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Updating Your Memory Bank: How This Works in Resonance Repatterning®

In Resonance Repatterning® sessions, the idea of positive change works with updating your memory bank related to limiting beliefs, thoughts and patterns. Each session is individual to your needs.

When you are still attached to an unresolved earlier experience, this shows up in your life as a response to situations, relationships, and events that have similar material that triggers unmet needs or unhealed trauma from that experience.

These are the places that keep you stuck in the neural web and nervous system response, attitude and concept of time in your life that place you in automatic in the way you react. This means that even if you consciously have tried to change an old pattern, you may still have a knee-jerk response from your unconscious mind.

This unconscious material is controlled by the Fight or Flight and Emotional Brain that were primary to the feelings and reactions to earlier events where information tangled to become a net of memories, feelings, and response. The protective and feeling response you experience is in your body-mind system today is because your unconscious brain does not have the capacity to tell past from the present. It knows what it is experiencing right now. Reacting today to this material with the same response, thinking, and feeling as if it were still fresh once again makes the time for healing in the present vital.

Turning Off the Alarm System

It is an alarm system that goes off without warning when the “code” of anything that mimics or blends to trigger the material from the past that keeps it in your life today. Knowing that you can change the response, attitude, and response to the event when given a new perspective by looking more closely at these factors to create the awareness in how you are referencing and living through the lens of the past in your life today. This awareness allows you to incorporate new thinking, emotions, and attitudes by using this information for transformation. Turning off the repetitive alarm reaction allows you to reset your inner way of seeing the situation changes your approach to how you experience life now. Spending time with the material through expanding both time and space to include the messages, growing edge, positive intentions, and more coherence in the working of the whole brain with the body-mind system creates healing for new possibilities. This, then allows you to reclaim more energy in your emotional, mental and physical bank accounts for your life today.

We can go back and change the past, or at the current moment, we can change the future. ~Bruce Lipton

Changing How You Experience Life

A Resonance Repatterning session works with a Resonance Muscle-Checking system that accesses your unconscious material through your Nervous System. This means that a session can identify where, how and when information is stored. By working to resolve where energy has been interrupted or blocked, a session works to create more optimal energy flow and sense of well-being neuro-chemically, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually (core essence of self). This creates greater communication between the neurons, cells, and systems of your body, creating more coherent energy, a sense of well-being and conscious choice for your life today.

A new way of responding to life means discernment. Learning new ways of responding to life is a process. It can feel as though you are in new territory, or it may mean that you change what you are doing altogether. Subtle changes over time rebuild new pathways and change responses to what once felt familiar. You may notice your choices, self-talk, and interactions with new eyes, and have more life energy to devote to your positive intentions. This is built on making a conscious choice instead of having your life energy drawn more into worry, guilt, grief, trauma, and despair from the past.

You may find yourself resonating with simplicity or find yourself drawn to new people, places, and situations. This allows you to create a present and future where you reference new beliefs and attitudes with conscious construction in how you choose to use your time.

Free up your energy for authoring your life in the present by having a personal Resonance Repatterning session. It’s an investment that multiplies in benefits through all areas of your life!

Here is an opportunity to continue on the path with monthly healing modalities and repatterning events from Windows to the Heart Repatterning.

Sign up for monthly newsletter here: Newsletter and Exclusive Re-pattern Your Life Events

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Messages from a Spring Garden: In the Process of Growth


This year in the Pacific Northwest, spring has felt as though it has taken more time to arrive.  The cycle of change, the portal of spring brings many lessons about new beginnings and the process of growth.


 Spring bulbs and leaf buds have waited for months now. The seeds have the potential for growth within them.   There is a timing that cues them for just the right moment to emerge and grow.   An internal spring begins before external changes become evident. Change happens in your world once you resonate with coherent positive change. Positive action needs to emerge from both your internal need for change and external factors that allow your process to unfold based on the factors involved: contracts, healing from illness, savings, the order of tasks to complete projects, and how you are using your time and energy.


