Posted by Kimberly Rex
Reaching Depths for New Possibilities
Reaching depths for new possibilities is a process. One of the definitions of depth is the quality of being profound (as in insight) or full (as of knowledge). Resonance Repatterning® provides a way to work with the body-mind-spirit system to reach insight that brings greater knowledge about how to create greater coherence in your life. By doing so, you have access to the depth of experience from your own life, Family Systems, and energetic information stored in every muscle, tissue, organ, and gland through the Resonance Muscle-Checking system.
The process accesses information stored in your system even at the cellular and sub-atomic or quantum levels to identify what your system needs to transform limiting beliefs, attitudes, and concepts of time to rebuild a stairway to more optimal integrity in your wellness and well-being.
“Look within; within is the fountain of all good. Such a fountain, where springing waters can never fail, so thou dig deeper and deeper.”~Marcus Aurelius
The Depth of the Trauma Body’s Information for Transformation
When you experience trauma whether it be physical, emotional, mental, or injury to your core essence of who you are, your body stores this information in the form of energy. When this energy is not mobilized for release in a healthy way, it is stored as a stress response that keeps you stuck in a frozen state. This state activates defense mechanisms designed for your survival.
When your body-mind-spirit system operates from the survival level, your capacity to experience safety and trust is contaminated with the unresolved need to protect through fight, flight, or immobilization.
Imagine the impact on the way you face life from these survival strategies. It affects what you believe, what you think, and how you react or do not take action in your own life. In fact, the parts of yourself doing this work will protect you from experiencing anything that threatens your survival state.
This means that your system living in chronic stress will not be able to see or experience new opportunities outside of this framework. This can translate into feeling like you have little agency and that the world around you has more authority over you than you have over your own life.
We all experience stress and stressful situations. Chronic stress and negative emotions can point to a deeper state of distress stored in the Autonomic Nervous system. The stairway from the Trauma Body’s habitual response to what it sees, feels, hears, and experiences into a place that feels safe, secure, and trustworthy is accessed only by diving deep into the tissue of the material the parts of you that have been traumatized and held in place, and then given voice and agency with support and nurture.
The beauty of Resonance Repatterning sessions is that every step is guided by what your system needs most for this purpose. Coherent updates are part of every part of the work. This allows your system to become more greatly acquainted with new possibilities and opportunities at a pace that creates greater harmony and balance throughout your system.
The Depth of Blockages to Create Greater Life Energy Flow
You are designed for self-healing. In fact, a session creates greater life energy for positive change by identifying blockages and interruptions of your optimal life energy flow on the physical, emotional, mental, and spirit levels.
The depth of information is accessed and updated through the muscle-checking process through specific natural healing disciplines that work with the channels, meridians, and energy flows of the body. These modalities work with all of your senses including breath, light, color, sound, movement, acupressure, fragrance, energetic contact, consciousness science, frequencies, Family Systems, and holistic science.
Each modality works holographically in that treating one part of your system creates positive change in every part of your life. For example, if you are experiencing a limiting belief or emotion about yourself, and the modality that checks in is an acupressure point, the information from a particular point that treats “fear” might be accessed in a different part of the Chinese Medicine Wheel that works with creating greater nurture or support or balance from the energy of your heart to create greater sense of discernment or connection to joy and unconditional love. Treating the root of the fear, the core need is accessed and treated.
“The outer work can never be small if the inner work is great. And the outer work can never be great if the inner work is small.” ~ Meister Eckhart
This ability to acknowledge the connection between different aspects of core needs often arises in Earlier Experiences or in generational material. Again, through muscle-checking, the root of the pain that keeps you stuck in survival mode can be reached at a time, level, and place within your system through the information stored within the map of your body.
This capacity to reach deeply into the energetics of connection between you and your life’s experience and your family’s systemic influence on the life you are living or not living today is your access through your DNA. Although about 80% of the material is unconscious, it is still available through your Autonomic Nervous System in this process.
This is your personal invitation to check in with yourself to take inventory of what might seem out of reach in regards to what you are not truly living in the way of your values in your communication, your life path, and your positive intentions for your wellness and well-being. If you find yourself feeling like you have lost your compass in the world, it might be time to work with the blockages that interrupted your ability to feel more at ease with yourself and what you are creating with your vital life energy. Has stress muddied the lens through which you see the good within yourself to create optimal life energy or direction you would like to choose? If so, it is time to dive deep into the depths to for new possibilities.
