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Taking Care of Your Life Energy in Times Like These

Taking care of your life energy in times like these can indeed feel challenging, confusing, and overwhelming. It’s completely understandable to feel this way, but it’s so important to prioritize your well-being now more than ever. Remember, nurturing your wellness is essential for navigating through these times.

Day by day, what you choose, what you think and what you do is who you become.”~ Heraclitus

Resonance Repatterning® works with creating integrity in your personal and relationship health. The Energetics of Relationship Repatternings addresses life energy through the electromagnetic energy circuit created by collaborative and cooperative parts working together.

When you find yourself feeling stressed out, skipping meals, or not taking the time to nourish both your body and spirit, it’s perfectly normal to feel more anxious and overwhelmed. This is your body’s gentle way of letting you know that your life energy and inner light may be dimmed, reminding you of the importance of embracing self-care. It’s crucial to listen to those signals and prioritize nurturing yourself. Self-care is not just a luxury; it’s a necessity for your overall well-being.

Taking Care of Your Life Energy

For the purpose of this topic, envisioning a lamp can provide a comforting analogy. Just like we all need a source of energy to thrive, a lamp relies on being plugged into an energy source to function properly. This energy travels along the cord that connects the source to the light bulb, which acts as a lifeline for the lamp. The cord lovingly serves as the inductor, channeling energy to ensure the lamp can shine bright. The bulb, in turn, is like a capacitor, a special space that holds the energy, allowing it to radiate warmth and light around it. The quality of the resistance within the bulb is crucial; a gentle and even flow of energy is needed to prevent overwhelm, allowing the lamp to glow steadily and beautifully.

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Photo by Element5 Digital on

Like the electrical system of a lamp, all parts of your life energy system work together to allow your light to glow. The source, inductor, capacitor and resistance are also necessary to function coherently..

The following descriptions relate to the energy circuit of taking care of your life energy:

Taking Care of Your Life Energy with Source

Source is the essential energy of life. It’s important to recognize how your energy levels, mood, and overall health are deeply influenced by the interactions within your body. These interactions thrive on the quality of nourishment and support you choose to engage with on physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels. Whether it’s the food you nourish yourself with, the moments you carve out for meditation, time spent recharging, or the ways you connect with your creativity, aligning with source truly begins when you listen to the guidance within.

Taking Care of Your Life Energy with the Inductor

The inductor’s purpose is to gently lead the current flow into the vibrant energy circuit of your life and relationships. It serves as a source of motivation, connecting you to the life force that nurtures your spirit and keeps you moving forward. This powerful life energy enriches your ability to make choices that truly enhance your existence. What you project can attract either love or fear, so when you align with what inspires you, you naturally connect to life through the energy of love. Embracing trust and consistency over chaos creates a foundation of stability and longevity, allowing you to nurture your own energy field and elevate your magnetic frequencies, fostering deeply loving connections along the way.

Taking Care of Your Life Energy with the Capacitor

The capacitor is a precious tool that enables us to store and release energy when we need it most. Think of it as a reservoir, holding not just energy but also love, positive experiences, and cherished feelings. In challenging times, it becomes especially vital. Our relationship capacitors come to life through the sharing of our values and by recalling those joyful memories we hold dear. This nurturing is grounded in building trust, creating life-enhancing experiences, and fostering appreciation. Embracing these qualities during tough moments is essential for taking care of both your personal and relationship capacitors.

Taking Care of Your Life Energy with Constructive Resistance

Constructive Resistance offers you a steady and nurturing current, helping to shield you from the feelings of burnout and overwhelm. It’s essential to embrace grounding, establish healthy boundaries, and remain open to growth. By practicing constructive resistance, you cultivate resilience, allowing your relationships to flourish with balance and understanding. This empowering approach enables you to release unhelpful patterns of response, while fostering greater self-awareness and connecting deeply with the love that surrounds you, no matter the circumstances.

