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Interlocking Patterns Lead to New Possibilities

Transforming problems into opportunities begins with identifying interlocking patterns that keep you from stepping into a new way of approaching and responding to life. Many times the problems you are facing today are a network of interlocking patterns that originated earlier in your life. These patterns manifest as beliefs, thoughts, emotions, and attitudes that impact your experience. To let go of an outmoded perspective that no longer works in your life today created by a past event, situation or relationship means first acknowledging that it is present.

Interlocking Patterns Move Problems into Opportunities

The Problems into Opportunities section of Resonance Repatterning® checks for these patterns stored in your Nervous System with access to every organ, tissue, and gland in your body through the Resonance Muscle-Checking System. The process identifies underlying and interlocking patterns that hold these problems in place.

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Photo by Bayram Yalçn on

You might feel stuck in repetitive experiences that keep you from moving forward. These interlocking patterns undermine your energy and motivation to expand into new possibilities. This might be due to resistance, regret, self-pity, resentment, fear, anger, grief, or negative judgments.

The limiting emotions, beliefs, and attitudes interlock with the manifestation of your body-mind-spirit system playing out the same energetic experience over and over. Unlocking the patterns is key to the connection between how your system interacts with the world around you based on what is happening within you. The opportunity arises from resonating with the growth that the challenge to move through the door offers you.

The past can inform your future with an invitation to create positive intentions to open your heart and mind to new possibilities.

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Photo by PhotoMIX Company on

Interlocking Patterns Lead to Intentions for a New Possibility

The Intentions for a New Possibility process in Resonance Repatterning® recognizes that positive change is a process. The transformation from limitation to expansion requires a new skill set, and this interlocks with coherent patterns that create a new way of being and responding to life. Setting intentions for new possibilities is a conscious point of choice.

Being committed to the journey of positive change requires unhesitating action, consistency, perserverance, and patience, with focus and integrity with yourself and others. These attributes give you life-energizing nurture and supports you over time. It’s important to know that when your intentions for new possibilities are aligned with growth and transformation from the inside out you are better able to navigate and choose your direction.

The quality of your journey relies on the energy that builds when you experience joy, gratitude, and love. Along the way practice happiness on the path in your process of manifestation by celebrating “little wins” with appreciation. This energizes and builds momentum for your body-mind-spirit system to keep the spark going to reach new possibilities.

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Photo by Chelsea Cook on

It becomes easier to understand that interlocking patterns of the world around you will create updates based on the best timing for your process and spiritual journey. Your process will be collaborative with the energetic shifts that are taking place within. This means that you will experience both subtle and profound awareness of the shifts that are taking place over time.

Once you resonate with the core underlying needs related to your new positive intentions, you will continue to be able to draw upon lessons from your problems applying what you have learned from the past. While this might not happen immediately or in the timeframe you expect, be open to what is being brought onto your radar. This will allow you to begin to benefit from more coherent emotions, beliefs, and receptivity to how you choose the next steps. As you step into a new way of being you become more open to synchronicities and meaningful messages with a greater capacity to trust yourself, the right timing, and the co-creative spiritual process you are embarking on.

What doorways to new possibilities would you like to open in your life? Resonance Repatterning® sessions allow you to experience greater integrity in your wellness and well-being.

Kimberly Rex

Kimberly Rex, MS is an Advanced Resonance Repatterning® practitioner, Person-Centered Expressive Therapist, and Wellness and Well-being Life Coach. She works with people all over the world via Skype, by phone, and by proxy.

Find out how Resonance Repatterning benefits your life. Set up a personal session through the Contact page, or sign up for a free monthly newsletter with articles, natural healing modalities, and exclusive group sessions here.

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How Attitude, Beliefs, Challenge, and Development Lead Your Response to Life

Your attitude, beliefs, challenges, and development lead your response to life. The question is, “What is driving?” Is it fear or reactivity from the unconscious material, unresolved issues, or the conscious desire to create kindness and resonance with direction and positive change? This article will explore the influence and possibility of attitude, beliefs, challenges, and development to expand your experience of life.

Attitude Leads to What You Believe

Your thoughts, beliefs, and feelings create your view of life. When your attitude diminishes yourself or others, this leads to life-depleting and limiting outcomes. If your mindset is fixed you are more likely to feel like you cannot try or experience life differently. When you experience a mindset based on the potential for growth, a growth mindset, you are more likely to engage energy, motivation, and respect for your journey whatever it is and where ever it leads.

Having an attitude for example that “I can’t learn that material because it’s too hard ” vs. “I haven’t learned that material yet, but I want to learn,” creates different views of the world. Which view opens the door to new possibilities?

