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Taking Care of Your Life Energy in Times Like These
Taking care of your life energy in times like these can indeed feel challenging, confusing, and overwhelming. It’s completely understandable to feel this way, but it’s so important to prioritize your well-being now more than ever. Remember, nurturing your wellness is essential for navigating through these times.
“Day by day, what you choose, what you think and what you do is who you become.”~ Heraclitus
Resonance Repatterning® works with creating integrity in your personal and relationship health. The Energetics of Relationship Repatternings addresses life energy through the electromagnetic energy circuit created by collaborative and cooperative parts working together.
When you find yourself feeling stressed out, skipping meals, or not taking the time to nourish both your body and spirit, it’s perfectly normal to feel more anxious and overwhelmed. This is your body’s gentle way of letting you know that your life energy and inner light may be dimmed, reminding you of the importance of embracing self-care. It’s crucial to listen to those signals and prioritize nurturing yourself. Self-care is not just a luxury; it’s a necessity for your overall well-being.
Taking Care of Your Life Energy
For the purpose of this topic, envisioning a lamp can provide a comforting analogy. Just like we all need a source of energy to thrive, a lamp relies on being plugged into an energy source to function properly. This energy travels along the cord that connects the source to the light bulb, which acts as a lifeline for the lamp. The cord lovingly serves as the inductor, channeling energy to ensure the lamp can shine bright. The bulb, in turn, is like a capacitor, a special space that holds the energy, allowing it to radiate warmth and light around it. The quality of the resistance within the bulb is crucial; a gentle and even flow of energy is needed to prevent overwhelm, allowing the lamp to glow steadily and beautifully.
Like the electrical system of a lamp, all parts of your life energy system work together to allow your light to glow. The source, inductor, capacitor and resistance are also necessary to function coherently..
The following descriptions relate to the energy circuit of taking care of your life energy:
Taking Care of Your Life Energy with Source
Source is the essential energy of life. It’s important to recognize how your energy levels, mood, and overall health are deeply influenced by the interactions within your body. These interactions thrive on the quality of nourishment and support you choose to engage with on physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels. Whether it’s the food you nourish yourself with, the moments you carve out for meditation, time spent recharging, or the ways you connect with your creativity, aligning with source truly begins when you listen to the guidance within.
Taking Care of Your Life Energy with the Inductor
The inductor’s purpose is to gently lead the current flow into the vibrant energy circuit of your life and relationships. It serves as a source of motivation, connecting you to the life force that nurtures your spirit and keeps you moving forward. This powerful life energy enriches your ability to make choices that truly enhance your existence. What you project can attract either love or fear, so when you align with what inspires you, you naturally connect to life through the energy of love. Embracing trust and consistency over chaos creates a foundation of stability and longevity, allowing you to nurture your own energy field and elevate your magnetic frequencies, fostering deeply loving connections along the way.
Taking Care of Your Life Energy with the Capacitor
The capacitor is a precious tool that enables us to store and release energy when we need it most. Think of it as a reservoir, holding not just energy but also love, positive experiences, and cherished feelings. In challenging times, it becomes especially vital. Our relationship capacitors come to life through the sharing of our values and by recalling those joyful memories we hold dear. This nurturing is grounded in building trust, creating life-enhancing experiences, and fostering appreciation. Embracing these qualities during tough moments is essential for taking care of both your personal and relationship capacitors.
Taking Care of Your Life Energy with Constructive Resistance
Constructive Resistance offers you a steady and nurturing current, helping to shield you from the feelings of burnout and overwhelm. It’s essential to embrace grounding, establish healthy boundaries, and remain open to growth. By practicing constructive resistance, you cultivate resilience, allowing your relationships to flourish with balance and understanding. This empowering approach enables you to release unhelpful patterns of response, while fostering greater self-awareness and connecting deeply with the love that surrounds you, no matter the circumstances.
When you nurture your life energy, you become more attuned to the experiences that cross your path. This practice opens you up to receive more light, enabling you to express it in meaningful ways. By fostering alignment and a sense of balance in your life, you’ll feel more anchored in the essence of light and love. This journey not only enriches your personal life but also enhances your relationships, ultimately creating a ripple effect that touches the world around you.
Your personal invitation to take part in Keeping Your Light Glowing Repatterning
This session embraces the heartfelt journey inspired by the body of work from Energetics of Relationship in Resonance Repatterning. Together in this Virtual Group Repatterning, we will lovingly nourish and support our self-care during this extraordinary year of change. Our focus will gently explore each aspect of the energy circuits that influence both our lives and our relationships.
