Posted by Kimberly Rex
The Benefits of Exercise for Your Body-Mind System
The benefits of exercise for your body-mind system are essential for your wellness and well-being. As it gets warmer outside it’s an invitation to look at your exercise routines. This can be a good time to create new options for your body-mind system related to movement, and being more in natural sunlight while incorporating fun and nurture into your daily life.
There are many benefits to exercise. These include the reduction of inflammation and stress, as well as depression. Exercise can also help you focus better and get your creative juices going. This happens with the improvement of blood flow giving oxygen and nutrients to the brain. It also supports new brain cell growth. Research has shown that there is a link between academic performance and physical fitness as it improves the function of the Pre-frontal cortex, the thinking center of the brain. This allows better concentration, planning, organization, and calming effect.
Workouts and pleasurable activities in nature along with laughter and touch also help to create motivating, action-oriented dopamine levels and boosts endorphins, the brain’s natural pain relief and pleasure enhancers. Being in the sun also promotes the creation of Serotonin which allows you to feel more peaceful and free from worry. Examples of activities might include walking, running, outdoor Tai Chi, gardening, tennis, kayaking or canoeing, swimming, etc. Dancing can also bring pleasure, is a wonderful brain exercise, and can give you the benefits of connection with physical fitness.
Planning Time for Your Exercise
A recommendation for healthy body-mind functioning suggests that an average of 20 minutes per day inclusive of a short 5-minute walk before and after a meal is supportive for your heart, circulation, and digestion. In Qigong, the recommendation is to walk at least 100 steps after every meal to activate the digestion of your food.
A ten-minute walk in nature produces feel-good brain chemistry. You can use this time to take a mindful walk to reduce stress to combat stress hormones, especially when you are upset or frustrated as the blood rushes to the head, and your brain function centralizes in your survival brain leaving your thinking and emotional brain not as operational. This is a time to get back into a more relaxed state to bring your entire brain on board to have access to more options for the next steps in your day. It is also important to stay hydrated for this purpose to bring the energy flow of your body back up the brain stem to include your emotional and thinking brain and down into the rest of your body.
Taking Care of Your Body When You Exercise
Being in the sun is important, however, it is also vital to dress for being in the direct sun when you are taking an extended walk or exercising. Wear a hat, sunglasses, and appropriate clothing and shoes. Consider taking sunscreen, Tiger Balm, and bug repellent in your travel bag to make your time outdoors more enjoyable.
If you are taking a long road trip, it is recommended that you stop every two hours to walk and stretch your legs for at least 5 minutes. There is good nutritional information on the internet for how to warm up sustain, and cool down for workouts.
After a workout or long walk, drinking water or coconut water can help hydrate and restore your fluids and electrolyte balance. Munch on foods with magnesium like a handful of almonds or dark chocolate. You can also get the benefits of endorphin enhancer from D-phenylalanine from sunflower seeds. Replace potassium with fruits like bananas or other potassium-rich fruits. Eat candied ginger or drink ginger tea for delayed muscle soreness.
Taking Care of Your Emotions for Exercise
Emotionally, it can sometimes be very difficult to start exercising when you have depleted energy such as in cases of ill health or depression. It’s important to have an aim or direction that inspires you to move toward your growing edge. This means that pleasure, motivation, and momentum all play a role in your successful start.
If your digestion is out of whack or you have had long-term issues with your digestive system, this might be contributing to your state of mind or emotions contributing to your lack of motivation to get started. However, the good news is that any timeframe of movement and exercise will give you beneficial neurotransmitters that will allow you to feel better, while supporting your digestion in a positive way.
Starting by making a daily routine with a natural way to incorporate small movement exercises can create motivation for longer movement routines. This means that to start it’s important to map out the best times and places daily for your movement activities. Choose a few natural activities that fit your schedule and time. Whether it be on your lunch break, 10 minutes in the morning before breakfast for a walk, or after work to wind down before dinner, a safe walk with a coworker or friend or your pet, or a special place you would like to visit to walk, put these on your calendar. You can also incorporate your iPhone with messages or alarms as a reminder, or if you like, put a sticky note in a prominent place like your bathroom mirror to set the day in motion.
