About Kimberly Rex
This page will give you information about Kimberly Rex, MS detailing her life work, philosophy, and credentials.
About Kimberly Rex, MS

Kimberly Rex, MS is a Certified Advanced Resonance Repatterning® practitioner, Person-Centered Expressive Therapist, and Master Wellness and Well-being Life Coach with an extensive background in holistic therapies, disciplines, and modalities.
Kimberly brings empathy, compassion, and expertise to her work with clients for a nourishing person-centered experience that is results-based.
About Kimberly’s Philosophy
Facilitating the process with her clients to gain insight, move through and transform limiting beliefs, attitudes, and life patterns in a nurturing and conscious way are her goals in sessions. Kimberly is an advocate for conscious change that effectively creates benefits in manifesting your goals for having more life energy to dedicate to your positive intentions with over 15 years of experience.
About Kimberly’s Credentials
As an energetic healthcare practitioner, Kimberly works with the universal disciplines of the Chinese Five Element and Meridian System, Polarity Therapy, Jin Shin Jyutsu, applied kinesiology, color, light, sound, movement therapy, acupressure, aromatherapy, flower essences, energetic balancing, consciousness science, Heart Math, shamanism, Expressive Arts Therapy, and Family Systems.
She is certified as an Advanced Resonance Repatterning practitioner and Master Life Coach in the areas of Cognitive Behavior Therapy, REBT(Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy), Mindfulness, Happiness, Goal-Setting, Life Purpose, Health, Nutrition, and Spiritual Coaching. She integrates expressive arts with Shamanic Art and Art Therapy Life Coaching.
She has continued her studies of related modalities in the areas of Medical Qi Gong and is a certified Ling Gui Qi Gong teacher. She holds certificates in Self-Care Acupressure, Homeopathy, Aromatherapy, Flower Essences, and Herbalism. She also has certified training in healing trauma through the lens of Somatic Experiencing and Internal Family Systems for creating internal harmony and balance.
About Kimberly’s Holistic Work History
Kimberly has been working in the field of transformation to create greater integrity in wellness and well-being for over two decades. At this time, she is working with clients by phone, Skype, and proxy with individuals of all ages, couples, and groups at this time with people all over the world. She offers online group workshops and experiential workshops. Sessions are tailored to the needs of the individual or group. She has worked with clients who are pre-verbal, and non-verbal, as a proxy when the client is in a coma or unable to take part in the session. This means that she can also work with animals as well. Read the Testimonials here.
Kimberly has designed programs and repatterning sessions with a focus on wellness and well-being for individuals and groups including work with Friends Along the Road: A Sanctuary for Those in Grief and designed the program for the World Peace Hologram Project as Chair for the Repatterning Practitioners Association (2008-2010) with 48 practitioners around the world working with personal and global topics of peace, as well as being a planning adviser and author of the Peace Journal that accompanied this process.
She has offered Expressive Therapy Workshops for adults and families in recovery, processing grief, or creating greater inspiration and life energy for positive intentions on both the East and West Coast of the United States.
Kimberly designs repatterning processes for focus groups dealing with issues of grief, abuse, trauma, and recovery, as well as prosperity, visioning, wellness, and well-being. She has worked with radio, television, ecology, and focus group organizations with the visioning and manifestation process for enhancing and developing programs. As a speaker, she has been a guest on a number of holistic and wellness radio and TV shows. She has offered talks through Holistic local and online events.
She has presented locally, nationally, and internationally in person and by teleconference on the topics of stress reduction, consciousness science, how to experience inner peace, and greater wellness and well-being. She has been published on wellness blogs including Care2.com, The Organic Home, and Wellness Radio. She is a published author in The Journey Home, as well as in eBooks that accompany online workshops. She has also been on several podcasts and TV shows including Consciousness TV with the topics focusing on creating positive growth, change, and consciousness science.
Sessions include holistic, expressive, and energetic modalities to benefit your wellness and well-being so you can naturally move through difficulties toward a greater resonance with your life potential, joy, empowerment, love, wellness, and well-being. Contact Kimberly Rex to set up your personal session to create integrity in your wellness and well-being here.
She has also been a Special Education Consultant, therapist, and teacher who has worked from pre-K through high school levels with physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual level challenges. Her experience spans over two decades in her work with families and children. She has offered local and university-level training for teachers, counselors, families, and practitioners on subjects to empower greater awareness, wellness, and well-being for family and Special Education issues.
As an expressive artist who enjoys painting and working with themes of nature and spiritual connection through watercolor, pen and ink, silk paintings, and photography. She writes poetry that also has themes inspired by nature, peace, and spiritual connection. View her artwork and photographs at www.zazzle.com/kimberlyrex/.