Taking inventory or questioning your attitudes about different areas of your life can give you insight into what holds you back and what can also shine a light on opportunities for growth and transformation. Asking yourself what holds you back from getting an inspiring job, a nourishing home, a relationship, experience of peace or relaxation is a way of beginning to sketch out what your life experience is attempting to teach you at the moment. Asking and then working with the response is essential to positive change. How would your life be different from a new perspective?

Beliefs Lead to How You Meet Challenges

Beliefs create an automatic filter through which you see and experience the world. Your brain is wired for bias to create survival behavior. However, the threats in earlier evolutionary stages of the world as well as of your body-mind system can overshadow your ability to experience greater calm, joy, love, and vitality as well as your experience of safety in the world.

Tara Brach speaks to Papancha, a Pali word for “mental proliferation,” the chain reaction of thoughts, beliefs, attitudes, and feelings that causes suffering.

Pause and notice you are in a spin of suffering, name it and allow it to be present. Allow it to be. Give it space. Get in touch with what you are believing and the stories you are telling yourself. Each time you interrupt the pattern and chain reaction allows you to return to mindfulness and create the blueprint for new pathways to reconnect to your innate inner wisdom.

Take time to get in touch with inner kindness and wisdom by asking yourself these questions.

  1. Can I get in touch with my breath to take a pause until I can begin to shift inner awareness and consciousness about what is happening?
  2. What am I feeling or sensing in my body and my heart? Get in touch with your body sensations and what this tells you about your feelings.
  3. Who am I blaming? Can I forgive or just be this awareness? Can I give it space, give kindness, and allow the feelings? This allows you to build neurotransmitters for other perspectives, intelligence, and awareness of possibilities.
  4. Begin to examine your reactions, responses, or behavior in different situations. Identify your triggers, and ask yourself if you want to continue responding in the same way. If not, how could you interrupt or respond differently to break the cycle of the fight, flight, or freeze reaction? This allows you to connect to the good within yourself and others.

By doing so you start to change the inner landscape of your vision by expanding the rules and circuitry of your belief systems that have been embedded by earlier experiences, family system rules, and inculturation.

Challenges Lead to Your Development

Life is a challenge. Meet it.”~Mother Teresa

When meeting challenges of any form, it’s important to know that what you believe upfront will determine what comes next. All of us have been thrown into situations where we felt overwhelmed, afraid, confused, hurt, betrayed, etc. It is for this fact that resonating with having been able to move through and out the other side of challenges in the past can allow you to work with a challenge in front of you now.

Challenges come in different durations and intensities. Putting challenges into perspective allows you to meet what is in front of you with both inner strength and wisdom when you resonate with having met challenges that created a sense of empowerment. This awareness reduces resistance and creates encouragement for what life is dishing out right now.

Of course, some challenges are larger than others, and not all challenges might feel like they are met with success. For example, if you spill coffee on your shirt, it is different than receiving a phone call about an ill family member that needsyour help that you can’t provide at the moment. Getting centered in both circumstances is beneficial. Being able to calm yourself first allows you to be more available to problem-solving, decision-making, and delegating.

Instead of reacting with the fight, flight, or freeze, it’s important to move out of fear into a greater sense of calm so that problems can be solved by calming the stressed mind to allow life-enhancing and creative choices to be considered. This also allows you to be kind to your own life to learn from past experiences where it might have felt you “failed” so you can apply what those experiences taught you to your current situation.

This is why getting in touch with your breath, taking a few moments, or using a phrase to remind you that you are in the here and now is beneficial. My personal favorites come from 12 Step Programs: “ First things first,” “Keep it simple,” or “One day or one moment at a time.”

Having the strength to get through some life challenges takes time and effort over the long run. Resonating with continuing to come back into your center allows you to pace yourself over time.

Development Leads to Direction in Life

Earlier versions of yourself carry information that can inform your life today. In the same way, your current version of self is able to inform earlier experiences and parts of yourself. You are not an abridged edition, rather you are an expanding and developing being of light and sound.

Your unconscious and conscious material that inform your attitude, beliefs, and responses to challenges make up your overall experience of life.

It’s important to acknowledge that the newborn version of you did not know what you knew as a 2-year-old. Your 7-year-old part of yourself did not know what you knew as a teenager, etc. The way that your body-mind system developed allowed primary functions for survival and feeling states in stages then became more complex with reasoning and logic paired with increasing networks of communication and creativity.

You would not expect your 2-year old part to drive a car, balance a checkbook or make scrambled eggs, yet earlier parts continue to inform and influence choices about bonding, separation, fear, calm, and safety as an adult. This is due to the developmental stage memory imprints from the past that continue to signal to you today.