Know that stretching is also movement and exercise that you can use to release and calm down when you feel anxious, confused, ungrounded, or have tight muscles from sitting too long. Stretch forward and back, and side to side. You can incorporate music or look out a window at nature to start getting those feel-good neurotransmitters going. The Qigong Bounce and Hold movements are also a great daily activity that you can do in place and only takes a few moments to build your energy when you feel depleted.
Start out slowly if you need. Tune into your body, and notice any biofeedback and sensations you get when you exercise for 5-10 minutes. Increase your time when you are ready. If you are confined to a desk, chair, or bed most of the day, take 5-minute walking or stretching breaks. Take the stairs, ride your bicycle instead of your car, park your car further away from the grocery store, do yard work, wash windows, etc. Find ways to meet your movement and exercise goals as you do different chores. Add your favorite music as you take your break to inspire you. Do a happy dance when you meet your goals. This too is exercise!
Walk down the hall or exercise while your tea is heating on the stove or in the microwave, Look for free videos online that have short and gentle movements that you can complete in 5-10 minutes if needed. Here is an example of a gentle beginning workout for a sedentary life.
As you spring, walk, run, dance, stretch, or move into spring, find ways to increase your exercise for the health of your body-mind system. Enjoy your ability to mindfully see, hear, smell, touch, and taste the freedom of movement you have to experience life. Expand your ability to go forward with optimism like the new growth you see all around you in nature. Be in synch with the new possibilities life has to offer you on the emotional, mental, physical, and spirit (core essence of yourself) levels. Notice what is new and different, and take steps toward pathways of hope and optimism.
Kimberly Rex, MS is an Advanced Resonance Repatterning® practitioner, Person-Centered Expressive Therapist, and Wellness and Well-being Life Coach. She works with people all over the world via Skype, phone, and proxy. Set up your personal session here.
Find out how Resonance Repatterning benefits your life. Sign up for a free monthly newsletter with articles, natural healing modalities, and exclusive group sessions here.
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How to Access Clarity from Your Life
Finding clarity about your feelings, thoughts, attitudes, and choices takes time. When you feel overwhelmed by the input or expectations of others, it can be difficult to listen to yourself to make a decision, know where to turn, have a sense of timing, or trust the validity of your choices. This is where accessing clarity from your past can apply to your present life, and give greater clarity for creating your future.
The Clarity in Accessing the Past
Your beliefs, thoughts, and attitude about life are related to each other. When your family system is passed on through the generations as well as your early life experiences contribute to the habits, addictions, choices, and physical responses. The body-mind-spirit system is just that, a system that responds to behaviors, input, environment, lifestyle choices, diet, sleep and detoxification, stress levels, unprocessed trauma within your system, and emotion.
This means that evaluating your past in regard to these areas can create clarity about how and why you respond to life today.
Gabor Mate, in his talk on the 7 Impacts of Trauma speaks to the following attributes that contribute to a) being separated from your gut feelings, b) feeling disconnected from others: c) addiction, isolation, and distrust, d) impacts on how you see the world, e) lifelong pain until you deal with it, f) brain development and self-regulation, g) shame, h) and difficulty with being in the present moment. His book, The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness, and Healing in a Toxic Culture is a wonderful resource for the compassionate understanding of the individual, familial, and collective impacts of trauma.
Your interactions with others and how you see the world contribute to how your system responds or reacts. This can show up by taking on the characteristics of the victim, helplessness, being the rescuer, savior, or perpetrator. Uncovering the roots of these roles that likely evolved over time as survival mechanisms can point to how you are interacting today in either life-enhancing or depleting ways based on how you are interpreting your experience now.
The Clarity in Knowing Where You are in the Present
Being in the present means that you are aware of your inner world connected to your body signals, persistent emotions, and physical responses. This allows you to perceive where you are in your center with greater clarity as you are experiencing the environment around you. This, allows you to have greater clarity about how you are affected by your environment and this gives you feedback about that input.
