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Going Upstream to Resource Your Life

“I asked how did we get here? What can we do to change?

The water replied, “There is always an upstream, a current, and a downstream

The upstream affected you

Your heroes, your choices, your lessons,

Your thoughts and your dreams.

They are your upstream

Where you are right now is this moment

The moment that determines the change

To create the rhythm and pulse of how the current runs and what proceeds, (journal poem by Kimberly Rex)

Resonance Repatterning® draws on information that goes upstream to resource your life today. When a session brings up an earlier experience at a particular time, level, and place in your body-mind-spirit system it taps into the impact of life-depleting patterns as well as positive resources that originated upstream. We all have basic needs that contribute to physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual wellness and well-being related to physical safety and security, connection to others, and the need for purpose.

. When an unmet need is present in a session, it indicates what part of the puzzle has been missing. For example, the need for “giving and receiving loving touch,” can point to an absent, stressed out, or abusive pattern in the family. In some cases, this pattern originates with the client’s parents.

At other times, the pattern of neglect, stress, or abuse can be generational and begin upstream with your ancestors perhaps due to separation, war, illness, or addiction, to name a few.

The importance of identifying the energetic material upstream is to access the disruption of energy that blocks you from the potential to meet the need for “giving and receiving loving touch” by clearing the pathway of the obstruction. By doing so you are connected to the gifts, lessons, and positive attributes of your Family System as well.

The beauty of this possibility is that you can then take the life-enhancing material from your system even if you don’t know the ancestor. In fact, the material might be single or double-digit in a number of generations to access a time, place, and person (people) in your family system who can give you the life energy connection to that need for giving and receiving loving touch.

In clearing the pathway, the information becomes available to all of the people in your Family System to work with the lessons from the past to contribute to the present with encouragement from your vital energy line while updating patterns in current situations and relationships today.

As an example in my own life, in working with the upstream of a repetitive pattern of abandonment of members on both sides of my family, I was able to access compassion from their stories. In the process, my awareness shifted from feeling aligned with this pattern to resonating with the gifts of these family members. They were artists, poets, wonderful cooks, generous spirits, and immensely creative. When I now look at my life through this new lens, I activate these strengths as part of my own legacy, and this gives me hope, courage, and an expanded vision of what life can be today. I may not be able to bake at the level that my grandmother did, but I think of her every time I am baking and call on her for encouragement.

It is like adding a missing page that has been left or ripped out of a book you are reading. This gives you insight into the disruption of energy you have experienced in your attempts to create something new without the guidance or permission to expand your awareness to include both the wisdom from the past related to the life-depleting pattern, and, the access to the flow of energy related to resourcing life-enhancing patterns. This happens with a change in vision about your life and can begin to create small steps to reorganize your beliefs about what is possible.

Life-depleting feelings accompany the lack of resolution in meeting unmet needs. Fear, anxiety, hurt, confusion, anger, sadness, etc. point to material that needs compassionate attention. This attention connects you to the underlying need that has not been activated in your current life.

Coupled with the unmet need and feeling, the mental aspect of a life-depleting pattern determines the thoughts that fuel the continued search for attempting to get unmet needs met from the perspective of a stress or trauma-reactive living state. This can color your discernment in your ability to move toward or away from people, actions, and situations that are safe, and life-enhancing. or depleting and dangerous.

Your ability to begin to align with your own inner values starts with evaluating these patterns, and recognizing where you sense that your actions might be reinforcing generations of conflict and limitation. Where you feel you need a change in perspective, you can begin to sort out the depths of harm to your inner values that have kept you from putting your positive life-enhancing values into action in your own life today.

It starts with insight to be able to step into a new experience of life. This ability to reach into the wounds of the past allows you to find the light that comes from your core essence. And, from this place, you can build a new life experience created with activating coherence with your values connected to greater vitality, joy, loving interactions, compassion, and well-being.

Kimberly Rex, MS
Kimberly Rex

Kimberly Rex, MS is an Advanced Resonance Repatterning® practitioner, Person-Centered Expressive Therapist, and Wellness and Well-being Life Coach. She works with people all over the world via Skype, phone, and proxy. Set up your personal session here.

