stressful situations or to explore healthy self-care.
- Observe body language to feel and express emotions through gestures, facial expressions, mannerisms, and posture. Your body-mind system responds in this powerful way when interacting and bonding with others. The expression on a person’s face or the way your body is held can give you an enormous amount of sensed information. If you are not sensing what is happening in your own body, it becomes difficult to feel and read other people and life situations. Make time to tune in to how your body is letting you know how you are holding your self together, protecting, expressing or showing you where you stand.
- Identify your subjective awareness. Tuning in to how you feel is key to creating a connection between your emotions and your body’s response. Do you feel angry, happy, sad, frustrated, hurt, tired, hungry, lonely, or scared? This allows you to draw upon what your body-mind system is telling you about your experience now. It creates the possibility to work with and respond to the need for authentic self-care. If you notice that you experience the same kind of emotional stress over and over, it is pointing to an unmet need or systemic root that deserves your time and awareness.
Resonance Repatterning® sessions get to the root of what you need to experience a positive and sustainable change in your life. Your body is a map of your life’s experiences. It is through working with this information that transformation through the connection to your family system’s patterns can be healed. By doing so, you gain awareness, a greater sense of ease, peace, and authorship for your life.
Contact Kimberly Rex, MS to set up your personal Resonance Repatterning session by phone, Skype or in-person here.
Re-pattern your life to experience greater integrity in your wellness and well-being.
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Spring Brings the Seeds of New Possibilities
Watching spring begin is an amazing experience. Where there were no blossoms a week ago, suddenly trees are filled with them. It seems miraculous that longer daylight, warmth, and rain can bring on such abundance after several months of cold, ice, and darkness. Yet, the cycles of nature have a way of reminding us of the necessary journey of rest that leads to renewal. When spring arrives, you are energized by the seeds of new possibilities.
Though I do not believe that a plant will spring up where no seed has been, I have great faith in a seed… Convince me that you have a seed there, and I am prepared to expect wonders. ~Henry David Thoreau
Spring is the season of seeds and planting new possibilities. If you are a gardener, you are likely clearing the beds of old brush to see what plants are coming up while also sowing seeds for new growth. These seeds have been dormant for a season, and are now ready to respond to the nourishment of soil, sunlight, warmth, and rain. With patience and perseverance, they have all the information they need to grow based on the patterns of their DNA. A tomato seed creates a tomato plant. A nasturtium seed produces nasturtium flowers.
Into the Light: New Beginnings
During the season of spring, you notice wildlife is especially active and focused on building nests, mating rituals, and food retrieval. You might have had the experience of dodging or swerving your car on the road while trying to avoid robins chasing or flying after each other across the road. There is restlessness and excitement to meet survival needs, even at the expense of danger signs.
In the same way, the energy of spring can bring a sense of restlessness and excitement to your own life with a kind of “Spring Fever”.
According to scientific research reported in Scientific American, spring creates changes in your body-mind system with:
- A decrease in melatonin production leads to changes in sleep cycles and hormones a need for less sleep and more positive mood changes with the transition into longer daylight hours
- New colors, scents, and smells stimulate the production of the neurotransmitter dopamine energizes trying new experiences, a sense of excitement, and feeling more motivated to take action
- Activation of endorphins allows you to feel a greater sense of pleasure, joy, and less pain. You experience greater energy and happiness with the activation of endorphins.
- Increased Vitamin D3 with increased skin exposure to the sun benefits the health of your bones and teeth, immune system, brain, and nervous system. Vitamin D benefits the regulation of insulin levels, as well as lung and cardiovascular health
- Greater activation of the neurotransmitter serotonin leads to a sense of satiety, calmness, flexibility, and emotional calm
- Change in eating habits with more foods selections based on the availability of fruits and vegetables, lighter fare, and choices with more vitamins and protein
- Increased energy that leads to greater activity levels
It is good to have all of these benefits with the transition into spring, however, losing your sense of presence or grounding can lead to a sense of disorientation and frustration that compromises your positive intentions for your wellness and well-being.
