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Reaching Depths for New Possibilities

Reaching depths for new possibilities is a process. One of the definitions of depth is the quality of being profound (as in insight) or full (as of knowledge). Resonance Repatterning® provides a way to work with the body-mind-spirit system to reach insight that brings greater knowledge about how to create greater coherence in your life. By doing so, you have access to the depth of experience from your own life, Family Systems, and energetic information stored in every muscle, tissue, organ, and gland through the Resonance Muscle-Checking system.

The process accesses information stored in your system even at the cellular and sub-atomic or quantum levels to identify what your system needs to transform limiting beliefs, attitudes, and concepts of time to rebuild a stairway to more optimal integrity in your wellness and well-being.

“Look within; within is the fountain of all good. Such a fountain, where springing waters can never fail, so thou dig deeper and deeper.”~Marcus Aurelius

The Depth of the Trauma Body’s Information for Transformation

When you experience trauma whether it be physical, emotional, mental, or injury to your core essence of who you are, your body stores this information in the form of energy. When this energy is not mobilized for release in a healthy way, it is stored as a stress response that keeps you stuck in a frozen state. This state activates defense mechanisms designed for your survival.

When your body-mind-spirit system operates from the survival level, your capacity to experience safety and trust is contaminated with the unresolved need to protect through fight, flight, or immobilization.

Imagine the impact on the way you face life from these survival strategies. It affects what you believe, what you think, and how you react or do not take action in your own life. In fact, the parts of yourself doing this work will protect you from experiencing anything that threatens your survival state.

This means that your system living in chronic stress will not be able to see or experience new opportunities outside of this framework. This can translate into feeling like you have little agency and that the world around you has more authority over you than you have over your own life.

We all experience stress and stressful situations. Chronic stress and negative emotions can point to a deeper state of distress stored in the Autonomic Nervous system. The stairway from the Trauma Body’s habitual response to what it sees, feels, hears, and experiences into a place that feels safe, secure, and trustworthy is accessed only by diving deep into the tissue of the material the parts of you that have been traumatized and held in place, and then given voice and agency with support and nurture.

The beauty of Resonance Repatterning sessions is that every step is guided by what your system needs most for this purpose. Coherent updates are part of every part of the work. This allows your system to become more greatly acquainted with new possibilities and opportunities at a pace that creates greater harmony and balance throughout your system.

The Depth of Blockages to Create Greater Life Energy Flow

You are designed for self-healing. In fact, a session creates greater life energy for positive change by identifying blockages and interruptions of your optimal life energy flow on the physical, emotional, mental, and spirit levels.

The depth of information is accessed and updated through the muscle-checking process through specific natural healing disciplines that work with the channels, meridians, and energy flows of the body. These modalities work with all of your senses including breath, light, color, sound, movement, acupressure, fragrance, energetic contact, consciousness science, frequencies, Family Systems, and holistic science.

Each modality works holographically in that treating one part of your system creates positive change in every part of your life. For example, if you are experiencing a limiting belief or emotion about yourself, and the modality that checks in is an acupressure point, the information from a particular point that treats “fear” might be accessed in a different part of the Chinese Medicine Wheel that works with creating greater nurture or support or balance from the energy of your heart to create greater sense of discernment or connection to joy and unconditional love. Treating the root of the fear, the core need is accessed and treated.

The outer work can never be small if the inner work is great. And the outer work can never be great if the inner work is small.” ~ Meister Eckhart

This ability to acknowledge the connection between different aspects of core needs often arises in Earlier Experiences or in generational material. Again, through muscle-checking, the root of the pain that keeps you stuck in survival mode can be reached at a time, level, and place within your system through the information stored within the map of your body.

This capacity to reach deeply into the energetics of connection between you and your life’s experience and your family’s systemic influence on the life you are living or not living today is your access through your DNA. Although about 80% of the material is unconscious, it is still available through your Autonomic Nervous System in this process.

