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As the Light Returns

As the light returns in the Northern Hemisphere after the Winter Solstice, the daylight hours are slowly increasing over time toward spring. Even though I consciously know this is true, the expansion of darkness that has grown over time from fall has sometimes made it more difficult to resonate with the light and focus only on the dark.

As the Light Returns

This natural occurrence that takes place each year is expected, however, it still comes as a surprise to my awareness in that I begin to dwell on the darkness.

My attitude about this natural cycle and the presence of more darkness with the cooling temperatures and movement indoors changes my stress-avoidance actions and words. Instead of resonating with underlying potential benefits of the season of oncoming winter, I find myself complaining more about what has been lost more than what I might gain.

So what changed that? My attitude, responses to the situation, and my relationship with time are what changed. I am beginning to resonate with the return of light over the dark and cold of winter. I am now beginning to orient to the journey through winter to spring as we near the solstice time signaling the start of winter.

Winter is a time of introspection and depth. There are clear benefits of going inward, slowing down to harvest lessons and awareness, putting my energy into my roots the way plants do in the cold months so they can take the nurture of the Earth as she moves around the sun.

On the Winter Solstice, the change began with only a few seconds of the length of time, similar to that of the day before the solstice. Yet, it is likely that my mindset will be especially focused more on the return of light. This is because this 3-month timeframe leads to greater light and warmth in spring. The takeaway is that it is all about perception and that the journeys we take in our lives need to be appreciated as the process unfolds even when a goal might seem to be a distance and time away.

As the Light Returns Quantum Change Happens

This starts with an invitation to celebrate along the pathway towards your goals and positive intentions instead of waiting for a date 3 months away to realize the subtleties in shifts that occur in small increments transforming each and every day.

Those small increments and connections to stillness and presence create wisdom, nurture, and new possibilities. This is where things really happen. Winter is a good time to release fears by connecting to the still-point, to the Universe, and to cultivating unconditional love through your cultivating presence on the physical, emotional, mental, and core essence levels.

At the Still Point by T.S. Eliot

At the still point of the turning world. Neither flesh nor fleshless;
Neither from nor towards; at the still point, there the dance is,
But neither arrest nor movement. And do not call it fixity,
Where past and future are gathered. Neither movement from nor towards,
Neither ascent nor decline. Except for the point, the still point,
There would be no dance, and there is only the dance

Working with 8 Treasures as the Light Returns

Chinese Medicine acknowledges the aspects of cultivating vital life energy over time. The reminder in winter along the path is to work with what is called the 8 Treasures. A reminder of this ability to thrive even during the cold months is illustrated by the cherry blossoms that bloom during winter even in the snow!

pink petaled flowers closeup photo
Photo by Brett Sayles on

The 8 Treasures for cultivation includes 81 days of getting in sync with nature as it presents itself in the journey toward spring. This time is also used to connect to and cultivate inner peace, happiness, smooth transitions, health, wealth, longevity, luck/fortune, and fulfillment.

To connect with the energetics of the 8 Treasures within, the process begins with eating or drinking an 8 Treasure congee stew or tea.

The idea is to work with the first 9 days starting with the solstice in the journey through winter continuing into spring by drinking a little 8 Treasure congee or tea for the 1st 9 days. The fluid with the combination of glutenous rice, beans, nuts, grains, fruit, and sometimes meat, or the flower and fruit tea brings a deep acknowledgment and nourishment for the process.

Here is an article on ingredients you can find in 8 Treasure Soup:

You can order 8 Treasure teas on

The journey continues with intervals of 9 days with a focus on one of the 8 Treasures.

This beautiful process was taught to me by Master Liu He with a painting or drawing of a branch to hold 9 cherry blossoms, one drawn every 9 days. Each petal represents the completion of each 9-day segment and one aspect of the 8 Treasures. For every nine-day period between the beginning of winter and spring, you work with a new attribute. You then paint or draw one more blossom on the branch until it contains the nine cherry blossoms of your journey. What an acknowledgment and celebration of each part of the path that buds and flowers as you take care of your vital essence through the winter!