Your adult self has navigated many developmental stages, challenges, relationships, and structures over time. Taking care of and listening to earlier parts of yourself is essential to developing greater harmony and balance within your life today.

The direction you take in your life is led by your personal and family system’s unconscious material. It conducts your journey until it is brought into the light to create greater conscious awareness and understanding of new possibilities from the perspective of your adult and Greater Self.

Kimberly Rex, MS

 Kimberly Rex, MS is an Advanced Resonance Repatterning® practitioner, a Master Wellness and Well-being Life Coach, and a Person-Centered Expressive Therapist. She works with clients all over the world with Resonance Repatterning sessions that work with personal and generational unconscious material to facilitate this process of updating your body-mind system to experience greater integrity in your wellness and well-being.

This is your personal invitation to continue on the path with monthly healing modalities and repatterning events from Windows to the Heart Repatterning. Sign up for monthly newsletter here: Newsletter and Exclusive Re-pattern Your Life Events

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It Takes Harmony and Balance to Create Wellness and Well-being

Often, in working with Resonance Repatterning ®, we refer to creating greater harmony and balance in your body-mind system. While I have heard some healing practitioners speak to the need only for harmony, this article speaks to the need for balance as well as harmony to experience greater integrity in your wellness and well-being.

What is Harmony?

If you have ever played an instrument, you know that it takes at least two tones or notes to create harmony. As a child, I used to sing with my brother as he played guitar. He would sing the melody, and I would sing the harmonizing melody to his lead. The chords he played themselves were a number of notes with intervals that created greater tonal richness than playing a single note at a time. The harmonic overtones and vibrations carried melodic communication in the relationship between notes that created emotion, rhythm, frequency, and meaning.

Your body-mind system works in concert with communication between cells, tissues, organs, glands, muscles, and Nervous System. Endocrine, neurotransmitter, enzyme, and hormone function are affected by these connections and vice versa.

Here is an example from Dr. Eric H. Chudler from the University of Washington of this InteractionHow Nervous System Interacts with Other Systems of the Body

 What is Balance?

Balance is related to the impact of one element or tone with another. Imagine singing with someone else, or playing an instrument that is either too LOUD or too soft. In either case, the full harmonic effect is lost as one-note drowns out other notes.

Another example is related to cooking. Several years ago, I used a recipe from a Hallmark card for Irish Soda bread. The recipe called for ¼ cup of salt. Because I trusted the brand, I proceeded even though I wondered about the amount. I’m sure you know the outcome. The bread tasted like a very salty pretzel, and it was basically inedible. Too much of this ingredient in the blend of this recipe changed the overall intention to create a slightly sweet bread.

In Chinese Medicine, your organ systems serve each other through both nurture and limitation to enhance your overall quality of life. Through shared responsibility, each organ relates to other organs in ways that give nurture, support, energy, detoxification, and circulation thus contributing to your overall health.

 What happens when one part of your body-mind system moves out of balance?

There is a loss in the ability to communicate with the rest of your body-mind system in a way that works with the overall process. When this happens, other parts of your body-mind system can begin to create more force to compensate or could slow down, block, or interrupt communication when overwhelmed.

In Resonance Repatterning, pain is a blockage, interruption, or disruption of energy. Creating better energy flow relies on both harmonizing and creating a greater balance between your organ and meridian systems.

What impacts Harmony and Balance in Your System?

A number of factors including stress, interruption of sleep cycles, poor diet, toxins, lack of sunlight, or even emotional overwhelm over time can create an imbalance in communication between the cells and organ systems of your body.

Being able to listen to the information your body reports to you through your energy levels, emotions, and repetitive patterns you notice in your daily wake and sleep cycles lets you know where you would benefit in creating greater harmony and balance in of your health, thought processes, limiting beliefs and attitudes that impact your sense of well-being.

For example, we know that increased stress can change heartbeat, breath rate, blood pressure, and energy flow in your body. Current science speaks to the relationship between your physical, emotional, mental cause, and effect issues.

In Resonance Repatterning, harmonizing even one of these levels has a holographic impact on other levels of your wellness and well-being. You are wired for success and self-healing. The inter-connected communication system in your body-mind system allows you to experience greater harmony and balance.  And, this process works with the wisdom from your own body-mind system to identify where and how to restore greater harmony, communication, and balance in your body-mind system.

Would you like to receive natural ways to build greater harmony and balance in your wellness and well-being? Here is an opportunity with monthly healing modalities and repatterning events from Windows to the Heart Repatterning.

