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Every Sound Counts: Insight into How Sound Heals

“There is nothing more genuine than breaking away from the chorus to learn the sound of your own voice.” ~ Po Bronson

We live in an ocean of sound and frequencies. From the sound of your mother’s voice, a bird’s song, or the turning over of the engine in your car, every sound counts. These vibrations give meaning to your world. Everything has a vibrational signature including the moment that registered as you when you were born. Sound frequencies express themselves in every aspect of your life. When you know this, the realization of the importance of acknowledging your inner sound, your expressions and relationship with your environment expands.

Music is associated with the emotional body, and helps to build harmonic structures for healing. This can be seen in the work of sound therapists, Qi Gong Medical practitioners and in the work of Resonance Repatterning©. When unresolved emotions or traumatic experiences are stored in the body, they get stored as frequencies. Sound, melody, and intervals (space between two notes) serve as energetic tools to enliven, break up, and restore greater harmony and balance to the body-mind field.

   According to Fabien Maman, author of The Role of Music in the 21st Century, musical tones create physiological effects at different levels.

  • Specific musical notes are linked to specific acupuncture points, and stimulate or tonify life energy flow.
  • Melodies create responses at the molecular level.
  • Harmony works with the ganglia (nerve clusters and sympathetic nervous system including the heart, glands, and involuntary muscles and endocrine system (system necessary for normal growth and development, reproduction and homeostasis).
  • Resonating vibrational frequencies created by harmonic overtones link with your nervous system, chakras, and subtle energy bodies.

We’ve all had the experience of listening to music to change our moods. Music can help you feel energized or calm down. The work of Don Campbell who published The Mozart Effect has been used in hospitals and schools to help create greater harmony and healing. Accelerated Learning for new language acquisition has been employed with the use of Baroque Music through the Lozanov Technique successfully for learning. Music with the frequencies of the Earth underneath has been used to calm people with anxiety or attention deficit disorder through the work of Heart Math Institute. Music moves us and generates change at the emotional, mental and physical levels.

In a world of increased mechanical sound and electric music, we have been impacted by depletion of natural and tonal diversity. Jill Purce, a sound therapist, acknowledges the vital importance of making your own sound to serve the need for connection to self-healing and the Earth. She cites that our separation from the care of the Earth as humanity is directly related to our separation from making natural sounds.

Not only is it important to make sounds that vibrate through the bones and systems of our own bodies, but it is also important to hear them. When we stop listening to the natural sounds found in the forests and jungles, we sacrifice part of our sound ecosystem and lose part of our connection to that which nourishes us all. Jonathon Goldman speaks to the fact that each and every tone in these systems is integral to the health of the bigger picture.

Your own voice can actually help you feel more grounded, process emotions, and feel supported. For thousands of years, the song has served as a way to express emotion as a connection to one another through storytelling, to the Earth, the Heavens to the greater All That Is. There is a good reason for this. Your voice creates vibration. Your ears energize your brain. Bringing songs back into your life can serve as an empowering natural healing tool.

Working with the natural vibrational qualities of your own voice and acoustic instruments creates a fuller spectrum of harmonics to impact change in your life. In fact, according to Sharry Edwards, a sound frequency researcher, the human voice can serve to identify issues on the emotional, mental and physical levels. Missing tonal frequencies can identify and measure dis-stress, dis-ease, and wellness. In Resonance Repatterning® sessions, tones are checked for resonance regarding frequency material in your body-mind system. Shifting frequencies literally change radio channels at the energetic level of life for healing.

In a universe of vibration, every sound counts!

Here is an opportunity to continue on the path with monthly healing modalities and repatterning events from Windows to the Heart Repatterning.

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Kimberly Rex, MS is a certified Resonance Repatterning practitioner, Person-Centered Expressive Therapist and Wellness and Well-being Coach who works with people of all ages by phone, Skype, proxy or in-person. To explore the dynamics of natural modalities including sound to create greater wellness and well-being in your life, contact Kimberly  to start your process of positive change!


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Resonance Repatterning and the Impact of Holographic Change on Your Body-Mind System

Originally, Resonance Repatterning® was called Holographic Repatterning. This process is based on New Physics and the principles involved with sub-atomic, cellular, and systemic patterns affecting the body-mind system. The purpose of a Resonance Repatterning session is to create greater self-awareness and coherence within. By changing even a small part,  the effects impact holographic change in the body-mind system for greater harmony and balance. This, in turn, affects how you see and experience life by affecting the lens through which you interact with the world around you. Your experience of life is how you respond to and interact with the environment around you.