I’ve noticed when planting seeds in the garden that wildlife also continues to plant seeds from the feeders to dig up later even though it’s spring! They have a plan for tough times. Some of these seeds will be eaten, while others will be left to germinate in the soil, the sun and rain to become flowers or stalks of corn over time.
In the same way, nourishing and seeding inner awareness of what you are feeling, thinking, and experiencing right now in your life can be a useful starting point for digesting or creating something new. If, for example, you experience a reaction to a situation, comment, or event that digs up material from the past, this can create seeds for revelations that can feed your need for planting new awareness and growth, or discernment for letting go.
It can be an invitation to sit down with your life to observe what is showing up within your emotional or survival seed or food bank.
Feed the Bloom of New Possibility
- Create Compassionate Time with Yourself: This can happen with meditation or setting aside time for your physical and emotional needs daily by putting time on the calendar for tuning into your inner voice and needs.
- Take a Few Seconds to Check In With Yourself: I recently watched a chef online build this into his strategy while cooking. He literally took a few seconds in the process of baking when he was mixing the wet ingredients for a pastry, to ask himself, “ Have I forgotten anything?” “Do I need anything else here?” Building in checkpoints in your work, errands, exercise, etc. as part of your process can stabilize and harmonize your awareness of what you are doing in a grounding way.
- Spend Time in the Sunlight: This will allow you to take more light into your brain to enhance your vision. movement, breath, posture, and energy while literally shedding light into your memory bank.
- Take Inventory of What Brings Gratitude to Your Life to Plant You More in the Present: This is especially helpful when you are confused or frustrated. By shifting your attention, you change how your body responds to the situation, and which neurotransmitters you feed.
- Observe Nature: Science is proving that spending time observing nature and all of its wonders create greater well-being and health while also building a sense of compassionate connection to life and others. Spring is the optimal time to nourish your physical vision, as well as your vision for life.
- Use Herbal Teas to Balance Spring Allergies: Drink Rooibos, nettle, lemon balm, peppermint, honey, and lemon or ginger tea to nourish your system.
- Eat Nourishing Spring Foods: Eat seeds and light-colored greens like asparagus and bitter leafy greens. They are especially good for cleansing including dandelion greens, arugula, radicchio, mustard greens, and spinach. Traditional Chinese Medicine recommends foods rich in chlorophyll to support your liver function, especially during spring. Eat radishes to move Liver Qi. Eat sour citrus fruits to cut fat stored in the winter, and to promote the movement of Qi throughout your body. The fibers in citrus fruits also serve as a wonderful pre-biotic for your digestion. If you eat meat, chicken can be a good match with your vegetables at this time of year.
- Use Color for Nurture in your Food Choices:
- Find Reasons to Smile and Laugh: Smiling actually relaxes your brain and encourages greater optimism for life. Laughter decreases stress hormones, and increases immune cells and infection-fighting antibodies which improves disease resistance.
- Create time for Planning and Creating New Possibilities: As new growth is happening all around you, take time to focus, clarify and prioritize steps and resources for your goals. Break things down into small sizable steps with built-in success. Some things might need to be done right now, other things might need to be let go, and other things might need more time to grow. Pace yourself: - Keep a journal next to your bed or make a daily or weekly practice of nurturing through writing, drawing, recording, or moving your insights and inspirations. You can write down questions, express your frustration, and plan the next steps all while being curious. Doodle, write, or create poetry to nourish the answers or insights as you go. By doing so you connect to the deeper wisdom within your body-mind system in your process of creating new possibilities in your life!
Spring is a wonderful time to work with seeding new possibilities in your life. This is the time of year to really fine-tune your vision of life by clearing material that has kept you from seeing more clearly where you’d like to go with your positive intentions for life.
This is your personal invitation to access the information within your body-mind system to restore and enhance your life energy for your goals in life. Resonance Repatterning® allows you to let go of what is no longer working for you, and to nourish what will allow you to move forward to create greater integrity for your wellness and well-being.
