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Resonating with Making Valuable Decisions and Choices

In Resonance Repatterning® sessions, clients work with places in their lives where energy has been interrupted, or blocked.  Sessions can benefit decision-making by resolving inner conflict or tension related to the internal process to help clients with resonating with making valuable choices that create new perspectives and life-enhancing energy in the process.

The Decision-Making Repatterning works with creating more positive coherence for the decision-making process. Difficulties in making decisions can come from many sources, and this difficulty may, in fact, originate as early as your birth process. In the natural process of child-birth, the baby initiates movement during the birth process. In some cases, a C-section, the use of forceps, delayed pushing or induced birth, can interrupt the developmental phases of the birth journey and affect lifetime processes for decision-making.~Chloe Faith Wordsworth, Founder of Resonance Repatterning®  This can lead to feeling frozen, indecisive, and create avoidance that impacts relationships, business and inability to make choices that lead you towards your goals and positive intentions.

Although the Resonance Repatterning® process assists with enhancing the decision-making process, it does not check for the correctness or the best decision. The muscle-checking process works with your current resonance which draws information from your body-mind system in a way to check for information from your beliefs, thoughts, emotions, perceptions, and responses. The purpose of a session is to expand possibilities, update information within, and create greater coherence for harmony and balance in the decision-making process to offer you many more choices and possibilities than you might experience at the moment.

Resonating with choice in your current situation is directly related to earlier experiences in your life. Where there has been a sense of betrayal, an unmet life need that affected your ability to orient yourself to what is life-enhancing and supportive to you, or tension that created inner conflict taken in due to experiences that led to an inability to discern how to approach or resolve internal conflict. This could have been modeled through parental conflict styles or avoidance of conflict altogether.

This repatterning creates safety, respect for self and others, and internal dialogue to identify internal and external resources for informed and coherent choices in the present. By updating your need for the resolution of earlier conflict, and allowing you to go through the decision-making process in the present, your body-mind system then works with consciousness science and natural healing modalities to transform your resonance with limitation so you are in sync with coherent timing, attitude and response to change in an interactive process that allows you to consider your needs and the big picture of your decision with its impact on your life, others, and your life vision.

The Mandorla Conflict Repatterning works with inner conflict related to decision-making. Decision-making can sometimes seem like either/or, and right or wrong choices. This creates internal tension. Not all decisions fall into this category, however, and this can make some decisions even more stressful. The TED Talk below delivered by Ruth Chang speaks to shifting perspectives about decision-making based on your inner values and quality of life in the midst of making hard choices.

A mandorla is an almond. Imagine two circles overlapping like a Venn Diagram. One side represents one side of the conflict, while the other side represents the other side of the conflict. Where the two overlap, is a new possibility, and is the answer to both sides of the conflict. It transcends the polarity of either. In the Mandorla Conflict Repatterning, the process works by integrating the seeming contradictions presented in hard decisions, that place where both sides of the coin offer something that feels important to consider.

Resonance Repatterning supports creating positive coherence for the decision-making process.

Resonance Repatterning supports creating positive coherence in the decision-making process.

Giving yourself the time and space to support to orient yourself in a life-enhancing direction is well worth the journey. The process in this repatterning works with uncovering the resistance within yourself, to create a kind of synthesis of insight from both views leading to a new viewpoint informed by both potentials creating something more than either view separately.

Through the process, a blueprint for looking at underlying feelings of resistance that stop the process from being more supportive, perceptive, or discerning is included. It works with your self-talk and non-coherence within your body-mind system through your survival, emotional, and reasoning brain. Because the decision-making process is directly interwoven with how you perceive the world through your thoughts, beliefs and vision of life, this repatterning also works with your resonance with absorbing light, your ability to move fully into the world with an intact experience of self, and with creating a memory for the feeling that will orient you towards that which is life-enhancing. The process builds in positive action and natural modalities to create harmonizing coherence, inner direction, and positive action.

Facing a hard choice or decision-making process?  Find out how Resonance Repatterning® sessions will benefit you in your process as a powerful tool for positive change with a personal session with Kimberly Rex, MS.