When you nurture your life energy, you become more attuned to the experiences that cross your path. This practice opens you up to receive more light, enabling you to express it in meaningful ways. By fostering alignment and a sense of balance in your life, you’ll feel more anchored in the essence of light and love. This journey not only enriches your personal life but also enhances your relationships, ultimately creating a ripple effect that touches the world around you.

Your personal invitation to take part in Keeping Your Light Glowing Repatterning

This session embraces the heartfelt journey inspired by the body of work from Energetics of Relationship in Resonance Repatterning. Together in this Virtual Group Repatterning, we will lovingly nourish and support our self-care during this extraordinary year of change. Our focus will gently explore each aspect of the energy circuits that influence both our lives and our relationships.

Visit this LINK for more details and registration.

Kimberly Rex

Kimberly Rex, MS is an Advanced Resonance Repatterning® practitioner, Person-Centered Expressive Therapist, and Wellness and Well-being Life Coach. She works with people all over the world via Skype, by phone, and by proxy.

Find out how Resonance Repatterning benefits your life. Set up a personal session through the Contact page, or sign up for a free monthly newsletter with articles, natural healing modalities, and exclusive group sessions here.

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Freedom and Choice in Challenging Times

Freedom and choice in challenging times can feel more overwhelming when you think the world you knew is no longer reliable or falling apart. This can be related to your experience in sudden shifts, loss, abandonment, grief, insecurity, or safety. These events change and challenge your perception of what you can count on. Blurred by the pain that comes forward in the process it is important to return to who you truly are.

In this territory, you might feel more detached from people and life around you in your attempt to put things back together. When stressed your body creates more cortisol and your thinking becomes blurred. The ability to think or act in the moment is reduced to emotional and survival reactions. Challenging times affect how your body processes new information how you digest your food, and how your immune system functions. However, you do have the freedom and choice through personal agency to let go of what does not support your health and well-being to restore harmony and balance within.

Freedom to Remember Who You Are

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Photo by Ibraim Leonardo on

In this article, you will find (4) intentions for new possibilities from the vast work of Resonance Repatterning tailored to this topic. Use these intentions as an invitation to freedom and choice in challenging times.

Remembering who you truly are and what you do comes from moving back into your body for self-care. Your body is a magnificent self-healing and creative entity so it is essential to take care of your life energy with whole foods, sunlight, movement, clean air and water, sleep, and nourishing touch so it can function well.

This also means that you meet life where it is presenting itself to you with the fullness of your being so that you can be proactive in your response to what is showing up. With your inner values for your physical and spiritual needs. you can choose loving and compassionate steps to plan for what is essential for your body, mind, and spirit. If you believe in taking care of the earth and rescuing wildlife and forests, remember who you are, and what you do. Act upon the importance of human rights, and non-violent communication. If you believe in the power of diversity, art, music, gardening, and community action, you have the choice to continue acting upon your inner knowing.

If this means changing how you spend your money or time, how you eat, or where you live, consider these options from the place of prioritizing self-care while reducing potential stress in the future. This includes creating provisions for facing life even in the presence of uncertainty and insecurity. You have the freedom and choice to take care of your body-mind-spirit’s needs,

Affirmation: “I keep moving towards remembering who I truly am and practicing self-care. free of distraction and guided from within to do whatever action I need to do next..

Freedom to Pursue Your Purpose

The story of Viktor Frankl exemplifies how remembering who you are can align, and act upon your purpose based on what gives meaning to your life, despite what challenges present.

“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.”
Viktor E. Frankl, Man’s Search for Meaning

Affirmation: “I am free of all self-doubt and fear about achieving what I believe in.

Freedom to Connect With Others

Connection with others at this time is important to share and care for each other in safe and nourishing spaces. It is through loving bonds that your body-mind system can take care of itself. In fact, studies have been done to show that long term-loving bonding relationships create longevity, reduce stress, and support greater well-being.

Especially amid challenging times. it becomes essential to face life instead of running from it. Discerning what is loving and kind for your life is vital while also staying open to connection to what is life-energizing. This discernment happens when you expand your practice of appreciating life’s creative potential for beauty, comfort, wonder, and healing. Notice how this self-care affects your body, your thoughts and attitudes shift your resonance toward kindness in life. This is especially important for building the capacity to manage challenging and painful experiences.

