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Repattern Your Brain, Repattern Your Life

You can repattern your brain to repattern your life. The automatic responses that drive your responses to situations you meet in life are based on your emotional and survival memories created by your life experiences. Whether you have experienced physical, emotional or chronic stress, you can work with the brain-body connection to experience greater integrity in your wellness and wellbeing.

“Whatever the circumstances of a child’s early life, and whatever the history and current state of that child, every human has the built-in power to improve, to change for the better, to significantly restore, and often to recover. Tomorrow, that person you see in the mirror can be a stronger, more capable, livelier, more powerfully centered, and still-growing person.”~Michael Merzenich

Photo by Tara Winstead on

. The good news is that neural pathways can be altered through neuroplasticity. Resonance Repatterning® The process accesses established pathways that register in your muscles, tissues, muscles, organs, and glands through the Resonance Muscle-Checking process. Natural modalities of color, light, sound, movement, breath, fragrance, energetic contact, and consciousness science introduce new brainwaves, awareness, and neurotransmitters to create neurosynthesis and plasticity. This relies on the memory information stored in your body-mind system to create neuroplasticity by updating and changing function.

The Brain-Body Connection

These brain areas are examples of how thinking, feeling and action are connected between your mind and body.

Pre-Frontal Cortex: When the Pre-Frontal Cortex is in control, it allows you to be fully engaged in the present of your life so you can resonate with expanding your awareness, feeling, thinking, and acting as you open to new possibilities. This is where you can explore your connections with others. When the pre-frontal cortex is under-active in this brain area you can experience brain fog, difficulties with attention, focus, ability to follow through, decision-making, and disorganization.

Limbic Brain: The Limbic Brain colors how you process your emotions. This part of your brain affects your autonomic nervous system including blood sugar, hormones, temperature, respiration, and heart rate. This portion of the brain discerns feelings of safety or danger through the Amygdala. The Hippocampus embeds memory into the nervous system related to life-enhancing or depleting experiences. This creates the connection between your thoughts and feelings that influence your body responses through the HPA Axis.

The Cerebellum allows your system to create implicit memories that become automatic starting with learning skills and mastering a task. Over time this recall becomes automatic and unconscious affecting your thoughts and behaviors.

“Conscious thoughts, repeated often enough, become unconscious thinking.”~Dr. Joe Dispenza

Resonance Repatterning and Brain-Body Connection

The process of Resonance Repatterning, from the brain’s perspective, works by transforming the neural pathways through awareness, new information and experience. This changes while working at the frequency levels in specific brain areas, brain waves, and neurotransmitters. Changing neural responses in your brain is a conscious process that shifts your resonance with what nerve responses take place in your body and your mind.

As a hypothetical example, let’s say that in a session the issue in your life is related to an inability to focus, disorganization, and impulsivity. The issue thought statement might be “I can’t get anything done.”The feeling state your share might be “I feel scared and confused.” Checking in with how to create coherent neural pathways for new behavior through muscle-checking the statement “I focus on the task at hand,” might be the new possibility. The neurotransmitter or peptide that would support the shift would be checked from a list along with its benefits to enhance neural communications in your mind and body A frequency of light for the Hypothalamus with a color that muscle-checks for the missing color/light frequency would be considered to energize your system. Natural activities would be checked to enhance new connections in your body-mind system. for this example, let’s say the action of deep breathing checked in. A coherent statement from the identified brain area would be included. In this case, we work with the pre-frontal cortex. The coherent statement would be “I stay calm and focused and manifest my plans through effective actions.”  A frequency of a brainwave would be fused into the mix as well. For the sake of this example, an Alpha brainwave with a range of 8-13 cps would be muscle-checked for the exact frequency among the four options for brainwaves including delta, theta, alpha, and beta to decrease anxiety and bring focus.

   All of these parts work at the frequency level with the material to create greater coherence, harmony, and balance in your body-mind system.The muscle-checking system in this process is then used to check for shifts in your system. You are ON or resonate with your new intentions when your thoughts, emotions, and body are wired for specific neural pathways that fire and connect your responses related to your positive intentions. You are OFF when neural pathways are inhibited or do not fire in the same habitual way related to the issues you brought to the session.With muscle-checking at the beginning and completion of the session, your system registers the shifts with your change in resonance.

These nerve impulsesin your brain communicate thoughts, feelings, sensations, and responses throughout your body. When your body and mind experience greater harmony and balance between your Autonomic, Parasympathetic, and Sympathetic Nervous Systems, this is reflected in the way you think, how you feel and respond to life, and what actions you take to create new possibilities.