Smooth Transitions as the Light Returns

Of course, you can create your own way of processing gradual change as the light returns with a focus on the 8 Treasures through drawing, journaling, or dancing the attribute of each one over the timeframe of 81 days. It could be useful to draw one cherry blossom with one of the attributes in each petal. Then you might work with meditation questions about the particular aspect such as this example. “What do I need to know to cultivate inner peace?” “What resources do I need to create more peace in my life?” “What do I need to let go of to experience peace more fully?” Listen for guidance and trust the wisdom of your heart to tell you what you need at this time in your life or access more guidance to build wisdom from a teacher, book, or course.

It could be that you use movement including Qigong, Tai Chi, ice skating, skiing, or even snowshoeing to feel physically feel smooth transitions. You can tap into our own creative expression to explore each attribute. This is a time to get more in sync with nature by creating light within through illumination for your life. It is also worth your time to be in natural light by being out noticing what is happening in nature, enjoying yourself by looking at streams, rivers, mountains, watching the birds, or noticing activity in trees and plants as we move closer to spring. This keeps the focus on being present at the still point while moving forward at the same time (the dance).

So I invite you to consider taking this time to nourish and root yourself so that you can meet each day throughout the winter in ways that you know will benefit your attitudes, responses, and beliefs about your life. It is a great way to nourish your roots, collect seeds of vital energy within and honor your part in the wisdom of the Earth’s process. The light is returning. In fact, it is always there feeding your roots, establishing nourishment for growth towards budding, and flowering into new possibilities.

Kimberly Rex, MS
Kimberly Rex

Kimberly Rex, MS is an Advanced Resonance Repatterning® practitioner, Person-Centered Expressive Therapist, and Wellness and Well-being Life Coach. She works with people all over the world via Skype, phone, and proxy.

Find out how Resonance Repatterning benefits your life. Set up a personal session or sign up for a free monthly newsletter with articles, natural healing modalities, and exclusive group sessions here.

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Quantum Change Made Easy: A Case Study with Extraordinary Outcomes

Leading edge Energy Medicine for Use in Your Life   “Quantum change takes place beyond the level of vibrating subatomic particles: the primal divine energy of sound and light which inspires us on our upward and inward journey of self-healing in all areas of our life.
   Lao Tzu writes that the journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step. What he is describing is Quantum Change. Every step, whether thought, word, intention or action, organizes particles at the quantum level and makes us receptive to spirit. Each succeeding step on our journey attracts more energy, which leads to quantum leaps that carry us way beyond our original expectations. * from Quantum Change Made Easy


Quantum change isn’t just about sub-atomic particles. A small change starts a rippling effect in your awareness, health, relationships, and sense of well-being to create extraordinary outcomes in wellness and well-being.

  In Quantum Change Made Easy by Chloe Faith Wordsworth, many case studies tell how this works. In a case study, I submitted for the book, a very bright child who was legally blind (and the lowest functioning student in reading for her eight-year-old peer group ) had an extraordinary improvement in her reading ability in response to a Vision Repatterning.

Quantum Change Made Easy Case Study

    On the day of the  Resonance Repatterning® session, her beginning concern was not about reading, but about not being able to perform in the school play happening that week. She was afraid that she wouldn’t make it, forget her lines, and freeze up. During her session, it was possible to find the source of her issue related to her fear.  Through working with applied kinesiology and a detailed protocol, a memory imprint from her birth process was checked in to help her regain greater ease and freedom. The session identified an Earlier Experience where her mother was in fear about not being able to make it to the hospital for this child’s birth. In fact, she was born in a stress-filled situation in a limousine racing its way to the hospital.  Her father could not be there for her birth, nor could her mother feel at ease during her labor process. Through the work of this session, a Memory Update* created an ideal birth situation with both her mother and father present giving her loving messages as she was born into this world validating presence. The session also worked with releasing residual stress in her body-mind system that had caused stress to her physical vision. The outcome of the session was amazing!  That week she breezed through all of her lines in the play, and a few weeks later, she scored the highest among her peer group on the State Reading Tests.
The energy that had limited her had been freed and had shifted into better support for her energy system. This decreased the stress in her body and her energy field for a  quantum leap into a more coherent expression of her core essence and life vision.

* In Quantum Physics time is not fixed, but flexible, so we can work anyplace on the time-space continuum to update the energy in the present from the past.