  It is no mystery that Wood Element on the Chinese Five Element and Meridian Wheel follows Water Element. Wood Element is about new growth, right timing, optimism, and making decisions based on this process. Alternatively, when the process feels difficult, you feel frustrated by situations in your life that have not been resolved or begun well. Water Element is about going with the flow. When this element is non-coherent, it is related to an internal fear. It is difficult to grow when there is resistance to flow or the ability to know what direction to move.


To take inventory of what you aspire to change means also letting go of the familiar. Perhaps this change means doing something that leaves behind the comfort of a group, place you live, or foods that have compensated for your internal needs for wholeness. A new way of experiencing life may at the beginning seem complex and frustrating. However, staying with something that denies your ability to grow and become your greater vision of life actually depletes your life energy.

Like the flowers and leaves responding to the light, you, too, can move in a direction that supports overall growth that orients you towards more energy for your journey.

purple and pink spring flowers


The energy from the sun, rain, and soil work in harmony to make it possible for new life to emerge. In the space between winter and spring, there is a place that calls for dormancy, rest, and mindfulness to create new energy for growth. In the same way that you need to rest each day, creating new energy requires a balance between input and output. Going with the flow of life is about honoring the need for re-energizing yourself when you are hungry, angry, lonely, or tired.

Savoring the messages from your body-mind system allows you to take care of yourself at the moment to allow the internal timing of your personal journey to transform into gathering all the energy and resources needed for your process for new possibilities.  As you move forward, ask yourself, “In what ways do I discharge my energy?”      In what way(s) might you rebuild your energy instead of depleting it through excess, avoidance, quarreling, spending too much time on an activity, overworking, lack of whole foods, lack of sunlight, negative thinking, and feelings focused on an unresolved issue?


Resources can be both external and internal. The underlying need for new growth, change and the flowering of spring requires optimism and choices based on creating a higher energy state of coherence. Resonating with new possibilities might also bring with it fears that you lose something in return. You might fear losing someone, a friend, time, support for your life the way it has been, or even your past identity or way of being.

Aligning with activities, thoughts, beliefs, and support systems that nurture new possibilities will involve new connections, as well as changing the places in your life where you have depended on old patterns. It may be that you need to create new habits, activities, foods, relationships, and patterns to expand your tolerance, view of life, and compassion for yourself and others in the process.

One activity that supports positive change is daily stillness. Tuning in to the innate wisdom of your body-mind system through mindfulness will support you in getting in touch with inner wisdom for decision-making, problem-solving, wellness, and ingenuity in the process of making change by keeping the channel of your inner life energy flowing.


The sentient beings in the forest where I live both balance and harmonize this ecological community. It is always a wonder to see plants rise from the soil after a few months of brown sticks in the dirt. Some plants naturally return, while others, need to be planted anew.

This winter, I planted crocus bulbs in hopes to see them rise long before spring arrived. Due to the energy need of the squirrels in this forest, and the yummy taste of these bulbs, only one crocus survived.

While shopping recently for a housewarming gift for a friend, low and behold, I found some mini-irises to replace them. You see, my inner need was based on the flowering color in my garden. They are now blossoming in the dug-out holes the squirrels provided in their search for food. Instead of being angry, I am feeling grateful for the give and take in the process that is much bigger than my own individual needs only.


One of my favorite statements in Resonance Repatterning is “I accept that whatever is not aligned with my intentions emerges for my own growth and transformation.”

This statement speaks to the process of change directly from the place of accepting that there may be unexpected complexities and the need for acknowledging feelings, thoughts, and decisions over time in the process of making positive change. Acceptance over anger can create new possibilities that you are not yet aware of in your consciousness. The infinite pool of conscious awareness can and will work with and through you when you are in the flow of conscious mindfulness and coherent presence to the moment.

A few years ago when certifying as a Life Coach, I was reminded of this important lesson. I was on the telephone for my final evaluation with the teacher for certification. When I got off the phone, I was so excited about making this milestone, that I called my parents. There was no answer on the phone. I kept calling. Finally, I reached my stepfather on his cellphone. He reported to me that my mother had just been taken to the Emergency Room and that she had had a heart attack. This event happened during the time I was on the phone for certification. I had “big” plans for working as a coach, writing a book for publication on, etc; however the need to be present for my family took precedence. That summer, I spent time with my mother who was in and out of the hospital several times.