Connecting to or remembering kindness in your daily life allows you to have the freedom to choose what you experience daily while also impacting the web of connection. So as you move through the world practice small acts of kindness. When you experience kindness choose to allow it to be taken in fully to nourish your body-mind-spirit system.

In the process of taking and giving kindness, the feelings of resentment and fear diminish. What you create with the unconditional love of the universe is available to you through the inspiration you receive from journaling, meditation, movement, poetry, art, reading, a smile, a door opened, a meal shared, walking your pet, spending time in nature, and even listening to music. Find ways to take nourishment for yourself and with others to experience the life-enhancing benefits.

Affirmation:I catch each wave of grace and go with its movement, which gives me the strength to manifest my potential to make life-affirming choices.

Truly listen to the messages that emerge when you are together. Be there for each other in ways that build safe, secure, and loving environments. Notice synchronicities and honor the timing of the universe as you move through life. Take action on internal guidance and messages. One way to check-in each day is to ask yourself three questions on awakening in the morning: 1. Who am I? 2.What is my purpose? and 3.What do I need? This will allow you to deeply focus and take nourishment from freedom and choice in challenging times.

Kimberly Rex

Kimberly Rex, MS is an Advanced Resonance Repatterning® practitioner, Person-Centered Expressive Therapist, and Wellness and Well-being Life Coach. She works with people all over the world via Skype, by phone, and by proxy.

Find out how Resonance Repatterning benefits your life. Set up a personal session through the Contact page, or sign up for a free monthly newsletter with articles, natural healing modalities, and exclusive group sessions here.

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Listening to Your True North

Listening to your True North in a world that asks you to interact with diverse and sometimes dissonant views can sometimes be challenging. Expressing your values through your communication and actions in some spaces might leave you feeling disoriented, confused, and de-energized.

If you have had experiences where you did not have permission to express your views it can be difficult to give yourself permission to radiate your light and make choices based on your inner guidance. Family, societal and cultural systems might override your ability to get in touch with what you truly believe, choose and value.

The truth is that there is only one you. You were born with the DNA from your ancestors AND you were born with a gift and unique expression of the universe. In Chinese Medicine, this is referred to as your Original Self or core essence.

So how do you find your back to your core essence? You begin by looking at what you have been living and where you have pushed up against challenges in your life. For it is within these experiences that your North Star can be found.

In Resonance Repatterning® there is the opportunity to look at parts of yourself that have been immobilized or stuck in an energetic posture you took for survival needs. These parts hold the information you need to access what you need to learn to get to know more deeply the voice of your true essence. By doing so, this mobilizes the energy to be able to face life in a new way in the outer world.

For it is with the loving permission from these earlier experiences that you gain access to all of wisdom from your Family Systems, and get to know the strength and good within yourself. It is with this growth and transformation that allows you to discern what is aligned with your values that create the principles for your life.

Explore these (2) exercises from that process to give your True North and inner Essence a voice.*

You will need paper, and drawing materials like pencils, pens, crayons, colored pencils, or markers for these activities. You can also use a journal or a notebook for the process.These exercises are from the Finding Your Inner Compass Ebook that accompanied a Group Repatterning process I offered a few years ago. Here is an opportunity to sample some of the complementary activities that enhance a group repatterning.*

Knowing my True North gives me the courage to focus my energy where I believe it should be, not according to what is popular or pleasing to others.” ~Jennifer Cummings

You will need paper, and drawing materials like pencils, pens, crayons, colored pencils, or markers for these activities. You can also use a journal or a notebook for the process. Give yourself 30 minutes for this activity.

Directions for Inner Nature-Outer World

Unless someone truly has the power to say no, they never truly have the power to say yes.”~ Dan Millman

For this activity you will need a piece of paper and a writing tool. You can complete this in a journal or single sheet. The process can be one you use over time or when you feel like you need it when you feel like you are going off course. Give yourself 15 minutes for this activity.

