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Interlocking Patterns Lead to New Possibilities

Transforming problems into opportunities begins with identifying interlocking patterns that keep you from stepping into a new way of approaching and responding to life. Many times the problems you are facing today are a network of interlocking patterns that originated earlier in your life. These patterns manifest as beliefs, thoughts, emotions, and attitudes that impact your experience. To let go of an outmoded perspective that no longer works in your life today created by a past event, situation or relationship means first acknowledging that it is present.

Interlocking Patterns Move Problems into Opportunities

The Problems into Opportunities section of Resonance Repatterning® checks for these patterns stored in your Nervous System with access to every organ, tissue, and gland in your body through the Resonance Muscle-Checking System. The process identifies underlying and interlocking patterns that hold these problems in place.

padlocks hanging on fence
Photo by Bayram Yalçn on

You might feel stuck in repetitive experiences that keep you from moving forward. These interlocking patterns undermine your energy and motivation to expand into new possibilities. This might be due to resistance, regret, self-pity, resentment, fear, anger, grief, or negative judgments.

The limiting emotions, beliefs, and attitudes interlock with the manifestation of your body-mind-spirit system playing out the same energetic experience over and over. Unlocking the patterns is key to the connection between how your system interacts with the world around you based on what is happening within you. The opportunity arises from resonating with the growth that the challenge to move through the door offers you.

The past can inform your future with an invitation to create positive intentions to open your heart and mind to new possibilities.

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Photo by PhotoMIX Company on

Interlocking Patterns Lead to Intentions for a New Possibility

The Intentions for a New Possibility process in Resonance Repatterning® recognizes that positive change is a process. The transformation from limitation to expansion requires a new skill set, and this interlocks with coherent patterns that create a new way of being and responding to life. Setting intentions for new possibilities is a conscious point of choice.

Being committed to the journey of positive change requires unhesitating action, consistency, perserverance, and patience, with focus and integrity with yourself and others. These attributes give you life-energizing nurture and supports you over time. It’s important to know that when your intentions for new possibilities are aligned with growth and transformation from the inside out you are better able to navigate and choose your direction.

The quality of your journey relies on the energy that builds when you experience joy, gratitude, and love. Along the way practice happiness on the path in your process of manifestation by celebrating “little wins” with appreciation. This energizes and builds momentum for your body-mind-spirit system to keep the spark going to reach new possibilities.

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Photo by Chelsea Cook on

It becomes easier to understand that interlocking patterns of the world around you will create updates based on the best timing for your process and spiritual journey. Your process will be collaborative with the energetic shifts that are taking place within. This means that you will experience both subtle and profound awareness of the shifts that are taking place over time.

Once you resonate with the core underlying needs related to your new positive intentions, you will continue to be able to draw upon lessons from your problems applying what you have learned from the past. While this might not happen immediately or in the timeframe you expect, be open to what is being brought onto your radar. This will allow you to begin to benefit from more coherent emotions, beliefs, and receptivity to how you choose the next steps. As you step into a new way of being you become more open to synchronicities and meaningful messages with a greater capacity to trust yourself, the right timing, and the co-creative spiritual process you are embarking on.

What doorways to new possibilities would you like to open in your life? Resonance Repatterning® sessions allow you to experience greater integrity in your wellness and well-being.

Kimberly Rex

Kimberly Rex, MS is an Advanced Resonance Repatterning® practitioner, Person-Centered Expressive Therapist, and Wellness and Well-being Life Coach. She works with people all over the world via Skype, by phone, and by proxy.

Find out how Resonance Repatterning benefits your life. Set up a personal session through the Contact page, or sign up for a free monthly newsletter with articles, natural healing modalities, and exclusive group sessions here.

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As the Light Returns

As the light returns in the Northern Hemisphere after the Winter Solstice, the daylight hours are slowly increasing over time toward spring. Even though I consciously know this is true, the expansion of darkness that has grown over time from fall has sometimes made it more difficult to resonate with the light and focus only on the dark.

As the Light Returns

This natural occurrence that takes place each year is expected, however, it still comes as a surprise to my awareness in that I begin to dwell on the darkness.