Find out more about how Resonance Repatterning benefits your life so you can live from your core values to create integrity in your wellness and well-being. Sign up for a free monthly newsletter with articles, natural healing modalities, and exclusive group sessions here.

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Reaching Depths for New Possibilities

Reaching depths for new possibilities is a process. One of the definitions of depth is the quality of being profound (as in insight) or full (as of knowledge). Resonance Repatterning® provides a way to work with the body-mind-spirit system to reach insight that brings greater knowledge about how to create greater coherence in your life. By doing so, you have access to the depth of experience from your own life, Family Systems, and energetic information stored in every muscle, tissue, organ, and gland through the Resonance Muscle-Checking system.

The process accesses information stored in your system even at the cellular and sub-atomic or quantum levels to identify what your system needs to transform limiting beliefs, attitudes, and concepts of time to rebuild a stairway to more optimal integrity in your wellness and well-being.

“Look within; within is the fountain of all good. Such a fountain, where springing waters can never fail, so thou dig deeper and deeper.”~Marcus Aurelius

The Depth of the Trauma Body’s Information for Transformation

When you experience trauma whether it be physical, emotional, mental, or injury to your core essence of who you are, your body stores this information in the form of energy. When this energy is not mobilized for release in a healthy way, it is stored as a stress response that keeps you stuck in a frozen state. This state activates defense mechanisms designed for your survival.

When your body-mind-spirit system operates from the survival level, your capacity to experience safety and trust is contaminated with the unresolved need to protect through fight, flight, or immobilization.

Imagine the impact on the way you face life from these survival strategies. It affects what you believe, what you think, and how you react or do not take action in your own life. In fact, the parts of yourself doing this work will protect you from experiencing anything that threatens your survival state.

This means that your system living in chronic stress will not be able to see or experience new opportunities outside of this framework. This can translate into feeling like you have little agency and that the world around you has more authority over you than you have over your own life.

We all experience stress and stressful situations. Chronic stress and negative emotions can point to a deeper state of distress stored in the Autonomic Nervous system. The stairway from the Trauma Body’s habitual response to what it sees, feels, hears, and experiences into a place that feels safe, secure, and trustworthy is accessed only by diving deep into the tissue of the material the parts of you that have been traumatized and held in place, and then given voice and agency with support and nurture.

The beauty of Resonance Repatterning sessions is that every step is guided by what your system needs most for this purpose. Coherent updates are part of every part of the work. This allows your system to become more greatly acquainted with new possibilities and opportunities at a pace that creates greater harmony and balance throughout your system.

The Depth of Blockages to Create Greater Life Energy Flow

You are designed for self-healing. In fact, a session creates greater life energy for positive change by identifying blockages and interruptions of your optimal life energy flow on the physical, emotional, mental, and spirit levels.

The depth of information is accessed and updated through the muscle-checking process through specific natural healing disciplines that work with the channels, meridians, and energy flows of the body. These modalities work with all of your senses including breath, light, color, sound, movement, acupressure, fragrance, energetic contact, consciousness science, frequencies, Family Systems, and holistic science.

Each modality works holographically in that treating one part of your system creates positive change in every part of your life. For example, if you are experiencing a limiting belief or emotion about yourself, and the modality that checks in is an acupressure point, the information from a particular point that treats “fear” might be accessed in a different part of the Chinese Medicine Wheel that works with creating greater nurture or support or balance from the energy of your heart to create greater sense of discernment or connection to joy and unconditional love. Treating the root of the fear, the core need is accessed and treated.

The outer work can never be small if the inner work is great. And the outer work can never be great if the inner work is small.” ~ Meister Eckhart

This ability to acknowledge the connection between different aspects of core needs often arises in Earlier Experiences or in generational material. Again, through muscle-checking, the root of the pain that keeps you stuck in survival mode can be reached at a time, level, and place within your system through the information stored within the map of your body.