Kimberly Rex, MS is an experienced and certified Advanced Resonance Repatterning, Master Life Coach, and Person-Centered Expressive Therapist with advanced training in holistic and healing therapies. She works with clients all over the world by phone, Skype, proxy, and in-person with cutting-edge energy medicine and transformation processes to re-pattern your life so you can change your story and your life to experience greater integrity in your wellness and well-being with more life energy for your positive intentions.  Contact her at to schedule your personal session for positive change.

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Reclaiming Life Energy for Your Positive Intentions: E=mc2


E=mc2 , Einstein’s famous Relativity equation, states that Energy is equal to Mass times the speed of light . (photo from Wikipedia)

I have been thinking about this equation E=mc2 in terms of using it as a metaphor for reclaiming more life energy from the perspective of Resonance Repatterning.® In this case, let’s think of the equation in a slightly different way, however, with similar ramifications for reclaiming more life energy for your positive intentions.

What if the equation went like this?  Life Energy= (Motivation) (Coherence) 2

Chloe Faith Wordsworth, the founder of this process, has often said in reply to the effects of the work, “How much life energy do you want to experience?” What Chloe Faith Wordsworth means is “How much life energy and vitality would you like to free up for your positive intentions?”

Your aim might be better communication, a new business, the experience of greater joy, more harmony and balance in your life, and better health. Whatever your positive intention, it takes energy, motivation and coherence to achieve or do this. Reclaiming vital energy from your system where it has been held through tension, stress, trauma or grief means little or no energy to start on a new pathway with little energy for your positive intentions.  


Life energy and vitality are essential for achieving positive change. In a session we check the client for where their life energy is dedicated. At the beginning of a session, life energy is primarily devoted to the negative thoughts, beliefs and patterns of their life.

The unconscious material within your body-mind system impacts your response or reaction to events or scenarios. The Reptilian Brain reacts with the trigger need for your survival. That means that where there has been unresolved issues from the past, these issues superimpose themselves and intercede in your current situation. This creates a division between what you would like to experience and what you continue to replay in your life in relationships, sense of well-being, worry, fear, self-talk, and stress that contributes to a lack of quality of life, and reinforces neural pathways that continue to engrave the habitual patterns into your life.

Squirrel at Mt. Rainierwithquote. Rainierwithquote

The good news is that the Limbic or Emotional Brain does not know know past or future, however, does affect your experience in the present based on your current neural pathways carved by beliefs, thoughts, and feelings from past experience. This means that in order to access more life energy where there have been limiting beliefs, that there needs to be a freeing up and transformation of this energy.

Resonance Repatterning sessions look specifically at resources and action for creating positive change. Where there has been no tolerance for beginning a shift or lack of information to even start the process, a session invites awareness and next steps to embody and transform issues from the past through finding higher messages, lessons and ways to heal.


Out of habit and need, for thousands of years, your Nervous System has responded to the emotions, reactions and survival needs hard-wired into your system. You are wired for survival which means that you are more likely to have deeply etched responses to events from the past that still get played out in your present as a way to compensate for your safety. Moving beyond includes taking action. In a session, positive actions are identified for creating greater momentum and integration for positive change.

For example, a communication modality (activity) might be needed for a relationship repatterning. A need for clearing toxins from your body or eating particular foods might be needed to improve your health, or a shift in activities to ground and balance your energy system might be in order in the midst of making positive change. Commitment and motivation are often checked within the process related to the energetic root of resistance and   unmet underlying needs that are essential to resonate with in the process of making beneficial changes for greater integrity for wellness and well-being.

Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going. ~Jim Rohn


Even at the cellular and molecular level the quality of function or coherence impacts your experience of health daily. This also affects how you feel and respond to life and change. If there is a shift in perception or perspective about something, the informational map of your body shifts. Your cells have a binary response that either communicate and function with greater ease when its environment is at ease or closes down and have greater difficulties functioning internally and systemically with other cells when stressed.

In Resonance Repatterning® coherence and non-coherence reflect specific and systemic harmony, or disharmony, balance or imbalance and the quality of function. Where there is pain, there is non-coherence or something that is interfering or blocking a shift physically, emotionally, mentally and/or the core essence levels. Creating coherence includes accessing information to identify and shift the root of the issue at the time, level and location within your system that is needed. By doing so your inner environment changes to create better communication, new neural pathways while calming, harmonizing and balancing your body-mind system.