Directions for Saying No to Be Able to Say Yes to Life

Kimberly Rex

Kimberly Rex, MS is an Advanced Resonance Repatterning® practitioner, Person-Centered Expressive Therapist, and Wellness and Well-being Life Coach. She works with people all over the world via Skype, by phone, and by proxy.

Find out how Resonance Repatterning benefits your life. Set up a personal session through the Contact page, or sign up for a free monthly newsletter with articles, natural healing modalities, and exclusive group sessions here.

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Interlocking Patterns Lead to New Possibilities

Transforming problems into opportunities begins with identifying interlocking patterns that keep you from stepping into a new way of approaching and responding to life. Many times the problems you are facing today are a network of interlocking patterns that originated earlier in your life. These patterns manifest as beliefs, thoughts, emotions, and attitudes that impact your experience. To let go of an outmoded perspective that no longer works in your life today created by a past event, situation or relationship means first acknowledging that it is present.

Interlocking Patterns Move Problems into Opportunities

The Problems into Opportunities section of Resonance Repatterning® checks for these patterns stored in your Nervous System with access to every organ, tissue, and gland in your body through the Resonance Muscle-Checking System. The process identifies underlying and interlocking patterns that hold these problems in place.

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Photo by Bayram Yalçn on

You might feel stuck in repetitive experiences that keep you from moving forward. These interlocking patterns undermine your energy and motivation to expand into new possibilities. This might be due to resistance, regret, self-pity, resentment, fear, anger, grief, or negative judgments.

The limiting emotions, beliefs, and attitudes interlock with the manifestation of your body-mind-spirit system playing out the same energetic experience over and over. Unlocking the patterns is key to the connection between how your system interacts with the world around you based on what is happening within you. The opportunity arises from resonating with the growth that the challenge to move through the door offers you.

The past can inform your future with an invitation to create positive intentions to open your heart and mind to new possibilities.

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Interlocking Patterns Lead to Intentions for a New Possibility

The Intentions for a New Possibility process in Resonance Repatterning® recognizes that positive change is a process. The transformation from limitation to expansion requires a new skill set, and this interlocks with coherent patterns that create a new way of being and responding to life. Setting intentions for new possibilities is a conscious point of choice.

Being committed to the journey of positive change requires unhesitating action, consistency, perserverance, and patience, with focus and integrity with yourself and others. These attributes give you life-energizing nurture and supports you over time. It’s important to know that when your intentions for new possibilities are aligned with growth and transformation from the inside out you are better able to navigate and choose your direction.

The quality of your journey relies on the energy that builds when you experience joy, gratitude, and love. Along the way practice happiness on the path in your process of manifestation by celebrating “little wins” with appreciation. This energizes and builds momentum for your body-mind-spirit system to keep the spark going to reach new possibilities.

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Photo by Chelsea Cook on

It becomes easier to understand that interlocking patterns of the world around you will create updates based on the best timing for your process and spiritual journey. Your process will be collaborative with the energetic shifts that are taking place within. This means that you will experience both subtle and profound awareness of the shifts that are taking place over time.

Once you resonate with the core underlying needs related to your new positive intentions, you will continue to be able to draw upon lessons from your problems applying what you have learned from the past. While this might not happen immediately or in the timeframe you expect, be open to what is being brought onto your radar. This will allow you to begin to benefit from more coherent emotions, beliefs, and receptivity to how you choose the next steps. As you step into a new way of being you become more open to synchronicities and meaningful messages with a greater capacity to trust yourself, the right timing, and the co-creative spiritual process you are embarking on.

What doorways to new possibilities would you like to open in your life? Resonance Repatterning® sessions allow you to experience greater integrity in your wellness and well-being.

Kimberly Rex

Kimberly Rex, MS is an Advanced Resonance Repatterning® practitioner, Person-Centered Expressive Therapist, and Wellness and Well-being Life Coach. She works with people all over the world via Skype, by phone, and by proxy.