My attitude about this natural cycle and the presence of more darkness with the cooling temperatures and movement indoors changes my stress-avoidance actions and words. Instead of resonating with underlying potential benefits of the season of oncoming winter, I find myself complaining more about what has been lost more than what I might gain.

So what changed that? My attitude, responses to the situation, and my relationship with time are what changed. I am beginning to resonate with the return of light over the dark and cold of winter. I am now beginning to orient to the journey through winter to spring as we near the solstice time signaling the start of winter.

Winter is a time of introspection and depth. There are clear benefits of going inward, slowing down to harvest lessons and awareness, putting my energy into my roots the way plants do in the cold months so they can take the nurture of the Earth as she moves around the sun.

On the Winter Solstice, the change began with only a few seconds of the length of time, similar to that of the day before the solstice. Yet, it is likely that my mindset will be especially focused more on the return of light. This is because this 3-month timeframe leads to greater light and warmth in spring. The takeaway is that it is all about perception and that the journeys we take in our lives need to be appreciated as the process unfolds even when a goal might seem to be a distance and time away.

As the Light Returns Quantum Change Happens

This starts with an invitation to celebrate along the pathway towards your goals and positive intentions instead of waiting for a date 3 months away to realize the subtleties in shifts that occur in small increments transforming each and every day.

Those small increments and connections to stillness and presence create wisdom, nurture, and new possibilities. This is where things really happen. Winter is a good time to release fears by connecting to the still-point, to the Universe, and to cultivating unconditional love through your cultivating presence on the physical, emotional, mental, and core essence levels.

At the Still Point by T.S. Eliot

At the still point of the turning world. Neither flesh nor fleshless;
Neither from nor towards; at the still point, there the dance is,
But neither arrest nor movement. And do not call it fixity,
Where past and future are gathered. Neither movement from nor towards,
Neither ascent nor decline. Except for the point, the still point,
There would be no dance, and there is only the dance

Working with 8 Treasures as the Light Returns

Chinese Medicine acknowledges the aspects of cultivating vital life energy over time. The reminder in winter along the path is to work with what is called the 8 Treasures. A reminder of this ability to thrive even during the cold months is illustrated by the cherry blossoms that bloom during winter even in the snow!

pink petaled flowers closeup photo
Photo by Brett Sayles on

The 8 Treasures for cultivation includes 81 days of getting in sync with nature as it presents itself in the journey toward spring. This time is also used to connect to and cultivate inner peace, happiness, smooth transitions, health, wealth, longevity, luck/fortune, and fulfillment.

To connect with the energetics of the 8 Treasures within, the process begins with eating or drinking an 8 Treasure congee stew or tea.

The idea is to work with the first 9 days starting with the solstice in the journey through winter continuing into spring by drinking a little 8 Treasure congee or tea for the 1st 9 days. The fluid with the combination of glutenous rice, beans, nuts, grains, fruit, and sometimes meat, or the flower and fruit tea brings a deep acknowledgment and nourishment for the process.

Here is an article on ingredients you can find in 8 Treasure Soup:

You can order 8 Treasure teas on

The journey continues with intervals of 9 days with a focus on one of the 8 Treasures.

This beautiful process was taught to me by Master Liu He with a painting or drawing of a branch to hold 9 cherry blossoms, one drawn every 9 days. Each petal represents the completion of each 9-day segment and one aspect of the 8 Treasures. For every nine-day period between the beginning of winter and spring, you work with a new attribute. You then paint or draw one more blossom on the branch until it contains the nine cherry blossoms of your journey. What an acknowledgment and celebration of each part of the path that buds and flowers as you take care of your vital essence through the winter!

Smooth Transitions as the Light Returns

Of course, you can create your own way of processing gradual change as the light returns with a focus on the 8 Treasures through drawing, journaling, or dancing the attribute of each one over the timeframe of 81 days. It could be useful to draw one cherry blossom with one of the attributes in each petal. Then you might work with meditation questions about the particular aspect such as this example. “What do I need to know to cultivate inner peace?” “What resources do I need to create more peace in my life?” “What do I need to let go of to experience peace more fully?” Listen for guidance and trust the wisdom of your heart to tell you what you need at this time in your life or access more guidance to build wisdom from a teacher, book, or course.