Visit this LINK for more details and registration.
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Repattern Your Life Coaching FAQ
Find out about Repattern Your Life Coaching on this FAQ, Frequently Asked Questions page.
What is a Professional Life Coach?
A Professional Life Coach is a trusted mentor and partner in your process who can help you identify and uncover what keeps you from reaching your fullest potential. It is a one-on-one relationship that provides a supportive and non-judgmental space to help you create what you want for yourself. Sessions with a Life Coach help you come up with strategies and tools you need to achieve your goals. They consist of steps to help you identify, re-pattern and re-frame your thoughts and attitudes. Life Coaching can also help you break negative habits, acquire greater momentum and life purpose, and take action to achieve your maximum potential!
What are some of the reasons to have Life Coaches?
People from all walks of life work with professional Coaches to help them achieve their goals. Life Coaches work with people in all areas of their life including relationships, career, finance, health, and well-being. Working with a personal Coach is not limited to any type of person, but is best for those who want to take initiative in their own life. People who achieve the greatest benefit from working with a Life Coach are committed to a more fulfilled life and are willing to do the work needed to get there.
How will Life Coaching help?
The results will vary depending on what brings you to a Life Coach. If you get a Life Coach to help you out professionally, life coaching can help you make your current job more gratifying, gain a better focus on managing your work, and market your self more effectively. If your reasons are personal, this process will help you improve your relationships, resolve ongoing negative behaviors and mental attitudes. Repattern Your Life Coaching also benefits your overall health, and creates motivation and momentum to integrate change as you move towards accomplishing your goals for greater wellness and well-being. With Repattern Your Life Coaching, you get support for moving in the direction that is life-enhancing for you mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically. Repattern Your Life Coaching sessions help you experience more energy to dedicate to your positive intentions, a more balanced and enhanced life, for more harmony, joy, and fulfillment!
What happens in a Life Coaching Session?
Each session is tailored to the client and will vary based on individual needs. In the beginning, we will discuss what you are committed to accomplishing through our work together and we will begin to create a plan to achieve your goals. Periodically, I will give you assignments to help direct your progress. We will work together to acknowledge obstacles, explore alternate perspectives, possibilities, opportunities, and celebrate successes. With the conclusion of each session, we will revisit your goals and evaluate next steps that are needed to achieve these results at a pace that will help you with integrating change naturally in a way that is sustainable.
Do I really need a personal Coach, can’t I just do it by myself?
Repattern Your Life Coaching can take you above and beyond your own personal limitations with the transformational process of Resonance Repatterning. More often than not, people try to achieve their greatest potential but don’t even realize what stands in their way. A personal Coach can offer an unbiased and objective perspective and can help you realize your patterns, habits and stumbling blocks. Most people experience that they are more efficient and energized when working with a Professional Life Coach as a partner in the process and that this provides the opportunity for them to better realize their potential. Repattern Your Life Coaching can make your dreams attainable and will give you the support and encouragement you need along the way as you are integrating change.
How is Coaching different from Therapy? How does Resonance Repatterning enhance Life Coaching?
While the life coaching I provide can be therapeutic, it is not therapy. Coaching is distinct from traditional therapy because it is not designed to just focus on psychological issues. While emotional issues may arise, the primary focus of life coaching is to help you identify your goals, identify the steps to build the bridge, and develop constructive, life-enhancing habits and skills to achieve them. The focus is on creating positive change at the core level for greatest success. Resonance Repatterning is a process that helps identify limitations and helps you to become more present to your life free of stumbling blocks from the past. This process is a wonderful tool that helps you achieve your positive intentions when you need it most! This means you can address issues in your life related to relationship, wellness, parenting, trauma recovery, spiritual direction, business goals, and well-being! For more on the science behind Resonance Repatterning here.
What is your cancellation policy?
I require a 24 hour notice to cancel all sessions. Please be sure to contact me if you will not be able to make your scheduled appointment in order to avoid being charged for the session.
How long do people generally work with a Life Coach?
To experience the effectiveness of a life coaching program, I suggest clients make an initial three-month commitment. It takes three months to integrate the changes necessary for new thinking and action. At the end of the three months, we will evaluate progress and discuss options for continued coaching.
Is personal life coaching confidential?
What we discuss will be held in confidence and not shared with others. However, our discussions are not privileged for legal purposes. The privilege of confidentiality that exists for the clergy, therapists, and attorneys is not granted to coaching professionals. That said, life coaching is a confidential process, and your personal information will always be protected.
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