Find out how Resonance Repatterning benefits your life. Set up a personal session through the Contact page, or sign up for a free monthly newsletter with articles, natural healing modalities, and exclusive group sessions here.

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Making Change Based on the Wisdom of Nature

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Photo by D??ng Nhân on

Making change based on the wisdom of nature benefits your wellness and well-being. At this time of year you can begin to appreciate the harvest of nature’s wealth of offerings in fruit, vegetables, and flowers. In every phase of development, there is a purpose. Nature nourishes the process of development from seed to flower to fruit in every stage. A plant puts its energy in particular parts with right timing. In winter, the energy is focused in the roots, in spring the stem and leaves, in early summer, the buds and flowers, and in late summer, the fruit of the plant with seeds.

This leads to the question of Earth Element’s gifts at this time of year. In Chinese Medicine, this element is related to your stomach and spleen, and related to nuture and support on all levels. There is a quality of this element in every transition in your life, and especially between seasons. As in nature, the process of change from one season to another is gradual rather than sudden. Temperature, sunlight, rain and steadiness in direction all factor into making transition. So it is about pacing yourself over time in any change that gives you the ability to nurture yourself in the process while practicing self-care.

The ability to take support from resources in your life is a process of giving and receiving. For example, in nature at this time of the year fruit and vegetables offer their seeds for the next stage of development to preserve the overall life cycle of the plant itself. It is a preparation for what is to come. In fall, the leaves fall to make room for new buds set for the following spring.The leaves that fall nourish the Earth below to support the lognevity of the roots, and to make fertile the opportunity for new growth.

The Universe doesn’t waste anything. This is a wonderful way to look at transition in our own lives. How has the past prepared you for where you are today? How can you use that nformattion to support and nurture yourself today? It involves looking at the nourishing inspirational aspects as well as places where you have felt grief, remorse or sadness. Held between Earth Element’s invitation to look at support and nurure so you can feel more at home in your body in any circumstance and Metal Element, the prominent energetics of fall, there is always a place for you to process what is happening within.

Feeling at home in your own body whether you are starting or seeding something, growing from an experience, harvesting what you have learned from life, or needing to root and ground yourself to preserve and protect your energy in the process of change makes all the difference in how you move forward. Being in sync with nature allows you move from a place of resistance to resilience.

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Photo by Lum3n on

Supporting Yourself with the Wisdom of Nature

The following articles on this website give nurture and support for your life as in nature for where you are in the process at this transition time.

For Grounding in Your Roots:

For Growing:

For Flowering:

For Creating Seeds of New Possibilities

Kimberly Rex

Kimberly Rex, MS is an Advanced Resonance Repatterning® practitioner, Person-Centered Expressive Therapist, and Wellness and Well-being Life Coach. She works with people all over the world via Skype, by phone, and by proxy.

Find out how Resonance Repatterning benefits your life. Set up a personal session or sign up for a free monthly newsletter with articles, natural healing modalities, and exclusive group repatterning processes.

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Using Stress to Transform Your Life

We all experience stress daily. Using stress to transform your life can shift the flow of thoughts that run through your mind. With intention and attention, you can use stress to benefit your experience of peace and well-being.

Major evnts related to concerning health diagnosis, losing a job, not getting a promotion, losing a loved one, a relationship breakup, or unexpected news or change that impacts your life can take a great deal of your energy and time to process.

Ongoing stressful thoughts can lead to greater anxiety, anger, worry, rumination, and fear. Cycling into these territories can be overwhelming when you do not feel that there is an end in sight. And this can disconnect you from your ability to see the big picture, problem-solve or to take action for your wellness and well-being.

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Photo by Elina Fairytale on

Is Stress Moving Toward or Away from Life?

Distress tolerance is your ability to manage actual or perceived emotional distress. The aim and intention in these situations are to choose your response or reaction to this distress.

This begins with creating a conscious practice of asking yourself if your negative thought patterns move you away from life-enhancing patterns that allow you to face life or away from life through avoidance? And, do you want to change this pattern?