We are perceivers. We are awareness. We are boundless. ~Michael Talbot from The Holographic Unive

Physical Impact

Bruce Lipton defines perception as an awareness of the environment through physical sensation. He speaks of epigenetics instead of just genetic determinism, and the fact that you are an extension of your environment. This includes everything from your thoughts and belief systems, to exposure to toxins in your environment, nutrition, sunlight, breathing, exercise, and what you ingest. Your perceptions control your biology. When you change your perceptions, you shape and direct your own genetic readout.

Emotional Impact

Fear, worry, anger, grief and stress change how you feel and respond to life. For example, when you are anxious you experience a change in your breathing pattern, blood pressure, sleeping patterns, change in appetite, or aches and pain in your body. Prolonged stress can impact your immune system’s response, and you may not have the energy or focus to take care of yourself in the same way as you might when you are more relaxed or focused.

In fact, the work of Dr. Bruce Lipton speaks to the stress response at the cellular level in regards to reading signals from the body-mind system. Under stress, the cells do not communicate in the same way they would in an environment that supports coherence, harmony, and balance. This has a direct on the health of your body-mind system overall.

Mental Impact

The messages we give ourselves over time based on internal beliefs, family and cultural patterns, as well as responding to the environments we place ourselves: work, community, friendships, groups, and intimate relationships impact our ways of thinking and seeing the world. Unconscious beliefs and thoughts become holographic in nature in that they impact every aspect of your life from your personal health to how you take on new situations, meet others, and experience interactions with greater compassion for differing beliefs.

For example, imagine that your belief is that “Life is unfair. You cannot trust people to listen to you or be there for you.” Perhaps this originated early in your life when your parents were working and did not have time to spend with you, or you saw your parents arguing, and they separated without resolution. This initial belief can ripple out into your future relationships, stall you out in your attempt to try new things, or make you feel like you have to “tough it out,” believing that you cannot ask for help, or believing that conflict cannot be resolved.  This belief would keep you from seeing new potential opportunities for co-creativity, business partnerships, or being able to relax into enjoying life more deeply with more integrity in your wellness and well-being.

 Spirit Level or Core Essence of Self Impact

   “Love is what we are born with. Fear is what we learn. The spiritual journey is the unlearning of fear and prejudices and the acceptance of love back in our hearts. Love is the essential reality and our purpose on earth. To be consciously aware of it, to experience love in ourselves and others, is the meaning of life. Meaning does not lie in things. Meaning lies in us.”  ~Marianne Williamson

Changing your personal awareness and consciousness offers you the opportunity to choose a new way to respond to life. The beauty of your body-mind system is that your body is a map of your life’s experience. Information can be accessed through your Nervous System because it is attached to every muscle, tissue, organ, and gland in the body.  Resonance Kinesiology feedback information in a Resonance Repatterning session can be a tool to restore your body-mind system to greater harmony and balance, ease, connection to love, and inner peace.

Here is an opportunity to continue on the path with monthly healing modalities and repatterning events from Windows to the Heart Repatterning.

Sign up for monthly newsletter here: Newsletter and Exclusive Re-pattern Your Life Events

Kimberly Rex, MSKimberly Rex, MS is an Advanced Resonance Repatterning® practitioner, Master Wellness and Well-being Life Coach, and Person-Centered Expressive Therapist.

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The Interdependence of Your Body-Mind System in Resonance Repatterning

Resonance Repatterning® works with the fact that you experience life in a way that is interdependent with all of your body-mind system. Originally called, Holographic Repatterning, the premise that your body-mind system informs your way of being in the world today is based on the information stored within each part of your body-mind system. This affects both subtle and global changes in your health, and the way you think, feel, and experience purpose in life.

 For example, if you are in physical pain, your thoughts begin to center on the pain experience, you may be experiencing not just physical pain, but emotional, mental, and spirit-level pain. You will have less energy on the mental and emotional level for your positive intentions ranging from getting healthy, losing weight, building a business, changing your lifestyle, starting a relationship, or your ability to bounce back from a setback.

buddhist prayer

This interdependence also has the power to transform limitations in your life. These four levels are interwoven in the process of transformation and positive change within a Resonance Repatterning® session.

