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Taking the Compassionate Journey of Healing Within

I attended a conference in Mexico over a decade ago where a speaker talked about the necessary journey in our lives. She talked about healing within as your spiritual journey through life.

This evolution is more of a spiral than a straight line. So bringing mindfulness, kindness, and understanding to your life is essential to reach your heart through joys, trials, and challenges so you take part in creating your own destiny through the compassionate journey of healing within.

This journey shows up in the appointments you have with essential learning that are brought to the surface to metabolize emotions in the process of your being human on this planet where there is so much to process.

The threshold of learning happens where and when you are challenged with external events that are paired with an inner conflict related to your feelings, attitudes, and beliefs. Some events in our lives seem to have greater gravitational force than others. Events of great joy, as well as great sorrow, take you into deeper dialogue with your soul, to the questions about the meaning of your own life and your purpose. These are particular times, no matter how difficult it seems related to the cultural, familial, and gender expectations of you, you have the invitation to engage and embark on the adventure of taking the compassionate journey of healing within for growth and transformation.

Owning our story can be hard but not nearly as difficult as spending our lives running from it. Embracing our vulnerabilities is risky but not nearly as dangerous as giving up on love and belonging and joy—the experiences that make us the most vulnerable. Only when we are brave enough to explore the darkness will we discover the infinite power of our light.  ~Brene Brown

Creating the Compassionate Journey with Courage and Acceptance

Challenges show up in relationships, obstacles, forks in the road, and seeming dead ends.  The Universe uses everything to involve you in the journey: relationships, situations, emotions, etc. The choices that present themselves when difficulties show up, messages, or learning is what it is attempting to get your attention to expand your awareness.

Challenges are here to awaken you and even if you’re awakening, life continuously gives you challenges and then the awakening accelerates and deepens. ~ Eckhart Tolle

An issue might keep showing up and then escalate to create even more pain and intensity until you are ready to sit with the meaning of the need for significant inner change. I have fondly called this “the lesson of the 2 x 4.”    I say fondly because it is how much persuasion it takes to finally get that things are not working out no matter how many times attempted to get things to turn out another way.  You know the adage, Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” ~ Unknown

Shame, guilt, hurt, anger, hopelessness, or fear can keep you from looking at another possibility for a new or broader vision of life. However, these feelings do point to the healing journey to transform us. It is important to work with these inner signals, to digest, metabolize and integrate them to take their higher lessons.  In a world where it is difficult to sit with anything or have time to process, taking time with your inner feelings is essential to create positive change in your wellness and well-being.

It’s very important that we re-learn the art of resting and relaxing. Not only does it help prevent the onset of many illnesses that develop through chronic tension and worrying; it allows us to clear our minds, focus, and find creative solutions to problems. ~Thich Nhat Hanh

Many times the desire to make something work out with the perception of the past is based on re-acting out something that needs your attention to heal and update. You might not have had the support or nurture to work out the original pain or situation at the time. However, tuning into the place that makes you vulnerable today creates the openness that allows you to bring awareness to the underlying need, feelings, and beliefs that keep you entangled in the pattern from the past. It is essential to unlocking the lesson from your unhealed limiting earlier experience to change the patterns you are living in the present.

The truth is that your current experience of life is based on your beliefs, thoughts, and attitudes about yourself, the world, and others. When you change your perception of what you are experiencing within, you change how you interact and respond to life allowing you to live more from your potential through a greater connection to truth, love, and compassion for your inner needs and feelings. This, in turn, allows you to see more of your self. In doing so, you are then able to see more of others. Through empathy, your compassion ripples out into the world to create new connections and new possibilities for being in the world.

Acceptance looks like a passive state, but in reality, it brings something entirely new into this world. That peace, a subtle energy vibration, is consciousness. ~Eckhart Tolle

Building a Bridge to New Possibilities for Your Life

Resonance Repatterning® is a compassionate healing journey to unlock where, when, and how a limiting or depleting situation, belief, or attitude still affects your life today. There are processes within the protocols that diffuse and release the disrupted, blocked or constricted energy that limits your ability to find a new way of interacting with life. The process also includes fusing or returning energy to your body-mind system that has been lost through trauma, loss, shock, or pain so that you actually have more life energy to dedicate to the positive intentions you have for your life. This creates greater integrity in your wellness and well-being allowing you to experience more love, joy, a sense of hope, a feeling of being centered, and empowered.

Would you like to receive natural ways to build greater harmony and balance in your wellness and well-being? Here is an opportunity with monthly healing modalities and repatterning events from Windows to the Heart Repatterning.

Sign up for monthly newsletter here: Newsletter and Exclusive Re-pattern Your Life Events

Re-pattern your life to experience greater integrity in your wellness and well-being!