This is your personal invitation to check in with yourself to take inventory of what might seem out of reach in regards to what you are not truly living in the way of your values in your communication, your life path, and your positive intentions for your wellness and well-being. If you find yourself feeling like you have lost your compass in the world, it might be time to work with the blockages that interrupted your ability to feel more at ease with yourself and what you are creating with your vital life energy. Has stress muddied the lens through which you see the good within yourself to create optimal life energy or direction you would like to choose? If so, it is time to dive deep into the depths to for new possibilities.

Kimberly Rex, MS
Kimberly Rex

Kimberly Rex, MS is an Advanced Resonance Repatterning® practitioner, Person-Centered Expressive Therapist, and Wellness and Well-being Life Coach. She works with people all over the world via Skype, phone, and proxy. Set up your personal session here.

Find out more about how Resonance Repatterning benefits your life. Sign up for a free monthly newsletter with articles, natural healing modalities, and exclusive group sessions here.

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3 Primary Energies of Life

There are 3 primary energies of life that consistently show up in nature, your relationships, your body, your business, as well as your wellness and wellbeing. These energies are related to creation, sustenance, and completion. Let’s look at an example from nature to begin. If you observe a wave in the ocean, you will see this process in action. The wave starts in the large body of water and builds energy from the ocean itself with a force that moves by raising energy to create a waveform with forwarding motion. The energy is sustained until it crests. It completes when it finally curves back into the water from which it arose. In each stage, energy is activated to begin, sustain the forward movement, and then resolve or complete the process. 

These energies also show up in transitions and are prominent in seasonal change.  Being aligned with these primary energies allows you to be in sync with the natural flow within the changes that are happening within and around you.

1. The Energies of Creation

These 3 primary energies of life show up in any project, creative endeavor, relationship, life cycle, or inner systemic function. This means that fundamental processes like breathing include all of these aspects. You inhale oxygen to create the stage of breathing. When you breathe fully, this sustains your life by energizing your body-mind system, and when you exhale, the cycle completes by letting go and releasing CO2 in one breathing cycle.

In your life, creation arises with energy for a sense of purpose that requires both intention and foresight to take form. Whether it be the birth of an idea, child, relationship, or business, the process of starting takes energy. Every beginning emerges from the field of new possibilities with your thoughts, the meaning and importance you give to your creations, and your awareness in setting your destination for new possibilities.

person holding a green plant
Photo by Akil Mazumder on

In each moment, what we choose to say and do plants the seed of our future.”~Tara Brach

2. The Energies of Sustaining

Sustenance involves both motivation and being on board with moving inertia into action. In the process, momentum is created by the energies of support and nurture for the journey. This gives life and creates growth that allows movement based on prioritizing, timing, and pacing of your energy for the journey. Motivation and momentum come from the life energy you give to both your short and long-term goals, milestones with rites of passage, and celebrations.

a person surfing on the sea
Photo by Max Ravier on

Life comes at us in waves. We can’t predict or control those waves, but we can learn to surf.”~Dan Millman

Being present with your WHY and being present with what sustains you makes a difference in sustaining your life energy. This prioritizing and asking for help is part of the process. Letting go of what does not serve your process, and taking nurture is essential to your planning. Creating ways to bring happiness and joy into your life throughout your time and action investments builds your capacity to continue forward. This means that finding happiness within the process itself enhances your ability to keep going.

“Faith is the courage to live your life as if everything that happens does so for your highest good and learning. Like it or not.”~Dan Millman

3. The Energies of Completions

The road to success is not always a straight line. In your movement from intention to your goals, sometimes obstacles, challenges, and interruptions show up on the road. How you meet this resistance to moving forward, can either cause you to give up, or to learn from your experience. This invites discernment and decision-making. It also requires energy to take the meaning of what is happening within to find a resolution.

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Photo by Pixabay on

Whether it be an interruption of your plans, a loss, death, grief, or a change in what you planned, it takes energy to process and integrate inner growth and transformation. This can create a need to stop and reconsider your choices, slow you down, or manifest as procrastination in completing your work.