This capacity to reach deeply into the energetics of connection between you and your life’s experience and your family’s systemic influence on the life you are living or not living today is your access through your DNA. Although about 80% of the material is unconscious, it is still available through your Autonomic Nervous System in this process.

This is your personal invitation to check in with yourself to take inventory of what might seem out of reach in regards to what you are not truly living in the way of your values in your communication, your life path, and your positive intentions for your wellness and well-being. If you find yourself feeling like you have lost your compass in the world, it might be time to work with the blockages that interrupted your ability to feel more at ease with yourself and what you are creating with your vital life energy. Has stress muddied the lens through which you see the good within yourself to create optimal life energy or direction you would like to choose? If so, it is time to dive deep into the depths to for new possibilities.

Kimberly Rex, MS
Kimberly Rex

Kimberly Rex, MS is an Advanced Resonance Repatterning® practitioner, Person-Centered Expressive Therapist, and Wellness and Well-being Life Coach. She works with people all over the world via Skype, phone, and proxy. Set up your personal session here.

Find out more about how Resonance Repatterning benefits your life. Sign up for a free monthly newsletter with articles, natural healing modalities, and exclusive group sessions here.

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The Impact of Intergenerational Trauma

The impact of intergenerational trauma is a topic that has come to the fore as we process what is happening with families, refugees, and soldiers in Ukraine with the devastating images alive in the news we receive from another part of the world. First, there is the question of how this traumatic experience will affect each person experiencing this directly. Second, how will the aftershocks affect each person in the future in the generations after this war?

We can see through the history of Europe that the residue still lingers from previous wars and traumatic experiences. This is true in the United States as well as in the trauma endured by Native Americans, African Americans, Asian Americans, and Hispanic Americans. Historically, immigrants fleeing from other parts of the world over time bring their own trauma history into the mix in the repetition of the victim-perpetrator cycles. It is this intergenerational trauma that continues to impact life on the emotional, physical, mental, and spirit levels.

Impact of Intergenerational Trauma on the Emotional Level

Adverse Childhood Experiences are sources and evidence of intergenerational experiences. The overlapping correlation with traumatic events with health, wellness, learning, and well-being becomes more apparent when looking directly at the roots.

Intergenerational Trauma can be expressed through fear, depression, hyper-vigilance, worry, PTSD, codependency, anger, inability to attend or focus, and memory issues. It can also result in pervasive social anxiety with an inability to engage with others in a way that nourishes your needs for safety and trust. Addressing the roots of these de-energizing reactions needs compassion, safety, and trust to heal these wounds at their source.

Impact of Intergenerational Trauma on the Physical Level

Intergenerational trauma physical manifestations can be expressed through loyalty to your Family System as well as mobilized energy blocked in your body can show up as eating disorders, addiction, a lack of vitality, pain, heart disease, diabetes, or cancer. The energy of a traumatic experience through unresolved epigenetic memory creates continuing stress behaviors that impact descendants from your ancestors to your parents, and then to you. These behaviors influence gene expression as a response to the stress in your environment.

Impact of Intergenerational Trauma on the Mental Level

Bruce Lipton, the author of The Biology of Belief, proved through his research on stem cells that genetic expression is managed by epigenetic (above the genes) factors related to your environment. The expression of the genes is impacted by stress, blockages, and interruption of energy flow within your body-mind-spirit system. The good news is that you have the power to change your environment and your perception of your environment now. This change happens when you change your resonance with beliefs and attitudes about life created by negative earlier experiences and generational patterns stored within your system. This has a rippling effect on righting your ability to turn towards nurture and support with your thoughts, your communication, and your relationships.

Impact of Intergenerational Trauma on the Spirit Level

Spirit Level is the core essence of Self or your true self. This is your potential for wholeness that is cultivated under ideal cultural and social circumstances. When personal, family, and systemic trauma experiences go unresolved, this creates a disconnect from your ability to express your truth with your communication and your actions. It results in numbing your ability to be able to listen to your inner guidance and body sensations.

The important message here is that restoration of the information within the web of life can happen over time. Even now, countries that are providing food, shelter, and transportation for refugees from Ukraine are offering the support and nurture so needed at this time. Therapists are creating spaces for children for art therapy now.