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On the Journey towards Positive and Sustainable Personal Change

 The journey towards positive and sustainable personal change includes your entire body-mind system. Your awareness, attitudes, beliefs, and sense of direction all make a difference in the process. The emotional and mental components of this journey are as important as your physical actions and decision-making process. Your dedication one-day at a time over a period of time changes how you meet challenges and new opportunities.

How to Meet the New Opportunity

   In Resonance Repatterning® building coherent awareness is key to beginning the process of positive change.  The following are some of the beginning elements of the process for personal change in any part of your life’s journey.

  1. Awareness is key and the first step in identifying where you are in your life, and what is coming up for you as an issue. This could be any area in your wellness and well-being: relationship, business, health, energy level, or the resulting effects of grief, loss, or trauma.
  2. Acceptance in this case is not giving up, it is seeing things as they are in the present for what and how they are realistically. In order to create new possibilities, it is important to resonate with the change being an opportunity and a point of choice. This means that there is a willingness to take part in a growth process that leads to transformation.

    When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.~Lao Tzu

  3. Empowerment is that place where you become aligned with the motivation and determination to move through new possibility with the intent to discern what is aligned with your journey of growth and what is not aligned with positive change.   Using this tool, you are able to feel the vital life energy to create positive change.
  4. Focus and Attention:  Where you place your thoughts and how you respond to them is key in your journey. Through making time and space in your life, as well as resonating with coherent beliefs, attitudes, qualities, strengths and actions in your present, you begin to create a future with greater vital life energy   one step at a time. By doing so, this allows you to shift direction through discernment when you need to do so, and take positive action with your awareness so that you can continue in the direction of your positive intentions.

How to Meet Challenges to Embark on the Journey of Change

  • Fear of the unknown and losing control: Starting on a new path or creating a new habit can feel so unfamiliar that your sense of being in control can be significantly challenged.  Antidote: Reminding yourself of times in your life where you have experienced a challenge and met that challenge in a way that felt successful can create an anchor image and feeling to get you started on the path to creating new possibilities. Resonating with with new possibilities and the opportunities you will experience with your plan of action is greatly supportive. Know that set-backs are stepping stones when they happen as teachers and guides to next steps.                                                                                                                                                                                          
  • Not enough time to establish or integrate new changes: With the hustle and bustle of life you might feel as though there isn’t enough time in your schedule to begin first steps in the process of change. Antidote: Make time for small steps each day, delegating some of your daily chores, or making room for reflection or planning daily is essential in the process of making positive change. In as little as 10 minutes per day for any of these, you can tune into your process in a nourishing and creative way.                                                                                                                     
  •  Shifting Habits: Shifting a habit takes time. According to a research project mentioned in How Long Does it Take to Form a Habit? (, it can take 2-8 months to change and establish a new habit based on a number of factors related to your planning, pacing and support system in place.  Antidote: Small daily changes lead to significant changes over the long term. An example is to create a daily routine by using a template to intitate, motivate and sustain your new positive actions as you move through the process.
  • My goal (e.g. ‘to eat more fruit and vegetables’) _________________________________________________
  • My plan (e.g. ‘after I have lunch at home I will have a piece of fruit’) (when and where) ______________________ I will _____________________________________.   (                                                                                   
  •  Feeling uncomfortable: Creating new patterns also involves addressing underlying emotions, beliefs and attitudes about change. Fear and frustration that has been buried might come up for resolution. Allow them to inform you, and in the process learn to be kind and forgiving to your Self, while making space for forgiveness of others, as well.  Antidote: Becoming aware of your underlying need for health and more energy can be met with alternative and healthy ways of choosing. Eating at a fast food restaurant does not meet these needs, however, the need for nurture, support and ease might be an underlying need that also needs to be heard. Find ways to create options to include short and long-term actions. For example, you might make a list of foods you can eat that are healthy for you that you can have at home, take to work, and also options for restaurants or menu items. You might choose a different environment altogether, or look at how to create stress-reducing activities to fill your need for nurture and calm. Journal, draw, move and express your feelings through natural and positive means.                                                                                                                                              