Knowing that the 3 energies of life are embodied in the beginning, sustaining, and completion allows you to resonate with the potential for light at the end of the tunnel. Creating sacred space for your body, mind, and spirit, you can take the benefits from listening to the messages from your experience. Your awareness and commitment to your growth and transformation allow stepping stones to emerge from insight from meeting challenges that change your perception of life. This can then be applied to your experience in a way that allows you to have the energy to complete or resolve your efforts with the lessons you gained along the way.

“Faith is the courage to live your life as if everything that happens does so for your highest good and learning. Like it or not.” ~Dan Millman

Completions can be like turning a page, completing a chapter, or starting a completely new book. The horizon you look at in the entire process is like a wave rising, cascading, and then resolving back into the water from which it is made.

The energy needed in each part of the process of life becomes the force that benefits your awareness, action, inspiration, and resolution. Every completion or end returns to the field of infinite possibilities. In essence, it is how you ride the wave of your feelings, emotions, thoughts, and beliefs about yourself and the world around you that influence and affect the process of choice and change internally.

Feeling stuck in one of the 3 primary energies of life? Resonance Repatterning® sessions work with these energies collectively and individually to restore, support, and nurture the energy circuits of your body-mind-spirit system. This benefits your ability to optimize new awareness, inspire ideas, make connections and take coherent actions. Creating greater harmony and balance allows you to go with the flow while resolving what is taking place in your process so you can align with your intentions for your life related to what is positive for your growth and transformation.

Kimberly Rex, MS
Kimberly Rex

Kimberly Rex, MS is an Advanced Resonance Repatterning practitioner, Person-Centered Expressive Therapist, and Wellness and Well-being Life Coach. She works with people all over the world by Skype, phone, and proxy with sessions that create greater integrity in your wellness and well-being.

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Moving from Resistance to Resilience

Moving from resistance to resilience means moving from struggle to effortless flow. What does this mean? This internal awareness acknowledges the natural process of presence and change that can nourish you in ways that allow you to be in the natural flow without as much struggle.

From Resistance to Resilience with Your Time

“Doing nothing everything is accomplished.”~Lao Tzu

You have schedules, deadlines, and plans that are important to you to complete. Lao Tzu’s wisdom does not refer to your daily calendar as much as it does the natural state of allowing the process to be calmer, centered, and energizing. Instead of struggle and resistance, the ability to get into the flow of natural energy creates greater resilience. Doing nothing is perceived as a lack of progress or ability to make things happen. However, it is how you spend your time and energy that makes all the difference for the integrity of your wellness and well-being. While positive resistance is beneficial for timing in regards to balancing self-care with outward action, too much or too little resistance are indicators of struggle that do not empower resilience.

In the natural world, what looks like nothing is happening is actually engaged in a process of change aligned with harmony and balance. It is exactly for this reason that the natural world engages in co-creation within and around it to create greater sustenance, resilience, and remarkable rejuvenation.

The cycle of struggle and resistance to change within to make things happen can waste your time, energy, and effort. This happens when your body-mind system becomes stuck or overwhelmed in life-depleting habits or behaviors that fuel resistance through anxiety, worry, fear, anger, or depression. This, in turn, can lead to exhaustion and depletion. Struggle can distance you from the natural course and potential for how you best get to use your time.

The natural world creates positive change to nurture the whole in cycles of sustaining life with active and rest cycles even in changing conditions. You can observe this as letting go, dormancy, renewal, flowering, and harvest. Even when there is seeming latency in winter, the natural world is working in timely ways with the environment it is presented.

From Resistance to Resilience with Your Energy

Energy and homeostasis are related. By being in sync with stillness it is possible to access life-enhancing energy. In the same way, you breathe in to create energy for your body-mind system, that energy is utilized to sustain your life, while you then let go of what is not needed to allow the process of breath to continue to nourish you further in the next cycle.