Resonance Repatterning® Sessions are based on working with your body-mind-spirit systems’ ability to repattern your body-mind-spirit system. This means that the pain you experience on any level can be an opportunity for creating new possibilities in your life.

Kimberly Rex, MS
Kimberly Rex

Kimberly Rex, MS is an Advanced Resonance Repatterning® practitioner, Person-Centered Expressive Therapist, and Wellness and Well-being Life Coach. She works with people all over the world via Skype, by phone, and by proxy.

Find out how Resonance Repatterning benefits your life. Set up a personal session or sign up for a free monthly newsletter with articles, natural healing modalities, and exclusive group sessions here.

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Energize Your Health, Energize Your Relationships

You are an electromagnetic being. When you energize your health, you energize your relationships. Your life energy is established through the relationship between the electrical charges that surround muscles, bones, organs, and tissues. Your heart is regulated by an electrical nerve bundle. Your brain emits electrical brain waves. The cells and atoms of your body rely on the capacity to adapt and thrive based on electric charge. In fact, the quality of health you are experiencing today is directly related to communication quality between the energy circuits of your body-mind system.

Your body-mind field is always interacting with the field around it. That means that your wellness and sense of well-being are related. Relationships, whether they are business-related, family, friendship, or intimate work in the same way. They are energy circuits. Energize them with coherent communication, limits, and motivation to return to greater coherence and optimal life energy, and they thrive!

If there is a disruption or blockage in your health or relationship through miscommunication, unresolved conflict, or lack of appreciation, your experience of love or well-being changes. Either way, a disruption or blockage of energy equals pain.

Energize Your Health with Love

Love is the motivating force that energizes life and influences the power of relationships. The light, sound, and expression of life energy thrive with care for your inner needs and feelings. In every relationship, there is an opportunity to expand awareness through a reflection of light and love, and the courage to open your heart. Resolving inner conflict within your physical, emotional, mental, and spirit body results in the potential for greater expression and capacity for love.

When there are unresolved issues from past experiences, that energy gets fed into the energy circuit of your relationships whether it is conscious or unconscious. This shows up in toxicity or dissonance as frustration, conflict, pain, suffering, or lack of fulfillment. In the same way, health issues are a product of what is circulated through your body-mind system through nutrition, habits, and self-care over time.

Energize Your Health in Your Relationships

The quality of life you experience at any moment is dependent on many factors. When you resonate with gratitude, appreciation, forgiveness, and love, you have a greater capacity for connection to others and for that connection to energize you. In a relationship, the expression of these same messages to another energizes your relationship to grow and flourish. When difficulties arise, as they do in life, drawing on the energy of joyful and loving experiences shared helps you to weather challenging situations.

Your health also depends on your ability to set limits. The purpose of your immune system is to discern what is self and what is other. Too much resistance however can show up as the inability of cellular systems to communicate with one another in your body. When there is an inability to discern self from others, the response can play out in a number of issues that show up on the emotional, mental, and physical levels. In relationships, this can show up as blame, feeling like a victim, or being out of control with your responses. The truth is that at any moment you can become more energized by taking responsibility for what you are contributing to the energy exchange happening within, and accepting where there is a need to make a change in behavior, thinking, or actions. Taking responsibility includes setting limits in situations that are hurting you personally. If you are stuck in a repeating pattern, it might be wise to seek support in looking at unconscious roots that still carry a highly-charged emotion or memory imprint. 

Energize Your Health by Setting Limits

How you handle stress is directly related to how your body responds. Resonating with the ability to move through a challenging situation in a self-empowered way actually empowers your immune system. This can only be done when you are in touch with your own needs and feelings and are able to express these needs and feelings in a way that nurtures your energy circuit. This means communication is clear, tells the truth, and expresses care for the energy circuit of your relationship.

Finding ways to energize your own energy circuit include taking care of your body with good nutrition, grounding your energy with a connection to nature, meditation, allowing yourself to identify and process feelings, listening to calming music, exercising regularly, getting in touch with your breath and making space for yourself with downtime and hobbies you enjoy are just a few ways to stay connected to your own energy circuit. This also empowers you to create harmonizing energy for all your relationships.

Kimberly Rex

Kimberly Rex, MS is an Advanced Resonance Repatterning® practitioner, Person-Centered Expressive Therapist, and Wellness and Well-being Life Coach. She works with people all over the world via Skype, phone, and proxy. Set up your personal session here.

Find out how Resonance Repatterning benefits your life. Sign up for a free monthly newsletter with articles, natural healing modalities, and exclusive group sessions here.