You can only be aware of what is going on around you or with others to the degree that you have the ability to access that awareness within yourself. Like a computer programmed with software to recognize and choose a response, what you make conscious within your body-mind-spirit systems benefits your ability to consider more options overdriven or automatic adaptive hard-wired conditioning from the past. Returning to neutral gives you the ability to connect to a more educated view of what is happening to you now to bring greater clarity to your life right
Inner conflict, negative behavior and attitudes, addictions, and feeling like there is no space for your truth arise from past experiences. When the unconscious material from your negative early experiences is given attention and time to practice positive self-regulation this allows your system to relax, breathe, and take time to process what is happening. From this place, you have the benefit of setting boundaries while expanding your potential for life-energizing experiences. This then creates the opportunity to truly acknowledge your individual needs and experience greater clarity in decision-making.
The Clarity Considering the Future
Clarity can create positive changes in your diet, lifestyle-related to sleep, exercise, stress reduction habits, and environment. Self-care creates the capacity to experience greater clarity based on trusting yourself, and the signals around you, as you are more connected to your feelings, body sensations, and needs. Accessing your inner nature allows you to discern how to be authentic in the world around you. When you look at how the separation between your inner essence and outer image has impacted your wellness and well-being.
Each time you consider the depth of who you truly are, you can bring back more and more of your essential being connected to all of the parts of yourself. Having clarity about how to build the bridge to bringing what is alive in you can be in subtle or big ways. Becoming more loving of yourself allows you to create what is beneficial for creating respect for yourself and others. In this way, you are able to bring clarity to your life, and direction, through your positive intentions and choices.
Kimberly Rex, MS is an Advanced Resonance Repatterning® practitioner, Person-Centered Expressive Therapist, and Wellness and Well-being Life Coach. She works with people all over the world via Skype, phone, and proxy. Set up your personal session here.
Find out how Resonance Repatterning benefits your life. Sign up for a free monthly newsletter with articles, natural healing modalities, and exclusive group sessions here.
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Energize Your Health, Energize Your Relationships
You are an electromagnetic being. When you energize your health, you energize your relationships. Your life energy is established through the relationship between the electrical charges that surround muscles, bones, organs, and tissues. Your heart is regulated by an electrical nerve bundle. Your brain emits electrical brain waves. The cells and atoms of your body rely on the capacity to adapt and thrive based on electric charge. In fact, the quality of health you are experiencing today is directly related to communication quality between the energy circuits of your body-mind system.
Your body-mind field is always interacting with the field around it. That means that your wellness and sense of well-being are related. Relationships, whether they are business-related, family, friendship, or intimate work in the same way. They are energy circuits. Energize them with coherent communication, limits, and motivation to return to greater coherence and optimal life energy, and they thrive!
If there is a disruption or blockage in your health or relationship through miscommunication, unresolved conflict, or lack of appreciation, your experience of love or well-being changes. Either way, a disruption or blockage of energy equals pain.
Energize Your Health with Love
Love is the motivating force that energizes life and influences the power of relationships. The light, sound, and expression of life energy thrive with care for your inner needs and feelings. In every relationship, there is an opportunity to expand awareness through a reflection of light and love, and the courage to open your heart. Resolving inner conflict within your physical, emotional, mental, and spirit body results in the potential for greater expression and capacity for love.
When there are unresolved issues from past experiences, that energy gets fed into the energy circuit of your relationships whether it is conscious or unconscious. This shows up in toxicity or dissonance as frustration, conflict, pain, suffering, or lack of fulfillment. In the same way, health issues are a product of what is circulated through your body-mind system through nutrition, habits, and self-care over time.
Energize Your Health in Your Relationships
The quality of life you experience at any moment is dependent on many factors. When you resonate with gratitude, appreciation, forgiveness, and love, you have a greater capacity for connection to others and for that connection to energize you. In a relationship, the expression of these same messages to another energizes your relationship to grow and flourish. When difficulties arise, as they do in life, drawing on the energy of joyful and loving experiences shared helps you to weather challenging situations.
