Windows to the Heart Repatterning

Creating Life Energy: A Message from Eagles

The eagle’s life cycle story is a message for us all in regards to reclaiming and creating life energy even in the depths of winter’s cold and gray. Over the New Years Weekend, I made my annual winter pilgrimage up to the North Nooksack River in the Cascade Mountains to see the Bald Eagles in the early morning. Even though the dawn light did not make it easy to spot them at the beginning, you could hear their sounds from the trees on the banks of the river. They return to their nests built along the river that holds a plentitude of salmon at this time of year.

This is a yearly pilgrimage for them as they return to their nests built along the river that holds a plentitude of salmon. The eagle’s journey is a message for us all in regards to creating, reclaiming, and restoring life energy even in the depths of winter’s cold and gray.

In the Chinese Five Element System, a system matched with the cycles of nature, winter is the time of year to look within at your inner energy resources and how you store them. If you will, it is time to build your nest for restoration and rejuvenation to take you through the upcoming seasons of change. The gifts from this element include creativity, resourcefulness, cleverness and perserverance.

Water Element asks that you look at your fear, the issues that keep you stuck or frozen, or expending all of your energy depleting you in the end. It is important to acknowledge the sound or messages your thoughts, beliefs and feelings are giving you. Like the eagles in the trees at dawn, you might not yet be able to see what is available, but your inner voice calls out to let you know what is going on.

When Dawn Arrives

It isn’t until the sun has made its way above the horizon that you are able to clearly see the eagles gliding above the water. They fly down to the river to feed on the salmon to restore their energy reserves. It is no accident that their nests are hidden close by.

You can see the outlines of their nests perched high in the trees. They are massive structures made of twigs, plant material and down.. Over time, due to the need for replenishment, their nest can grow to be as massive as one ton in weight. Yet, they are creative and strategically position the nest to hold that weight while supporting new life when their eaglets arrive.

The message from Water Element is to look at your vital energy to take account of what will restore and rebuild your energy. Questions you might ask yourself might include:Where has my energy been depleted in this past year? What can I do to rebuild my energy? How can I pace myself in a way that will conserve my energy over time? What creative resources can I tap into to protect and enhance my life energy bank? What other resources should I consider?

In Broad Daylight

Eagles pair for life, and return to the same nest yearly. However, they are also likely to have one or two other nest sites in case the original nest is damaged or destroyed. This resourcefulness conserves vital elements, and is integral to protect and conserve the life cycle process over time.

During the day you can see the eagles in branches close to their roosts. The parents are near the nests in the same or nearby tree. They take turns hunting for food and sitting on the nest. This allows each parent to pace themselves in the process of gathering food, repairing the nest, sitting on the eggs and caring for the eaglets when they arrive.

Resources for Perseverence

The sharing of responsibilities not only makes good use of resources, but benefits each of the eagle’s abilities to persevere through every part of the process from start to completion so they can sustatin their abiilties for necessary tasks needed for success.

Photo by Taryn Elliott on

The lesson from Water Element for us is about pacing yourself over time. It allows you to be in the flow of life in a way that conserves, protects and replenishes your life energy. When you make time to take care of your life energy you resource ways to build integrity in your wellness and well-being. This means prioritizing care of your body’s needs in the winter , taking inventory of your negtative thoughts, and realigning with your essence..

Resonance Repatterning sessions create positive change. These important aspects of self-care create ripple effects for you personally, and in your relationship as you navigate change. In the process, you experience new opportunities for restoring and creating more coherent life energy for your positive intentions as you move through the year.

Kimberly Rex, MS

Kimberly Rex, MS is an Advanced Resonance Repatterning® practitioner, Master Wellness and Well-being Life Coach, and Person-Centered Expressive Therapist

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Kimberly Rex

Kimberly Rex, MS is a certifiedAdvanced Resonance Repatterning, Wellness and Well-being Coach and Person-Centered Expressive Therapist. She works with clients around the world by Skype, phone, in-person. Resonance Repatterning sessions quickly get to the heart of issues in your life to create greater integrity in your wellness and well-being!

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