Windows to the Heart Repatterning


It’s All About Connection

From internal cellular communication to family systems to global ecosystems, it's all about connection. Knowing this will create greater health within…

5 years ago

Coherence: In the Process towards Self-Actualization

Building coherence in the process of positive change leads to self-actualization. Resonance Repatterning® works by transforming non-coherent material related to…

6 years ago

Fall: Inspiration and Letting Go

As fall takes up residence in our lives in the Northern Hemisphere with cooler weather and leaves falling from trees,…

6 years ago

Self-Love: 5 Messages from Your Heart

Several years ago I purchased a bag of small metallic hearts for an Expressive Therapy workshop I was facilitating to…

7 years ago

Faith, Hope and Wonder Essential for Change

Faith, hope and wonder are essential in the process of making change.  The way you think about this prospect is…

7 years ago

Natural Healing Ways to Treat a Cold

Having a cold this time of year or any time of year is no fun. The change from summer to…

7 years ago

Grounding Yourself to Get Centered and Oriented to the Present

Grounding yourself helps you center and keep you oriented to what is going on in the present.  It allows you…

7 years ago

Resonating with Optimism and Taking Unhesitating Action with Your Positive Intentions

In spring, it's important to look at what you would like to create through resonating with optimism with unhesitating action…

8 years ago

Finding Light in the Journey through Darkness

Finding light in the journey through darkness is a process that changes your experience of life for the long-term. All…

8 years ago

“Everything that we see is a shadow cast by that which we do not see.”~Martin Luther King, Jr.

  "Everything that we see is a shadow cast by that which we do not see." ~Martin Luther King, Jr.…

8 years ago