In this time, it is an invitation to offer ourselves the compassion needed to heal both our personal and collective wounds of the past. By doing so we create a healthy environment within, around us, and collectively.

Resonance Repatterning® sessions are a wonderful tool to update your body-mind-spirit system so that you can experience greater integrity in your wellness and well-being. The process works by identifying roots of intergenerational trauma so that you can feel more present, and live a more authentic and expanded version of your True Self.

Kimberly Rex, MS is an Advanced Resonance Repatterning® practitioner, Person-Centered Expressive Therapist, and Wellness and Well-being Life Coach. She works with people all over the world via Skype, phone, and proxy.

Find out how Resonance Repatterning benefits your life. Set up a personal session or sign up for a free monthly newsletter with articles, natural healing modalities, and exclusive group sessions here.

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5 Unseen Connections for Your Wellness and Wellbeing

1. Unseen Unconscious Patterns

Resonance Repatterning® sessions allow you to make unseen connections work for you. This happens by working with unconscious material beneath the patterns that show up in your life. Your body is a map of your life’s experiences and can be accessed for positive change and transformation.

Unconscious patterns are like the conductor guiding the movement of a piece of music that collaborates with all of the instruments in response to what is written or hardwired. The unseen directs what is seen or experienced creating harmony or dissonance, balance, or extremes.

2. Unseen Feelings and Thoughts


You can’t see your feelings or thoughts, but you can experience your body’s response to your feelings and emotions through facial expression, posture, change in body temperature, or gestures. The unseen depth of your feelings triggers reactions that change how you look at the world and how you interact with it.

Thoughts create shifts in your body’s way of handling the connection between your body-mind system through stimulating or calming neuropeptides, hormonal secretions, cravings, heart and breath rate changes, and overwhelm of your organ system with repetitive and sustained negative emotions.

Both your emotions and thoughts create action. Your response to stressful events can create reactions that habituate over time. If you receive the message that you have a deadline for a project, paper, or rent payment, your feelings and thoughts influence the action you take. You could feel calm because you planned ahead, paced yourself over time gaining pleasure with the completion of parts of your overall project, or set aside money weekly for your rent.

On the other hand, you might associate working on your paper or project, or not spending when you want with more pain in the process so that you avoid completion or wait until the last moment to meet your deadline. In this case, rushing to completion can flip the switch from pain to pleasure for completing or creating a way to manifest what you need.

3. The Unseen Air You Breathe

You cannot see air, however, you can see the impact of wind on trees or in your hair. While this is true, you breathe 24/7 through your nose and mouth to take in the nourishment from the air. At the same time its important to acknowledge the importance of air pressure on weather and your energy level. If the barometric pressure is high, this impacts the fluids in your body constricting them in areas of your body including your brain. This can leave you feeling tired and can even contribute to aches and pains.

What is important to realize is that air can be used to access your stress level connected directly to how much you are able to nourish your body, and how much you are able to let go of stress as needed. Breath Article

From the Unseen to the Tangible with Electromagnetic Frequency

Resonance Repatterning sessions work with frequency because everything in the universe expresses itself in this way. The color orange or the sound of someone’s voice has a frequency. You cannot see this with your eyes without the assistance of equipment like an EEG, EKG or below.

What is important to know is that you can shift frequencies like a radio dial when you work with emotions, thoughts, beliefs, attitudes, and actions. These changes in frequencies transform how you experience life with a shift in frequency that changes your inner landscape. This happens with your emotions, thoughts, behavior, and actions. The impact has a holographic effects on your emotional, mental, physical, and spirit level (core essence).

4. Your Unseen Qi (Chi)

It is the unseen and the spiritual in people that determines the outward and the actual.~Oswald Chambers

Chinese Medicine states that your prenatal qi from the universe is given to you at conception through your parents. This qi is like a bank account that you are given for your vital life energy. Your prenatal qi is stored in your kidneys. While you cannot see it, it is important to take care of it. It matters how you conserve this vital energy.