Your health also depends on your ability to set limits. The purpose of your immune system is to discern what is self and what is other. Too much resistance however can show up as the inability of cellular systems to communicate with one another in your body. When there is an inability to discern self from others, the response can play out in a number of issues that show up on the emotional, mental, and physical levels. In relationships, this can show up as blame, feeling like a victim, or being out of control with your responses. The truth is that at any moment you can become more energized by taking responsibility for what you are contributing to the energy exchange happening within, and accepting where there is a need to make a change in behavior, thinking, or actions. Taking responsibility includes setting limits in situations that are hurting you personally. If you are stuck in a repeating pattern, it might be wise to seek support in looking at unconscious roots that still carry a highly-charged emotion or memory imprint.
Energize Your Health by Setting Limits
How you handle stress is directly related to how your body responds. Resonating with the ability to move through a challenging situation in a self-empowered way actually empowers your immune system. This can only be done when you are in touch with your own needs and feelings and are able to express these needs and feelings in a way that nurtures your energy circuit. This means communication is clear, tells the truth, and expresses care for the energy circuit of your relationship.
Finding ways to energize your own energy circuit include taking care of your body with good nutrition, grounding your energy with a connection to nature, meditation, allowing yourself to identify and process feelings, listening to calming music, exercising regularly, getting in touch with your breath and making space for yourself with downtime and hobbies you enjoy are just a few ways to stay connected to your own energy circuit. This also empowers you to create harmonizing energy for all your relationships.
Kimberly Rex, MS is an Advanced Resonance Repatterning® practitioner, Person-Centered Expressive Therapist, and Wellness and Well-being Life Coach. She works with people all over the world via Skype, phone, and proxy. Set up your personal session here.
Find out how Resonance Repatterning benefits your life. Sign up for a free monthly newsletter with articles, natural healing modalities, and exclusive group sessions here.
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Why You Should Listen to Your Gut
There are many reasons why you should listen to your gut. Dr. Michael Gershon in his book entitled, The Second Brain, states that there are 100 million transmitters and more nerve cells in the gut than there are in the entire peripheral nervous system. Nearly every chemical that controls the brain in the head has been identified in the gut, including hormones and neurotransmitters. This means that the biofeedback and nudges you get from your gut are essential for your wellness and well-being!
The vagus nerve is the main nerve in the enteric nervous system. This explains why you get butterflies in your stomach before a test or performance, how the quality of your sleep affects your mood and ability to focus, and how anxiety response impacts your digestion. The gut has serotonin and opiate receptors much like your cranial brain, has the same rhythm cycle during sleep, and produces chemicals that support anti-anxiety and pain relief.
On the physical level, prescription drugs, dietary toxins, pollution, and unhealthy eating habits play a role in minimizing communication within your gut. On the mental and emotional levels, you are affected by resonating with external authority and stressors over trusting your own body’s messages. So it’s an invitation to create greater harmony and balance within so you can trust what your gut is telling you.
Chinese Medicine, with its Five Element System of Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water has always held the belief that everything you need to know comes from within, and that what you experience within directly influences how you experience life. Earth Element correlates with the stomach and is related to your needs for nourishment and support. Fire Element correlates with Small Intestine, and is related to discernment. Metal Element has a direct correlation with Large Intestine’s impact on your life when you need to let go of habitual Reptilian Brain fight or flight responses ingrained over time from earlier experiences so you can connect more deeply to your true values.
Your body is a map of your life’s experiences. Your energy body is storing this information. In order to get in touch with some biofeedback you might take some time to ask yourself these questions:
*What do I value?” (Ask this question about different aspects of your life including relationships, home, family, environment, etc.)
* Do I feel connected to my spiritual and life purpose?
* Do I respect, listen and act upon internal guidance?
* Do I have some unfinished business to release or take care of?
* Am I in mourning or grieving something or someone?
* What is the stress I am experiencing in life tell me about my need for nurture and support? How is this affecting my stomach and digestion?
*What do I need to do to directly take care of nurturing my gut? What do I need to let go of physically, mentally, and emotionally?
Take action with this information to create steady and ongoing insight that will support you in making choices for life-energizing direction including foods that are best suited and not best for you, acknowledgment of feelings and life needs, as well as what motivates, inspires, and supports your life.
