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Natural Healing Ways to Treat a Cold

Chinese Five Element System

Chinese Five Element System

Having a cold this time of year or any time of year is no fun. The change from summer to fall not only creates change in temperature, but also affects what you body needs in this transition into the cooler months.  Because Resonance Repatterning ® includes the Chinese Five Element and Meridian System, this article will explore natural healing ways from the Five Element perspective as well as natural nutritional and alternative medicine suggestions.

  The Chinese Five Element Wheel relates to other Elements also. Earth Element feeds Metal Element with nurture and support from the stomach and spleen. When Earth Element is involved, the questions you might ask are: ” Where do I need support in my life or feel  from my center?” and ” How can I improve the quality of nourishment I take into my body-mind system?”  A cold many times is a signal from the body that it needs rest and care in the face of overwork, stress, and inability to acknowledge the body’s signals to slow down and do some self-care.  Taking time to take care of yourself is important to your overall wellness and well-being.

When Metal Element is overactive, it may be a signal to balance with Fire Element.   This can be a call for more lightness, joy, love, and connection with others.  Questions to ask yourself:  “Where have I lost connection with my family, friends, and groups?”   “What can I do to bring in more joy into my life?” ” Where am I receiving criticism from self or others?” ” Am I over-analyzing things?”

Nutritional and Alternative Medicine Support
1. Go  more alkaline than acidic. 
This means decrease meat, grains  and dairy, and increase your intake of vegetables. Decrease milk products because they increase mucus production and inflammation.

2. Drink more fluids. Choose at least eight glasses daily of water, herbal, white or green tea, as well as natural fruit and vegetable juices to clear your lungs and intestines.

3. Get enough sleep. Rest is a way to revitalize, nurture yourself and heal.

4. Get out your stockpot and make a bone or astragalus broth. A bone broth has  nourishing minerals, gelatin to help with digestion and amino acids to support the immune system.  A broth with a few astragalus sticks thrown in will strengthen your immune system’s response to chronic issues. Be sure to take the sticks out of the broth before use. More on how to cook with astragalus here:

5. Get more Vitamin C. Eat cantaloupe, bell peppers, citrus, pineapple, and black cherries. Purchase products like Emergen-C and Airborne to keep handy in your kitchen or medicine cabinet when you feel a cold coming on.

6. Drink honey, lemon and ginger tea: 
Start by putting  1 Tbsp. grated ginger in a teapot or medium bowl. Pour 1 cup boiling water over it and let it steep for 3 minutes.  Meanwhile, put 1 Tbsp. lemon juice and 1 Tbsp. honey in a large cup. Strain ginger tea into the cup. Finally, stir, and taste.

7. Decrease and avoid alcohol and sugar to balance your cellular communication for greater harmony.

8. Use these acupressure points:
a) For coughing, start by crossing your arms. Then push your thumbs into the inside of your elbows while    holding the opposite arms.
b) Do the same at your shoulders, pressing under and into your arm pits.
c) For sinus and congestion, give two finger support to the area between your thumb and forefinger. Press firmly, first on one hand, and then the other. Do this for a few moments each.                                                                     d) Press your fingers into the skin on each side of your nostrils to bring relief from sneezing and sniffles.                                                                            e) For Immune System support, tap on your sternum, about 2 inches down from where your left and right collar bone connect. This activates the thymus which is closely associated with the immune system.

9.   Use herbs and aromatherapy of eucalyptus or tea tree oil help to clear your sinuses. Herbs that are especially good for clearing and healing your respiratory system include thyme, sage, oregano, rosemary, hyssop and lemon balm.  These herbs can be incorporated into your cooking, used in steams, and made into teas.

These essential oils  will clear your sinus and support the healing process.  Eucalyptus and tea tree oil can also be healing allies for respiratory and sinus issues.  As an example, place some eucalyptus oil on a cotton swab. Put the cotton in an old pill bottle. Open the bottle and inhale the scent when you feel congested. You can also keep a tissue with a few drops of these oils with you, or diffuse these oils into your environment.

9. Supplements and Remedies: Explore with a health practitioner what works for you.

Echinacea and Oregon Grape Root support the healing process with colds, coughs, and congestion. Vitamin A, D3,   zinc, and antithetic acid are also reported for their healing benefits. Sambucol  or elderberries are loaded with bioflavonoids and Vitamin C. Aconite, a homeopathic remedy, is a healing remedy for fatigue and strengthens the immune system.

For more free resources to create greater wellness and well-being in your life  with a free monthly healing modality and an invitation to exclusive Re-pattern Your Life events, sign up for free monthly newsletter below. You will receive a free pdf eBook  to  diminish stress and create greater ease in these transitional times!

Here is an opportunity to continue on the path with monthly healing modalities and repatterning events from Windows to the Heart Repatterning.

Sign up for monthly newsletter here: Newsletter and Exclusive Re-pattern Your Life Events

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10 Natural Ways to Strengthen Your Immune System

  Your immune system is your body’s defense against infectious organisms and other invaders. Through a series of steps called the immune response, It defends against organisms and substances that invade body systems and cause disease.

The human body has a series of defenses to protect it from foreign objects, dangerous cells, and other substances that can invade and cause the body harm. Sometimes, food particles and pollen can also be harmful to the human body causing an immune response.

There are a number of natural ways to take proactive measures to support the overall functioning of your immune system while boosting overall health and wellness in the face of getting ill during cold and flu season.

1. Food As Medicine

 Eating wholesome foods that support energy, digestion and elimination is essential to strengthening your immune system. One of the ways to explore what foods create harmony and balance is to explore foods from the Eat Right for Your Type Diet based on Dr. Peter D’Adamo‘s extensive work. Based on research that confirms specific energizing choices related to food, beverages, supplements, exercise, and health needs that are based on Blood Types A, O, AB, and B you can benefit from specific choices specific to your needs.

