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What is Resonance Repatterning?

What is Resonance Repatterning®? This process is based on the fact that everything in the Universe has a frequency including every muscle, organ, tissue, and gland down to the sub-atomic particle level. That means everything you have experienced or are experiencing now also has a vibrational read-out. Your backache, business argument, anxiety as well as your feeling of well-being, joy, or sense of confidence has a frequency.

Your resonance with a particular frequency pattern indicates where your life energy is being dedicated. Resonance Repatterning® sessions identify how, when, and where patterns originated in your body-mind system.  This means that long-standing negative life patterns, limiting beliefs, attitudes, or generational imprints can also be accessed at the frequency level. A session gets to the heart of what you need to create greater integrity in your experience of wellness and well-being.

A Resonance Repatterning session identifies blocks and interruptions of life energy in your body-mind-spirit system through trauma, grief, loss, stress, pain, accident, or unresolved issues from your past. This happens by working with a resonance muscle-checking system. A session then works to restore your resonance with more optimal and coherent frequencies of love, joy, wellness, and well-being. This is accomplished by using powerful and accurate modalities that are energetically matched to your needs. When you change your resonance you change your life!

These modalities transform frequency patterns in the emotional, mental, physical, and spirit (core essence of self) body. This happens with consciousness science and natural modalities that include color, light, sound, movement, breath, fragrance, Family Systems work, and energetic contact. Because resonance muscle checking gives a read-out of what your system is reporting, each session is specific to your needs. Within as little as 60-90 minutes, vast territories of information can be accessed and restored to balance and harmony, changing your inner awareness and resonance with new possibilities for better relationships, finances, wellness, and well-being.

 Resonance Repatterning is as powerful experienced in-person, by phone, on Skype, or by proxy where the practitioner stands in for the client. Sessions work equally well with individuals, couples, children and infants, groups, and animals. Kimberly Rex has worked with clients as far away as 6000 miles with outcomes that create positive and sustainable change. She has worked with infants, clients who are unconscious and proxied for animals, and non-verbal clients.

Resonance Repatterning sessions work with groups as well. Kimberly works by teleconference with groups on topics of empowering wellness and well-being, health, relationship, and prosperity. She has also worked with organizations, businesses, and groups with positive intentions for goal-setting, visioning, and decision-making.

Kimberly Rex

Kimberly Rex, MS is an Advanced Resonance Repatterning practitioner, as well a Wellness and Well-being Life Coach and Certified Person-Centered Expressive Therapist. Contact Kimberly to find out how a personal session will benefit your life to build integrity in your wellness and well-being here.

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