You are wired for success and self-healing. When you listen to the wisdom of your body, you are better able to experience harmony and balance by taking action with that insight. Health is, after all, about creating greater wholeness. By empowering the communication of your internal systems, you create the opportunity for more life-enhancing energy for your positive intentions in life and this creates a greater sense of well-being.
That’s why I carve out time for personal repatterning around the year. You, too, can experience this support and inspiration from the comfort of your own home!
Experience a Resonance Repatterning® personal session to tap into the innate wisdom of your body to create sustainable and positive change. Personal sessions are powerful energetic tune-ups for greater health and well-being! Sessions can be done by phone or Skype. Contact Kimberly here.
Posted by Kimberly Rex
Coherence Creates Self-Awareness
Resonance Repatterning® creates coherence in your self-awareness. Greater coherence benefits your experience for a higher energy state potential in your body-mind-spirit system. This allows you to experience greater understanding and respond with positive actions that benefit your life, relationships, wellness, and well-being.
This happens through identifying and transforming your unconscious limiting beliefs, attitudes, and patterns with the resonance muscle-checking system combined with consciousness science to pinpoint where and when your system was blocked or interrupted. Working with coherent choices and updates allows you to step into and actualize your inner truth, values, and potential.
Personal Self-Awareness
Personal self-awareness allows you to meet what you are experiencing more fully. Becoming more aware of your inner strengths and weaknesses over time gives you the ability to be more in touch with what holds you back, as well as what you would like to create. This allows you to look at your inner story as well as the changes you have experienced in your life over time. Self-awareness makes it possible to evaluate life-depleting, stress-reducing, or avoidant behaviors still impacting your life today. This awareness is useful in asking what you would like to create with your life energy to harmonize and balance from where you have traveled to where you are now. (article)
Coherence in Relationship Self-Awareness
You can only experience as much of another or a situation to the degree you have worked with the emotion thought, or process yourself. Relationship coherence requires empathy, the ability to make space for the other in your awareness with compassion. As unconscious material from limiting earlier experiences stored in your early survival and emotional brain are transformed, it is possible to expand and embody new awareness and expand your ability to understand others. This allows you to observe others’ actions, words, body language, and interactions more clearly.
This benefits your personal awareness in a way that allows you to listen to what you are experiencing as you interact with others. This serves as a way to identify similarities or differences in communication styles, It also allows you to become more observant or trusting of your gut feelings or intuition. This happens by looking at how you are feeling and experiencing your interactions with others. Relationship awareness can give you feedback about what you move toward and where you move away from closeness. It can be an invitation to notice how you approach others individually or in groups, monitoring how you build closeness with your values intact from compassionate and coherent self-awareness.
“Your presence is the most precious gift you can give to another human being.”~Marshall Rosenberg
Through coherent self-awareness, you are better able to observe group dynamics and interactions between members. This mindfulness within and with others can support you in observing the dynamics of group members related to the rules that “govern” the group. You can be mindful of how this affects your participation and how you feel about being a part of the group, where your values are tested or swayed, with what meaning this has for your overall well-being.
Coherent Self-Awareness creates the opportunity to take action with this feedback in a way that is both compassionate for yourself, your relationship, or your situation. Through acceptance with self-love, your awareness can create wisdom as you rely on the coherent teaching that each experience presents. Through coherent self-awareness, you have the opportunity to respond with a positive intention for growth and transformation in every experience you encounter.
Resonance Repatterning creates coherent self-awareness that affects how you meet life on a daily basis. Sessions give you the opportunity to transform limiting patterns in your life that affect your personal health, relationships, business, and vision for your life potential in a tailored holistic process that creates greater integrity in your wellness and well-being.
Kimberly Rex, MS is an Advanced Resonance Repatterning® practitioner, Person-Centered Expressive Therapist, and Wellness and Well-being Life Coach. She works with people all over the world via Skype, phone, and proxy.
Find out how Resonance Repatterning benefits your life. Set up a personal session or sign up for a free monthly newsletter with articles, natural healing modalities, and exclusive group sessions here.
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A Wish for Tenderness, Courage, and Hope
I found this quote that I saved for the holidays long ago. It feels like a good time to speak again about a wish for tenderness, courage, and hope.