Kimberly Rex, MS is an Advanced Resonance Repatterning® practitioner, Person-Centered Expressive Therapist, and Wellness and Well-being Life Coach. She works with people all over the world via Skype, phone, and proxy. Set up your personal session here.
Find out more about how Resonance Repatterning benefits your life. Sign up for a free monthly newsletter with articles, natural healing modalities, and exclusive group sessions here.
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Letting Go of Old Tapes
Letting go is a theme in nature, especially in fall. It’s an invitation to do the same with what no longer serves your growth and transformation. Old tapes are those negative limiting beliefs, attitudes, and thoughts that keep you in habitual stress responses with life-depleting patterns that keep you in similar scenarios, relationships, and outcomes. These old tape tracks are well-worn and imprinted in your life.
Old tapes like old songs generate a sense of the past. The problem is that playing old tapes without choice or introduction to any other option keeps you carrying the frequency of these tapes into your life. This impacts how you see the world around you.
Acknowledging the Source of Old Tapes that Keep You Stuck
Acknowledgment starts with the realization that most of these beliefs originate from times in your life when your needs for survival and response to life were experienced through the lens of emotions early in life. Whether they originated from family rules, acculturation, school, or unresolved trauma or loss, they created neural pathways reinforced over and over again as you moved through life attempting to get your basic needs met while monitoring and protecting the parts of yourself that learned these basic survival skills.
Because these old tapes are habituated into an automatic response or reaction menus, your unconscious brain response today defaults to the beliefs, thoughts, and responses to earlier experiences when presented with similar material. Your body-mind system is designed to avoid danger and to look for negative threats. Your Autonomic Nervous System creates your sensory-motor and influences your behavioral responses.
With the number of stimuli that bombard your system in every moment, culling through all of the signals present in the world around you gives the edge to this unconscious material to take care of your well-being.
Identifying Old Tapes that Keep You From Living Your Life More Fully
In fact, old tapes that keep playing today might actually be an introjected emotion, thought, or family rule that was present in your early life while you were immersed in the environment of stress experienced by a parent or caretaker. Even the stress of prenatal experience can influence your way of looking at the world today.
Identifying where activated alert, fight, flight, and immobilization responses from unresolved physical, emotional, and mental needs for survival is key to opening doorways to positive change. In trauma research, the residue of old tapes shows up in intrusive thoughts, hyper-arousal, and avoidance. Unresolved nervous system material shows up physiologically in sleep issues, nightmares, illness, changes in digestion, heart rate, hormone levels, and hyper-arousal. They show up mentally and emotionally in hyper-vigilance, anxiety, panic attacks, irritation, violent thoughts or actions, reliving or experiencing the initial pain and depression,
They show up behaviorally or socially in fawning/flocking with an excessive need to please others, submission by giving in to others, or defense to bring the attention of others through excessive crying. These tapes also contribute to compensating for pain through addiction, numbing or hiding out as a result of not being able to discern danger from life-enhancing choices. These behaviors point to the need to create a successful outcome or resolution from traumatic earlier experiences.
So it’s important to identify the actual old tapes that keep showing up and to get a sense of their source. Your beliefs about life, relationships, men, women, self, work, different groups, etc. impact how you face the world, and the quality of life energy you have to dedicate to your positive intentions for your life today.
These old tapes are played over and over within beliefs with an inventory of repetitive experiences in your life that play out in remarkably similar ways. You might even catch yourself looking at the world in negative ways with things you say out loud, how you move toward or away from others or situations, or within repetitive emotional, mental, or physical states that point to your reactions to life.
Transforming Old Tapes into New Possibilities
Resonance Repatterning® works with your inner technology to access information stored in your body-mind system at the unconscious level to bring life-depleting old tapes to the surface to identify and transform. This happens with a resonance muscle-checking system that connects to your Nervous System. Your Nervous System is connected to every organ, tissue, and gland in your body. This means that it is possible to work with prenatal, family, and activated unresolved traumatic experiences where patterns have been held. These patterns and old tapes keep playing as they get lived out in your relationships, your health, and your sense of well-being.
The process creates coherent release and updated options for your system to transform this information for more optimal functioning to create greater harmony and balance in your body-mind system. This happens with natural modalities of color, light, sound, movement, breath, energetic contact, fragrance, and consciousness science paired with your specific needs.