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A Wish for Tenderness, Courage, and Hope

I found this quote that I saved for the holidays long ago. It feels like a good time to speak again about a wish for tenderness, courage, and hope.

“What is Christmas? It is tenderness for the past, courage for the present, and hope for the future. It is a fervent wish that every cup may overflow with blessings rich and eternal and that every path may lead to peace.”~Agnes M. Pharo

Tenderness for the Past

As the holidays arrive, it is a reminder to look at life through the lens of compassion and tenderness. Even when issues and situations with family members or others feel uneasy, it is through tenderness that we create compassion. It is through compassion that courage arrives. And, from courage from the heart, hope is possible.

Tenderness for the past can serve as a powerful tool to feed your need for support and nurture you in times of challenge and stress. Creating an anchor image of an experience you had that brought you a sense of joy, love, and gratitude is actually a powerful way to feed your need for comfort and joy in the present. Sharing a story of childhood, first date, or memory that connected you to beauty and awe can also feed the needs of others to share in the experience. Listening to others’ stories that contain this same kind of wonder and love feeds you as well.

The innocence of seeing the first snowfall or holiday ornament, the remembrance of playing games with friends, or the wonder of having a first pet can all remind you of the tenderness of feeling brand-new to experiences. The feeling of appreciation for the parts of yourself that were able to take in a new world despite what was happening that felt challenging can build your capacity to give yourself permission to look at the world today in a new way.

Courage for the Present

In the same way, that tenderness feeds you with the memory of kindness and understanding, giving yourself the gift of tenderness and appreciation feeds your entire body-mind-spirit system now. By having compassion for yourself and your experiences, you can move beyond fear to gain the courage to create positive change.

This means, that today, while these parts of you from early life that allowed you to survive and attach to others continue to attempt to serve you, some of that material might not apply or even be appropriate for what is happening in your life today. So, courage is required to work with these earlier parts of your life to motivate your entire being to update your needs in the place you are today.

To be innocent is to be here as if for the first time, with no attachment to the past. Each moment is actually ever new.”~Adyashanti

With the development of your thinking, reasoning, decision-making, and action-taking brain centers on board as an adult, you now have the ability to consider positive change with your global brain. Your early emotional and survival brains that had unresolved trauma do not know the past or future. While you are still hooked to the past well-established limiting patterns, the trauma body lives in trauma time. That is, until you release, heal and create new neural pathways by mobilizing the energy for good. When you unhook that tether to the past by working with what would have made a coherent difference in the past now, you are better able to take care of unmet needs to create positive changes within yourself in the present.

“Let’s shine the light of consciousness on places where we can hope to find what we are seeking.” Marshall B. Rosenberg

Hope for the Future

Hope shows up through your ability to rely on the healing cycles of nature and nurture. It shows up with the healing of parts within yourself still connected to your earlier experiences. Traumatic experiences are stored in parts of your body-mind-spirit system and can be accessed for the information and energy stores they hold through the Resonance muscle-checking system in Resonance Repatterning.

The right brain also, often holds the key to unlocking the information within through creativity, Seeing the big picture that developed over time even as a little one can benefit your ability to heal. It is through movement, drawing, and singing. writing, visualizing, or any positive and life-enhancing creative act that allows the parts of yourself to connect to the action and decision-making parts of the executive function in your thinking brain to apply the wisdom within toward hope today.

By casting light within, you are better able to see more fully what light is available around you, to see the broad view, and to also rest in the growth and grace of what is happening to you at any moment. It is in this light that you are better able to know that time and space are flexible while shifting and transforming your experiences today from your past life experiences in the process.

With intention, you, nature, others, and the world at large are shifting and changing in ways that might only be able to be seen with the beginner’s mind. Yet it takes courage and hope from the integral parts of ourselves that reason and has empathy for life rejuvenating itself through cycles of dark and light in which we all take part. In this way, the new pathways lead us to greater internal peace that ripples into the world around us.

Self-Care: Holiday Tips for Finding Tenderness, Courage, and Hope Again

Kimberly Rex

Kimberly Rex, MS is an Advanced Resonance Repatterning® practitioner, Person-Centered Expressive Therapist, and Wellness and Well-being Life Coach. She works with people all over the world via Skype, phone, and proxy.

Find out how Resonance Repatterning benefits your life. Set up a personal session or sign up for a free monthly newsletter with articles, natural healing modalities, and exclusive group sessions here.