It could be that you use movement including Qigong, Tai Chi, ice skating, skiing, or even snowshoeing to feel physically feel smooth transitions. You can tap into our own creative expression to explore each attribute. This is a time to get more in sync with nature by creating light within through illumination for your life. It is also worth your time to be in natural light by being out noticing what is happening in nature, enjoying yourself by looking at streams, rivers, mountains, watching the birds, or noticing activity in trees and plants as we move closer to spring. This keeps the focus on being present at the still point while moving forward at the same time (the dance).

So I invite you to consider taking this time to nourish and root yourself so that you can meet each day throughout the winter in ways that you know will benefit your attitudes, responses, and beliefs about your life. It is a great way to nourish your roots, collect seeds of vital energy within and honor your part in the wisdom of the Earth’s process. The light is returning. In fact, it is always there feeding your roots, establishing nourishment for growth towards budding, and flowering into new possibilities.

Kimberly Rex, MS
Kimberly Rex

Kimberly Rex, MS is an Advanced Resonance Repatterning® practitioner, Person-Centered Expressive Therapist, and Wellness and Well-being Life Coach. She works with people all over the world via Skype, phone, and proxy.

Find out how Resonance Repatterning benefits your life. Set up a personal session or sign up for a free monthly newsletter with articles, natural healing modalities, and exclusive group sessions here.

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Spring Brings the Seeds of New Possibilities

Watching spring begin is an amazing experience. Where there were no blossoms a week ago, suddenly trees are filled with them. It seems miraculous that longer daylight, warmth, and rain can bring on such abundance after several months of cold, ice, and darkness. Yet, the cycles of nature have a way of reminding us of the necessary journey of rest that leads to renewal. When spring arrives, you are energized by the seeds of new possibilities.

Though I do not believe that a plant will spring up where no seed has been, I have great faith in a seed… Convince me that you have a seed there, and I am prepared to expect wonders. ~Henry David Thoreau

Spring is the season of seeds and planting new possibilities. If you are a gardener, you are likely clearing the beds of old brush to see what plants are coming up while also sowing seeds for new growth. These seeds have been dormant for a season, and are now ready to respond to the nourishment of soil, sunlight, warmth, and rain. With patience and perseverance, they have all the information they need to grow based on the patterns of their DNA. A tomato seed creates a tomato plant. A nasturtium seed produces nasturtium flowers.

Into the Light: New Beginnings

During the season of spring, you notice wildlife is especially active and focused on building nests, mating rituals, and food retrieval. You might have had the experience of dodging or swerving your car on the road while trying to avoid robins chasing or flying after each other across the road. There is restlessness and excitement to meet survival needs, even at the expense of danger signs.

In the same way, the energy of spring can bring a sense of restlessness and excitement to your own life with a kind of “Spring Fever”.

According to scientific research reported in Scientific American, spring creates changes in your body-mind system with:

  • A decrease in melatonin production leads to changes in sleep cycles and hormones a need for less sleep and more positive mood changes with the transition into longer daylight hours
  • New colors, scents, and smells stimulate the production of the neurotransmitter dopamine energizes trying new experiences, a sense of excitement, and feeling more motivated to take action
  • Activation of endorphins allows you to feel a greater sense of pleasure, joy, and less pain. You experience greater energy and happiness with the activation of endorphins.
  • Increased Vitamin D3 with increased skin exposure to the sun benefits the health of your bones and teeth, immune system, brain, and nervous system. Vitamin D benefits the regulation of insulin levels, as well as lung and cardiovascular health
  • Greater activation of the neurotransmitter serotonin leads to a sense of satiety, calmness, flexibility, and emotional calm
  • Change in eating habits with more foods selections based on the availability of fruits and vegetables, lighter fare, and choices with more vitamins and protein
  • Increased energy that leads to greater activity levels

It is good to have all of these benefits with the transition into spring, however, losing your sense of presence or grounding can lead to a sense of disorientation and frustration that compromises your positive intentions for your wellness and well-being.

Every seed is awakened, and all animal life.~ Sitting Bull

I’ve noticed when planting seeds in the garden that wildlife also continues to plant seeds from the feeders to dig up later even though it’s spring! They have a plan for tough times. Some of these seeds will be eaten, while others will be left to germinate in the soil, the sun and rain to become flowers or stalks of corn over time.