Your body is wired for success and self-healing. Like a sunflower orienting itself to the sun for life-energizing and sustaining nurture, you, too, can move through change more coherently by orienting yourself to the frequencies of Coherent Life Energy through Resonance Repatterning®. This allows us, like the sunflower, to be more oriented to that which is nurturing and life-enhancing as we go through the process of change. When you resonate with nurturing life energy, you then begin to resonate with actions, resources, and commitment that will support you in feeling more centered, empowered, joyful and loving through the transition. As a result, this creates more freedom, flexibility, and a sense of ease.

A Resonance Repatterning ® session assists with bringing your life into a more coherent balance and ideal life energy flow. Everything in the Universe has a frequency. Where underlying unconscious patterns, traumas, or generational beliefs have created more pain or stress in your life,  a session works to name and shift frequencies so you can become more oriented to nurture in your life. Like a garden hose that has a kink (energy disruption ) taken out of it, a session decreases stress and increases the ease and flow within our bodies, in our communications, and in our vision of life.  Get Quantum Change Made Easy: Breakthroughs In Personal Transformation, Self-healing, and Achieving the Best of Who You Are (Resonance Repatterning Books) by clicking this link.

Kimberly Rex, MS is a Certified Resonance Repatterning, Wellness and Well-being Coach, and Person-Centered Expressive Therapist who works with people of all ages. She has extensive experience in working with adults, children, couples, groups, and families to support positive change from all over the world. Sessions work to update issues from earlier experiences no matter where you are in life’s journey. Sessions work by proxy, in-person, or by phone. To schedule a personal session, contact Kimberly at

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Opening Pandora’s Box to Find Hope

Opening Pandora’s Box can be a metaphor of caution for being curious or looking at what is difficult or negative. It is also a metaphor for finding hope. At this time in your personal life as well as in the collective, there is an opportunity, to look within at what has been denied, hidden, or kept secret to protect and manage your life,

Pandora by John William Waterhouse

The image of Pandora has continually come up recently as an analogy for what is happening. I have always thought that when Pandora’s curiosity caused her to open the box, it only contained negative energy. However, with a closer study of the story, it’s vital to know that hope, the one positive energy inside was also included in the container.

She also found hope after all the negative energy had been released with her courage to open the box once more. It was only to appear after the disorder was seen and examined. That hope is what makes it possible to continue forward and spiral up with the power of the point of choice through the chaos and overwhelm.

We all have our own storage box like Pandora. Inside are both painful and comforting memories. The question to ask yourself is how much space you have for hope. By working with the difficult material that has kept you separated from resonating with new possibilities, you are better able to create space for more harmony and balance in your body-mind system.

How Family Systems Offers Hope

Resonance Repatterning ® works with identifying unconscious non-coherent patterns within your body-mind-spirit system. In the process of a session, where energy is constricted or interrupted by trauma, loss, grief, or pain, natural energizing modalities bring hope to restore greater integrity in your system overall. This is done by muscle-checking for the best order and beneficial disciplines tailored to you to create greater coherence.

One of these disciplines is the process of Family Systems created by Bert Hellinger.* Opening the box of unconscious generational patterns creates a meaningful and beneficial way to rebuild hope and positive change in your life.

The Ability to Take Information So You Can Do Something Good with It

In a Family Systems session, you might hear of the importance of taking your mother or father or taking the information in your system. By making material conscious you are better able to work with it and transform its impact on your life.

This holds true with all your relationships. Taking means you are able to see all that is present. This is related to the acceptance of another person as they are or were in your past. Being able to tell the difference between what is real and what is not real is essential or possible in any relationship. Taking the information allows you to gain the energy to face life with what it is handing you.

When you are not facing life, this means that your body-mind system is more tied up in the past conflict or situation, and unable to experience the vitality and freedom to be present to what is in front of you today.

Create Order in Your System

Creating order in your system refers to the ability to resonate with being in your rightful place in your system. This could mean as a child to your parents instead of resonating with being your parent’s caretaker (acting as a parent or partner), or including the lessons from all of your partners in your relationships over time. It can also relate to any relationship where there is dysfunctional codependence. Creating order allows you to take the lessons from your life so you can use this information to create greater integrity in your own wellness and well-being.

By creating order in your family system you benefit by giving respect and dignity to the life of others and as well as freeing your own destiny. This is done out of love and regard for facing life to do something good with it. The ability to face life becomes possible in transforming your inner view of challenging relationships in life.