  •  Letting Go of the Past: Making a transition in life from a relationship, job, or move can creates stress in itself. Know that your past has had an important impact on your life, and its teaching allows you to learn from its experience. Take that experience and apply it to your future. Don’t lose the lesson. Antidote: Finding support groups or supportive friends or resources that have encountered similar transitions can be especially beneficial as you move into new territory of your life.                                                                                                                                                                                        
  • Confidence about skills: When starting on a new project, or creating a lifestyle change, it’s important to resonate with beginning where you are, as well as knowing where to look for resources, ideas and information to start your process in creating a new habit or positive change.  Antidote: Take a class, research, find a mentor, talk with an advisor, read, and ask for directions. An example for healthy eating might be the book, Savor by Thich Nhat Hanh that speaks to the body-mind system in response to food and nurture.                                                                                                                                  
  • Impact on the rest of your life: Making change can mean in where you live, what you do, what you will no longer tolerate, or where and how you dedicate your time.                  Antidote: Resonating with the underlying need of loving self-care, healthy nourishment, health, loving relationships, calm and well-being are the over-arching motivation for creating a new life worthy of positive change. Creating new possibilities for your life is not short-term it is a life change!                                                
  • Changes in social circles and loyalty to patterns over time: Making change can mean shifting social interactions with specific people. It can also mean that you stop your hangouts and patterns that influenced or impacted your negative habit, addiction or limiting pattern. An example might be that you are trying stop overeating, however, your pattern has been to have lunch daily with co-workers at a fast food restaurant.    Antidote: Join a support group or activity group that has a focus on part of your process (healthy eating, exercise, grief, creativity). By taking part in a group you will feel support and change feels much more possible. Choose to limit your interaction or number of times per week that you eat at the fast food restaurant, or choose a different menu item. You can also begin to choose different allies or activities during your meal time.                                                                                                        

 Resonance Repatterning® personal sessions with Kimberly Rex, MS allow you to transform problems into opportunities so that you resonate with new possibilities to create greater integrity in your wellness and well-being. There are sessions for every part of your journey of positive change that address each of the elements in this article tailored to your personal needs.

To benefit from a personal session in your journey of positive change no matter where you are in the process,  Register for personal Repattern Your Life Session Here

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Resonance Repatterning Works with Your Inner Software


In the past week I received an email asking what technology or machine did I have to measure a change before and after a Resonance Repatterning session? This question is not new, however, the answer is actually simple. Resonance Repatterning® does not use any machines. The process relies on the inner software of your body-mind system to register the change.

Your inner software is responsive and sensitive to your environment, your emotions, the food you eat, the messages you give yourself, your stress level, as well as to the patterns and habits you have learned and practiced over time.  Science and consciousness technology is moving towards being able to study and register the outcomes of the impact, effect, and healing of natural modalities including color, light, sound, movement, meditation, breath, and energetic contacts all included in the process of Resonance Repatterning®.

This brings up a good point about trusting your own body.  What has happened in your life that has numbed down or taken away your sense of trusting your inner guidance, feelings, or biofeedback? It isn’t that your body-mind system isn’t reporting. Your autonomic nervous system allows you to digest, blink, and breath on your own. Your heart beats independently 24/7.

The importance of this vital information is that your autonomic nervous system is connected to every organ, tissue, muscle, and gland in your body. A Resonance Repatterning® session works with a resonance muscle checking system that accesses this information relayed in the binary muscle response. This means that when the muscle is flexed it is reporting that you are dedicating life energy to the information. When the muscle is relaxed, your body-mind system is reporting that you are not dedicating life energy to the statement or situation.

Internal Wisdom by Kimberly Rex

Inner Listening by Kimberly Rex

One of the most important revelations that comes from a session is the change in where your life energy is dedicated. At the beginning of a session, a client is usually muscle-checking with a flexed response to their issues. In turn, they muscle check with a relaxed response to their positive intention.

The beauty of this process is that it examines the non-coherent aspects of established patterns in your life related to the issues that are brought to the session. Identifying where and when the pattern was initiated, and how it came forward in your life through life-depleting beliefs, habits, and attitudes, as well as how this has impacted your life physically, emotionally, and mentally at core levels then establishes the potential for building greater coherent new pathways and possibilities.

Working with all the systems of the body, Resonance Repatterning® updates and illuminates movement toward a new way of thinking, feeling, believing, and living. This allows you to restore and update the information in your body-mind system to create greater vital life energy for your positive intentions re-routing where your positive life energy is dedicated in the present. Your body-mind system is designed for success and self-healing.

During the day, I work in an office that has two light switches. When I walk in, both lights are off, and it is very dark! If I turn on one, but not the other, the light in the room is still dim. However, if I switch on both, the room fills with light which makes it possible to do so much more. In the same way, when checking for shifts at the completion of a session, we check both the coherent and non-coherent statements as these changes are registered in the muscle-checking responses. The client can feel the difference in the muscle-checking process registered in the muscle-check. Where the person was resonating with an issue at the start, they now resonate with the positive intention instead. By turning the non-coherent statement OFF, they have added more life energy to their positive intention. When the positive intention registers as ON, they have literally created a new pathway with new opportunities filled with greater ease and clarity.

Not only do clients feel the difference in the muscle-checking process, they see a difference. Clients report that they feel more relaxed, less anxious, more hopeful, more energized, and open! This gets translated into a tangible experience that takes you to the next steps in realizations, insights, awareness, and positive change.

This is your invitation to experience a 45-90 minute personal session with Kimberly Rex, MS to tap into the innate wisdom of your body to create sustainable and positive change. Personal sessions are powerful energetic tune-ups for greater wellness and well-being! Sessions can be done by phone, Skype, or in-person.  Get more information about how this works here.

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