Non-doing and mindfulness is the process of transforming resistance to resilience within. This applies to your thoughts and feelings. The process begins by acknowledging what is actually happening. What you are feeling and thinking are whatever they are. This is your experience in the moment.

Like a current weather bulletin, this gives you feedback as to what is happening inside your body. With this awareness, you can access where you are in the world. Are you in struggle or are you able to open a natural window to observe what is happening to create greater possibility and transformation? Opening the natural window allows you to make space and time to turn over and nourish your inner material to create life-enhancing options.

So what if you gave yourself some time, say, 10 minutes, to process your inner thoughts and feelings when you feel the resistance taking over as a way to create access to an effortless channel of being, doing, and living with purpose. This mindfulness activity actually increases your ability to use your time more productively.

From Resistance to Resilience with Your Effort

When you create greater space and time you are better able to become more centered. By doing so you are better able to start, sustain, or let go of what is most needed to reestablish harmony and balance.

Know your purpose. Become aware of your purpose in the moment. Is your purpose to write an article, study for an exam, become more financially independent? You can move out of the effort in keeping the resistance cycle in place with acceptance, gratitude, or forgiveness. This allows the resistance amplified by anxiety, fear, anger, grief, or negative judgment to de-escalate. It also makes it possible to begin again with the ability to problem-solve to choose the next steps aligned with your values.

This letting go or surrender can shift your perception from regret, self-doubt, blame, and struggle. Have you ever noticed when you are talking to someone, and you want to share a piece of information or remember something how interference of any kind throws you off track? Where was I? I notice that if I stop and wait, the information becomes more available. It involves allowing. If you are aligned with purpose you will remember.

Remember who you are and know what you do. The window to effortless non-doing comes when you are aligned with your purpose. Asking yourself the question, “What is my purpose?” is a way to remember. In the same way, you are better able to stay in touch with what is going on in the world around you so you can navigate challenging situations with more freedom and choice.

Do in line with what your purpose is.” ~Shoma Morita ( Japanese psychologist)

In letting go of resistance, your vision becomes broad and clear so you are better able to see what is beneficial for your life and purpose. Align with what your purpose is and move in a life-enhancing direction with this in mind.

This is your personal invitation to explore or take part in a personal session designed for moving from resistance to resilience here. By doing so you move beyond the struggle and resistance so you can experience greater freedom and choice aligned with your life purpose.

Kimberly Rex, MS
Kimberly Rex, MS

Kimberly Rex, MS is an Advanced Resonance Repatterning® practitioner, Person-Centered Expressive Therapist, and Wellness and Well-being Life Coach. She works with people all over the world via Skype, by phone, and by proxy.

Find out how Resonance Repatterning benefits your life. Set up a personal session or sign up for a free monthly newsletter with articles, natural healing modalities, and exclusive group sessions here.

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Everything is Energy, and Energy is Everything

Everything is energy, and energy is everything! Your body-mind system is receiving and transforming energy. The natural energy from the sun is converted into the food you eat, and then mobilized by your body-mind system in your emotions, thoughts, actions, and relationships. On a daily basis, you take in color and sound through your senses at specific frequencies (rates of energy vibration).

You experience this in your response to the color of flowers or choice of clothing. You can feel it in your response to music, or through the tone of someone’s voice. You respond to body language and movement. Everything has a frequency. This means that even your business arguments, back pain, joys, fear, and decisions are translating energy. You are absorbing and radiating energy/frequency all of the time.

Let’s take a movie you’ve seen on the big screen that created a strong response. I know I can’t watch a film without moving, laughing, tearing up, or giving meaning to it. How about a movie like JAWS? This is a movie that changed my life even from a long time ago. Before the movie: I enjoyed everything about being in saltwater. After the movie: I have not dared to swim in salt water again. Did it influence my thoughts? My feelings? My actions? You bet! I can still hear the warning music in my brain. The highly charged emotions that I experienced from it created a reaction well beyond the short time in the theater.