In the same way, nourishing and seeding inner awareness of what you are feeling, thinking, and experiencing right now in your life can be a useful starting point for digesting or creating something new. If, for example, you experience a reaction to a situation, comment, or event that digs up material from the past, this can create seeds for revelations that can feed your need for planting new awareness and growth, or discernment for letting go.

It can be an invitation to sit down with your life to observe what is showing up within your emotional or survival seed or food bank.

Feed the Bloom of New Possibility

  • Create Compassionate Time with Yourself: This can happen with meditation or setting aside time for your physical and emotional needs daily by putting time on the calendar for tuning into your inner voice and needs.
Bloom where you are planted.~The Bishop of Geneva, St. Francis de Sales
  • Take a Few Seconds to Check In With Yourself: I recently watched a chef online build this into his strategy while cooking. He literally took a few seconds in the process of baking when he was mixing the wet ingredients for a pastry, to ask himself, “ Have I forgotten anything?” “Do I need anything else here?” Building in checkpoints in your work, errands, exercise, etc. as part of your process can stabilize and harmonize your awareness of what you are doing in a grounding way.
  • Spend Time in the Sunlight: This will allow you to take more light into your brain to enhance your vision. movement, breath, posture, and energy while literally shedding light into your memory bank.
  • Take Inventory of What Brings Gratitude to Your Life to Plant You More in the Present: This is especially helpful when you are confused or frustrated. By shifting your attention, you change how your body responds to the situation, and which neurotransmitters you feed.
  • Observe Nature: Science is proving that spending time observing nature and all of its wonders create greater well-being and health while also building a sense of compassionate connection to life and others. Spring is the optimal time to nourish your physical vision, as well as your vision for life.
  • Use Herbal Teas to Balance Spring Allergies: Drink Rooibos, nettle, lemon balm, peppermint, honey, and lemon or ginger tea to nourish your system.
  • Eat Nourishing Spring Foods: Eat seeds and light-colored greens like asparagus and bitter leafy greens. They are especially good for cleansing including dandelion greens, arugula, radicchio, mustard greens, and spinach. Traditional Chinese Medicine recommends foods rich in chlorophyll to support your liver function, especially during spring. Eat radishes to move Liver Qi. Eat sour citrus fruits to cut fat stored in the winter, and to promote the movement of Qi throughout your body. The fibers in citrus fruits also serve as a wonderful pre-biotic for your digestion. If you eat meat, chicken can be a good match with your vegetables at this time of year.
  • Use Color for Nurture in your Food Choices:
  • Find Reasons to Smile and Laugh: Smiling actually relaxes your brain and encourages greater optimism for life. Laughter decreases stress hormones, and increases immune cells and infection-fighting antibodies which improves disease resistance.
  • Create time for Planning and Creating New Possibilities: As new growth is happening all around you, take time to focus, clarify and prioritize steps and resources for your goals. Break things down into small sizable steps with built-in success. Some things might need to be done right now, other things might need to be let go, and other things might need more time to grow. Pace yourself:
  • Keep a journal next to your bed or make a daily or weekly practice of nurturing through writing, drawing, recording, or moving your insights and inspirations. You can write down questions, express your frustration, and plan the next steps all while being curious. Doodle, write, or create poetry to nourish the answers or insights as you go. By doing so you connect to the deeper wisdom within your body-mind system in your process of creating new possibilities in your life!

Spring is a wonderful time to work with seeding new possibilities in your life. This is the time of year to really fine-tune your vision of life by clearing material that has kept you from seeing more clearly where you’d like to go with your positive intentions for life.

This is your personal invitation to access the information within your body-mind system to restore and enhance your life energy for your goals in life. Resonance Repatterning® allows you to let go of what is no longer working for you, and to nourish what will allow you to move forward to create greater integrity for your wellness and well-being.

Kimberly Rex, MS

Schedule a personal Resonance Repatterning session to experience a tangible and sustainable change in your life by phone, Skype, or in-person with Kimberly Rex, MS here.

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Thanksgiving: Look at Your Life through Gratitude

Frosty Leaves and Rockwithquote

Thanksgiving is an invitation to take time to look at your life through the lens of gratitude.