Sessions create greater relaxation, peace of mind, ability to connect to playfulness, love, joy, and stillness. By doing so, you are better able to experience more of what you choose to create in your life on the physical, emotional, mental, and spirit levels. You reclaim your authority (authorship) with greater life energy to dedicate your positive intentions. Your life-enhancing choices then create more conscious pathways that allow you to experience new possibilities for greater growth and transformation that are aligned with your vision of life.
Kimberly Rex, MS is an Advanced Resonance Repatterning® practitioner, Person-Centered Expressive Therapist, and Wellness and Well-being Life Coach. She works with people all over the world via Skype, phone, and proxy.
Find out how Resonance Repatterning benefits your life. Set up a personal session or sign up for a free monthly newsletter with articles, natural healing modalities, and exclusive group sessions here.
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Resonance Repatterning Works with Your Inner Software
In the past week I received an email asking what technology or machine did I have to measure a change before and after a Resonance Repatterning session? This question is not new, however, the answer is actually simple. Resonance Repatterning® does not use any machines. The process relies on the inner software of your body-mind system to register the change.
Your inner software is responsive and sensitive to your environment, your emotions, the food you eat, the messages you give yourself, your stress level, as well as to the patterns and habits you have learned and practiced over time. Science and consciousness technology is moving towards being able to study and register the outcomes of the impact, effect, and healing of natural modalities including color, light, sound, movement, meditation, breath, and energetic contacts all included in the process of Resonance Repatterning®.
This brings up a good point about trusting your own body. What has happened in your life that has numbed down or taken away your sense of trusting your inner guidance, feelings, or biofeedback? It isn’t that your body-mind system isn’t reporting. Your autonomic nervous system allows you to digest, blink, and breath on your own. Your heart beats independently 24/7.
The importance of this vital information is that your autonomic nervous system is connected to every organ, tissue, muscle, and gland in your body. A Resonance Repatterning® session works with a resonance muscle checking system that accesses this information relayed in the binary muscle response. This means that when the muscle is flexed it is reporting that you are dedicating life energy to the information. When the muscle is relaxed, your body-mind system is reporting that you are not dedicating life energy to the statement or situation.
One of the most important revelations that comes from a session is the change in where your life energy is dedicated. At the beginning of a session, a client is usually muscle-checking with a flexed response to their issues. In turn, they muscle check with a relaxed response to their positive intention.
The beauty of this process is that it examines the non-coherent aspects of established patterns in your life related to the issues that are brought to the session. Identifying where and when the pattern was initiated, and how it came forward in your life through life-depleting beliefs, habits, and attitudes, as well as how this has impacted your life physically, emotionally, and mentally at core levels then establishes the potential for building greater coherent new pathways and possibilities.
Working with all the systems of the body, Resonance Repatterning® updates and illuminates movement toward a new way of thinking, feeling, believing, and living. This allows you to restore and update the information in your body-mind system to create greater vital life energy for your positive intentions re-routing where your positive life energy is dedicated in the present. Your body-mind system is designed for success and self-healing.
During the day, I work in an office that has two light switches. When I walk in, both lights are off, and it is very dark! If I turn on one, but not the other, the light in the room is still dim. However, if I switch on both, the room fills with light which makes it possible to do so much more. In the same way, when checking for shifts at the completion of a session, we check both the coherent and non-coherent statements as these changes are registered in the muscle-checking responses. The client can feel the difference in the muscle-checking process registered in the muscle-check. Where the person was resonating with an issue at the start, they now resonate with the positive intention instead. By turning the non-coherent statement OFF, they have added more life energy to their positive intention. When the positive intention registers as ON, they have literally created a new pathway with new opportunities filled with greater ease and clarity.
Not only do clients feel the difference in the muscle-checking process, they see a difference. Clients report that they feel more relaxed, less anxious, more hopeful, more energized, and open! This gets translated into a tangible experience that takes you to the next steps in realizations, insights, awareness, and positive change.
This is your invitation to experience a 45-90 minute personal session with Kimberly Rex, MS to tap into the innate wisdom of your body to create sustainable and positive change. Personal sessions are powerful energetic tune-ups for greater wellness and well-being! Sessions can be done by phone, Skype, or in-person. Get more information about how this works here.
Posted by Kimberly Rex
What is Resonance in Resonance Repatterning?