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Everything is Energy, and Energy is Everything

Everything is energy, and energy is everything! Your body-mind system is receiving and transforming energy. The natural energy from the sun is converted into the food you eat, and then mobilized by your body-mind system in your emotions, thoughts, actions, and relationships. On a daily basis, you take in color and sound through your senses at specific frequencies (rates of energy vibration).

You experience this in your response to the color of flowers or choice of clothing. You can feel it in your response to music, or through the tone of someone’s voice. You respond to body language and movement. Everything has a frequency. This means that even your business arguments, back pain, joys, fear, and decisions are translating energy. You are absorbing and radiating energy/frequency all of the time.

Let’s take a movie you’ve seen on the big screen that created a strong response. I know I can’t watch a film without moving, laughing, tearing up, or giving meaning to it. How about a movie like JAWS? This is a movie that changed my life even from a long time ago. Before the movie: I enjoyed everything about being in saltwater. After the movie: I have not dared to swim in salt water again. Did it influence my thoughts? My feelings? My actions? You bet! I can still hear the warning music in my brain. The highly charged emotions that I experienced from it created a reaction well beyond the short time in the theater.


Everything is Energy

In the same way, you respond to light, image, and sounds by creating a record in your mind. These frequencies are given personal meaning by comparing incoming information with what is already stored in your system. According to Bruce Lipton, we are being bombarded by frequency information at a rate of 4 billion bits per second. Less than 10% of that information is processed consciously. That means unconscious or unresolved material has a strong impact on your response to life.

Memory patterns create belief filters in your brain. Your conscious mind leads with the response to information. However, your automatic behavior and habitual responses are managed by unconscious beliefs and expectations. It’s literally watching and responding to the same movie over and over again with similar characters, themes, plots, and outcomes!

You are impacted over time by the response you had in your early development through your family’s beliefs and attitudes about life. Any highly charged feeling or event that remained unresolved in your life impacts your system’s response to the present. Your mind continues to filter your need to resolve the past. This leads to repeating patterns in life that affect how you experience life through your emotional, mental, and physical energy patterns. Your resonance (vibratory energy pattern) is what you experience in the world on a daily basis.

Energy is Everything

The Good News: You are wired for success and self-healing. Your body is a map of your life’s experience. This information is stored in your body-mind system in muscles, tissues, organs, and glands stored at the frequency level. The unconscious material of your body can be read through applied kinesiology like an EEG or EKG. This means that your muscles give information regarding where over 90% of that unconscious material is stored.

It’s what you do with this energy that changes your experience of life. If you feel like you are in a movie that continues to pull you into the same life-de-energizing outcome, the choice comes when you decide to write a new outcome or see the opportunity in your life for a change.

Accessing this information is only the beginning. Awareness leads to resolution and reclaiming more life energy for the present. I just noticed a film with similar content to JAWS in the theaters now entitled, PIRANHA! My response to the ad on was updated. First, I know I would not choose to overload my body-mind system with an adrenaline cycle to stimulate an endorphin stress response to build upon the already loaded stressful material in the world today. Second, I have learned natural ways to create endorphin responses through energizing and calming activities to enhance overall needs for balance and harmony. And, third I know that my fear of swimming in the saltwater was in reaction to fear, not reality.

I am able to make different choices today to edit and influence my responses to life that benefit my overall sense of well-being. In essence, it is creating a new movie, experience, and response in positive life-enhancing ways!

You can do this with any life situation. Through the process of Resonance Repatterning®, you take an active role in shifting the plot from fear to more ease, optimism, and empowerment. The frequency energetics of issues, intentions, underlying needs, feeling responses, patterns, and projections beneath the surface hold the key to transformation and opportunities for growth.

How are they transformed? Natural frequencies of color, light, sound, movement, fragrance, breath, and energetic balancing allow your body-mind system to become more conscious. You can then update material to experience new neurotransmitter connections to create coherent frequencies of calm, optimism, love, and joy. This empowers you to experience the greater potential for choice and new possibilities.

I’d like to invite you to continue to create greater integrity in your wellness and well-being with Windows to the Heart Repatterning. Get 5 calming activities pdf Ebook when you sign up for our FREE monthly Newsletter and Exclusive Re-pattern Your Life Events

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Coherence: Out of Chaos Comes Order in Resonance Repatterning

In all chaos there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order. ~Carl Jung

Coherence Continuum

Resonance Repatterning® works with this creating coherence and order related to patterns in your life that drive chaos. The integrity of your personal health, relationships, work and interaction with the world depends on internal choices. The interaction of your habits, attitudes, thoughts, feelings and beliefs create your experience of life. Creating coherence allows you to choose how you respond to life with greater resilience, harmony and balance.

