Watching spring begin is an amazing experience. Where there were no blossoms a week ago, suddenly trees are filled with them. It seems miraculous that longer daylight, warmth, and rain can bring on such abundance after several months of cold, ice, and darkness. Yet, the cycles of nature have a way of reminding us of the necessary journey of rest that leads to renewal. When spring arrives, you are energized by the seeds of new possibilities.
Though I do not believe that a plant will spring up where no seed has been, I have great faith in a seed… Convince me that you have a seed there, and I am prepared to expect wonders. ~Henry David Thoreau
Spring is the season of seeds and planting new possibilities. If you are a gardener, you are likely clearing the beds of old brush to see what plants are coming up while also sowing seeds for new growth. These seeds have been dormant for a season, and are now ready to respond to the nourishment of soil, sunlight, warmth, and rain. With patience and perseverance, they have all the information they need to grow based on the patterns of their DNA. A tomato seed creates a tomato plant. A nasturtium seed produces nasturtium flowers.
Into the Light: New Beginnings
During the season of spring, you notice wildlife is especially active and focused on building nests, mating rituals, and food retrieval. You might have had the experience of dodging or swerving your car on the road while trying to avoid robins chasing or flying after each other across the road. There is restlessness and excitement to meet survival needs, even at the expense of danger signs.
In the same way, the energy of spring can bring a sense of restlessness and excitement to your own life with a kind of “Spring Fever”.
According to scientific research reported in Scientific American, spring creates changes in your body-mind system with:
It is good to have all of these benefits with the transition into spring, however, losing your sense of presence or grounding can lead to a sense of disorientation and frustration that compromises your positive intentions for your wellness and well-being.
I’ve noticed when planting seeds in the garden that wildlife also continues to plant seeds from the feeders to dig up later even though it’s spring! They have a plan for tough times. Some of these seeds will be eaten, while others will be left to germinate in the soil, the sun and rain to become flowers or stalks of corn over time.
In the same way, nourishing and seeding inner awareness of what you are feeling, thinking, and experiencing right now in your life can be a useful starting point for digesting or creating something new. If, for example, you experience a reaction to a situation, comment, or event that digs up material from the past, this can create seeds for revelations that can feed your need for planting new awareness and growth, or discernment for letting go.
It can be an invitation to sit down with your life to observe what is showing up within your emotional or survival seed or food bank.
Feed the Bloom of New Possibility
Spring is a wonderful time to work with seeding new possibilities in your life. This is the time of year to really fine-tune your vision of life by clearing material that has kept you from seeing more clearly where you’d like to go with your positive intentions for life.
This is your personal invitation to access the information within your body-mind system to restore and enhance your life energy for your goals in life. Resonance Repatterning® allows you to let go of what is no longer working for you, and to nourish what will allow you to move forward to create greater integrity for your wellness and well-being.
Schedule a personal Resonance Repatterning session to experience a tangible and sustainable change in your life by phone, Skype, or in-person with Kimberly Rex, MS here.
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