What is resonance in Resonance Repatterning? When you resonate with something there is a match in vibration or frequency with that something. It is more than a belief and feeling. It is a match, which speaks to the integral whole of who we are. That sensation resounds or is amplified within you. You are in sync with a statement, person or situation in a way that communicates at the bio-energetic level of response. This response is emotional, mental, physical and at the core essence of who you are in your experience day-to-day.
An example in the physical world would be that of a tuning fork with the frequency of “A” being struck in a room with a piano. The tuning fork would vibrate at the frequency of “A”. The piano string with the exact same frequency of “ A” within the piano would respond to the frequency and begin to vibrate even though it had not been physically directly struck.
We have all experienced this in our lives. Our bio-energetic sense of the world registers as emotion (energy in motion), physical, feeling and conscious states indicate our response to people, places and things. Frequency patterns are present in everything in the Universe. Every problem, opportunity, person, organ in our body, element, relationship, etc. has a frequency pattern. How you interact and respond to these frequencies is your resonance.
Resonance based on the filters of your belief systems, physical systems, energy flow, disruptions and blockages in your Chakra and Meridian Systems altered by stress, trauma, pain, unconscious patterns (prenatal, parental and generational patterns) impact how you interact with the world, and how it is interpreted within. You feel attraction to particular people, places, and situations and have positive, neutral or negative responses based on your resonance.
Resonance Repaterning uses the fact that this information can be accessed through resonance kinesiology through your muscle signals within your bio-energetic field. Resonance muscle checking accesses information from your Autonomic Nervous System containing the material of your unconscious beliefs and patterns.
You are wired for success and survival. The Autonomic Nervous System allows you to breathe, respond to the environment, blink and move away from danger without having to think about it. The entire Universe is comprised of intelligent energy and supports your life.
Your bio-energetic system has the information that gives insight as to where your life energy is dedicated, interrupted, blocked and inflow related to your health, relationship, opportunities, abundance, creativity, etc. Where energy is blocked or less than optimal in the system due to non-coherence, a Resonance Repatterning session works to restore optimal energy flow through restoration of frequency patterns that create harmony, vitality and life-enhancing support. The power of a session is that through a session your body-mind system can become aware, and deliver information to the exact place within your bio-energetic system to restore balance. Even when a session completes, your bio-energetic system continues to bring our system back into more optimal alignment.
With the energy shifted, this in turn, affects how you perceive the world (your subjective reality). With the frequency patterns shifted in your energetic field, you become more aware about how you experience life, and begin projecting a different frequency harmonic. What you resonate with becomes your picture and soundtrack of the world. You can shift the overall picture and soundtrack when you shift your resonance with any part of the structure of your personal beliefs, senses, and essence.
The truth is that like a hose that has a kink in it removed, you have more optimal energy flow for moving into the world with vitality, strength, and purpose. The beauty of a session is that through the process of resonance muscle checking, locating the information within the kinks in the hose leads to the opportunity for transforming where and how your life energy is dedicated.
Think about that. It is as simple as the analogy of wearing rose-colored glasses. If we were to see the world differently, in turn, our world would be different. In other words, reality is in the eye of the beholder. Let’s say you are in the middle of rush hour traffic. You could respond in one of two ways. You could respond from stress and frustration with all of the noise, time spent on the road and the drivers on the road, or, you could resonate with the feeling that this is a time to not be in such a hurry in your day, that the person pulling into the lane in front of you might be having a tough day and bless them on the road. This is a shift in perception. Our body will experience something different in each of these frequency modes.
What we resonate with is what we experience in the world. If we change our resonance we change our experience in the world.
And now, I’d like to invite you to explore this topic more deeply by giving yourself the gift of energizing your life and relationship with a personal session. Experience this cutting-edge healing process that creates extraordinary outcomes.
When you sign-up for Windows to the Heart Repatterning FREE monthly newsletter, you’ll receive an e-book that will offer suggestions for grounding and releasing energy in a way that will help you handle transitions and stress here: Newsletter and Exclusive Re-pattern Your Life Events
Schedule your personal Resonance Repatterning session with Kimberly Rex, MS here.
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The Science Behind Resonance Repatterning
The science behind Resonance Repatterning® involves many disciplines. Originally called Holographic Repattterning, Chloe Faith Wordsworth developed this process by working with clients to transform the painful areas of their lives. She discovered that by accessing their individual needs through applied kinesiology, specific to what their body-mind system was reporting, extraordinary outcomes resulted in greater potential for health, nourishing relationships, and greater sense of well-being together.