Coherence is a state of order or harmony where things hold together and form a unified whole. Non-coherence is defined by chaos. A higher state of coherence is always preceded by chaos. In chaos theory, the new coherent pattern is present, and ready to emerge.”~Chloe Faith Wordsworth, Quantum Change Made Easy

Identifying Chaos Within

The Chinese Five Element and Meridian System is one of the many healing disciplines in Resonance Repatterning® sessions that illustrates how the aspects of chaos or disorder can transform your entire system by working directly where energy is disrupted or blocked. Each element has an aspect of Yin or receptive, and Yang or assertive aspect. This relationship requires harmony and balance between partners. If there is disorder, this particular element and organ system will not function optimally.

In addition, each element relies on the rest of the Five Element and Meridian System for nourishing and tempering aspects to create overall order and harmony in your body-mind system. Coherence depends on communication and work with the rest of the elements and meridians. This means that when Resonance Repatterning sessions identify a particular location, time and level of disorder or chaos in the system and updates the function to greater coherence, the entire body-mind system benefits.

As an example, Water Element is related to your kidneys and bladder. On the physical level, the relationship between these two organs illustrate how the process within an element functions. The Yin organ, Kidney, holds and cultivates chi while detoxifying your body. The Yang organ, bladder, then expels these toxins from the body. Creating coherence between this pair allows for greater coherence or vital energy for your entire body-mind system. Kidneys store ancestral energy, and also delivers and interacts directly with your brain, lungs, liver, spleen and heart. In fact, each element is present in the energy flows of all of the meridians with the body-mind system.

Out of Chaos Comes Order

On the emotional level, Water Element coherence also contributes to your feeling like you can go with the flow of life. When there is a disruption or blockage of energy, you might experience non-coherent feelings of resentment or victimization by relationships and situations surrounding you. Creating order allows you to resonate with greater adaptability, healthy boundaries, courage, and perseverance with the ability to pace yourself as you go.

Impact on System
Coherent Function
Impact on Non-Coherent
Function Issues
Kidney Qi (Chi)
or vital essence
eczema, issues with focus,
memory issues,
negative emotions
Kidney is root of the
Lungs, helps with coordination of respiration
Pneumonia, allergies,
asthma, grief,
lack of inspiration
stores blood, metabolism,
digestion of fat,
process nutrients
absorbed from
small intestine
Liver blood deficient
insomnia, hot flashes,
Yin Deficiency,
anger, frustration,
feeling hopeless
Purifies blood Immune function issues, issues with feeling unsupported, unable to handle transitions
Harmonizes heart
Blood pressure issues,
rhythm of heart,
pace, lack of joy,
tolerance, or safe
connection with

Creating Systemic Coherence

Let’s take a look at how the relationship between Metal Element and Water Element interact. The season of fall corresponds with Metal Element. The season of winter corresponds with Water Element. Creating nourishing coherence between these two elements benefits your physical, emotional, mental and core essence experiences. Metal Element depends on the function of your lungs and large intestines. This means that inspiration with the ability to let go of physical and emotional toxins is vital to the coherence of this element. Congested energy can show up physically in your body as a cold, flu or breathing difficulties. It can also show up in feelings, thoughts, attitudes, and beliefs that hold you in survival mode. This can lead to exhaustion and depression over time.

However, resonating with your value and life purpose through resolution of memory imprints from the past can lead you to greater coherence so you can be more in the present, in the flow of life where Water Element’s coherent gifts benefit your health, resilience and vitality through the fall, winter and your life.

It is important to note that Fire Element related to the heart has a tempering coherent effect on Metal Element. Adding joy, connection, discernment, safety, and trust to your life journey goes a long way to creating greater harmony and balance. This creates an update in specific and systemic coherence in the Metal Element Meridian flow.

In working with the coherence muscle-checking system in Resonance Repatterning sessions, it is possible to identify where chaos, congestion, or blocked energy is located in your body-mind system. Through harmonizing and balancing to create greater order systemically, sessions build greater coherence overall. This means that where your vital life energy is depleted or feels in chaos, sessions get to the heart of what you need to experience positive, sustainable, and tangible change. This happens as you re-pattern your life to experience greater integrity in your wellness and well-being.

I’d like to invite you to explore how Resonance Repatterning®can make a difference in your life.  Experience a session by phone, Skype, or in-person with Windows to the Heart Repatterning.  Set up a session with Kimberly Rex here: Contact Page

Sign up for monthly newsletter here: Newsletter and Exclusive Re-pattern Your Life Events with FREE eBook, Eight Natural Modalities for Navigating Stressful Times.

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