Examples of contrast might be the following:

  • Spending time with people who give you positive energy or those who bring you down
  • Forgiveness or feeding resentments within
  • Self-love through creating boundaries with your words and actions or avoiding living your values in action
  • Spending time in nature and appreciating beauty with gratitude or blaming yourself and others for what is happening
  • Admiring your positive qualities and those of others or comparing yourself to others

“When we are no longer able to change a situation~we are challenged to change ourselves.”~Viktor Frankl

Using Stress to Make Coherent Choices

Changing your inner self-talk and dialogue about what is happening starts with intention and attention. When negative thoughts about the past or future become invasive, it is a choice to either stay with the habitual negative thought, body and feeling pattern, or to become aware of their impact on how you are feeling and how this affects you.

“It’s not stress that kills us, it’s our reaction to it.”~ Hans Selye

Once you make it a habit to change the ongoing pattern of cycling negative thoughts, your body, and emotions will have the opportunity to shift. This conscious choice allows for new possibilities in your wellness and well-being, even if this is for a short time.

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Photo by Anna Tarazevich on

Using Stress to Build New Pathways

Creating new pathways takes practice. This means that both your intention and attention are needed. What if you could take control of your thoughts by using using these questions to your advantage? Here are two actiities that you can put easily in place.

  • Establish a daily routine of checking in with yourself. This can be done at the beginning of the day, and also be used throughout the day. Setting up specific times of the day to check in with yourself either by schedule or using sticky notes in prominent places you can tune into what your body and mind are processing at eny given time. This creates a conscious noticing of what is going on within. You can use this as a barometer during the day, and then get a reading on how your thoughts are influencing how your mood, energy and focus are responding to life.
  • When you find yourself cycling into worry, anxiety, fear or depression, take a few moments to get in touch with what is happening. A simple way to start the process is to ask yourself three questions. “What am I thinking right now?”“What am I feeling right now?” and “Do I want to continue with these thoughts?” Becoming the observer of your current state of being you are better able to navigate what comes next in your life with greater options.
  • Chinese Medicine speaks to the importance of keeping your energy flow in harmony and balance for your health and well-being. The suggestion is to pay attention to your emotions when they come up.but to also limit the effects of the negative state. By first working with the (3) questions, and then taking action with a mindfulness activity, you are able to use stress to change your life.

The opportunity to create a shift in perception with mindfulness activities such as a short meditation or breathing practic, journaling, yoga, Qigong, gratitude, looking out the window at a tree or flower, walking in nature, experiencing beauty and good nurture, listening to an inspirational talk, reading, or soothing music. These are “supplements for your body and mind”, and they can energize, reset and tonify your body-mind system.

No mud, no lotus.~Thich Nhat Hanh

Mindfulness practices allow you to tap into the energetics of awe, beauty, and pleasure that expand your awareness and diminish your stress. When you resonate with choosing what you will focus on you become the author of you own life and in the short term allows you to lower your stress while building new responses in your body-mind sytem over time.

Once you have answered these questions, chosen a mindful activity to change your internal landscape, your enhance your ability to access your conscious mind with a greater access to critical thinking, and decision-making. This allows you to consider a responsive action based on expanded and focused vision so you can then choose to focus your time and energy on the task at hand, brainstorming, problem-solving, setting boundaries, getting support and planning that will benefit your wellness and well-being.

Resonance Repatterning® Sessions are based on working with your ability to repattern your body-mind-spirit system. This means that the distress you experience on any level can be an opportunity for creating new possibilities in your life.

Kimberly Rex, MS
Kimberly Rex, MS

Kimberly Rex, MS is an Advanced Resonance Repatterning® practitioner, Person-Centered Expressive Therapist, and Wellness and Well-being Life Coach. She works with people all over the world via Skype, by phone, and by proxy.

Find out how Resonance Repatterning benefits your life. Set up a personal session or sign up for a free monthly newsletter with articles, natural healing modalities, and exclusive group sessions here.

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