Gratitude is more than saying “Thank you, for what is in front of you at the moment. It is a way of seeing your life through the lens of shifting your awareness to what is being supportive as something is presented to you in your life. It’s important to take time to change your attitude to gratitude. Whether the situation is challenging, momentary, or ongoing, the way you see what is happening, or take it in, directly affects how your body-mind field uses this information.

Your body-mind system takes in information rapidly and sifts through what you are experiencing based on memory imprints and habits over time. The way your body-mind responds to incoming data changes your breath, posture, and how energy is communicated to all of your systems through your thoughts, feelings, and actions.

Not what we say about our blessings, but how we use them, is the true measure of our thanksgiving. – W.T. Purkiser

The way you see the world is directly related to the quality of light you absorb with the quality of communication throughout your body-mind system. The neurochemistry of stress when processed through the filters of shame, anger, fear, or the residue of habitual messages learned earlier in life can take immense energy away from the opportunity of seeing the world in the present with the potential for receiving new insight, or creating new neural pathways in your brain, your heart, and the rest of your body.

This, in turn, affects how you see the world, move through the world, and experience wellness and well-being.

The work of the Institute of Heart Math in San Diego, California, has done volumes of research on the impact of thoughts and feelings of appreciation, gratitude, joy, and love on the entire body-mind system. The impact of shifting awareness from stress, fear, anger, and worry to an anchor image or thought of gratitude creates greater functioning of the problem-solving brain, the immune system, and all the systems of the body for several hours.

Especially in a world where there are ever-increasing demands and change, using a simple and elegant technology of shifting your mindful awareness to appreciation and gratitude to be able to navigate the next steps, is cause enough to feel relief and gratitude.

In David Steindl-Rast‘s TED Talk, he speaks of an effective way to call our thinking focus back to this purpose with “Stop. Look. Go,” a skill learned early in life when crossing any street or road for safety and well-being. Today you can use this to activate the life-enhancing impact of gratitude to create a greater sense of happiness, health, and well-being.

Using this skill in a situation that demands stamina, a deep breath, or a letting go today can intervene to call you back into a life-energizing response to whatever life is handing you at the moment. Using this with what is directly in front of you, or calling on a memory of gratitude, appreciation, joy or love is as powerful. Making this a habit can be one of the most effective, long-term beneficial wellness and well-being practices you ever use for happiness.

Stop: Set up stop signs, notes, meditation or time-out’s within your life daily for a practice of noticing small things that support you. Bring more of what is life-enhancing into your life through healthy food, sound, light, movement, breath, fragrance, and loving touch. Making space and time for yourself serves as an oasis for grounding and renewing. This provides the opportunity to recharge so that you can be more in the flow of life, connected to the source of what feeds your need for joy, love, and freedom. You, then, have more energy to take the next steps for challenges, adventures, and growth. You also have more to offer to all your relationships.

Look: Expand your awareness of what is good about your life, your loved ones, what they have taught you, what you have learned, and what is good about you. Take in color from nature, the fresh air, the soft sounds of water, the necessities that are taken care of in your life: electricity, running water, transportation, heat, food, etc. Take in the smiles you receive, the compliments, the web of life that supports you being here: from small to large. Get in touch with where in your life you would like to adjust or make a change. Look with the eye of discernment.

Go: Allow this information to motivate your life, and to activate new possibilities. Smile back at life. Share your vision, ideas, thoughts, and feelings in ways that support positive growth and transformation. Translate this into meaning in your relationship with others. In this way, the circle of gratitude creates greater happiness and expands into the circle of life to create new possibilities for all

Here is an opportunity to continue on the path with monthly healing modalities and repatterning events from Windows to the Heart Repatterning.

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How to Make Gratitude a Steady Companion for Wellness and Well-being

  Expressing gratitude and appreciation for life may seem as though it is easy, however, the process of experiencing these feelings within your body-mind system is often underestimated for their beneficial effects for naturally creating health, more pleasant relationships, and greater learning.