The Physical Level and Your Body-Mind System

Resonance Repatterning works not only on the physical level with issues or intentions related to health, disruption of life energy, or coherent life energy flow in your organs, tissues, muscles, and glands down to the cellular level.

The expression of the cell reflects the recognition of all perceived environmental stimuli, both physical and energetic. ~ Bruce Lipton

Because Resonance Repatterning® works with applied kinesiology with a Resonance Muscle Check to assess where your life energy is being stored or dedicated, the process works with the conscious and unconscious capacity of your physical, emotional, mental, and spirit level system. This means that what you have taken in or stored within your body-mind system can be shifted at the energetic level through life-energizing natural modalities of color, light, sound, movement, breath, energetic contact, and consciousness science to work with ALL of the levels of your experience of life.

The Emotional Level and Your Body-Mind System

The Emotional Level refers to your feelings and the impact of emotions over time. Your Triune Brain is comprised of the Reptilian, Fight, Flight or Freeze Brain, Limbic System, or Emotional Brain, and your Cortex or Thinking/Decision-Making Brain. Each part of your brain interacts and influences your response to situations in the present based on stored memories, what you were taught early on, and your perception and response to stress over time. As an infant, the Reptilian Brain was primary to your survival. You were not yet fully able to access your emotional or thinking brain. So changing the hard-wiring of your memory bank involves the holographic cooperation of your Triune Brain.

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Holographic in nature, emotional intelligence does not just take place in your brain. It also comes from the neurotransmitters within your heart and gut. Your emotions inform you of your experience through the filter of the past or become engaged in savoring the present through a new perspective. Resilience is gained or learned from your ability to discern what is true for you in the moment rather than from an orchestrated reaction response from your history. As well, this is also the place where you can take information from the past to inform your choices for new possibilities through the point of choice.

The Mental Level and Your Body-Mind System

The Mental Level refers to your thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes. This relates to your inner conversation about what you perceive has happened to you in the past or the place where you are cycling in your beliefs or thoughts about a current situation based on past experience. Negative earlier experiences can impact your view of life by imprinting a belief you take with you as you face different life situations in the present, and sometimes decades into your future.

The belief that “No one will support me,” can translate into the feeling of carrying a burden or even stopping you from being in relationships that include balanced giving and receiving. In fact, this belief might be related to a very young event where you experienced a sense of lack of support and never had the opportunity to understand this or process this event through your body-mind system so that you might face life with new ways or patterns of authentic life-energizing experience. 

A moment of self-compassion can change your entire day. A string of such moments can change the course of your life. ~Christopher K. Germer

Spirit Level and Your Body-Mind System

Spirit Level refers to the core essence of yourself, or your life and spirit purpose. When you are depressed, you have less life energy to dedicate to taking action or moving in a direction that might uplift your ability to see new possibilities or opportunities for your life’s path or direction. There is literally no physical energy to dedicate to any of your positive intentions.

Life is never made unbearable by circumstances, but only by lack of meaning and purpose.~Vicktor Frankel

This can happen through a loss, injury, setback, abuse, or internal dialogue. By connecting to your inner light there is a need to connect to that which energizes you, motivates you, and creates wholeness within. This means that you need to take inventory of that which brings meaning to your life physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. To reconnect to your inner light also means that you need to be able to absorb light to feed the cellular functioning of your body which in turn creates more calm in your heart and mind to digest, integrate and energize your ability to connect to life-energizing opportunities.

Experiencing a Resonance Repatterning session allows the integration and healing of your entire system by phone or in person. People from all over the world have experienced a positive change in their lives by working specifically and directly with their current life situation to heal the past. The holographic nature of the work updates your body-mind system for healing and transformation exactly where, when, and how it is needed. Clients report that holographic change from their session affects their emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual essence altogether in both subtle and substantial ways that create lasting benefits for wellness, relationship, and well-being.

This is your invitation to move through the process with the natural and nourishing process of Resonance Repatterning® that relies on the innate wisdom of your own body-mind system to transform trauma, shock, and overwhelm naturally.  Find out more and schedule here.

Kimberly RexKimberly Rex, MS  is an Advanced Resonance Repatterning practitioner, Person-Centered Expressive Therapist, and Wellness and Well-being Life Coach.

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