Everything is Energy

In the same way, you respond to light, image, and sounds by creating a record in your mind. These frequencies are given personal meaning by comparing incoming information with what is already stored in your system. According to Bruce Lipton, we are being bombarded by frequency information at a rate of 4 billion bits per second. Less than 10% of that information is processed consciously. That means unconscious or unresolved material has a strong impact on your response to life.

Memory patterns create belief filters in your brain. Your conscious mind leads with the response to information. However, your automatic behavior and habitual responses are managed by unconscious beliefs and expectations. It’s literally watching and responding to the same movie over and over again with similar characters, themes, plots, and outcomes!

You are impacted over time by the response you had in your early development through your family’s beliefs and attitudes about life. Any highly charged feeling or event that remained unresolved in your life impacts your system’s response to the present. Your mind continues to filter your need to resolve the past. This leads to repeating patterns in life that affect how you experience life through your emotional, mental, and physical energy patterns. Your resonance (vibratory energy pattern) is what you experience in the world on a daily basis.

Energy is Everything

The Good News: You are wired for success and self-healing. Your body is a map of your life’s experience. This information is stored in your body-mind system in muscles, tissues, organs, and glands stored at the frequency level. The unconscious material of your body can be read through applied kinesiology like an EEG or EKG. This means that your muscles give information regarding where over 90% of that unconscious material is stored.

It’s what you do with this energy that changes your experience of life. If you feel like you are in a movie that continues to pull you into the same life-de-energizing outcome, the choice comes when you decide to write a new outcome or see the opportunity in your life for a change.

Accessing this information is only the beginning. Awareness leads to resolution and reclaiming more life energy for the present. I just noticed a film with similar content to JAWS in the theaters now entitled, PIRANHA! My response to the ad on was updated. First, I know I would not choose to overload my body-mind system with an adrenaline cycle to stimulate an endorphin stress response to build upon the already loaded stressful material in the world today. Second, I have learned natural ways to create endorphin responses through energizing and calming activities to enhance overall needs for balance and harmony. And, third I know that my fear of swimming in the saltwater was in reaction to fear, not reality.

I am able to make different choices today to edit and influence my responses to life that benefit my overall sense of well-being. In essence, it is creating a new movie, experience, and response in positive life-enhancing ways!

You can do this with any life situation. Through the process of Resonance Repatterning®, you take an active role in shifting the plot from fear to more ease, optimism, and empowerment. The frequency energetics of issues, intentions, underlying needs, feeling responses, patterns, and projections beneath the surface hold the key to transformation and opportunities for growth.

How are they transformed? Natural frequencies of color, light, sound, movement, fragrance, breath, and energetic balancing allow your body-mind system to become more conscious. You can then update material to experience new neurotransmitter connections to create coherent frequencies of calm, optimism, love, and joy. This empowers you to experience the greater potential for choice and new possibilities.

I’d like to invite you to continue to create greater integrity in your wellness and well-being with Windows to the Heart Repatterning. Get 5 calming activities pdf Ebook when you sign up for our FREE monthly Newsletter and Exclusive Re-pattern Your Life Events

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Balancing Your Energy Flow with Polarity Therapy

Processing the world today makes it important to balance your energy flow. It’s important to be able to reach out, and interact with others, as well as to balance your need for self-care. This energy exchange happens physically, emotionally, mentally, and energetically. One of the many life-enhancing disciplines within Resonance Repatterning® is Polarity Therapy which works with the concept that everything is energy. When you experience pain, it is a disruption of energy flow in your body-mind-spirit system. Working with the energy circuits within creates balance and harmonizes your chakra system.

via GIP

Your energy field expands and contracts in the same way your breath cycle expands and contracts. The expansion flow nourishes your body-mind while the inward flow, the relaxation phase, draws the energy back from your expansion phase to your body-mind system to restore and recharge your chakra circuits. Your chakra system’s currents flow out and return to sustain empowerment, strength, and vital life energy as you are connected to your center while also balancing your need to be in the world.

