Posted by Kimberly Rex
Natural Eye Care: Your Guide to Healthy Vision and Healing
This article offers you resources to create a healthy vision with natural eye care. It includes a wonderful book resource guide with that purpose from two well-respected practitioners who work with natural modalities for healing issues with your vision. You’ll find the description from its authors for natural eye care to create healthier vision and healing of your vision issues naturally. *Special discount code available at the base of the article.
From the authors: In Chinese medicine, we look at every part of the body as being integrally connected to every other part. We are approaching spring which is associated with the Wood Element. It is the time for new possibilities and the wisdom of the past, and thereby seeing the clear and appropriate course to take. It is represented by the Wood Element which is comprised of the liver and the gall bladder meridians. The Liver Meridian “opens to the eyes”, and affects your sense of vision, the emotion of anger, and the sound of shouting. When your vision is stifled, you feel anger: You can decide to plan, to act, take aim, and suddenly your plans are thwarted.

Guide to Healthy Vision & Healing
The Natural Eye Care website at was created over 18 years ago by Marc Grossman, O.D., L.Ac. and Michael Edson, MS, L.Ac. as a way to provide clinically and peer review research in ways studied to help people maintain the gift of healthy vision. Their latest book published in December 2018 discusses in detail over 38 years of clinical experience in the holistic eye care field working with patients to benefit and improve their vision.
Our approach is looking at vision as connected to the health of the whole body, and when any part of the body breaks down (auto-immune disease, poor digestion and/or circulation, as well as emotional imbalances for example), this can contribute to and even cause eye disease. We believe that 25% of the nutrients an individual takes into his/her body is used by the visual system to maintain optimal eye health. The visual system is the second most active part of the body next to the brain. When the nutrients reaching the visual system are compromised, this often results in eye disease including macular degeneration, glaucoma, cataracts, dry eyes, eye floaters, or even simply poorer vision without a specific pathology, particularly in the aging process.
Eye strain is now becoming a big part of eye problems due to the excessive use of electronic devices. Your visual system was designed to look outwardly primarily for farming and hunting, and not designed for long hours of near work which stresses your visual system.
Your body is always trying to maintain health and heal. Our goal is to offer advice on the many ways that one can support your own body in this process no matter where you are in the process to maintain and heal your vision.
Maintain and Improve Your Vision Naturally
Our new book, “Natural Eye Care: Your Guide to Healthy Vision and Healing,” is 799 pages, covering over 40 eye conditions with over 2,000 peer review research study citations on nutrition and vision. Categories covered include Vision Diets, antioxidant and related research, Chinese medicine and vision, juicing recipes for specific eye conditions, essential oils, yoga postures by meridian, eye exercises, vision-related to personality, and much more.
You can look at our Table of Contents at our homepage at , as well as access the wealth of information available on our website. We offer a free monthly e-newsletter as well as free phone and email consultations.*Special Discount Code: You can order this book to benefit your vision at (use the discount code NEC103 on the checkout page.
Hit Apply for a 15% discount OR you can order it with this code through Amazon here:
Bios of Authors
Marc Grossman, a leading holistic eye doctor in the United States, has been in practice since 1980, and is the author of a number of books on natural eye care including Greater Vision: A Comprehensive Program for Physical, Emotional and Spiritual Clarity, McGraw Hill, 2000. He is co-author of Natural Eye Care: A Comprehensive Manual for Practitioners of Oriental Medicine, Beyond 3D: Improve Your Vision with Magic Eye, and Natural Eye Care: Your Guide to Healthy Vision and Healing, Natural Eye Care, Inc., 2018.
Michael Edson is the co-founder and President of Natural Eye Care, Inc. He is a New York State Licensed acupuncturist and co-author of Natural Eye Care: A Comprehensive Manual for Practitioners of Oriental Medicine and Natural Eye Care: Your Guide to Healthy Vision and Healing, 2018. His newest book, Natural Parkinson’s Support: Your Guide to Preventing and Managing Parkinson’s is available here.
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