Include All Members of Your System

In some cases, a person might not be able to take information from the system due to lack of access or in some cases, a disorder of person in the line, or due to the exclusion of a person from the consciousness of your Family System. Exclusion could be any member of your family even from generations in the past. It could be a Great Uncle, a parent, a great grandmother, a soldier, a group of people, a partner, or even a sibling. It can also mean that through painful experience, you have been unable to process an event, or take the meaning to apply to your current life to create new possibilities, choices, or new direction.

To include everyone in your system means you have access to the information both conscious and unconscious through the generations. By doing so in the process of healing codependence in your own life, you are better able to end the violence cycles due to exclusion of members.

It’s important to look at the whole picture. This includes working with systemic information related to culture, language, beliefs, and the impact of perpetrators and victims. If individually or collectively we are not able to recognize the patterns from revenge or violence cycles, we are doomed to repeat the same mistakes over and over. Transforming these patterns allows you to let go of the energy it takes to carry the burdens of this material. This allows updates in your attitudes, responses, and builds the hope, motivation, and momentum to experience tangible and sustainable positive change.

Clearing Pandora’s Box Creates Space for Hope

“The heart that breaks open can contain the whole universe.~Joanna Macy

Recently, I’ve been going through belongings and boxes to organize and let go of things that need releasing. In one box was poetry from my high school and college years, I found a poem that I submitted to the school newspaper for publication. On the bottom of the page written in black and red ink were the votes from the editors with more “No’s than Yeses.” That single page has had a negative impact on my confidence every time I’ve looked at it in the past. I believed that my writing was not good enough. However, this year, for the first time, I noticed in pencil, 9.5 in the top right corner. This was the mark I had received from my English teacher for this poem with 10 as the highest score.

It was an “Aha” moment that changed everything. I had not been able to see it before. My psychic filter this time was able to take in a new possibility and resonate with a greater sense of hope.

The resulting optimism and feeling of gratitude reassured me that the way you see the world can change and is possible. What had changed from last year? My perspective to include the possibility of hope had shifted. By staying with my emotions when they came up and then spending more time with the awareness that came with them allowed me to get to the place of acknowledging that what my mind believed was true might not be the only way to look at the page. I asked myself if there was another way to look at it or something to learn from the page. This expanded my vision to take in new possibilities with confidence and optimism.

You can use this sentence frame for this experience. ” I used to believe________________. Now I am learning__________________________________. I forgive and release my past mistakes made in unconsciousness. I choose ________________ in this moment.”

Creating space within for hope includes acknowledging the parts of yourself that feel anxious, worried, discouraged, sad, or upset. You can ride these waves when you take the time to listen to the messages from your heart and Higher Self that include all of your life’s experiences. Then, you can take the lessons of growth, and align with what else might be possible. That’s when hope lights the way for expanding your vision so you can choose where you place your attention and take action.

With that, I share a poem I also found in the same box entitled, “Hope.

Angel of Hope~watercolor by Kimberly Rex

Hope is love
Embracing us in our pain
Lifting the lid to the sun.
As Light pours in
We can embrace and be touched by light
Feeling its presence
Within our cell’s walls.
Hope knows its freedom
And penetrates 
Even the smallest places
With love.

Hope is love whispering to us in the darkness,
Lifting the lid to the sun.

~Kimberly Rex © 2001

Kimberly Rex

Kimberly Rex, MS
is a Master Resonance Repatterning® and Wellness and Well-being Life Coach, and Person-Centered Expressive Therapist. She works with people all over the world by phone, Skype, and proxy during these times.

This is your invitation to receive natural beneficial modalities to create integrity in your wellness and well-being monthly. Sign up to receive our FREE newsletter with exclusive events and information about how to enhance your life here including 8 Natural Ways to Navigate Stressful Times eBook with registration.

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Respecting and Honoring Your Own Life

At this time of year, harvest and Thanksgiving time, it can be an invitation to look at respecting and honoring your own life with all the factors that came together to bring you to where you are now. This includes your life experiences, your parents, and the lifetimes of ancestors who came before you who through love, trials and tribulations made it possible for you being here. Showing this kind of respect for life is a beautiful way to harvest the lessons from the past with gratitude to create new possibilities for your life and those of others.