This process is based on New Physics and the fact that everything is energy and has a frequency. We live in a universe of both sound waves and light particles. Colors have frequencies. Sound is measured in wavelength and frequency. Everything in your life has a frequency. This means that your response to life is contained in your back ache, depression, business arguments, as well as your joy and successes communicating in frequency patterns. Underlying patterns of frequency or resonance is stored in both your conscious and unconscious patterns. Your body is a map of your life experience so information from pre-natal, earlier experiences, and generational material through your DNA can be accessed in a session.
Your Autonomic Nervous System is connected to every organ, tissue, muscle and gland of your body. It communicates information that gives a read-out like an EEG, EKG or pulse. In Resonance Repatterning® this information is relayed through a muscle-checking system with no machines involved. Working with the binary response of the muscles, resonance for limiting beliefs, attitudes, and patterns affecting your life today can get to the root of the issues.
Patterns of intergenerational trauma, family beliefs, trauma, chronic stress, loss, illness, grief or abuse are registered in your body as energy that impacts the way you see and experiences the world. What you resonate with is how you orient towards life and respond based on where your conscious and unconscious energy is dedicated. Through habit and repetition, negative beliefs, thoughts, and attitudes can still impact the quality of life you are experiencing today. A session identifies the source of these unconscious patterns that are blocking and depleting your life energy. Pain is a disruption or block of your life energy. In the course of a session, self-healing modalities transform non-coherent patterns to restore the body-mind-spirit field to greater coherence so that there is greater resonance with your positive intentions.
Working with universal healing disciplines of the Chinese Five Element and Meridian System, Polarity Therapy based on the chakra system of India, Jin Shin Jyutsu, Family Systems, consciousness science, color, light, sound, fragrance, movement, breath, energetic balancing and applied kinesiology, each session taps into the wisdom your body to offer specific support for your needs.
Point of Choice
Problems are seen as a point of choice, in the same way that Newton described the Motivating Factor. He stated that an object in motion will continue in a straight line until a force changes its direction. Problems can have a motivating force to help you change direction in your life. They can also be seen as forces of resistance that can activate positive change. When there is a combination of vision, intention and action, problems can activate the motivation for extraordinary outcomes.
When you change the way you look at things, the thing you look at changes.~Max Planck
Becoming the observer of your life creates the opportunity for positive change. When you are experiencing negatrive or limiting repetitive problematic issues, you are likely resonating with unconscious material that has not yet been resolved or released. Creating new possibilities in the way that allows you to move toward your positive intentions, you experience more life enhancing outcomes.
The client moves from a de-energized state to greater awareness regarding positive change. This is registered with a muscle-checking system throughout the session. The muscle-checking indicator registers a change in resonance. Clients experience a change in attitude to feeling more positive and energized. Some experience immediate lessening of symptoms while others experience gradual change as the body-mind field updates naturally. You are designed for success and self-healing.
In some cases, a natural positive action is required to further the work of the session. This activates the intelligent field of action. Like The Butterfly Effect, a small action can create change in the holographic world. Repatterning works at the quantum level to effect the system as a whole. All of life is an interdependent system of interconnecting relationships within our body-mind system and the world.
We live in an ocean of frequencies, organized as a hologram in which each part contains the whole. Creating order in one part automatically benefits the whole.~from Quantum Change Made Easy by Chloe Faith Wordsworth
Overlapping energy fields impact relationship interactions. Cultural beliefs that have embedded through time are energetically present in the collective field as memes. Resonance Repatterning works with personal beliefs, attitudes and concepts of time to help create greater access to new possibilities in the present.
Resonance Repatterning works with universal healing disciplines and natural modalities that can be experienced by anyone individually, in groups locally or “non-locally.” In New Physics, time and space are flexible and unified. The work is successful in-person, over distances or as proxy (standing in for someone else in the Unified Field). Sessions are successful with humans, animals and even enhance the life-energy of plants. For more information about Resonance Repatterning, visit:
I’d like to invite you to explore how Resonance Repatterning benefits your life. Experience a session by phone, Skype or in-person with Windows to the Heart Repatterning. Ask questions and set up a session here: Contact Page
Sign up for monthly newsletter here: Newsletter and Exclusive Re-pattern Your Life Events with FREE eBook entitled Eight Natural Modalities for Navigating Stressful Times.
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