When this flow is interrupted, it’s like waiting in traffic with seemingly no end in sight. When your energy is stuck in the outward phase you expect the world to take care of you, and you want to regain control over your life. When the flow is interrupted in the inward phase, you might beat yourself up for taking this road or choosing this time to travel. In either case, the distress created by immobilization is an attempt to release blocked energy.

Outward Flow Imbalance

When your chakra energy is locked or stuck in the outward phase, behaviors and actions can show up as attempts to be in control, along with a feeling of impatience, frustration, and anger. This can result in difficulty taking responsibility, and blaming others for what is going on. It can make it difficult to make commitments or to move forward with plans or relationships.

Recently, there’s been a huge influx of energy that can lead to a sense of immobilization or fear. On the other hand, the impact could stimulate behaviors and actions to make lots of changes. Either way, the underlying motivation for moving forward, standing still, or retreating is related to pain vs. pleasure. The questions you might ask yourself include “What is driving or limiting my choices right now?” Is it more painful to start a project than to experience the outcome of completing a project?” “What are the long term benefits of making a choice or taking action?” This is the reason there needs to be a balance between the inward and outward phases, especially in decision-making processes.

Inward Flow Imbalance

When the energy phase is interrupted in the inward energy pulsation, your inner world can feel very empty. It can feel difficult to take in nurture. This shows up in exhaustion, feeling spaced out, not feeling grounded, or at ease within your own body. Depression and a feeling of disempowerment can result in an inability to go into action.

While stuck in this phase, you might feel more vulnerable or exposed out in the world. Being around others might feel overwhelming as you absorb the material of others. Being the listening ear to others while not feeling like you can get nurtured creates a need to feel connected in an attempt to fill the void or emptiness, yet can also leave you feeling drained. Getting your need for nurture could mean non-coherent use of food or substances in order to get some form of nurture.

It might also mean that you find yourself blaming yourself, and find yourself in a pattern of negative self-talk. These are indicators that you are feeling separated from taking what is life-enhancing, and this creates disharmony and imbalance in your thinking, behavior, and actions.

When you react to situations and challenges in your life it can sometimes feel difficult to register the origin of these emotional states. A feeling of anxiety, overwhelm or sadness can arrive with intensity out of the blue. The questions are, “Whose stuff is this anyway?” Are the thoughts that create these feelings and beliefs about what I am experiencing related to a “would of, could of, should of? Does it feel like it is something that one of your parents might say or believe?” or “Is this constructive or destructive to my wellness and well-being?”

Connecting Flows

With everything that is happening in the world, consider the possibility that immobilized energy could be bubbling up to the surface and messaging you through your thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and actions. Your chakra system is communicating its need for balance through your experience of pain, your feelings, and your sense of feeling at home within yourself and in the world.

Optimal energy flow can be interrupted by environmental toxins, accidents, traumatic experiences, or an imbalance between your chakra centers within your body-mind system. Working with a primary chakra center, a chakra circuit, or related chakra, it is possible to identify and transform interrupted or blocked energetic flow. within and between chakras.

Resonance Repatterning®sessions create harmony and balance within your chakra system. Polarity Therapy based on the work of Randolph Stone is one of the many disciplines available through this work. A session addresses your core energy, the chakras, unresolved energy constrictions, and their consequences. This can show up as a change in the color of the chakras, holes in the chakras, tipping, lack of activity, spin as well as the force of the flow. Your personal session identifies the natural modalities to create more optimal communication throughout your body-mind system.*

This is your personal invitation to find out how Resonance Repatterning benefits your life. Set up a personal session or sign up for a free monthly newsletter with articles, natural wellness and well-being modalities, and exclusive group sessions here.

*Resonance Repatterning sessions work with Polarity Therapy poles by working with frequency and also working with diagrams to proxy for the client as well as the facilitator standing in or guiding the client if the sessions are by phone, Skype or proxy.

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