Respecting and Honoring Your Earlier Experiences

Over tens of thousands of years, the brains of humans have changed to become better able to see both the big picture as well as the details. However, the hard-wired Nervous System is designed to keep you safe in the midst of any seeming “danger,” and this alarm system gets activated when you don’t resolve the original unresolved issue or memory imprint. For this reason, it is vital to have respect for your evolution as a human both personally and collectively when considering the experiences of change you have gone through in your life.

Your earlier experiences as a little one, a teenager, young adult and so on build the foundation for what you believe to be true in your life. What you believed as a little one is stored in your body-mind system in your survival brain. Year by year this gets translated into your emotional brain. Until your thinking brain becomes fully developed, around age 25, your responses to the world are primarily through the lens of emotion and reaction to the big world of uncertainty.

This means that unresolved negative earlier experiences in your life can still have a residence in your unconscious originating from a time in your life where you were not yet able to communicate your needs pr figure out how to take care of them. As an example, an infant can scream when hurt, however, he or she cannot yet say, “No,” “Stop,” or “I need a hug.” And, if an adult did not step in to help you calm or protect you, that unmet need with the stress continues to reside in your unconscious. Stored in your Nervous System, your body and mind continue to resonate with these emotions, thoughts, and attitudes that create automatic stress reactions in your life as an adult. This is the reason it is so important to acknowledge that these unresolved beliefs, thoughts, attitudes, and reactions you experience today might be related to your early development.

Respect for these experiences gives you a window into the underlying material that keeps trying to get to the surface through difficult relationships, anxiety, depression, conflict or frustration. Knowing that negative earlier experiences in your life will attempt to raise the alarm to protect and manage your emotions allows you to use that information to create positive change. This, in turn, creates greater integrity in your wellness and well-being.

It is then possible to transform unmet needs to create more coherent beliefs, attitudes, thoughts, and patterns. Respect for yourself creates the ability to listen and take care of your need for positive change for your health, relationships and sense of well-being.

Respecting and Honoring Your Parents and Ancestors

Know that patterns in your life are the patterns your parents and family delivered to you and through you through birth, training, place, and culture you were born. 80% of the patterns in families are unconscious. This unconscious palette is what you have to work with as you go through life. For thousands of years, we, as humans have functioned in tribes to survive. Tribes experienced wars, drought, famine, migrations, illness, poverty and loss. However, it is through their efforts to survive that you were loved into being. Your palette for creating your life is colored with these emotional and survival efforts. It is only with respect for the love and difficulties experienced by your parents and ancestors that you can work with this material. By doing so, you create new patterns for your family and your descendants.

History doesn’t repeat itself, but it often rhymes. ~Mark Twain

If you take the information from your Family System, it allows you to take the lessons from your parents and ancestors. This happens when you discern how these patterns keep you feeling stuck, frustrated, upset or anxious. This creates the opportunity to become aware of its relevance in feeling overwhelmed, powerless, hopeless or disconnected.

Identifying the automatic pilot of negative emotions, attitudes, and reactions to life through Resonance Repatterning® sessions gives your body-mind system access to the unconscious material through your Nervous System connected to every tissue, organ, and gland in your body. This includes the material stored in your DNA and RNA, your vision and your Family System patterns.

Sessions create the benefit of aligning with the coherent information needed to heal unmet needs and calm your body-mind system for life-enhancing choices. This happens when you resonate with taking your mother and father exactly the way they were, coherent and non-coherent, so you can work with the information you took in, and out of respect allow your parents to take responsibility for their own destiny. This is done with honor and respect that translates into working with your own needs for coherent nurture and vision for life within your own mothering and fathering aspects. This allows you to choose greater resonance with self-care that benefits greater integrity in your own wellness and well-being.

For more on how parental and ancestral patterns impact your life:

Respecting and Honoring Your Teachers and Mentors

In the same way that it is important to take your mother and father, if you do not have the ability to take the information or acknowledge teachers and mentors, you do not gain what they have to give you. If you resonate with arrogance towards them you will be unable to learn from them or feel their support in nurturing new information that can lead to your ability to consider new possibilities. Taking meaning from the lessons of your life allows you to consider new horizons.

Below is a video of Fred Rogers, who studied child development, in an interview about his book that speaks to what he learned over 30 years of working with children. His message is to acknowledge and take care of your feelings through acceptance for exactly where and who you are right now. By doing so you give value to your experience and to who you are deep inside.