New Physics has identified the holographic aspects and dynamics of the Universe. In relation to patterns in your life, when one aspect of a pattern shifts it has systemic influence creating a rippling change within your mental, emotional, physical and spirit levels. As an example, a person who experiences less emotional pain might begin to hold their body differently once they have more sense of well-being and joy. This, in turn, might affect their posture and change where they have experienced constriction in movement. 

You can have a whole new outlook on life when you look at it from a different angle.~Nigel McKain

In sessions, clients move from a place of dis-ease into greater access to the innate wisdom of their body-mind system through releasing, opening and restoring the communication between all of the systems of the body while updating information so that a new response to input, communication, seeing from a different or new perspective creates new patterns. The absorption of energy and use of coherent energy gained  then creates new opportunities for seeing the world and responding to it in a new way.

More is possible because you have more coherent energy now dedicated to your positive intentions!

Re-pattern you life to create greater integrity in your wellness and well-being.

I’d like to invite you to explore how Resonance Repatterning  benefits your life.  Experience a session by phone, Skype or in-person  with Windows to the Heart Repatterning.  Set up a session time here: Contact Page

Sign up for monthly newsletter here: Newsletter and Exclusive Re-pattern Your Life Events with FREE eBook entitled Eight Natural Modalities for Navigating Stressful Times.  

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What is Resonance Repatterning?

What is Resonance Repatterning®? This process is based on the fact that everything in the Universe has a frequency including every muscle, organ, tissue, and gland down to the sub-atomic particle level. That means everything you have experienced or are experiencing now also has a vibrational read-out. Your backache, business argument, anxiety as well as your feeling of well-being, joy, or sense of confidence has a frequency.

Your resonance with a particular frequency pattern indicates where your life energy is being dedicated. Resonance Repatterning® sessions identify how, when, and where patterns originated in your body-mind system.  This means that long-standing negative life patterns, limiting beliefs, attitudes, or generational imprints can also be accessed at the frequency level. A session gets to the heart of what you need to create greater integrity in your experience of wellness and well-being.

A Resonance Repatterning session identifies blocks and interruptions of life energy in your body-mind-spirit system through trauma, grief, loss, stress, pain, accident, or unresolved issues from your past. This happens by working with a resonance muscle-checking system. A session then works to restore your resonance with more optimal and coherent frequencies of love, joy, wellness, and well-being. This is accomplished by using powerful and accurate modalities that are energetically matched to your needs. When you change your resonance you change your life!

These modalities transform frequency patterns in the emotional, mental, physical, and spirit (core essence of self) body. This happens with consciousness science and natural modalities that include color, light, sound, movement, breath, fragrance, Family Systems work, and energetic contact. Because resonance muscle checking gives a read-out of what your system is reporting, each session is specific to your needs. Within as little as 60-90 minutes, vast territories of information can be accessed and restored to balance and harmony, changing your inner awareness and resonance with new possibilities for better relationships, finances, wellness, and well-being.

 Resonance Repatterning is as powerful experienced in-person, by phone, on Skype, or by proxy where the practitioner stands in for the client. Sessions work equally well with individuals, couples, children and infants, groups, and animals. Kimberly Rex has worked with clients as far away as 6000 miles with outcomes that create positive and sustainable change. She has worked with infants, clients who are unconscious and proxied for animals, and non-verbal clients.

Resonance Repatterning sessions work with groups as well. Kimberly works by teleconference with groups on topics of empowering wellness and well-being, health, relationship, and prosperity. She has also worked with organizations, businesses, and groups with positive intentions for goal-setting, visioning, and decision-making.

Kimberly Rex

Kimberly Rex, MS is an Advanced Resonance Repatterning practitioner, as well a Wellness and Well-being Life Coach and Certified Person-Centered Expressive Therapist. Contact Kimberly to find out how a personal session will benefit your life to build integrity in your wellness and well-being here.

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The Science Behind Resonance Repatterning

The science behind Resonance Repatterning® involves many disciplines.  Originally called Holographic Repattterning, Chloe Faith Wordsworth developed this process by working with clients to transform the painful areas of their lives. She discovered that by accessing their individual needs through applied kinesiology, specific to what their body-mind system was reporting, extraordinary outcomes resulted in greater potential for health, nourishing relationships, and greater sense of well-being together.