 During that time I found myself needing to ground my energy in my garden to deal with my own fear, anger, and grief over what was happening to my mother.

I was able to use Resonance Repatterning® and modalities from training for Jin Shin Jyutsu, Polarity Therapy, and Aromatherapy to support her in the hospital. It gave me the opportunity to be an advocate for alternative therapies over the increase of multiple medications that proved to have a negative impact.

In the process, under all of it, was the realization that this time “interrupted” was actually creating specific and necessary healing in my family system. For more on this, please read:

The follow-up on this was an increasing thirst for studying plants through aromatherapy and herbalism as it also provided personal solace, grounding, and healing over time for all involved. Today, I have completed Aromatherapy certifications and continue my path with herbalism as part of my practice as a Resonance Repatterning practitioner.

The process healed many things in the way of my growth as a person on a spiritual journey, as well as opening doorways in my family for healing on so many different levels including reconciliation between lost family members, forgiveness, and love. Today, I now look at seeming obstacles as profound signposts with meaning and purpose for creating positive change.

sunflower looking down1


When you feel as though you have been slowed down on your path by some seeming challenge, complexity, or obstacle, this is an invitation to remember that the Universe is creating space for a conversation, higher learning, or possibility. Everything in the universe can be used for learning and growth. 

Here is an opportunity to continue on the path with monthly healing modalities and repatterning events from Windows to the Heart Repatterning.

Sign up for monthly newsletter here: 

Newsletter and Exclusive Re-pattern Your Life Events


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What is Resonance Repatterning?

What is Resonance Repatterning®? This process is based on the fact that everything in the Universe has a frequency including every muscle, organ, tissue, and gland down to the sub-atomic particle level. That means everything you have experienced or are experiencing now also has a vibrational read-out. Your backache, business argument, anxiety as well as your feeling of well-being, joy, or sense of confidence has a frequency.

Your resonance with a particular frequency pattern indicates where your life energy is being dedicated. Resonance Repatterning® sessions identify how, when, and where patterns originated in your body-mind system.  This means that long-standing negative life patterns, limiting beliefs, attitudes, or generational imprints can also be accessed at the frequency level. A session gets to the heart of what you need to create greater integrity in your experience of wellness and well-being.

A Resonance Repatterning session identifies blocks and interruptions of life energy in your body-mind-spirit system through trauma, grief, loss, stress, pain, accident, or unresolved issues from your past. This happens by working with a resonance muscle-checking system. A session then works to restore your resonance with more optimal and coherent frequencies of love, joy, wellness, and well-being. This is accomplished by using powerful and accurate modalities that are energetically matched to your needs. When you change your resonance you change your life!

These modalities transform frequency patterns in the emotional, mental, physical, and spirit (core essence of self) body. This happens with consciousness science and natural modalities that include color, light, sound, movement, breath, fragrance, Family Systems work, and energetic contact. Because resonance muscle checking gives a read-out of what your system is reporting, each session is specific to your needs. Within as little as 60-90 minutes, vast territories of information can be accessed and restored to balance and harmony, changing your inner awareness and resonance with new possibilities for better relationships, finances, wellness, and well-being.

 Resonance Repatterning is as powerful experienced in-person, by phone, on Skype, or by proxy where the practitioner stands in for the client. Sessions work equally well with individuals, couples, children and infants, groups, and animals. Kimberly Rex has worked with clients as far away as 6000 miles with outcomes that create positive and sustainable change. She has worked with infants, clients who are unconscious and proxied for animals, and non-verbal clients.

Resonance Repatterning sessions work with groups as well. Kimberly works by teleconference with groups on topics of empowering wellness and well-being, health, relationship, and prosperity. She has also worked with organizations, businesses, and groups with positive intentions for goal-setting, visioning, and decision-making.

Kimberly Rex

Kimberly Rex, MS is an Advanced Resonance Repatterning practitioner, as well a Wellness and Well-being Life Coach and Certified Person-Centered Expressive Therapist. Contact Kimberly to find out how a personal session will benefit your life to build integrity in your wellness and well-being here.

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