In this video, he gives an interview about his book, The World According to Mr. Rogers, one that all of us could benefit from hearing no matter where we are in the process of challenge or sense of accomplishment in your life.

“It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.”~The Little Prince

Respecting and Honoring Others

When you are able to heal and restore a greater sense of well-being and author-ship in your own life this means that you have a wider vision for life. This opens the possibility for greater discernment and choice. The new movie, “A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood” based on Tom Junod’s 1998 Esquire article titled “Can You Say…Hero?” * is about applying these principles to family relationships, in healing childhood trauma through acceptance, patience, kindness, forgiveness, and humility.

When you resonate with greater choice and vision for life through listening and seeing individual expressions as just one way of seeing the world, you are better able to have empathy for others. You can only see as much of another to the degree you are able to see within yourself.

When you resonate with permission to be loving and also balance that with self-care, you are able to express your joy and respond to grief, acknowledge your need for safety, trust, and grounding, and sometimes feel confused. This permission to observe, feel and acknowledge your needs allows you to work with the innate wisdom of your body-mind system.

Like a GPS you are then better able to choose and connect with others in a way that creates mutual respect, power, and life-enhancing connections. Through these connections, the ripple effect of beneficial mutual empathy expands the wellness and well-being benefits for everyone.

*LINK to Tom Junod’s article, “Can You Say…Hero?”

I’d like to invite you to explore how ResonanceRepatterning®can make a difference in your life.  Experience a session by phone, Skype, or in-person with Windows to the Heart Repatterning.  Set up a session with Kimberly Rex here: Contact Page

Sign up for our monthly newsletter here: Newsletter and Exclusive Re-pattern Your Life Events with FREE eBook, Eight Natural Modalities for Navigating Stressful Times.  

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The Bridge between Your Heart and Body-Mind System

In Chinese Medicine, the heart is the emperor of the body-mind system. This is why when considering the empire and domain of the heart, it is important to look at the bridge between your heart, your emotions, and your overall health. When considering your heart, it is vital to include the impact of stress, your emotions, thoughts, beliefs, attitudes, and interactions with the world, and their effect on your health.

Creating harmony with your relationship between your natural environment, personal and inter-personal life is essential. Dis-ease can arise from blocked circulation, lack of moderation or loss of balance in any of these areas.

Lack of harmony in your body can relate to the extent of the tenseness or quality of relationships between your inner and outer world. Excessive or moderate eating or drinking affects the quality of the health of your physical heart.

Excess negative thinking can impact the function of your spleen and your heart. This can show up in emotional extremes such as worry, fear, anger, sadness, and fright. The physiological response to these mental or emotional states create changes in blood pressure, muscle tenseness, pulse rate, change in your flow of blood and breath cycles, and excess nervous system response. Over time automatic response to stress can shut down cellular and systemic communication impacting the overall function of your body-mind system.

Anxiety, Depression and Heart Disease

Emotions and cardiovascular symptoms link together. How you physically and emotionally cope with life-related stress is directly related to how you meet the challenge of modulating your emotions in these situations. There is always a choice. Your response to life can create mental or emotional states that either expand or restrict your ability to be open to life or to open your heart. Internal conflict creates nervousness and palpitation of your heart.

However, experiencing a sense of entrainment, trust and safety can also increase your sense of inner peace. The ability to choose your response to life literally expands your view and creates greater optimism and possibilities for wellness and well-being!

Resonance Repatterning® sessions enable you to identify stress, create stress-reducing behaviors, and build greater integrity in your wellness and well-being. This happens through matching specific natural healing ways to your needs based on the resonance muscle-checking system that accesses your autonomic nervous system. By doing so, it is possible to get to the root of internal unconscious states that keep you in excess mode physically, mentally, or emotionally. Creating internal harmony and balance benefits your health, relationships, and well-being.

I’d like to invite you to explore how Resonance Repatterning® can make a difference in your life.  Experience a session by phone, Skype, or proxy with Windows to the Heart Repatterning.  Set up a session with Kimberly Rex here: Contact Page

Sign up for monthly newsletter here: Newsletter and Exclusive Re-pattern Your Life Events with FREE eBook, Eight Natural Modalities for Navigating Stressful Times.  

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