The quality of your life for health, wellness, and well-being is directly related to how you take care of your body and your mind. Like a checking account if you overdraw on your life energy account through too much negativity or lack of self-care like breath, movement, meditation, or inner transformation where needed you deplete your overall life energy reserves. This can lead to depression or difficulties with lack of energy or even disease.

The actions you take to conserve and build your life energy in healthy ways contribute to positive change. How you eat, the quality of sleep you get, the time you spend in nature, your self-talk, or the space you make to connect with Source all make a difference.

5. Unseen Resonance Creates Your World

We have all experienced this with attracting situations and people into our lives that match a frequency that we resonate with on the unseen levels. I’ve heard clients tell me that they keep attracting the same pattern in relationships just with different or new people, and can’t figure out why this keeps happening.

When a session uncovers earlier experiences that contain the root and seed of a pattern that continues to show up in your present life, it allows you to shift your resonance. This allows for new possibilities. Many times a life-depleting pattern can be traced back to the underlying unmet need or lesson that needs to be heard and transformed to create new possibilities. The unseen pattern can be in your postnatal or prenatal experience, or even within the patterns of the unconscious material of your Family System. When addressed, it allows you to see your frequency patterns so you can use intention to transform your resonance with the unseen pattern that was trying to get your attention.

Kimberly Rex, MS

Kimberly Rex, MS is an Advanced Resonance Repatterning® practitioner, Person-Centered Expressive Therapist, and Wellness and Well-being Life Coach. She works with people all over the world via Skype, by phone, in-person, and by proxy.

This is your personal invitation to find out how Resonance Repatterning benefits your life. Set up a personal session or sign up for a free monthly newsletter with articles, natural healing modalities, and exclusive group sessions here.

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Opening Pandora’s Box to Find Hope

Opening Pandora’s Box can be a metaphor of caution for being curious or looking at what is difficult or negative. It is also a metaphor for finding hope. At this time in your personal life as well as in the collective, there is an opportunity, to look within at what has been denied, hidden, or kept secret to protect and manage your life,

Pandora by John William Waterhouse

The image of Pandora has continually come up recently as an analogy for what is happening. I have always thought that when Pandora’s curiosity caused her to open the box, it only contained negative energy. However, with a closer study of the story, it’s vital to know that hope, the one positive energy inside was also included in the container.

She also found hope after all the negative energy had been released with her courage to open the box once more. It was only to appear after the disorder was seen and examined. That hope is what makes it possible to continue forward and spiral up with the power of the point of choice through the chaos and overwhelm.

We all have our own storage box like Pandora. Inside are both painful and comforting memories. The question to ask yourself is how much space you have for hope. By working with the difficult material that has kept you separated from resonating with new possibilities, you are better able to create space for more harmony and balance in your body-mind system.

How Family Systems Offers Hope

Resonance Repatterning ® works with identifying unconscious non-coherent patterns within your body-mind-spirit system. In the process of a session, where energy is constricted or interrupted by trauma, loss, grief, or pain, natural energizing modalities bring hope to restore greater integrity in your system overall. This is done by muscle-checking for the best order and beneficial disciplines tailored to you to create greater coherence.

One of these disciplines is the process of Family Systems created by Bert Hellinger.* Opening the box of unconscious generational patterns creates a meaningful and beneficial way to rebuild hope and positive change in your life.

The Ability to Take Information So You Can Do Something Good with It

In a Family Systems session, you might hear of the importance of taking your mother or father or taking the information in your system. By making material conscious you are better able to work with it and transform its impact on your life.

This holds true with all your relationships. Taking means you are able to see all that is present. This is related to the acceptance of another person as they are or were in your past. Being able to tell the difference between what is real and what is not real is essential or possible in any relationship. Taking the information allows you to gain the energy to face life with what it is handing you.

When you are not facing life, this means that your body-mind system is more tied up in the past conflict or situation, and unable to experience the vitality and freedom to be present to what is in front of you today.