Schedule a personal Resonance Repatterning session to experience a tangible and sustainable change in your life by phone, Skype, or in-person with Kimberly Rex, MS here.
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It Takes Harmony and Balance to Create Wellness and Well-being
Often, in working with Resonance Repatterning ®, we refer to creating greater harmony and balance in your body-mind system. While I have heard some healing practitioners speak to the need only for harmony, this article speaks to the need for balance as well as harmony to experience greater integrity in your wellness and well-being.
What is Harmony?
If you have ever played an instrument, you know that it takes at least two tones or notes to create harmony. As a child, I used to sing with my brother as he played guitar. He would sing the melody, and I would sing the harmonizing melody to his lead. The chords he played themselves were a number of notes with intervals that created greater tonal richness than playing a single note at a time. The harmonic overtones and vibrations carried melodic communication in the relationship between notes that created emotion, rhythm, frequency, and meaning.
Your body-mind system works in concert with communication between cells, tissues, organs, glands, muscles, and Nervous System. Endocrine, neurotransmitter, enzyme, and hormone function are affected by these connections and vice versa.
Here is an example from Dr. Eric H. Chudler from the University of Washington of this Interaction: How Nervous System Interacts with Other Systems of the Body
What is Balance?
Balance is related to the impact of one element or tone with another. Imagine singing with someone else, or playing an instrument that is either too LOUD or too soft. In either case, the full harmonic effect is lost as one-note drowns out other notes.
Another example is related to cooking. Several years ago, I used a recipe from a Hallmark card for Irish Soda bread. The recipe called for ¼ cup of salt. Because I trusted the brand, I proceeded even though I wondered about the amount. I’m sure you know the outcome. The bread tasted like a very salty pretzel, and it was basically inedible. Too much of this ingredient in the blend of this recipe changed the overall intention to create a slightly sweet bread.
In Chinese Medicine, your organ systems serve each other through both nurture and limitation to enhance your overall quality of life. Through shared responsibility, each organ relates to other organs in ways that give nurture, support, energy, detoxification, and circulation thus contributing to your overall health.
What happens when one part of your body-mind system moves out of balance?
There is a loss in the ability to communicate with the rest of your body-mind system in a way that works with the overall process. When this happens, other parts of your body-mind system can begin to create more force to compensate or could slow down, block, or interrupt communication when overwhelmed.
In Resonance Repatterning, pain is a blockage, interruption, or disruption of energy. Creating better energy flow relies on both harmonizing and creating a greater balance between your organ and meridian systems.
What impacts Harmony and Balance in Your System?
A number of factors including stress, interruption of sleep cycles, poor diet, toxins, lack of sunlight, or even emotional overwhelm over time can create an imbalance in communication between the cells and organ systems of your body.
Being able to listen to the information your body reports to you through your energy levels, emotions, and repetitive patterns you notice in your daily wake and sleep cycles lets you know where you would benefit in creating greater harmony and balance in of your health, thought processes, limiting beliefs and attitudes that impact your sense of well-being.
For example, we know that increased stress can change heartbeat, breath rate, blood pressure, and energy flow in your body. Current science speaks to the relationship between your physical, emotional, mental cause, and effect issues.
In Resonance Repatterning, harmonizing even one of these levels has a holographic impact on other levels of your wellness and well-being. You are wired for success and self-healing. The inter-connected communication system in your body-mind system allows you to experience greater harmony and balance. And, this process works with the wisdom from your own body-mind system to identify where and how to restore greater harmony, communication, and balance in your body-mind system.
Would you like to receive natural ways to build greater harmony and balance in your wellness and well-being? Here is an opportunity with monthly healing modalities and repatterning events from Windows to the Heart Repatterning.
Sign up for monthly newsletter here: Newsletter and Exclusive Re-pattern Your Life Events
Re-pattern your life to experience greater integrity in your wellness and well-being!
Kimberly Rex, MS is an Advanced Resonance Repatterning practitioner, Master Wellness and Well-being Life Coach, and Person-Centered Expressive Therapist.