Sign up for monthly newsletter here: Newsletter and Exclusive Re-pattern Your Life Events

Re-pattern your life to experience greater integrity in your wellness and well-being!

Kimberly Rex, MS

Kimberly Rex, MS is an Advanced Resonance Repatterning practitioner, Master Wellness and Well-being Life Coach, and Person-Centered Expressive Therapist.

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Timing is Everything: Resonating with Now

Timing is Everything” is a saying that applies to a sense of place in the world, the process of meeting up with others on your path, your creativity, relationships, and business opportunities. We look at the world through the lens of time-related to punctuality, missed, lost or potential opportunities, the pace of work, being on time, being early, or too late. Time is superimposed over both your sense of space and the amount of “time” beginning with your birth and throughout your life. Resonating with now is an incredible benefit of the Resonance Repatterning® process to reclaim life energy for your positive intentions in the present.

As a bio-energetic being you also have an innate, and natural bio-energetic relationship with timing through the workings of your organ system. You have a need for both light and dark for your health. You need physical movement and sleep. You also need support for the transition from early childhood to childhood, puberty, menses to post-menses, and the need for personal time within the ocean of responsibilities of your daily life.

The dance of cultural time, timing, and meaning you give to any part of the process can be beneficial or challenging. Your resonance is key in how you meet these events and situations in your life based on cultural, physical, emotional, and spiritual beliefs, attitudes, and thoughts in the present. This makes all the difference in the quality of your living in the present while living in the world at large.

This article speaks to the possibilities for shifting your perception of time and time in the present by transforming your resonance with timing through the eyes of the Resonance Repatterning ® process. Sessions update your memory bank so that you experience more beneficial resonance with your life today affecting your self-care, mindfulness that impacts your wellness and well-being.

1. Birth Process Repatterning:

According to Dr. Watson and Ray Castellino, our birth process holds the key to the patterns you experience in your relationships for the rest of your life. The timing of your birth-related to any complications, being early or late from this view also influences your resonance with time.

“Human beings are affected by their environment as soon as they have an environment, and that means as soon as they are implanted in the womb… People are conceiving, carrying, and birthing children under increasingly stressful conditions.   Stress that affected one generation will be played out in the next generation.   When we see dysfunction in people, we’re actually seeing the imprint.”~Gabor Mate, PhD

If you were born “late,” for example, you might resonate in life with missed opportunities, feeling like you need to compensate by deliberating over making a decision for a long period of time, not feeling like it is possible without lengthy time to consider, or even resonating with “Life is not safe.” The information within your body-mind system that is accessed through Resonance Repatterning sessions details the specifics about the situation around your birth related to your parent’s stress or felt sense that something was missing or created dis-ease.

2.  Sound Frequency Repatterning: Everything in the Universe is frequency expressed in light particles and sound waves. When you are born, you register a birth note for this repatterning based on the month and date you were born. With this information, and with the issue you bring to the process on which you’d like to transform, this session identifies how the frequency of your birth note relates to the challenging relationship or situation. This is done by looking at other primary birth notes such as your parent, parents, self, or relationship. We have all experienced how two notes can sound harmonious to us, and we all have experienced sounds or music that has felt disharmonious. Working with both the coherent and non-coherent aspect of the relationship between notes,  greater insight, harmony, and balance is created.

3. Life Cycle Repatterning: Moving, experiencing a loss of any kind, or making change requires a shift in your orientation to life. It also requires a change in how you think. Your sense of well-being and health in the process relies on your resonance with previous change and the amount and quality of support you received. It also relies on your resonance with how you meet challenges, as a problem or an opportunity. Connecting to the natural rhythms of change within any time in your life from birth, to early childhood, to puberty, family-building, transitions of family members through marriage, moves, and death, long-term health issues, or transition into elder years are all good material for this specific repatterning process. Getting back into the rhythm of life allows you to connect to the nurture and support that comes from within and from life around you.

Virtually every cell in your body has a biological clock. ~Joseph S. Takahashi, Ph.D.

4. 24 Hour Time Cycle: Repatterning: Throughout the 24-hour cycle daily, your organ and meridian system works internally with communication between all of the organs of your body. There are particular times of the day that certain organ systems are more active while others are less active. The importance of each of the organ’s contribution to your wellness and well-being. When you begin to notice a change in your life related to emotions, lack of sleep or energy, or distress related to particular physical symptoms, this repatterning looks at the specific relationship to your organ and meridian system signaling the need for positive change.