Create Order in Your System

Creating order in your system refers to the ability to resonate with being in your rightful place in your system. This could mean as a child to your parents instead of resonating with being your parent’s caretaker (acting as a parent or partner), or including the lessons from all of your partners in your relationships over time. It can also relate to any relationship where there is dysfunctional codependence. Creating order allows you to take the lessons from your life so you can use this information to create greater integrity in your own wellness and well-being.

By creating order in your family system you benefit by giving respect and dignity to the life of others and as well as freeing your own destiny. This is done out of love and regard for facing life to do something good with it. The ability to face life becomes possible in transforming your inner view of challenging relationships in life.

Include All Members of Your System

In some cases, a person might not be able to take information from the system due to lack of access or in some cases, a disorder of person in the line, or due to the exclusion of a person from the consciousness of your Family System. Exclusion could be any member of your family even from generations in the past. It could be a Great Uncle, a parent, a great grandmother, a soldier, a group of people, a partner, or even a sibling. It can also mean that through painful experience, you have been unable to process an event, or take the meaning to apply to your current life to create new possibilities, choices, or new direction.

To include everyone in your system means you have access to the information both conscious and unconscious through the generations. By doing so in the process of healing codependence in your own life, you are better able to end the violence cycles due to exclusion of members.

It’s important to look at the whole picture. This includes working with systemic information related to culture, language, beliefs, and the impact of perpetrators and victims. If individually or collectively we are not able to recognize the patterns from revenge or violence cycles, we are doomed to repeat the same mistakes over and over. Transforming these patterns allows you to let go of the energy it takes to carry the burdens of this material. This allows updates in your attitudes, responses, and builds the hope, motivation, and momentum to experience tangible and sustainable positive change.

Clearing Pandora’s Box Creates Space for Hope

“The heart that breaks open can contain the whole universe.~Joanna Macy

Recently, I’ve been going through belongings and boxes to organize and let go of things that need releasing. In one box was poetry from my high school and college years, I found a poem that I submitted to the school newspaper for publication. On the bottom of the page written in black and red ink were the votes from the editors with more “No’s than Yeses.” That single page has had a negative impact on my confidence every time I’ve looked at it in the past. I believed that my writing was not good enough. However, this year, for the first time, I noticed in pencil, 9.5 in the top right corner. This was the mark I had received from my English teacher for this poem with 10 as the highest score.

It was an “Aha” moment that changed everything. I had not been able to see it before. My psychic filter this time was able to take in a new possibility and resonate with a greater sense of hope.

The resulting optimism and feeling of gratitude reassured me that the way you see the world can change and is possible. What had changed from last year? My perspective to include the possibility of hope had shifted. By staying with my emotions when they came up and then spending more time with the awareness that came with them allowed me to get to the place of acknowledging that what my mind believed was true might not be the only way to look at the page. I asked myself if there was another way to look at it or something to learn from the page. This expanded my vision to take in new possibilities with confidence and optimism.

You can use this sentence frame for this experience. ” I used to believe________________. Now I am learning__________________________________. I forgive and release my past mistakes made in unconsciousness. I choose ________________ in this moment.”

Creating space within for hope includes acknowledging the parts of yourself that feel anxious, worried, discouraged, sad, or upset. You can ride these waves when you take the time to listen to the messages from your heart and Higher Self that include all of your life’s experiences. Then, you can take the lessons of growth, and align with what else might be possible. That’s when hope lights the way for expanding your vision so you can choose where you place your attention and take action.

With that, I share a poem I also found in the same box entitled, “Hope.

Angel of Hope~watercolor by Kimberly Rex

Hope is love
Embracing us in our pain
Lifting the lid to the sun.
As Light pours in
We can embrace and be touched by light
Feeling its presence
Within our cell’s walls.
Hope knows its freedom
And penetrates 
Even the smallest places
With love.

Hope is love whispering to us in the darkness,
Lifting the lid to the sun.

~Kimberly Rex © 2001

Kimberly Rex

Kimberly Rex, MS
is a Master Resonance Repatterning® and Wellness and Well-being Life Coach, and Person-Centered Expressive Therapist. She works with people all over the world by phone, Skype, and proxy during these times.

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