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4 Stages of Disease: The Interaction between Your Kidneys, Liver and Heart
4 Stages of Disease Leading to Chronic Illness
Chinese Traditional Medicine TCM looks at the pathway of disease from the perspective of the relationship between organ and meridian systems. The heart is the emperor of the body-mind system, however, in order to begin the healing process, the heart must connect with kidney. When there is a disorder of stagnation in the kidney your liver is affected. When your liver is negatively affected this impacts your heart. This starts with distortions in how you think related to what you believe and see in life. This, then, can lead to both emotional and physical imbalance.
When there have been long-standing issues with unresolved emotions and perception of victimization or overwhelm over time, dis-ease becomes more likely a possibility. This happens through 1) Shen Stagnation 2) Chi Stagnation 3) Blood Stagnation and resulting 4) Body Stagnation.
The interaction and relationship between your organ systems impact the integrity of your wellness and well-being.
From the Kidney’s Perspective
The kidney relates directly to the reptilian brain function. This means that survival, fear, and overwhelm in your current life get translated into how the energy in your body-mind system is communicated throughout your body. Kidney stores short-term memory. The impact of the relationship to the reptilian brain can make it difficult to discern what is a current danger or a residual thought, belief, or attitude about a stressful event or situation from the past. The reptilian brain‘s job is to search for anything that reminds it of previous danger, and then to take action through the fight, flight, or freeze.
In practical terms on a day-to-day basis, this affects how your Nervous System responds to perceived danger and threats. It impacts your Adrenalin response, blood pressure, hormones, cortisol, and sleep cycles. This impacts your ability to retain information accurately in the present. It affects the amount and quality of life energy or vitality you have, your ability to remember important information, and your ability to hear things clearly.
More on Health Implications between Kidney, Adrenal, Excretory and Circulation Impacts
In Chinese Medicine, Liver stores emotion. The liver is related to the Limbic or Emotional Brain. When liver is distorted by anger and frustration is repressed over time, it impacts the way you perceive the world through your thinking and seeing. The ability to modulate your emotional responses to your external environment has an effect on your internal response to challenges.
The liver filters blood and this in turn affects your chi or energy level. When the liver is out of balance, it limits your vision and your ability to see from the perspective of another person. It keeps you from considering that there might be another alternative or possibility. Your decision-making process becomes clouded, and your body-mind system’s ability to prioritize thought and action becomes less clear.
More on Liver’s Impact on Health and Well-being
From the Heart’s Perspective
Heart is the home of the Shen Spirit related to the capacity for compassion, forgiveness, gratitude, tolerance, joy and love. It is primarily related to your reasoning and decision-making Cortex. There are 5 functional responsibilities for the heart including consciousness, thinking, imagination and planning, the ability to modulate emotions and long-term memory according to TCM. Because of these functions, it is important to engage all three places: the kidney, the liver and the heart in order to heal internal conflict and dissonance related to your mental, emotional, physical and spirit.
This is your personal invitation to working with creating greater harmony and balance in your life. As we move into Winter, Water Element related to Kidney and Bladder are the prominent organs that express information for special needs and care. There is much to be acknowledged on the health benefits of starting with the kidneys to inform and play a healing role in transforming the rest of the body-mind system through focusing on nourishing the transformation of your Reptilian Brain’s reaction to trauma from the past and to balance your need for giving and receiving in a loving way within your body, your mind, your relationships and in the world.
Build integrity in your wellness and well-being for the winter months by taking part in a personal Resonance Repatterning® session that works with this purpose to create greater harmony and balance for your kidneys and bladder’s impact on your ability to build life energy to heal the past so you can be more energized and able to go with the flow of life, set boundaries, increase resilience through the winter months.
Here is an opportunity to continue on the path to building integrity in your wellness and well-being with monthly healing modalities and repatterning events from Windows to the Heart Repatterning.
Sign up for monthly newsletter here: Newsletter and Exclusive Re-pattern Your Life Events
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