“What is Christmas? It is tenderness for the past, courage for the present, and hope for the future. It is a fervent wish that every cup may overflow with blessings rich and eternal and that every path may lead to peace.”~Agnes M. Pharo
Tenderness for the Past
As the holidays arrive, it is a reminder to look at life through the lens of compassion and tenderness. Even when issues and situations with family members or others feel uneasy, it is through tenderness that we create compassion. It is through compassion that courage arrives. And, from courage from the heart, hope is possible.
Tenderness for the past can serve as a powerful tool to feed your need for support and nurture you in times of challenge and stress. Creating an anchor image of an experience you had that brought you a sense of joy, love, and gratitude is actually a powerful way to feed your need for comfort and joy in the present. Sharing a story of childhood, first date, or memory that connected you to beauty and awe can also feed the needs of others to share in the experience. Listening to others’ stories that contain this same kind of wonder and love feeds you as well.
The innocence of seeing the first snowfall or holiday ornament, the remembrance of playing games with friends, or the wonder of having a first pet can all remind you of the tenderness of feeling brand-new to experiences. The feeling of appreciation for the parts of yourself that were able to take in a new world despite what was happening that felt challenging can build your capacity to give yourself permission to look at the world today in a new way.
Courage for the Present
In the same way, that tenderness feeds you with the memory of kindness and understanding, giving yourself the gift of tenderness and appreciation feeds your entire body-mind-spirit system now. By having compassion for yourself and your experiences, you can move beyond fear to gain the courage to create positive change.
This means, that today, while these parts of you from early life that allowed you to survive and attach to others continue to attempt to serve you, some of that material might not apply or even be appropriate for what is happening in your life today. So, courage is required to work with these earlier parts of your life to motivate your entire being to update your needs in the place you are today.
To be innocent is to be here as if for the first time, with no attachment to the past. Each moment is actually ever new.”~Adyashanti
With the development of your thinking, reasoning, decision-making, and action-taking brain centers on board as an adult, you now have the ability to consider positive change with your global brain. Your early emotional and survival brains that had unresolved trauma do not know the past or future. While you are still hooked to the past well-established limiting patterns, the trauma body lives in trauma time. That is, until you release, heal and create new neural pathways by mobilizing the energy for good. When you unhook that tether to the past by working with what would have made a coherent difference in the past now, you are better able to take care of unmet needs to create positive changes within yourself in the present.
Hope for the Future
Hope shows up through your ability to rely on the healing cycles of nature and nurture. It shows up with the healing of parts within yourself still connected to your earlier experiences. Traumatic experiences are stored in parts of your body-mind-spirit system and can be accessed for the information and energy stores they hold through the Resonance muscle-checking system in Resonance Repatterning.
The right brain also, often holds the key to unlocking the information within through creativity, Seeing the big picture that developed over time even as a little one can benefit your ability to heal. It is through movement, drawing, and singing. writing, visualizing, or any positive and life-enhancing creative act that allows the parts of yourself to connect to the action and decision-making parts of the executive function in your thinking brain to apply the wisdom within toward hope today.
By casting light within, you are better able to see more fully what light is available around you, to see the broad view, and to also rest in the growth and grace of what is happening to you at any moment. It is in this light that you are better able to know that time and space are flexible while shifting and transforming your experiences today from your past life experiences in the process.
With intention, you, nature, others, and the world at large are shifting and changing in ways that might only be able to be seen with the beginner’s mind. Yet it takes courage and hope from the integral parts of ourselves that reason and has empathy for life rejuvenating itself through cycles of dark and light in which we all take part. In this way, the new pathways lead us to greater internal peace that ripples into the world around us.
Self-Care: Holiday Tips for Finding Tenderness, Courage, and Hope Again
Kimberly Rex, MS is an Advanced Resonance Repatterning® practitioner, Person-Centered Expressive Therapist, and Wellness and Well-being Life Coach. She works with people all over the world via Skype, phone, and proxy.
Find out how Resonance Repatterning benefits your life. Set up a personal session or sign up for a free monthly newsletter with articles, natural healing modalities, and exclusive group sessions here.
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