Here is a link to an article on Healthy Blood Type Food Choice on Health:

Healing in Your Kitchen

a) Eat berries as they contain bioflavonoids that support immune health

b) Pumpkins and pumpkin seeds

c) Grapefruit, apples, papayas, cranberries, bananas are all vitamin and antioxidant powerhouses that boost your immune system.

d) Black beans are a good source of Zinc

e) Black Strap Molasses is a good source of iron with immune-boosting properties. Take a tablespoon in the morning with breakfast.

f) Fermented foods like Kombucha contains probiotics that helps support your body’s immune system. Add kombucha, kimchi, sauerkraut, probiotics, or miso to your diet this fall and winter as needed.

g) Broccoli is a good source of Vitamin A, C, and E.

h) Eat immune-boosting soups:

 i) Minimize intake of sugar, caffeine, dietary allergens and acidic foods including dairy, meat, and wheat.

2. Herbs to Strengthen Your Immune System


a) Echinacea is an immune stimulant used best within the first two days of cold or when you feel a cold coming on. It fights colds, flu, infections, and allergies. Use throughout the episode.

b) Oregon Grape Root is an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory that can be used in place of Echinacea. These are excellent for respiratory issues.

c) Tulsi (Holy Basil) enhances the immune system and is anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and anti-viral. This can be used as a tea.

d) Hyssop is an anti-viral, expectorant, decongestant, and calms both your nerves and digestion.

e) Lemon Balm is anti-viral, reduces fevers, aids in digestion, and calms and lifts your mood.

f) Licorice soothes your throat and coughs, is anti-viral and supports adrenal function.

g) Red Root stimulates lymphatic cleansing and is helpful for sore throats, tonsillitis, and strep throat.

h) Thyme is antibacterial, anti-fungal, bronchial dilator and expectorant.

3. Use Anti-bacterial Essential Oils

a) Oregano, Eucalyptus, Thyme, Grapefruit, and Ravensara

b) Use Be Well Essential Oil Immune Blend:

c)  Use eucalyptus or tea tree oil to help clear your sinuses. Place some eucalyptus oil on a cotton swab. Put the cotton in an old pill bottle. Open the bottle and inhale the scent when you feel congested.

4.Vitamin Support: Take Zinc Lozenges, Vitamin C, and  D 3.

5. Sleep: Maximize routine in your sleep as well as meal times even if you are traveling. Increase alkaline foods that include more plant-based choices.

6. Stay Warm: The following suggestions will help protect your body from excessive heat loss:

a) Wear several layers of lightweight clothing rather than one or two layers of heavy garments. The air between layers of clothing acts as insulation to keep you warmer.

b) Cover your head. You lose as much as 50 percent of your body heat through your head.

c) Wear mittens rather than gloves. The contact of your fingers keeps your hands warmer.

d) Keep dry: Wet clothing is 20 times less warm than dry clothing.

e) Wear waterproof boots or sturdy shoes that give you maximum traction.

f) Cover your ears, nose, chin, and forehead, which are most susceptible to frostbite.

g) Cover your mouth with a scarf to protect your lungs from directly inhaling extremely cold air.

h) Keep your house temperature at least 65 degrees F in the winter.

7. Stay Hydrated.

a) Use Emergen C Immune drink.

b) Eat Chicken or miso soup, drink water and herbal tea. Drink lemon balm, thyme, or Tulsi Tea.

c) Drink Black and Green Tea support the balance of T cells and support the Immune System by stopping bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungus. 

d) Drink Honey, Lemon and Ginger Tea. Cook with ginger.

f) Make a Fire Cider: This is an easy, effective, and inexpensive way to stay healthy during the cold and flu season. Internal dosage can vary from 3ml up to a “shot” (one ounce) per day depending on your affliction and heat tolerance. You can also rub this on sore muscles, or soak a cloth in fire cider and apply to your chest to ease congestion. Fire Cider is a great replacement for regular vinegar in your vinaigrette or other recipes. 

8. Stretch and Move to Strengthen Your Immune System

a) 10-Minute Movement to Boost Your Immune System:

b) Practice Qi Gong for Detoxifying and Strengthening Your Lungs and Immune System:

c) Use a rebounder or mini-trampoline: 

9. Use Acupressure Points

a) For coughing, start by crossing your arms. Then push your thumbs into the inside of your elbows while holding the opposite arms.

b) Do the same at your shoulders, pressing under and into your armpits

cFor sinus and congestion, give two-finger support to the area between your thumb and forefinger. Press firmly, first on one hand, and then the other. Do this for a few moments each. e) Press your fingers into the skin on each side of your nostrils to bring relief from sneezing and sniffles. d) For Immune System support, tap on your sternum, about 2 inches down from where your left and right collar bone connect. This activates the thymus which is closely associated with the immune system.

10. Make time and space for yourself while minimizing stress in your life. Unplug and relax daily. Take inventory of what energizes, grounds and brings you joy.

The immune system’s function is to determine what is self and what is not-self. By making space and time for you, you are enhancing your body-mind system’s ability to center, restore, and ground yourself so that you are better able to discern what is essential to your life, and what you need to let go of that might not be yours.

When you take time to orient yourself to what is life-energizing, you create new possibilities for prioritizing your needs and actions to strengthen your wellness. In this way, you can return to everyday living with more coherent energy for your health, relationships, business, and sense of overall well-being.

Here is an opportunity to continue on the path with monthly healing modalities and repatterning events from Windows to the Heart Repatterning.

Sign up for monthly newsletter here: Newsletter and Exclusive Re-pattern Your Life Events

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