  The research is out: Spending time with gratitude internally benefits your body-mind system including your brain and your heart.  To invite gratitude in as a steady companion for your wellness and well-being, a shift in awareness and attention is necessary to assert itself into the hard wiring of human neuro-chemistry. This takes practice and diligence so that gratitude and appreciation for life create new neural pathways as alternatives to long-standing bias for automatic survival mode.

The brain has a negativity bias, which is like Velcro for bad experiences, but Teflon for positive ones. ~from Buddha’s Brain

Buddha’s Brain, a book written by Rick Hanson, Ph.D. and Richard Mendius, MD, details the practical neuroscience of happiness, love, and wisdom. The evolution of the brain’s need for fight or flight in the face of danger over thousands of years of reinforcement is an important reason for the brain’s tendency to suspect the worst and remember difficulties long after the danger or situation has occurred. This pattern affects internal self-talk, relationship patterns, learning capacity, and even world politics.

The book continues to build upon the research that, indeed, the opportunity to transform the patterns of negative thinking is within each person’s reach today. The shift in consciousness to benefiting more from positive experiences leads to greater inner peace, self-esteem, heart health, and resilience on a day-to-day basis. By doing so, it is like building an emotional bank account that helps you through days that are more challenging personally and in your relationships.

In order to build the capacity to experience more beauty, joy, grace, and ease within, it’s important to appreciate all the aspects of yourself as they come up. When you feel as though you’ve made an error, or fixate on a problem in your life, take the opportunity to notice something around you that is fortunate, happy or supportive in your life. This allows the brain to associate more than just the issue or problem in your awareness. It starts to build new neural pathways with less stress attached. This is self-compassion in action, and this also does your heart good. When the heart is in a state of appreciation, gratitude, love or joy it functions better expanding the electromagnetic field surrounding it, and this then expands the function of the brain. This helps the brain’s capacity to work with not just the survival or feeling brain. It activates the thinking and problem-solving brain that takes intention into action based on heart wisdom.

  To see the world in a grain of sand, and to see heaven in a wildflower, hold infinity in the palm of your hands, and eternity in an hour. ~William Blake

In Just One Thing, Rick Hanson, Ph.D. suggests that one simple practice at a time builds new neural pathways with neurotransmitters that support better memory, sense of happiness, and outlook on life-based on truly experiencing what is positive in your life.

Here are a few ideas from the book, as well as some from my own practices.

1) Begin with Intention: Start the day with the intention to notice what is different about your experience or day. This can be done for a short amount of time, perhaps during a meal or in a transition time.

2)  Change Your Awareness: Start by simply focusing on something that draws your attention visually to a sense of awe, pleasure, or beauty. This can also be done by closing your eyes by focusing on one sound and then changing your focus with the intention to a different sound in your environment you experience. Notice what is different. Choose sounds and sights that bring calm and joy to your heart. By doing so, you create the opportunity for new awareness and create a more optimal flow of energy in your body-mind system to filter your choices.

3) Dine on Gratitude: Bring Thanksgiving into a meal each day, savor the colors and tastes of what you eat. Appreciate what has gone into creating the food you are eating including the sun, the earth, water, people and cook who has prepared this nourishing energy for your body-mind system.

4) Appreciation is In Your Hands: Look at your hands. They are the sub-chakras of your heart. Appreciate all the things you do with them throughout the day and through the years that have been beneficial to you and to others in the world.

5) Drizzle with Honey: To gain the full effect of these practices, allow the experience to stay with you, and fully saturate your experience. Visualize or feel this experience as if honey were being poured through you. Take your time. Make the space for this to stay in your heart by imagining that you are breathing the feeling directly into your heart space.

6) More than Just “Thank you:” Share what you appreciate specifically when you speak to another person and yourself. For example, “ I appreciated the fact that you did all the shopping for the party. It really helped me feel like I’d have more time to get ready and to relax.” OR “ I did my best on that test, and I give myself credit for giving myself positive feedback while I kept working.”

I’d like to invite you to continue on the path with monthly healing modalities and repatterning events from Windows to the Heart Repatterning.

Sign up for monthly newsletter here: Newsletter and Exclusive Re-pattern Your Life Events

Kimberly Rex, MS Kimberly Rex, MS is an Advanced Resonance Repatterning practitioner, Master Wellness and Well-being Life Coach, and Person-Centered Expressive Therapist.

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