This process is based on New Physics and the fact that everything is energy and has a frequency. We live in a universe of both sound waves and light particles. Colors have frequencies. Sound is measured in wavelength and frequency. Everything in your life has a frequency. This means that your response to life is contained in your back ache, depression, business arguments, as well as your joy and successes communicating in frequency patterns. Underlying patterns of frequency or resonance is stored in both your conscious and unconscious patterns. Your body is a map of your life experience so information from pre-natal, earlier experiences, and generational material through your DNA can be accessed in a session.

Your Autonomic Nervous System is connected to every organ, tissue, muscle and gland of your body. It communicates information that gives a read-out like an EEG, EKG or pulse. In Resonance Repatterning®  this information is relayed through a muscle-checking system with no machines involved. Working with the binary response of the muscles, resonance for limiting beliefs, attitudes, and patterns affecting your life today can get to the root of the issues.

Patterns of intergenerational trauma, family beliefs, trauma, chronic stress, loss, illness, grief or abuse are registered in your body as energy that impacts the way you see and experiences the world. What you resonate with is how you orient towards life and respond based on where your conscious and unconscious energy is dedicated. Through habit and repetition, negative beliefs, thoughts, and attitudes can still impact the quality of life you are experiencing today. A session identifies the source of these unconscious patterns that are blocking and depleting your life energy. Pain is a disruption or block of your life energy. In the course of a session, self-healing modalities transform non-coherent patterns to restore the body-mind-spirit field to greater coherence so that there is greater resonance with your positive intentions.

Working with universal healing disciplines of the Chinese Five Element and Meridian System, Polarity Therapy based on the chakra system of India, Jin Shin Jyutsu, Family Systems, consciousness science, color, light, sound, fragrance, movement, breath, energetic balancing and applied kinesiology, each session taps into the wisdom your body to offer specific support for your needs.

Point of Choice

Point of Choice

Problems are seen as a point of choice, in the same way that Newton described the Motivating Factor. He stated that an object in motion will continue in a straight line until a force changes its direction. Problems can have a motivating force to help you change direction in your life. They can also be seen as forces of resistance that can activate positive change. When there is a combination of vision, intention and action, problems can activate the motivation for extraordinary outcomes.

When you change the way you look at things, the thing you look at changes.~Max Planck

Becoming the observer of your life creates the opportunity for positive change. When you are experiencing negatrive or limiting repetitive problematic issues, you are likely resonating with unconscious material that has not yet been resolved or released. Creating new possibilities in the way that allows you to move toward your positive intentions, you experience more life enhancing outcomes.

The client moves from a de-energized state to greater awareness regarding positive change. This is registered with a muscle-checking system throughout the session. The muscle-checking indicator registers a change in resonance. Clients experience a change in attitude to feeling more positive and energized. Some experience immediate lessening of symptoms while others experience gradual change as the body-mind field updates naturally. You are designed for success and self-healing.

In some cases, a natural positive action is required to further the work of the session. This activates the intelligent field of action. Like The Butterfly Effect, a small action can create change in the holographic world. Repatterning works at the quantum level to effect the system as a whole. All of life is an interdependent system of interconnecting relationships within our body-mind system and the world.

We live in an ocean of frequencies, organized as a hologram in which each part contains the whole. Creating order in one part automatically benefits the whole.~from Quantum Change Made Easy by Chloe Faith Wordsworth


“Since everything is a reflection of our minds, everything can be changed by our minds.”~Buddha

Overlapping energy fields impact relationship interactions. Cultural beliefs that have embedded through time are energetically present in the collective field as memes. Resonance Repatterning works with personal beliefs, attitudes and concepts of time to help create greater access to new possibilities in the present.

Resonance Repatterning works with universal healing disciplines and natural modalities that can be experienced by anyone individually, in groups locally or “non-locally.” In New Physics, time and space are flexible and unified. The work is successful in-person, over distances or as proxy (standing in for someone else in the Unified Field). Sessions are successful with humans, animals and even enhance the life-energy of plants. For more information about Resonance Repatterning, visit:

Kimberly Rex, MS

I’d like to invite you to explore how Resonance Repatterning benefits your life.  Experience a session by phone, Skype or in-person with Windows to the Heart Repatterning.  Ask questions and set up a session here: Contact Page

Sign up for monthly newsletter here: Newsletter and Exclusive Re-pattern Your Life Events with FREE eBook entitled Eight Natural Modalities for Navigating Stressful Times.  

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