5. Seasonal Repatterning: This repatterning works with the transition from one season to another. As the Earth changes with its journey around the sun, so do we. Being in harmony with the transition of the season has a natural and important role to play in your health and sense of well-being. Plants and animals change their behaviors with the seasons that impact their ability to survive. Many times, at seasonal change times, you feel a change in your own personal energy. You might have more or fewer health challenges like colds, flu, or Seasonal Affective Disorder. Your emotions and physical activity change throughout these cycles. This repatterning creates support for moving through the seasonal changes to create insight, greater energy reserves, and support while creating greater harmony within the process.

6. Five Element and Meridian Repatterning: All of the  Chinese Five Elements and Meridians work together to support your health and well-being. Wood Element related to your Liver and Gallbladder organs and meridian flows within your body influence your sense of time, prioritizing and decision-making. Where there has been frustration and unresolved issues over past experiences, your body-mind system is affected by back-logging energy and your ability to be in rhythm with what is showing up in your life today due to a clouded filter from the past. This can show up with procrastination, being late to events or appointments, and having a difficult time planning. This repatterning begins the process of changing frustration into optimism for positive change in your life.

7. Mastering Time Repatterning: This repatterning addresses your beliefs about time, and creates the opportunity for shifting your perceptions in regards to how you experience time at the moment.  The results of this process allow you to become more focused, calm, joy, and capable of taking care of details in the present.

This is your personal invitation to step more fully into the present to experience time and timing in a new way. By doing so, you will have access to a fuller sense of possibilities for how you create, respond, and move forward with greater clarity and life energy for your positive intentions.

Kimberly Rex, MS

Kimberly Rex, MS is an Advanced Resonance Repatterning practitioner, Master Wellness and Well-being Life Coach, and Person-Centered Expressive Therapist. To explore positive change with timing and time in your life, make an appointment with Kimberly Rex, MS for a personal session by phone, Skype, or in-person. Contact her at 

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Where Are You in Relationship to Experiencing Abundance in Your Life?

At this time of year in the Northern Hemisphere is filled with abundance as life blooms and everything is energized with vital energy that you can see, hear and feel.  Gardens fill with flowers, herbs and vegetables. Trees are full of fruit and harvest.  It is this time that the Earth shows us her flowering at its peak with abundance in every direction.  This is the time of year to truly register where you are in relationship to experiencing abundance in your own life.

When you think about abundance though, 95% of us, if honest, think mostly about money. Abundance is more about life energy and vitality in your sense of feeling empowered to receive, distribute and share resources on the physical, emotional, mental, and spirit levels just like the Earth.

Your beliefs and attitudes about abundance affect your experience of how this benefits your wellness and well-being.

Through the process of Resonance Repatterning® it is possible to work with your relationship with your limiting beliefs about abundance, flow, success, finances and your vital life energy to shift your perceptions about abundance with energetic frequency easily and naturally.

Everything in the Universe has a frequency related to sound and light including your joy, pain, disappointment, business arguments, and attitudes about life. In a Resonance Repatterning® session, we can work to identify those frequencies that have stopped you, held you back, or interfered with your experience of living life more fully.

You are designed for success and self-healing.  When your coherent attitudes or beliefs about what is possible, impacts how you see and experience the world-changing quality and amount of vital energy you have to dedicate to the positive intentions you have for your health, relationships, business, and life purpose.

Any gardener will tell you how important it is to take care of the harvest through watering, sun, and healthy soil so that the plants will grow to harvest.  Have you ever attempted to water a garden with a hose that is kinked? Like this kinked hose, your life energy can be disrupted leaving you with less energy, motivation, and a sense of ease to appreciate and explore new possibilities in the world of abundance around you.

Your attitude influences what you are able to experience directly, and it is always the determining factor in the amount of abundance you experience. What you resonate with internally becomes your experience in life.

Resonance Repatterning® works with natural energetic modalities including color, sound, acupressure, aromatherapy, Chinese Five Element, and Meridian System, Polarity Therapy, movement, and breath so that you can move into the more coherent resonant match with your intentions to experience abundance more fully in your life. This allows you to resonate with more optimal life energy, attitudes, and beliefs that create the momentum for positive and sustainable change with cutting-edge consciousness science.

And now, I’d like to invite you to explore this topic more deeply by giving yourself the gift of energizing your life and relationship with a personal session. Experience this cutting-edge healing process that creates extraordinary outcomes.

Kimberly Rex
Kimberly Rex, MS

When you sign-up for  Windows to the Heart Repatterning FREE monthly newsletter, you’ll receive an e-book that will offer suggestions for grounding and releasing energy in a way that will help you handle transitions and stress here: Newsletter and Exclusive Re-pattern Your Life Events

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